Well Done Baby Diva - hope the wedding goes well
Well I have been doing well and have been on holiday!
I found the details of the local class to where we were staying and went along to get weighed - lost 1.5lb's, then went back to my normal class when we were home and had lost another 1lb!!
So thats 1st 3lb for me so far

I'm thinking about changing groups tho, whats everyone elses consultant like? Mines really nice as just a 'person' but she's not that great as a consultant, theres loads that go to her group to get weighed but only about 10 people ever stay (the same ones every week) as its just so dull and the regular stayers just moan and winge week in week out
She recently emailed everyone asking for nominations for 'women of the year', asking wh we thought had become the 'life and soul' of the group...... urrrmmm, bit difficult when there is no life and soul!!
We recently had a stand in consultant and she was brilliant, I really felt motivated by her.
When I text my consultant to let her know I was on holiday but still ging to a local class.... no reply

If I was a consultant I would have text back to say well done/ keep up the good work etc, what are your experiences?