Good luck to those that will be testing in just a few days. Really hoping to see lots of BFPs and sticky beanies.
Cd7 here and haven’t started opks yet. But will maybe tomorrow.
My bleeding did stop but then had a bit more light bleeding yesterday cd6. AF is out the door now tho and just waiting around for ovulation.
Don’t know why but time is dragging so badly. It dragged since 10dpo when I new I was out, then another 7 days for AF and now waiting for ovulation. This is definitely the most boring part of ttc.
I’m so negative and already convinced myself I will be out again this cycle. And I’ve not even ovulated yet
negative Nancy needs to seriously get back in that box and lock it tightly closed.
have ordered these cheap ovulation tests from eBay. They have a orange handle. Have no idea what they will be like but thought would give them a go.
I still have loads of wondfo opks left from last cycle and 5 easy&home opks.
Just the waiting game now.