Awwww! I keep missing birthday's! (I'm shit!)
I hope the other mumma's have good birthday's this month and that all our little ones have had brilliant days and will have brilliant days!
Atomic (still wanna call you sb

) - Alex will get there hun

Can't believe how well she knows technology! Tegs know some stuff but not nearly enough as Alex, she might be a little genius, she ought to go to work with Daddy
I hope her 2 year corrected check goes better than her other one. Even our full term septembryo's have had setbacks, don't forget that Tegs and Alex started walking at about the same time and Tegs was behind all the milestones apart from talking (I blame Luke's mum for that).
I'm slightly nervous about Tegan's 2 year check, she's not like most 2 year olds but I'm not sure how much of that is to do with her personality
Right, I'm now rambling and have 6 and a half hours before my alarm goes off so I'd better get my ass to bed, even though I'm not tired. I'm hoping that I don't spend the night on Tegan's floor again, I hope these teeth come through asap!