September IUI's!

Congrats lusterleaf. That is pretty much exactly how my first scan went. Just this tiny little blob of a yolk sac on the side :)
Awesome, luster! You must be so excited for your heartbeat appointment!
Good evening ladies!

I am supposed to start taking Clomid today.. I decided I will take it at night with the hopes that I will sleep through any side effects. I read some people had them a week after taking it so it may not even matter.. Anyway.. I feel like I am very emotional today and I haven't even taken it yet.. darn hormones haha..

I was thinking about this earlier and thought I would share with you guys...
Our insurance doesn't cover much and none of the treatments, I don't know your situations but I am throwing this out there because it has helped me. In the beginning of our process my prolactin level was high and they prescribed me a medication.. which was going to cost us $141 for a month supply.. I researched a little and came across a website called goodrx. It tells you where in your area you can get whatever prescription and for how much. I was filling mine at Sam's club but this site offered a "coupon" to take in and it would bring the price down to $37! Over $100 in savings. I was a little unsure about it but we took it into Sam's and it worked! I felt like I was doing something wrong but was totally excited that it worked! Now when I go in for the refill it is automatically that price..

I am sorry this is a long post but I thought maybe someone on here could use the help and thought I'd share.
Thanks for that info Mhankins! My insurance doesn't cover any of my treatments either. :( I'll check out that website though!

And yes, some side effects of clomid primarily occured while I was taking it, but some lasted for most of the cycle and DEFINITELY during the tww. If you didn't know, clomid mimicks pregnancy symptoms so, as much as you can, DON'T symptom spot while taking it. I was sure I was pregnant that first cycle and was pretty bummed/felt fooled when it turned out I wasn't.

Intake appointment today!!
Yeah I have heard that too. I am going to do my best to not think about it.. HA. So far I haven't noticed anything different since taking the clomid...but that was just last night.. However, I COULD NOT sleep last night. My mind would not stop thinking no matter how much I tried.. Stupid stuff to like singing a song in my head lol. I even tried to count to make me go to sleep and I found myself stopping and wandering off thinking of something else.. lol...

Good luck at your appointment! Very exciting! I hope it all goes well!
mhankins & Savasanna - excited for both of you! Fx'd November is your month!

luster - that makes me feel better that your betas were so high, too, and you had a singleton. As much as I know twins would be a blessing, I think one baby would be plenty for me to handle, haha!

mhankins - I took half the normal dosage of femara/letrozole (25mg) and experienced very few side effects. I think the trouble sleeping is part of this whole process! Same thing happened to me last night and now I am sooo tired today!
Thanks for that info Mhankins! My insurance doesn't cover any of my treatments either. :( I'll check out that website though!

And yes, some side effects of clomid primarily occured while I was taking it, but some lasted for most of the cycle and DEFINITELY during the tww. If you didn't know, clomid mimicks pregnancy symptoms so, as much as you can, DON'T symptom spot while taking it. I was sure I was pregnant that first cycle and was pretty bummed/felt fooled when it turned out I wasn't.

Intake appointment today!!

Cant wait to hear about your appointment, hun!.
It was... ok. I left feeling pretty bummed, honestly. I think I was expecting to go there and leave feeling like this was going to be the miracle doctor who would make me pregnant like yesterday. haha. Sadly, there is no miracle doctor, or drug, or anything - just have to keep on trying.

He was good though. Nice, compassionate, realist. He obviously deals with people ttc often, which was a nice change of pace from my obgyn. He said all the right things and, more importantly, DIDN'T say all the wrong things.

He doesn't think we'll be able to have all the ducks in a row in time for a November try, which is sad. He did say it might be a good sign that I've been pregnant before.. but at the same time people with fertility problems sometimes CAN get pregnant so just because it happened once does not mean it's going to happen again.. at least any time soon. We spoke a lot about IVF, which made me nervous. I don't think I could ever afford that but he basically said that no one thinks they can ever afford it and that at a certain point it becomes wasteful NOT to do IVF. He said he wants to try three more IUIs and then revisit the IVF conversation.

So.. yea.. I guess it was ok. I'm going back in for blood work on Monday and then the next step will be to make an intake appointment for our donor. After all the paperwork is cleared on thier side they can make the appointments where he gets all his blood work done and makes the donation. I guess we're just back to sitting tight until that happens.
I am sorry you came out bummed but all together it sounded like it went well. I am sorry that you may not be able to try this month :(. I am really hoping this all works out for you!
Savasanna -- I'm sorry you didn't leave the appointment feeling a little better. There definitely is no touch thing as a miracle doctor -- but if you end up finding one somehow, I need his/her info ASAP! lol

Sorry you won't be able to try this month, though. I know how hard the waiting is and how every moment not trying feels like a wasted moment =( Luckily, time usually goes by pretty fast and next month will be here soon! I really pray that the next 1-3 IUI's work and you do not have to go into IVF. Fx for you hun!
Hi ladies - I hope you don't mind if I join your conversation. I don't post a lot but when read through most of the previous post I could not just read and run. First I want to say:

Raelynn/Lusterleaf /fossie- congratulations! :baby:

Savasanna - I am sorry to hear that you have to wait. Stay positive love! :hugs:

Mhankins - Nov is OUR month!! :thumbup:

My DH and I have been trying now for over 2years and about 6 months ago we were referred to RE. I have had HSG, SONO, surgery to remove polyp, min endo and cyst. The doctor gave us options and my DH and I decided medicated IUI w/ monitoring. I was taking follistim (75 dose), then low dose HCG was added (2days) + trigger (250 dose), and 2 IUI (last Friday and Saturday). My DH had 20 million sperm both times and we had all 40 million injected. I am currently in 2ww. I refuse to do HPT. I have my next appointment on Nov 14th. We are hoping and praying for a :bfp:

Good Luck to everyone still trying and hoping for that BFP. :dust:

Good Luck and congrats to everyone that currently have their BFPs.

Nice to meet all of you!
Hello want1too!

Yes THIS IS OUR MONTH!... I still have to wait for my tww but in the mean time fingers crossed for you!!
Good morning ladies!

So, yesterday my hubby and I were out shopping and I decided to go get the ovulation test so that I have it. My Dr suggest starting it on day 10 of my cycle. I went into Target with intentions to use the Clearblue brand, thanks to your suggestions. However, I think the $10 rebate grabbed my husbands attention and we ended up with the First Response Daily Digital test. Apparently at that moment I forgot about getting a Clearblue and didn't really think about them working differently.

The First Response test requires you to start day 5 of your cycle.. today is day 7 for me. I was up early this morning and ended up thinking about this test and started to worry. For one all signs show I will ovulate on the weekend. With my Dr office being closed I have to see how they will handle it ( I know they will perform the IUI on the weekend but Idk about contacting them with a positive ovulation result). I started to look up First Response and saw a lot of mixed reviews. I am debating whether to go out and buy a Clearblue test as well. Have any of you had experience with using First Response?
Also, think me starting day 7 rather than 5 will make a big difference?

Im sorry for the long post, but today this has me a little uneasy haha. I am wondering about testing twice a day as well. I really don't want to miss our chance this month.
Thanks everyone for the positive words. I know this is the path and we just have to continue down it. Even though it feels like it's never going to be time, time has this crazy ability to keep moving forward and we'll be back to trying.. eventually. For now, I'm really curious what my AMH results will be. It's a silly thing to get excited about but I love learning about the human body so learning the specifics of mine can be fascinating. It's the little things, right? ;)

Mhanks - (I'm going to start calling you that.. I always write it, and then have to go back and change it to Mhankins, so I'm going to cut the middle man and just call you Mhanks. Hope that's ok! :) ) I used FR digital ovulation tests once and had a fine experience with them. People don't like them because the device "turns off" once you get a positive, so you can't test out your surge. However, most opks advise you not to test out your surge anyway, and the cb tests do the same thing so I'm not sure why everyone loves those and hates FR.

I kind of liked the idea of FR better than the cb ones in that I like that it's comparing your hormone elves with your previous levels. I had this running theory that my LH levels were naturally high, because when I used FR non digital opus I'll get positive results for like 4 days or something. So, naturally because we ttc ladies are so good at worrying, I was worried what the opks register as a positive wasn't *my* positive, if that makes sense. The FR digital test took care of that for me. The only reason I stopped using them is I couldn't find them after that one month.

This is kind of rambley, but the moral is I think the FR digital ones are fine. I would've included those in my initial recommendation, but honestly I rarely see them around so I kind of forgot they existed. However, you should start using them asap because the whole idea is that you start testing before your lh levels begin to rise, even a little bit.

Or you could switch over to the cb ones. Do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. There really isn't a wrong answer.

Want1 - welcome! Fx for you this month!! The 14th is just around the corner!
Savasanna- Thank you! Before I saw your post I ended up buying a clearblue test as well..I'm sure the other one would work but since this is my first time testing I think it is more for ease of mind haha..

I have my HSG test today. A little nervous but oddly excited at the same time haha.

I know I would be much more nervous and letting my mind run wild with crazy thoughts and horrible scenarious..So I THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH! You have made this process easier! Hope you all have a great day :).
Good luck with your HSG test today, Mhanks! Let us know how it goes!
Morning, Ladies!

Savasanna - I so understand your disappointment, but I still think it's great that you are seeing a specialist. At least you know that you are going to get the extra monitoring and testing done so you'll have a better idea of exactly what's going on/how your body is responding to meds. You are definitely on the right path! Your time is coming! :)

mhankins - keep us posted on your appointment today! Fx'd for good results! For the OPK, I used the Clearblue that showed 4 days (2 days high fertility, 2 days peak), so I don't have any experience with First Response. Have you started using either? I ovulated earlier in my cycle (around day 11) so started getting my "high" reading around day 8 and "peak" on day 10. I think I mentioned before that on my first cycle of IUI, the OPK was not picking anything up on my first morning pee, so I was testing in the afternoon as well. Are they bringing you in for a cd10 or cd12 ultrasound and blood draw? That's really helpful as well in trying to pinpoint your ovulation.

Want1too - welcome! How are you faring in the 2ww? Kudos to you for holding strong about no hpt. I definitely tested early on my first IUI and swore I wouldn't test early on my second, but broke down and started 9dpiui on that cycle too!! Lol! Keep us updated on your appointment Thursday!

AFM - my third beta was, yet again, really high. I know this should be a good thing but these are the moments when I need to stop reading so damn much online about the bad things it can mean. I've never considered myself to be a worrier until this whole process started, it's insane!! But I'm just trying to stay positive and appreciate that my numbers are good. They decided not to do a 4th draw, have my first u/s scheduled for 11/19. That feels light years away, ha! I'll be 6w1d by then so hoping to hear a hb!
fossie, you are a baby-making superstar!! Congrats!

Today is my day 5 past IUI, CD20. I wonder why test day is so far away, on the 13th of November. Maybe to prevent us from seeing chemical pregnancies and having hope dashed away. I promised my wife I wouldn't test a day before that. My period is due on the 9th. I guess I just keep waiting and hoping!

Been thinking about you! How are you feeling/doing? Holding out on no home tests?
Thanks fossie! I am so excited for you and your appointment! I can only imagine how anxious you feel! Definitely don't read into things online! I was actually joking with my hubby last night saying.. before I knew our situation and we were "trying" I would basically give my self symptoms of pregnancy.. when I looked any up I was either dying or pregnant haha..

I started the FR test yesterday in the am and today I am going to start the CB maybe around 11/12? I figured since I have both I will space out the testing. I don't think they mentioned anything to me about an ultrasound but when I get a +O test I call and go in that day for bloodwork. Of course I could have totally missed something because hubby heard things I didn't so it wouldn't surprise me haha.. I get too caught up in the moment. I think I am listening to everything because I want to know everything but apparently it doesn't stick lol.

I already feel a little crampy today..maybe its the clomid? I took my last pill last night and so far have experienced no side effects...hope they don't show up next week like I have read...hoping I ovulate early so it is before the weekend hah
I have to be at my appointment by 2:30pm so I will let you know how it goes:)

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