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September IUI's!

Thanks so much ladies. Had my first beta done today - 148 at 15dpiui.

Going to take it easy and remain hopeful!

Rae - what kind of progesterone are you taking? just curious. :)
Jaan - that's great!!

Savasanna - isn't is so funny how you're so excited leading up to the IUI and then it happens and you're like, "crap. now I have this 2 week wait thing to be deal with." Ha ha!

amigone - if your cycles are that long then it sounds like a cd12 u/s is right. I think it's pretty impossible not to worry about things during this process, but just gotta try not to.

AFM - I got my surge reading this morn! So I'm going in for my IUI tomorrow at 9:30. Let the insanity begin! I promised myself I would not test early this time, I think it's going to be tough to not...
Hi ladies! Just checking in with you all :).. it is getting closer to my first iui attempt. I believe we are going to try in novemeber. I am excited, nervous, hopeful and anxious. I know that 2ww is going to be tough! Just thought I would stop in and wish everyone well and good luck with your cycles!
jaan - I'm on prometrium progesterone suppositories. your beta is great. my first beta this time was 146 at 14dpo and my first beta with my daughter was 147 at 15dpo so you're right there!

fossie - Good luck on your IUI!

mhankins - Glad things are moving along towards your IUI
Hi All!!

I'm going to be doing an at home unmedicated IUI with frozen sperm in the next few days. I've done it once before and it was successful, but an ectopic pregnancy. I'm trying to decide whether I should do one IUI or two. Any thoughts?
Hi everyone! Today is CD 8, and I am done my clomid. It was strange to not have to take it.

We have quite the imagery going on. Clomid, in my body, allows my ovaries and fallopian tubes to produce beautiful Cinderella-esque ball gowns for the eggs to wear. They are gorgeous and attractive.

The washing of the donor sperm will shine them up, and provite fancy suit jackets and top hats. Some of the fanciest of the sperm will even wear cummerbunds!

This way, when they meet in my fallopian tubes/womb, it'll be instant attraction, and it will be impossible for pregnancy to not happen!

My roommate is an artist, I am hoping she will draw this out for me.

Still waiting for the follicle tracking on Thursday. I hate waiting.
mhankins - I was definitely all of those things before my first one, too. I think you just have to experience it and handle it how you'll handle it. You can read on here a million times to not symptom spot or test early, etc. but you really just have to get through it in your own way. :)

mirandala - my RE told me that the difference in success rates with one insemination vs. two was so minimal that they do not even do back-to-back iui's. But if you are doing at-home and don't have the full monitoring (hence no costs incurred for office visits, etc.) it may not be a bad idea to do 2. Do you have a midwife do the IUI?

amigone - I love, love, love your imagery! Ha ha ha! It's perfect. Mine should be dancing right about now I think. ;) And yes, I hate waiting, too. It seriously feels like time slows down during this whole process.

afm - I had my IUI this morning. I had 19 mil post wash which was better than last month (15 mil)! It made me a little uneasy that the doctor had trouble getting the catheter into my uterus, kept having to adjust the speculum, so then I was all worried that something wasn't right! But I've actually been much more relaxed and calm overall this time around. I'm glad because that's my goal: to stay that way! Last IUI I was extremely bloated and crampy, today I've had zero side effects, outside of what feels like ovulation pains. Strange...
I'm stressing big time, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the clomid - did anyone have side effects AFTER the pills were gone? Today was CD8 and I have been extra anxious and easily upset all day. Also, headache. Maybe it's just a bad day.

My psychologist said I need to relax because when our bodies are stressed, they will not conceive. They just say "now's not the time" and it won't happen. So I'm scared that because I can't relax for long enough that I won't get to have a baby. Which stresses me out more and means I can't relax. It's a nasty cycle. I'm in tears now just thinking about it.

The sperm hasn't even gone in yet and I'm already so upset. Maybe I shouldn't even be doing this.
Amigone - yes, I had effects last the entire month, including the restlessness and irritability/moodiness. Clomid can be quite a trip. I'm sorry you're stressing so much though, I understand the nastiness of that cycle. Just try to breathe and be kind to yourself.

Hey Mirandala! Welcome over to this thread! I've heard back to backs don't really increase the odds, however I find them more comforting as then I'm less likely to stress over the timing - especially when using frozen sperm.

Glad to hear everything went well, fossie. Fx for you!
Hi All!!

I'm going to be doing an at home unmedicated IUI with frozen sperm in the next few days. I've done it once before and it was successful, but an ectopic pregnancy. I'm trying to decide whether I should do one IUI or two. Any thoughts?

I'm curious. How do you do the IUI at home?
Thanks for your advice all :) I've picked up two vials of frozen sperm. I think I may only do one IUI, but if I have anxiety over the timing I'll do a vaginal insemination too. I agree with you, Sav, that it is more for comfort than anything. I really hope this cycle is successful as I probably won't be able to try again until Jan if this doesn't work.

Piper- a midwife comes over to your home and does the insemination. I live in the San Francisco area and there are a lot of midwives here who do it. Last time I did it at 11:30pm and after she left I didn't get up, I just fell asleep for the night. It was really nice doing it in the stress free environment of my own bedroom, and my last insemination was successful.
Thanks for the advice, Savasanna. I was in a dark spiraley place and struggling to pull myself out. Today I focused on self-care, and it was a better day.
Hello all! I am just checking in again. I actually have some news. After my 4th failed IUI in September I did not start another cycle because I could not get to monitoring appointments. DH and I decided to try on our own (I used OPK's and followed Deanna's Plan- if you google it you can see what i'm talking about) and used the crinone I was using during my IUI cycles during my 2ww b/c I have a short LP. I have been testing on wondfos and have been getting squinters since 7dpo but I thought maybe I had a faulty batch. On the morning of 10dpo I woke up and I had bleeding, I was so upset and thought I was starting AF. I took a shower and it stopped, so I decided to put another crinone in just in case. After I got home from work I decided to use a FRER and lo and behold I got a clear line!! I can't believe it!! I'm really concerned that I bled so I put in another dose of crinone last night (usually I would take it 1x a day). I called up my RE office to come in this morning for beta bloodwork, we will see what happens. I also hope they let me continue the crinone 2x a day for peace of mind! Please let this stick!
lusterleaf - Congrats! I'm so excited for you! I take progesterone suppositories twice a day so hopefully they let you stick with 2 as well. The bleeding could have been from implantation! Keeping my fingers crossed for your beta today!
LUSTER!!!! What incredible news!! Congratulations!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I can't wait to hear what your beta comes back with!
Thanks ladies!!! So my beta is 29 at 11dpo, I guess this is ok? And my progesterone level came back at 17, so the Nurse told me not to do the crinone 2x a day, just once a day.. I said that I was concerned that I was bleeding and she said that my level is high enough that the bleeding must have not been from low progesterone... but I am so nervous! I'm afraid that I may wake up tomorrow again with bleeding again :( I have to go back on Thursday for another beta check.
29 sounds ok for such an early beta. I didn't get my first beta until 14 dpo. Really the numbers don't matter as long as they're going up! Congrats!
Ditto to what Raelynn said. Don't fret over that beta number - it's there. You're pregnant! Hopefully tomorrow's news will calm your fears.

I'm so excited for you!
Thank you!!! How are you ladies doing? It has been a while since I have been on here.

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