Good luck
@tdog Im so glad the spotting has stopped
@Mum2Be22 (I hope I have the right person) it's so lovely to hear about your journey with the twins, tell us more!! Are they the first children you have fostered? I can't help but be a bit jealous of you with 2 lovely newborns!!
Ladies I'm struggling. I'm getting very very frustrated with people asking me if I'm pregnant ALL the time. Not even people I know, or who know I'm trying... Like at least once a week someone comments on my 'pregnancy' that doesn't exist. I think it's cos I did put on weight over lockdown, and cos I have pcos too and a mum tum anyway it all goes on my belly so I must admit I do look pregnant.
But people ask me when I'm due, even rub my belly, don't believe me when I say 'actually no I'm not pregnant..' and continue to tell me that I must be.. It happens so so frequently now that I've got used to it. And it's not like I'm a huge person I'm about 10st 8, I was 9st 5 ish before lockdown...
But anyway like I say I've learnt to brush it off, but I work in a pub so meet a lot of people every day, or 'regulars' who I see often but don't really know if that makes sense...
Well a lady came up to me today and said 'ooh you're putting some weight on now love aren't you...' I was like 'errr thanks...' and I knew where she was going with it.. Then she says 'you can really tell you're pregnant now you're really glowing' and continues to rattle on about how she can tell by my glowing cheeks etc!!!!! I said 'well no actually I'm not..'
And I thought I was going to burst into tears right at work. If she knew how desperately I want to be pregnant.. I can't deal with people asking me / telling me I am anymore.. Its really killing me inside