September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

My doc prescribed me that dicletin for bad MS. She told me to take it if I got worse. I heard it wasn't much for nausea, I should try the sea bands!! Thanks for the info MrsR!!
Thank you ladies!! I have had some crampy feelings for about two hours. It helps if I lean back, which is kind of hard since I'm at! still no real constant nausea, just hunger.. I get nauseated if I brush my tongue, wait to eat, or smell something gross... lol! I am also so sleepy today! How is everyone else? Any new scans/appointment updates?
Working 9 hour days and hour travel each way I can not keep up with you ladies. :)

I feel like I have a golf ball in my uterus, specificly the right side. I have to be careful when I sit that I don't smash it. Otherwise pain from too much pressure. I feel like I should be reclining all day. This is so weird.
Congrats yazzy!

Great pics wantabby and babyfeva!!

I haven't had any cramping with this pregnancy. Unless you count round ligament pain cramping :shrug:. Because I have that often. Weird how it always shows up for me so early. Yesterday I tripped on my computer cord and nearly fell. Put a lot of weight on my core and had some really bad RLP. I was just thankful I didn't fall I would have freaked out.

Good luck for your scans this week Maryanne and carbear!

I have a meet the midwife appointment tomorrow but nothing exciting will be happening no scans or anything.

ETA: mrsR forgot to answer your Q re:MMC. With my first one, I think there were a lot of signs but I just didn't know to look for them since it was my first pregnancy, I was totally clueless and miscarriage couldn't be further from my mind. But my hcg had stalled, progesterone was dropping. Then finally an US at 8 weeks showed nothing but a small fetal pole with no hb. Barely 6 weeks.

With my second, I lost my mucus plug (and most of the time this is totally normal but doesn't seem to be with me because it happened in both MMC), and my symptoms had started to fade between weeks 9-10. 10 week scan showed 9 week baby no hb. I didn't have any cramping or bleeding or any other sign. I'm sorry I know that's not very reassuring. But it is rare to see a HB at 7-8 weeks (which I did at 8) and end up with this scenario.

With my third. I think my gut the whole time was that something was off even though my symptoms were super duper strong. My hcg was very high. But a baby never grew at all. 7 week scan showed barely anything at all. This was a suspected molar pregnancy.

Basically, it's not common to see a hb as far along as you saw a hb and have a MMC. More often it seems the baby never really grows very much and our bodies don't recognize it.
Gonna try to catch up in a bit. Works been crazy. I'm on headache day 9 and my newest symptom, acne has arrived. So far it's in my face, chest, back and neck. I hope my face can shield itself lol

My next appointment is next week. We meet our midwife but I'm not sure if I get a scan.
congrats on your great scans yazzy, wantabby and babyfeva!!!

goodluck with your scans carebear and Maryanne!! :)

karen- im having a hard time keeping up too! I work a rotation of 2 days/2 nights then 4 days off- 12 hour shifts so im pretty much done when I get off... i get home and fall right to sleep so I don't make it on here much during my set.

cutie- i keep getting the acne on and off- get a major breakout then it clears then starts all over again

I hope your midwife meeting goes well Confuzion and she is a good fit for you!

Mrs R- with my MMC i didn't really have any "signs"- i wasn't really too nauseated at all, no real symptoms I can think of- was worrying that the lack of symptoms was a bad sign. I just had this overwhelming gut feeling that something wasn't right. The night before my scan I told my husband I didn't think there would be a heartbeat.. he told me I was crazy.. but it turned out to be true. That night I just kept visualizing lying on the u/s table and the tech saying "im so sorry".

I don't think I actually welcomed you yet.. so welcome Christi85 and Chrissi1981!!!

I have my appt tomorrow for the biopsy on my thyroid. Im incredibly nervous!
I was going to come share my excitement after my first OB appointment today (well, yesterday now) but then I started bleeding.
It's red, and I bled through my underwear and my pants. No clots yet, no tissue. I put on a pad, and can feel it nearly pouring out of me. I don't even know what to think right now.
The doctor's office after hours triage nurse asked a bunch of questions and told me to call tomorrow during normal office hours to be seen. Kept referring to it as a "non-viable fetus" and telling me there was nothing anyone can do anyway.
This cannot be happening.
Oh Mrsgoodheart I'm so very sorry. I'm holding onto hope for you that it is something like a sch. Sending you lots if love xxx
Oh no Mrs. G. I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope there is a chance everything will be ok. Please go to the hospital if the bleeding gets too heavy.
Mrsgoodhart - really sorry to hear about your bleeding. I can only imagine how scary and upsetting this is. Sounds like your OB appointment went well though. Wonder if the scan might have irritated your cervix, since they happened so close together, and it's not what you're fearing. From what I hear, this isn't uncommon. Can't believe that you'd have a great appointment and then a MC the very same day. Hang in there - tomorrow is close, you'll get some more definite answers. Fingers crossed for you!

Bug222 - thank you! I had that horrible feeling today that I'll go in Thursday and there won't be a heart beat, like what you're describing. I couldn't shake it off all day, but now finally I'm feeling better about it and have decided not to write anything off yet. Like you, I'm mainly concerned with my lack of symptoms. Or rather, the mildness of them and the fact that nothing is consistent, everything comes and goes. Last week I was really tired for several days, but this week I don't even have that. My nausea is more frequent now than before (as in, happening daily) but still mild. Nothing like throwing up or even coming close to it. I'm trying not to read too much into the symptoms though (not always easy). Deep breath...we'll know Thursday! :shrug:
Thinking of you mrs goodheart. Crossing my fingers that everything is ok with you and you little one!
I was going to come share my excitement after my first OB appointment today (well, yesterday now) but then I started bleeding.
It's red, and I bled through my underwear and my pants. No clots yet, no tissue. I put on a pad, and can feel it nearly pouring out of me. I don't even know what to think right now.
The doctor's office after hours triage nurse asked a bunch of questions and told me to call tomorrow during normal office hours to be seen. Kept referring to it as a "non-viable fetus" and telling me there was nothing anyone can do anyway.
This cannot be happening.

Oh honey big hugs I know how hard this is. Did they scan you that same day before you starting bleeding ?

Have you gotten your progesterone checked ? Isn't it about now you would get your second monthly ?

Sending you lots of love and light xxx
Just got out of my scan and my little jellybean is fine!! :) honestly so happy I could cry, well I have cried actually, lots. Baby has now caught up and is measuring 8+2 so a day ahead now and had a lovely strong heartbeat. I'm so shocked, was convinced I would be getting bad news.
Hang in there MrsG. I hate that you're even having to go through such a scare.
MrsG I'm sorry you are going through this and I really hope you have good news.

Maryanne congrats on a great scan, brilliant news!
I'm so sorry you are going through that MrsGH!! I really hope you get some good news today and that it was like someone said, maybe an irritated cervix after your appointment?? FX and thinking of you!!

Congrats on the great scan maryanne!!! I hope mine will be the same tomorrow. I had a dream last night that the little bean was small but the heartbeat was strong so they changed my due date lol
That's such wonderful news Maryanne! :happydance:
A strong heart beat at 8+ weeks, while not a guarantee, is a great sign! :flower: They do say MC rates drop to about 5% after this point and less than 2% if you make it to week 10-12 and all is still good. I too hope mine will be the same tomorrow, though I'm still very worried. Btw, I'm in California and my appointment is at 10am Pacific Time, so it may not be until the afternoon for some of you ladies that I get to give an update.

Mrsgoodhart - I'm really hoping what you experienced last night was not a MC and it was something else unrelated. We've heard of that before. Sending you lots of positive energy and please update us when you are able to.

Bug222 - I forgot to wish you good luck for your thyroid biopsy today. That must be nerve wracking! Update us when you can!
Great news Maryanne!!!!

Biopsy is at 12.. So a few more hours to wait, and stress!
Great. Just went to the bathroom and I had some watery pink-brownish discharge :nope: No cramping as of now, only slight twinges on and off, not really painful.
I'm not panicking and not taking it as a bad sign at this point, unless it increases a lot or turns red. I had the same on weeks 4&5 and then it stopped, and baby was fine at my last scan on week 6. Do you girls think it's ok for me to wait until my appointment tomorrow instead of ringing my doctor right away, since it's just light spotting and no cramping? (if it gets worse, I will call of course). I may need to call my acupuncturist though and have him change my herbs, but the problem is, he's a 50 minute drive away if I am to pick up new herbs. And I was there just yesterday :wacko:

Other possible explanations (other than the beginnings of a MC):
1) possible yeast infection. I've been having external itch on and off for days and was tested for a bunch of stuff at my last OB appointment, but only through urine. Wonder if I need to get a pap smear too (though I had one 6 months ago, but in case this is something very recent). My vaginal walls kinda feel a little irritated too, which would support this theory. Sorry for TMI.
2) placenta implantation (supposed to happen sometime between weeks 6 and 12, so I'd be right in the middle) which is irritating the uterus and causing the spotting
3) breakthrough bleeding. If I wasn't pregnant, I'd be getting my period right around now.
4) got a massage yesterday at my acupuncturist's, which was supposed to help the blood flow better. Wonder if that might be causing it, though it was only an upper body massage.
5) taking progesterone vaginally. I've heard it can sometimes cause spotting.
6) quite unlikely - I had to skip taking my herbs for a day on Monday as I had ran out. Wonder if this gap might have caused some fluctuation in hormones etc. but I kinda doubt it.

Then of course, there's the worst case scenario, which I hope is not the case.

Anyway. I'm going to take it easy today as much as I can and if it gets worse I'll call the OB. Otherwise I'll wait for my appointment tomorrow am to find out what is up.

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