SKP : 4th IVF 1 Frozen Blast July 6th, BFP July 15th

I was so mind boggled but almost relieved at the same time. I now have answers.

I'm so sorry that you had to get this news. But your right, at least you know what is going on now and have a plan B. It makes no sense sometimes how our body's just don't want to cooperate. Sending :hugs:!!
Having answers is definitely a good thing. Praying for you! <3
I'm coming more to terms with this whole thing. It's still a new and bizarre, but like everyone says, with time, you heal.

I did my genetic test today, won't know results for over a month. Also I will be doing my fsh level and estradiol level this week, should of done it today with my other test, but I wanted to wait a bit, I thought my fsh was a recent result, but the last one taken was back in April.

So I will get it done sometime this week.

Everything is at a stand still until after the holidays. All the questions I ask can't really be answered until I speak with the nurse in charge of the egg donation program, and she is on holidays.
*hugs* I hope you can try and put this out of your mind a bit and sit back and enjoy the holidays. Thinking of you!
After 2.5 months AF showed up, very light but strong in color. Lasted for 8 days, cramping through out. Mild. I am usually 4-5 AF days.

Today I am calling my clinic to start the process of being an egg donor recipient. So nervous!

Hope every one had an awesome Christmas !
We are now registered for Egg donation, we could be preggers within 3 months :)

Found out it will cost about 18-20, 000 US Dollars. And they put 2 inside you. And we have 6 altogether.

I have to do a pap, and I do a mock cycle. Once all is done, we search of a donor, which comes from the states.
Boo! I need to do another Hsg, my last one was 2 years ago and I hated it. They just need an updated one. I already know tubes are blocked, my uterus is fine. And all that.

Also due for another pap, I'll get that done on Monday.

Found out more for the egg vetricification, they put 2 in, on day 5, day 3 3 in. I'm more than likely going on with day 5. See how things go.

This time my fsh is 6.4. Normal range.
YAY! Glad to see that things are progressing!!! <3 Sorry you have to do another hsg. >.<
It sucks but what can I do.

How is your pregnancy coming along ?
Fertility Drugs Cost List

Suprefact : Covered by medical insurance :) Used to shut off or turn down your own hormone production in your pituitary gland and prevent you from ovulating too early

Prometrium: 100 mg Caps : Covered

It gives support for the lining of the uterus and is needed to maintain an early pregnancy. There may not be enough progesterone made by the ovary during an IVF cycle, and so more progesterone is routinely given. Crinone vaginal gel, intramuscular progesterone, and Prometrium capsules are natural progesterone preparations which are safe to use
during pregnancy. You will be given instructions as to which medication to use.

Crinone: 8% Not :(

Wondering why do I need prometirum and Crinone?

Doxycycline 100 mg tabs, Brand and Gen: Covered (Its for the men, to reduce bacteria in the sperm) and for me as well, same reason.

Medrol: 4 mg Tablets: A steroid to assist pre embryo implantation.

These for have question marks beside so Im not sure if I take them but all 4 are covered :)

Estrace: 1mg, or 2 mg, Estradot: 100 mcg patch, Marvelon 21 Day (Birth Control Pill)

Yay! no shots!
Is the prometrium going to be orally taken or can you vaginally insert it? If orally, then I'm guessing they are covering their bases. Orally taken progesterone is a lot less potent and takes a lot longer to be useful. It has to make it through the gut (some loss of potency) and then into the blood stream before it gets to your uterus. The crinone will support a lot better and faster since it's absorbed right into the immediate vicinity of the uterus and doesn't have to go through the gut or the blood stream.

I'm so glad that most of it is covered. Do you have prescriptions for everything so that you can look around for better prices? I know here in the USA, there are overseas companies that we can order from if we have enough time that are huge cost savers. I've ordered my Vivelle dots from one company ( and instead of the $95 PER MONTH that my insurance company was quoting me, they charged $75 for a 3 month supply. HUGE difference and they were easy to work with. It just took some time (I think it was roughly 4 weeks?) for me to get the product.

My pregnancy is going great! I'm currently 11w4d and should be finding out the gender in just a week to 10 days!! I'm so excited about that part. :D Baby has been looking great and a nice strong heartbeat every week. :)
Is the prometrium going to be orally taken or can you vaginally insert it

I have no idea.

So it's better to go for crinone? Do you think I do both or one or the other?

I don't think I need to look else where for costs. This is through my hubs insurance and it's all covered except crinone.

That's awesome your pregnancy is going so well. I can't wait to know the sex.

I had a. Dream last night I had a boy, lol, I always dream I have boys. Maybe my brain subconsously knows I want a boy. But since 2 are being implanted I may have a boy and girl:). Very high of twins cuz 2 are implanted, 2 separate embryos.

So since they need an updated hsg, and they need to book it based on my day 1 AF, and it's done on day 7-10. I started today, and so I called. I will know my date after the weekend. But ever since the phone call, I had a slight slight ever so slight sign of AF since this morning. I'm worried, do it still count as today as day 1, even tho I may not get anything tomorrow or something?

Last month after a 2 month skip I was very very light but dark in color but light as to how much. And I only had to use liners. And I was 8 days instead if my usual 5.

So will the hsg still be good even tho I may just had today ? Becuase it wasn't spotting, it actually went through my clothes and it was the normal color, a little over the size of a toonie. And I did have some cramping. Now I don't.

The month before the last AF, I had only 1 time of showing up and it stopped completly then show up more on the right date.

Today would be day 24, I'm normally day 26-28. So am I able to do the hsg becuase I had some sort of bleed?
I knew it, I had some cramping today, and I had one very light occurrence, and I mean almost nothing. I don't know what tomorrow will be like. Am I still going through AF? That 1st day it was a one occurrence as well, but actually there and it went through my clothes. So will that be day 1 no matter what?
More frustrating News

I went to another city 8 hours away to have an HSG procedure. It was unenjoyably! painful! Same as last time.

First: I was lined up with 10 other women, all of us in hospital gowns. Sitting out in an open hallway when other people can see what's going on. As fast as women were called in, they were fast finished, one after the other.

Because I know I was blocked anyways I knew I will have bad cramping. But since I have an anterior position of cervix, it took a lot more digging to put in a speculum, and they even had a hard time then. Because my cervix is waaaay up there. Once the dye was pushed in, maaaajor cramping, I was ready o pass out, and I was overcome with hot flushes.

He was at the point that he did all that he can do when I had him stopped. I asked them did they get every thing they needed to do. and he said yes, I had to stay lying down for a few minutes because I felt dizzy.

And it was even worse when I have been going to the toilet all morning, and because of all the cramping, I was tensing up because if hadn't I probably would crapped. and even that made the cramping ore worse. At lest he had all the info.

Just made a comment about the border of the Uterus was irregular. So I got all word and upset.

So after when I got my results, they said they suspect there is a polyp, but wanted to do more testing to see what it actually was.

which lead onto procedure number 2, a sonohysteragram, same as HSG but with saline and more gentler. And I'm like o my goodness, here I was in pain, with severe cramps, still bleeding from the HSG, but I wanted to have it done and over with while I was 8 hours in the city in the first place, and they were able to squeeze me in that day if not I could of have waited another month for this procedure. Thank God I didn't have to, which would have delayed for me to start my mock cycle.

But the most frustrating thing is, I am delayed anyways, by 4 months, a stand still.

The results from the sono test showed a big build up in my lining also with a bunch of polyps. So this is probably why my periods have been wonky the past few months. So this means, I need to do a D n C, plus now Hysteroscopy to view the inside of the uterus to see if there is polyps there, there is a suspicion, plus never had my uterus viewed during my lap that was done in June. The lap was focused on my tubes to see if I could get them unblocked. That test gave me results that now both tubes was blocked and thing surgically could help it.

But here's the crazy thing, during this HSG, I was told my left tube is blocked, but had 3 follicles, and dominate one, this count was done on day 7 with ultrasounds. PLUS, my right tube was not blocked! but in lap it was. So I don't know if it became unblocked during the HSG it already was unblocked or it became unblocked some how. And this tube had 1 follicle in the ovary, a small immature one. Las check in Dec I had only one follicle.

And the funny thing is, my most follicles and one with the dominate is in the blocked left tube!

So now I'm delayed by 4 months, cant go through with my mock cycle until my d n c and hysteroscopy, plus my thyroid is still high, need to be around 3, I'm 6. something. So now I need to go back to my family doc and up my meds. I am also on Birth Control now to regulate me.

So I'm hoping I can get in quicker in my own city hospital, or a cancellation happens.

That was my crazy 4 days.

My nurse; the one in charge of the Egg Donor Program is amazing, I love her! So friendly, caring, understanding, went above and beyond, did way more than I expected.

Asked all my questions and concerns, got me booked in right away for my next procedure in end of may. But I may get in my own city faster. I'm going to try.

The whole clinic was amazing, especially Was able for me to get another procedure right away.

I also forgot they did a measurement thing for the mock. That was just a quick test as if you was having a pap. Alt hat was good! I think it was too see if the mock transfer line to see f I would go through and up inside or something.
2 more nights including tonight for the BCP, had spotting and cramping, the past 3 days. Hoping AF shows up on time. I am on the 21 day BCP. so in 1 week I should start.

Fingers crossed! 2 more months until surgery.
This week has been hellish.! I had a very extreme 7 day AF, clots and all. I was like I my, it was literally flowing out of me. I was doubled over in pain. Today I'm finally done.

A little in 2 months is my dnc and hysteroscopy. I wish I had my dnc now, then I wouldn't of been so heavy. I had such a build up and full of polyps since January. And it could of contributed to my birth control, and also my thyroid medication has been upped as well.

Also I never had a proper AF in over a year, I only missed twice, but becuase my hormones was messed up it was proper, and was extremely light on many afs through the year.

As of right now, I am just waiting in for April. Eating healthy, taking prenatals, I will get back to working out since AF is outta here!. Sigh hurry up April! Lol

How is everyone else?
Glad to hear that AF finally showed up, but I'm sorry it was such a horrible one! *hugs* That's crazy about the results of the hsg!! Are they planning on doing anything about the possibly open tube now? I do wonder if the hsg opened it for you! I wish April was here already! I'm so excited for you!

Everything is going well here. We didn't get to see our little Leandra today, but we did hear her heartbeat and everything is going well! 16w2d today. It's funny because August seriously can't get here soon enough, so it seems like time is crawling by. On the other hand it's like "when the heck did I get to 16 weeks already?!" It feels very surreal. Very VERY good, but very surreal! I might also be a bit addicted to buying clothes for her already. :p
That's great things are going well for you! I can't wait to see pics :). Leandra is a beautiful name.

Well if the hsg opened the tube, there's a slight chance a lucky egg can get through. But I don't even know if I even have eggs. Or little. No idea. I like to see if there is further testing, apparently I read something about a ahm? Test I'm not sure whats it called, but it tells you how many eggs you have.

But I believe in miracles, and I'm am holding on that God will bless us to conceive naturally :)

April will be here before I know it, I try not to think about it, I try to keep myself busy and keep my mind off it. I just want to make sure that I did everything possible before then so we don't have any more delays like blood tests needed to be done or something.

I think I have to do the pre screen blood test every month. So I'll get a full work up in March plus I'll request a fsh test next cycle, but day 21 test this cycle. I'm day 5 on pill but cd 10. I took pill starting day 5.

I will also get my thyroid levels check to see if I need to up my meds again.

So I have some things to sort of keep me busy. Plus I take my prenatal pills every night before bed.

As of right now all is good :). Hoping this year is my year. It's a big one, so much my family is going through this year. I'm excited. Fingers crossed that April is the start of my ivf journey :). And no more delays !

I'm tired of them. This August is 4 years married and 4 years ttc, I'm hoping by our anniversary we will be preggers :).
AMH is the test name you are looking for. :) I'm holding out hope too! Are you continuing to try naturally until April or close to it? I'm praying it's your year too. I know how hard those anniversaries are.. my 4 year wedding anniversary is coming up in April and 4 years of ttc in June. Fingers crossed for that bfp really soon! <3
O yes, definitely still ttc naturally. You never know. :)

Y ears have flown by fast. Lots of can't waits.

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