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September IUI's!


I'm Chandi. New here, but not new to TTC. I am a lesbian woman, and we have been together for nearly 11 years.

My wife and I TTC in 2008ish with a friend, but it never worked. I had a heck of a time finding my surge. In all those months, exactly one positive OPK was read.

So, we saved and saved and saved and saved and now we have enough to buy frozen anonymous sperm and go to our clinic. We are working with the Regional Fertility Program in Calgary. They are wonderful.

We were supposed to TTC this spring but my appendix exploded and they found cancer. I had to pass a clear cat scan before they'd let us try, and I got good results at the end of September! I'm supposed to go every 6 months but my oncologist said that it can wait during pregnancy. So far, so good!

I am CD 4. 100mg clomid, this is day 2 of taking clomid. So far none of the side effects that I was told I would have are showing up which is nice.

The plan is follicle tracking by ultrasound day 12, and trigger shot followed by an IUI.

I feel better about doing it this way. Last time we tried, I felt like a failure. This time, my job is to take care of me and my body so that it can do what it needs to do. Getting me pregnant is the doctor's job, so I am going to try to not worry. But we all know how that goes and eventually I'm sure I'll be the one peeing on sticks 5 dpiui even though I'll still have the trigger shot in me :p

Nice to meet you all. Back on the rollercoaster it is!
Welcome, Amigone! I'm one part of two ladies trying to concieve our first as well! I'm just about to start my third round of clomid/iui and have used sperm from both a cryobank as well as a known donor. This is such a crazy ride - fx it's a short one for you (at least this time around ;) ) !!
Oh awesome! I hope it works, too. We have enough for 3 tries, and if not, I guess it's back to saving money up again. I'm in Canada, and most everything else is covered by our provincial insurance. Not this stuff.

This is our first try using cryobank sperm. It shipped on my birthday last week so I'm taking that as a good omen! :D

I expected the clomid to make me crazy like everyone said it would, but so far so good.

I am anxiously awaiting my tracking day - my appt is on the 23 for ultrasound. I dreamt that I had 4 follicles over 2cm so they canceled my cycle!! I hope that doesn't happen.
I didn't have many symptoms during my first round with clomid either, other than hot flashes. The second time was a bit of a doozy, however! Fx round three goes back to smooth sailing!

I LOVE those little coincidences that make each try special. Last month we inseminated on our anniversary and I SO wanted it to take because of that story. Ah well, I'll take an October pregnancy too. :)
I bet you will!

Where are you in your cycle now? Still taking the clomid? Waiting?
I'm CD2 (thanks again for the clarification, everyone!) - just picked up the clomid and will be starting it tomorrow. I'm not sure whether we'll be using fresh or frozen this month. We have a complicated relationship with our donor. He's in, he's out, he's in, he's out. It's frustrating (and inconsiderate, I'd add) but frozen is so expensive that we feel like we have no choice but to go the donor route when it's available.
Awesome. Im 2 days ahead of you, but you know what to expect :)
Hi Ladies!

Savasanna - that is extremely frustrating what you're going through trying to get in touch with your doc. I get it that the people in the triage/call center deal with this everyday, but I hate how insensitive it can make them to this very big deal that is going on in each of our lives! Hopefully your doc got in touch with you.

Amigone - welcome! Like Savasanna said, this is quite the ride! But I really love having this group of women on here that all know and understand every single emotion that wells up (and there are millions, ha!) I, too, have a limited number of tries due to finances. My first IUI last month did not take and #2 is likely coming up on Friday. I only bought 2 vials of DS so there won't be any after this one. And he was my favorite. :/ So I just have to stay positive and believe that #2 is the magic one for me! Glad to have you here!
Hey ladies

I hope all is well. Fx'd for everyone. DH and I are going to switch insurance company's starting the 1st of the year and they cover infertility treatment. Hooray!!!! lol So the we're just going to try on our own for the next 2 cycles (technically 3, counting this cycle). Who knows maybe we'll get lucky. FX'd
Well, it looks like we're taking a month (hopefully only one) off. Our donor returned and said he's available for this month, and then turned around and said he's not. We decided we couldn't handle the back and forth any more so we're looking into a center here that banks sperm from known donors. It's fairly expensive, but a little cheaper than using a cryobank monthly. So we're going to go that route. Plus this will get me out of my OB office and in with a specialist. The down side is that it just takes time to become patients and for our donor to complete all the necessary bloodwork. We're hoping if we push forward with this now then it'll be ready to go by next month. At least this also means a break from clomid. (thankfully we found this out right before I was about to take my first dose!)

So, gl this month everyone! I'll still be around and will be checking in with you all!
Morning, Ladies!

mzhwd - fx'd that you can get a BFP trying the good ol' fashioned way. Keep us updated!

Savasanna - quite the roller coaster you've been on! It may be good to give your body a rest, and SO glad to hear you'll be seeing a specialist, I think that's great!

AFM - I had my cd10 u/s and b/w this morning. Uterine lining was 8mm, had 3 follies on my left ovary - 14, 17 & 18mm - and she said it looks like I'll likely ovulate on Sunday or Monday. So if the 14 doesn't catch up, at least I have 2! Waiting to hear back with b/w results and if they are going to have me trigger. I didn't realize that letrozole could slow down ovulation but she did mention that. Makes sense because I have been on point on cd11 until now. I was all geared up thinking I'd be having my IUI tomorrow, but Sunday would be ideal because I could lay around and not have to worry about work! :)

Question about the trigger, I know it's supposed to induce ovulation - if I ovulate on my own and they can tell when that's going to happen, do you know why they would prescribe it? Is it just so they will have a more accurate window of when exactly I will? Guess I could've asked the doc or nurse that question, lol!
Yea - honestly I think we were starting to spiral a little. As much as you never want to decide to take a month off, I'm actually feeling relieved. It's nice to have a plan and know that when this is done we will KNOW where next month's try is coming from, and that it's in our control. No stressing every month over the cost or a cryobank or relying on someone else's schedule. I'm feeling like this month will be a healthy break from all of this.

Fossie - two follies?! That's great news! What an exciting weekend you're gearing up to have! As for the trigger - I was told exactly what you're thinking and that sometimes they trigger to more accurately time the IUI to get it as close to the moment of ovulation as possible.
Two follicles! Wooohooo!!!

Today's goal is to not fret that my first US isn't until the 23. That's CD12 and odds of me ovulating before that are slim to nil. Working on relaxation and stress reduction.

I'm sorry that you have to sit this one out. Sometimes though, it is a nice reminder that there is life outside of TTC.
Savasanna - So sorry that you're having to go through all this with your donor. Hopefully it all gets figured out and next month will go smoothly!

fossie - I also ovulate on my own with clomid but the last cycle I did, we used the trigger shot to. I think it was to pinpoint ovulation and maybe to force the eggs to go before they were too large. I don't know if that is possible but I normally ovulate a 23 or 24mm follicle and we triggered at 19mm this time. It worked though so I guess they know what they're doing.

AFM - I got my last beta back today at 2328 so that is great! I get my first ultrasound in a week.
Hi Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing well in their rounds, IUIs and 2wws. Hope AF stays far away from all of us!

I am 14dpIUI today and got a BFP last night! So super excited but very cautious too. I have miscarried before and I am so nervous. I go for a HCG Beta tomorrow - and I don't see my doctor for an ultrasound until October 30.

Since my IUI she has prescribed me with progesterone vaginal tablets (Utrogestan) 200 mg and has asked me to continue it for another two weeks when I called her this morning.

Best of luck to all of you!!!!

Jaan - congrats!!! I love seeing BFP's!

Rae - super exciting, love that beta! Keep us posted on your u/s! Thanks for the insight on the trigger.

amigone - have you been tracking your ovulation before this cycle?

AFM - got b/w results yesterday afternoon. They said if I don't get a peak reading on my OPK by Sunday morning, they will trigger me that morning. Apparently I would pick up the shot and take it to the office and they administer it for me. I guess that's better than having to muster up the courage to stick yourself, huh? Lol! So hopefully I get a peak tomorrow and I can skip the shot and get the IUI on Sunday instead of a work day!
jaan - Congrats! I'm on progesterone too but until 10 weeks.

fossie - Keeping my fingers crossed for an earlier IUI for you. Either way it'll be soon!
I LOVE the day or two before the IUI - so much excitement! Thinking of you this weekend!
Congrats on the BFP!!!!

Fossie - No, not really. The first half of my cycle can vary by several days, but after I get the EWCM I am 95% chance going to start my period exactly 2 weeks later. My periods are usually 28-35 days, with very very few shorter than that. I would imagine I have nothing to worry about, but that's what I tend to do anyways so...

So far so good on the clomid. No real side effects yet. This is CD6, day 4 of the clomid. Follicle tracking day 12 on the 23rd. I will do my best to not wish this week by.

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