Snowflake bump buddies and friends

they wont have the vaccine here in NZ before i am due.. sheesh they are a bunch of idiots here really!!!

i actually had the flue 2 days ago... thank god it was mostly my throat and im feeling better now.. mind you i still have a snotty nose..

They did however have and add on tv to call your GP right away when pregnant, i only saw it after i started feeling better whahah saved me another 40$ though ;)
i thought they had the vaccine available from October onwards in the UK..

hey girls, any of you who have decided to use cloth nappies?! Ive done some research and am quite liking some of the all in one snap nappies.. they will be a bit more money to start off with but it will save a lot in the end..

We also finally managed to get the room painted, curtains are hanging and the cot is build now with the mobile :D It is looking like a proper baby room now.. unfortunately our dresser has been stolen by the MIL whilst she is here so i dont have my changing table in there now..

next step is to put our wall sticker up and wash all of the stuff ive got..

I also bought a maternity singlet today .. just for in hospitle.. starting to slowly collect some stuff to put in a bag.. just in case :rofl:
Gosh you are organised Sam!! I havent even thought about the hospital bag.....

I am considering cloth nappies too - have bought two packs of disposables for the first week or so just to get into a routine but I have seen a fab pack in Mothercare which is a cloth outer with disposable pad inside, or reusable pad inside. They are not too expensive either so might give them a try - they had great reviews in a recent magazine I read.
Gosh you are organised Sam!! I havent even thought about the hospital bag.....

I am considering cloth nappies too - have bought two packs of disposables for the first week or so just to get into a routine but I have seen a fab pack in Mothercare which is a cloth outer with disposable pad inside, or reusable pad inside. They are not too expensive either so might give them a try - they had great reviews in a recent magazine I read.

shit i wish i was hahaha, trust me ive just found out my house in NL is in majour trouble!!! Thats what you get for leaving it in trust by other people...

anyhow, lets just hope i can get out of that mess soon.. (full story in my journal :wacko:)

these are the cloth nappies i was looking at, they look adorable, have great reviews (in the natural parenting section on BnB) and they work just as disposables but with extra snap in booster for instance at night!
At this point I am thinking disposable. I hear the baby poops ALOT in the beginning and to have to worry about getting those cleaned while also surviving the first weeks doesn't entice me. If after that initial break in period I am curious or think I can take on more work of cleaning them, then I will consider it. But at this point I am not going to buy anything until I know better what life with a baby, dog, husband and house to maintain is like.
fair enough :)

Ive got 2 young dogs to look after as well!! And i am sure infant poop wont be the nicest to clean, the nappies will be easy to change it will just be a matter of being consistent with washing them and showering them off when there is an explosion (or so i hope :rofl:)

I am hoping ill be strong enough to continue with them once i buy them ;)
I do however have a jumbo pack of huggies infant for when we are out and about or maybe even through the night or something..
No I think the vaccine is being rushed to the market and don't think I want to take the chance.
No I think the vaccine is being rushed to the market and don't think I want to take the chance.

You know I am kind of feeling the same way. They are putting the "highest" risk people first in Canada for getting the vaccine...but what about the fact we, children, sick and seniors are the most vulnerable to untested drugs.

For heaven's sake they won't give us all kinds of drugs that have been on the market for years but now there is a flu virus out there and its ok within a few short months...:shrug:

They don't seem to be sharing much info. Does anyone know how much testing is typically done for regular flu shots? If it is comparable, then I may consider it because I have received the flu shot every year for the past 5-10 years and have always benefited from it. I don't know the last time I had a flu.
I found this blog about the matter interesting:
Some interesting points there which I agree with. I personally view most vaccines as beneficial for me so I don't agree with all her comments though. I am going to have to google the difference between the H1N1 and other vaccines time for research. She doesn't really go into it.
Here are a few links that sort of answer my questions about how much time they test for the flu vaccine anyways, and whether H1N1 vaccine is really much different from the time they spend testing regular vaccines...I am beginning to doubt there is any difference...and therefore maybe I should consider it??? :shrug: gosh I wish I was a dr.

Typical plan for flu vaccine. They don't test very long normally anyways (June - Oct)

An FAQ sheet from one of our provincial health departments:
In particular:
Myth: You are pregnant and should not get the influenza vaccine.

Fact: An influenza vaccine is safe during pregnancy. In fact, pregnant women who will be in their 3rd trimester during the influenza season, and pregnant women with high risk conditions, such as heart or lung disease, diabetes or weakened immune systems, are recommended to get the influenza vaccine to protect themselves. Influenza vaccine is provided free to pregnant women who will be in their 3rd trimester during the influenza season, or who have high risk conditions. If you have any questions about getting an influenza shot during your pregnancy, speak with your doctor or health care provider.

Healthy pregnant women who may deliver their baby during the influenza season should get an influenza shot to protect their newborn baby. Babies less than six months of age, especially newborns, are at high risk from the complications of influenza, but they cannot be vaccinated because their immune response to the vaccine is not as strong.

Vaccination for mothers and other close contacts can help protect babies and reduce their risk of infection. It is safe for babies to breastfeed after mothers receive the influenza vaccine.

Yet I did find one article (not sure about this website but anyways:

The risk of an influenza vaccine causing serious harm, or even death, is very rare. In 1976, the swine flu (injectable) vaccine was associated with an illness called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a nerve condition that can result in temporary paralysis. Injectable influenza vaccines since then have not been clearly linked with GBS, because the disease is so rare it is difficult to obtain a precise estimate of any increase in risk. However, if there is a risk of GBS from current influenza vaccines, it is estimated at one or two cases per million persons vaccinated—much less than the risk of severe influenza, which can be prevented by vaccination.

Not an easy question. I know I am going to get my regular flu shot so that baby can get the antibodies from my breastmilk... still on the fence about H1N1... if testing is now, they are two months behind in their testing but ALOT of people are signing up to be tested...they obviously don't do long term testing on any of the regular flu shots either, so presuming they use the same forumula for H1N1 as they do regular flu shots, just a different "dead virus", then it should be ok...Right?????? :dohh:
ah just found out that the vaccine might be different from the regular flu shot...and testing is quite a bit shorter...
Because the current H1N1 strain has not been a component of any previous influenza vaccine, it presents unknown factors that could require changes to the standard manufacturing process for vaccines. Tests will be conducted to confirm basic information on the vaccine. A small clinical study with humans will also be conducted to establish the safety of the vaccine and that the vaccine produces an immune response.
Flu shot
It is unlikely that the seasonal flu shot will provide protection against H1N1 flu virus. The flu shot will protect against the seasonal flu, which is still circulating in Mexico.
Ok I am posting here because I post about it so much in my journal but still am neurotic. This being the bump buddy thread I hope you don't mind if I post some of it here because I know you all will understand.

So if you have been following my journal, I have been slightly worried about jezzy being too nice to me and not kicking me or rolling very hard. Likely change of position but I can't help but stress.

Every time I got up in the night or rolled onto my other side, Jezzy used to wake up and kick me for a few minutes. I haven't been getting that...same thing for when I woke up in the morning...

So this morning, after no kicks during the night, I got up, let the dog out, drank some orange juice, my prenatal and some water, and went to lie down in bed again to wait and see what happens...

There were soft pulses down by my right hip (I was lying on my right side- the more comfortable position for me)...hiccups I figure...that's good...I kind of feel a I start counting but aside from the hiccups don't get more than one or two soft movements...hmmm I start to stress... that's it... I am going to the hospital... I can't take not knowing (I will related my doppler experience last night in a second)....

But then I think, what if I poke and prod? I used to do that a ton before and so maybe I am skewing my memory. So I start poking and sure enough start getting kicks and even feel Jezzy move his or her head from my hip towards my pelvis (because the hiccups started moving that direction in addition to the feeling of a "roll" iykwim).

So I got to 10 kicks quite quickly. Jezzy went pretty quiet again but I am feeling soft punches here and there... so I think we are good.

Now for the doppler part of my story.

Last night in my fear, I started the doppler. It took me awhile to find the heartbeat because it was really high up, and in a different position than normal. Anyways I got it pretty 136..around normal...but after a few seconds, it noticeably dropped down to 120-118...then a few seconds later went back up...a few more seconds later dropped again...

Is this normal? ?? I don't want to ask my midwife because she didn't want me using a doppler at home...probably for this exact reason... :dohh: ugh.
Ok I think I found the answer to my own question:

And considering I was lying on my back this could make very good sense.
hey hun , glad you got some movement out of jezzy ;)

i try not to freak out, sometimes Cole is moving like crazy making my tummy look like a boxball (generally when i go to bed and lay on my side.. or switch to my other side..

but ive got the occasional quite spell and i just try ans let it down to baby catching up on some growing and uterus being to tight again for him to make bg jolts :)

No doppler for me as i would prob freak out if i cant find a hartbeat haha
Hm there we go, he is booting me as we speak :rofl:
Hey snugs, honey, I totally relate, I get neurotic myself when I havent felt diddy for a while, especially at night when he/she is most active. I do suspect though that I am used to many of the movements now and so do not take that much notice of them. I am glad that Jezzy responded when you gave him/her a few prods, its always reassuring when they respond like that. I do wonder if Jezzy is back to your front and so kicking and moving more internally so you wont feel so much externally - I am sure this is what happens with Diddy as when I feel whole body rolls, I start to feel more movement, like Diddy has turned around and so movements felt externally.

With regard to the HB fluctuation, my mw told me at my last appointment that the baby's hb does alter hence the reason they take an average reading - when I had my last appt Diddy had a heart rate from 180 down to 120 something - she said it was likely that increase was due to her poking and prodding to measure fundal height and position but it averaged out about 150 which she said was fine. You may have just woken Jezzy up too which might explain the more sluggish hb - disturbed him/her from the relaxed slumber :) I dare say we will pay for doing this to our little bubs.... :rofl:

I would say though, don't feel you cannot be neurotic, you are in good company with me - hence the reason DH wont allow me to have a doppler! Its completely natural to worry and DH laughs at me for worrying but I cannot help it. Welcome to parenthood - the next 50 years will be spent doing the same thing honey!
It is very good that Jezzy responded I poke all the time if I haven't felt movement. However if you are concerned for any reason you definately want to consult a Dr or your MW. No need to mention the doppler just mention the decreased movements it could have a lot to do with Jezzy's position or the placenta position did they mention anythign about an anterior placenta to you?
yup I have an anterior placenta...I think it is towards the top cause I mostly feel movement down below.

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