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September testing thread - May we all have a May bundle 9 bfp's!

mummyb2b: Yay! Congratulations!!! :dance: I'm so excited for you. September is turning out to be a really lucky month. :D

AFM: I OV'd 2 days late this month, so could I be switched from the 17th to the 19th? Thanks! FX, but I'm not that hopeful since this has been a wacky cycle.

CONGRADS M2b :happydance::happydance: WHOOT WHOOT!!!!

thank you both, still doesnt seem real keep expecting someone to jump out & say only joking!

kismet have already changed you to 19th will keep my fingers crossed for you!
tomorrows testers are milty, more4mom & deedee5112 + i know whitesoxfan was going to test again so good luck ladies!

i'm off to stalk a few ok the others not heard from yet! :winkwink:
Again, sadly, AF is here!!! No testing for me! I'm also taking the next cycle off because I have to go in for a hysteroscopy (D&C and to remove a large polyp). The procedure is scheduled during my normal "O" time, so we're already out for October.

Man. Sure glad there have been some BFP's!!! My heart is lifted above my own sorrow into joy with their happiness and wonderful news!! That's why I love these forums!!! xoxoxoxox
I'm still hanging in! No AF. . . Cervix still low, but soft. Sore bbs, exhausted. Still at one day before af my bbs are not as sore as the last 2 cycles when af came. Lol! Who knows?
Congrats M2B!!! You must feel on cloud 9 right now :cloud9:.

I was sure I'd posted in this thread before but just checked the first page and I'm not there :shrug:

Can I be put down to test on 24th, AF is due 23rd. Knowing me though I'll end up testing early I'm so impatient. I ovulated on 9th so could probably test around 19th/20th I think.

Good luck everyone thats still to test this month :dust:
Hello everyone,
I wanted to know have anyone ever tested positive 6dpo with a clear blue digital? i bought the clearblue digital that said 5 days sooner before miss period, but of course like many others I just cnt wait I took it today 8 days before period, which was "not pregnant"...I have been geting cramps but then again probably just that old annoying cyst. lol :af:I might test again tomorrow. I did buy five in a pack. :AF:
tomorrows testers are milty, more4mom & deedee5112 + i know whitesoxfan was going to test again so good luck ladies!

i'm off to stalk a few ok the others not heard from yet! :winkwink:

Do you have any tips Mb2b? Did you feel different this month? Hope you feeling good xxxx
Hello everyone,
I wanted to know have anyone ever tested positive 6dpo with a clear blue digital? i bought the clearblue digital that said 5 days sooner before miss period, but of course like many others I just cnt wait I took it today 8 days before period, which was "not pregnant"...I have been geting cramps but then again probably just that old annoying cyst. lol :af:I might test again tomorrow. I did buy five in a pack. :AF:

When I got my BFP, it was 11dpo with an IC (three days before expected af). The First Response Early Result test, which also says 6 days sooner, didn't pick anything up. Blood test confirmed the BFP and that the IC test was super sensitive since my hcg was only 6.

The majority of BFPs don't come until closer to or after af, so if you're at 6 dpo, it's still quite early and you should still have lots of hope to get your own in the next week or so!
so sorry more4mom :hugs: good luck with your procedure next month too!

whitesoxfan - keep holding on hun! keeping my fingers crossed!

djbs - thank you & sorry if i missed you before have added you now! :dust:

i did do some stalking and found someone else who might have some news! :happydance: will wait see if she posts on here so as not to spoil her announcement but will let you know if she doesnt post!

lou1004 its your turn hun!
Hello everyone,
I wanted to know have anyone ever tested positive 6dpo with a clear blue digital? i bought the clearblue digital that said 5 days sooner before miss period, but of course like many others I just cnt wait I took it today 8 days before period, which was "not pregnant"...I have been geting cramps but then again probably just that old annoying cyst. lol :af:I might test again tomorrow. I did buy five in a pack. :AF:

not sure hun, i tested with a digi but was on day af due so not quite as early! good luck testing though! let us know wont you :dust:
Do you have any tips Mb2b? Did you feel different this month? Hope you feeling good xxxx

wish i had! was not expecting at all tbh didnt seem to have any signs or anything! the only thing i can think that may have been a sign is i had some cramps about a week before af was due and just thought i was going to get af early due to being so late last month! but i now think it must have been implantation? even now i know, not sure i have many signs as such, boobs feel fuller but not hurting, bit of nausea at times (but may be imagining) and feel tired (but work till 10pm on a night so end up still awake now but would think i would be soooo exhausted i should be falling into bed when get home!) so not really anything to speak of tbh! :shrug: not sure if that good or bad am terrified and not really feeling real or sinking in yet!
how's everyone doing? hope you all had a great weekend! i been oudoing okt house hunting as we finally sold our house this week yey! just hope we can find what we want for what we can afford lol! the age old problem eh!

got a few days with noone testing till wednesday when it's kismet's turn! hoping some of our missing friends will pop in to report any news!

hope everyone's doing ok! sending out lots of :dust: to all our remaining testers!!! xx
Hi there, I just did my first IUI on September 11th which was CD 14. Hubby had great swimmer #'s so this is very hopefull. If not AF then I will be testing on Sept. 25 which will be CD28. FXD!!!!!!!
Hi there, I just did my first IUI on September 11th which was CD 14. Hubby had great swimmer #'s so this is very hopefull. If not AF then I will be testing on Sept. 25 which will be CD28. FXD!!!!!!!

fingers crossed for you sound promising! let us know when you have any news! have added you for 25th

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Kismet - how exciting!! I'm 8dpo too and considering testing on Wednesday although AF isn't due until a week today so not sure if that would be too soon!

I've had light brown discharge over the last few days and occassionally pink on tissue when I wipe and lots of pains and niggles. I thought it was AF coming early but so far today there's nothing! I just dont understand what's going on its so frustrating!

Good luck kismet can't wait to hear your news and fx it's a bfp :dust:

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