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September IUI's!

My IUI hurt a lot. I have a curved cervix. Probably why my HSG hurt too - trying to put a straight catheter into a curved cervix isn't very nice. I cramped for about six hours. My wife and I went to the mall to distract myself.

Years ago in 2008, we made a joke when we were trying to conceive - we called our unconcieved baby Nemo and I had to take my prenatal vitamin so that this Nemo doesn't have a bad fin. At the mall, I saw a DVD of finding nemo and my eyes filled up with tears.

Because we have been wanting a baby for SO LONG, and had to wait to save money, having one has been very abstract. It became VERY very real and overwhelming while in the IUI room. I cried most of the procedure, not because of pain, but because it was so very real. This could very well be it!

My clinic says that test day is 18dpiui, so I am going to test on the 13 of November if I miss my period. That is due on or around the 9th. I am keeping busy with work and school and life, in the meantime, while trying to be very hopeful and realistic.
Awww - :hugs: that's such a sweet story, Amigone. I completely understand what you're saying. Because conceiving has been so difficult the idea of having a baby has become very abstract. Every now and then we drift too close to the "it might really happen" or, even worse, "what if it never happens" line and the emotions can ben intense! Fx this is it for you and your ttc journey is almost over.
amigone - this time my IUI was pretty painful, too. The doctor kept having to re-adjust the speculum, it felt like it was pinching me. It hurt! And caused some spotting. I so understand your emotion, you will find your Nemo. ;) Keep us posted, sounds like you have a good plan of staying busy.

Well, today is 10dpiui, and as hard as I tried, I couldn't wait any longer to test. 2 FRER's and 1 Clear Blue Digital that says 'pregnant'! Aaagghhh! I'm kind of in shock. I don't have my beta until Sunday so I know I'm going to test every day until then, lol! I can't believe it! I tested late last night and got a faint positive, this morning the line was slightly darker, then CBD after work with the positive. :D
Oh my gosh fossie!!! Congrats! Sooo excited for you. I got my bfp 10dpiui too and I kept testing even after my beta :)
Thanks, Rae!! Yeah I tested again this morning, FRER and CBD, still positive! The line is definitely getting darker. Keeping fingers crossed that this Lil' Bean sticks around. May try to see if I can get my beta sooner than Sunday.

How are you feeling? Still the nausea? I guess it takes awhile for that to subside...
Its been better but I moved on to full blown morning sickness. Can't keep most meals down. It has been a little better the last couple days. I kept dinner down last night. If it is anything like last pregnancy it will go away around 13 weeks. Feels like forever away now though.

So glad your lines are getting darker. How exciting!
Oh man, that doesn't sound fun at all. :/ Hurry up 13 weeks, haha!

I decided to call and get my beta moved up to tomorrow morning. I know I'm pregnant, I just want to hear the numbers! :)
Just got the call, beta is 114 with progesterone at 45! I can't believe it! I feel like it's still not really sinking in. Go back Monday for my second check.

I'm hoping this post is what we'll be seeing from you very soon Savasanna and mhankins!! How are things going for both of you?
Aw thanks fossie! I am actually waiting for my cycle to start, any day now..of course exciting and nerve racking haha. For some reason I have been worrying about when to say the first day of my cycle actually is, something it starts late at night but isnt much, sorry for the tmi! I Came across a few questions thought I would ask you guys..

How long is the iui procedure? I was thinking it was it was just a few minutes with possibly laying around for a few more minutes, however, read some where the other day about a couple hours?

My other one is do your RE's have you go in 10 days after your cycle starts? What are they checking for? I'm sure I was told what for but I do not remember and I'm too lazy at this moment to look through my folder haha.. just wondering..

I know too that one I go through everything it will be so much clearer! haha...waiting waiting lol
Fossie - Congrats on the great beta!

Mhankins - My IUI procedure was only a few minutes and then they had me lay there for about 10 min afterwards. The longest part was the waiting to be called in. Your day 10 may be what my day 12 was. If so, it was just to check the progress of your follicles and lining. I was always told that if full flow didn't start until after 6pm, count the next day as day 1 so if you had a late start, day 1 was probably the next day. Good luck!
So would that be an ultrasound? I sound/feel clueless but I feel with everything that was discussed and the excitement of starting this process I missed a few important steps haha... I appreciate all of your guys help so much, it definitely makes me feel like I am not alone!
Thanks, Fossie! I hope so too!

I'm doing.. ok. It's been a hard month but my appointment with my new doctor is next Thursday so I'm almost there! I"m reeeeaally hoping that they'll be able to get my donor in shortly thereafter so we can start trying again in November.

Mhankins - The washing/thawing of fresh/frozen sperm takes about 30 minutes, the procedure was maybe 3 minutes, (mayb). and then they have you lay on your back for around 10 minutes. Car door to car door was a little over an hour.

And yes, that's a monitoring ultrasound. They're measuring the size of your follie(s) in order to time either your trigger shot or the IUI. Monitoring is common with REs, but not necessary. Both my IUIs have been unmonitored. I'm not sure what my next doctor will recommend.

Lastly, I was also told that if your period begins after six, even if it's heavy enough to warrent a tampon, you count the next day as CD1.

Hope all this helps!

Now.. c'mmmooonnnn next Thursday! :haha:
Thanks, Rae!

mhankins - yes, they draw blood and do an ultrasound. Mine was on day 10 as well. So like Raelynn said, they want to make sure the uterine lining is measuring properly (I think over 6mm? but not 100% sure) and they want to check how many mature follicles you have. I can't remember, are you doing a medicated cycle? Like taking clomid or femara? My RE really doesn't want to see more than 3 mature follicles. I can't remember what the measurement is to make them "mature" but high teens or around 20 is what they were looking for with me. With the bloodwork I think they measure estrogen and estradiol, which gives them an idea of when you are going to ovulate. My doc sent me home with a prescription for the trigger shot (that induces ovulation) but I ended up not having to use it once they got my bloodwork results back.

I'm sure this all sounds confusing! Hopefully one try will be all you need, but if you need a second, you'll be an expert by then! ;)
Thank you! That was all a lot of help! I would love to be so lucky and only need one cycle, wish we all could be! They are having me take clomid to better my chances, it shall be interesting how I react to that seeing how so many have had different experiences. I also had a high prolactin level but with medication it dropped a lot so that should help with my chances as well. Other than that I have no known fertility issues. We are using a donor because cancer treatment for my husband caused him to be sterile.

Savasanna I can so relate to waiting for that appointment! Hope it passes by quickly for you!
fossie, you are a baby-making superstar!! Congrats!

Today is my day 5 past IUI, CD20. I wonder why test day is so far away, on the 13th of November. Maybe to prevent us from seeing chemical pregnancies and having hope dashed away. I promised my wife I wouldn't test a day before that. My period is due on the 9th. I guess I just keep waiting and hoping!
Mhankins - We used donor sperm as well since my hubby is also sterile (we don't know why). At our clinic, you call ahead to have them put the sperm in an incubator so we didn't have any added waiting time. I think they were looking for follicles at 19mm or larger before I triggered. I did a both a cycle with no trigger shot and one with a trigger shot so it can go either way depending on your body.

Savasanna - I hope everything gets sorted out with your donor so you don't have to wait any longer!

Amigone - Good for you with waiting to test! I caved early, plus I was testing out my trigger shot too. I think they put the test day so far out because some people don't see a BFP until later anyway, plus chemical pregnancies like you mentioned, and also wanting the trigger shot to be gone for those who take one. It certainly feels like a very long wait.
We are looking into the ordering process now. Did you have any trouble deciding on a donor? My husband seems fine with the whole idea, we did know it was a possibility for a while, but still. I am hoping he isn't hiding anything. We did go to the counselor and he was very open and that helped.. this is just me wondering haha.

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