Ok I am posting here because I post about it so much in my journal but still am neurotic. This being the bump buddy thread I hope you don't mind if I post some of it here because I know you all will understand.
So if you have been following my journal, I have been slightly worried about jezzy being too nice to me and not kicking me or rolling very hard. Likely change of position but I can't help but stress.
Every time I got up in the night or rolled onto my other side, Jezzy used to wake up and kick me for a few minutes. I haven't been getting that...same thing for when I woke up in the morning...
So this morning, after no kicks during the night, I got up, let the dog out, drank some orange juice, my prenatal and some water, and went to lie down in bed again to wait and see what happens...
There were soft pulses down by my right hip (I was lying on my right side- the more comfortable position for me)...hiccups I figure...that's good...I kind of feel a kick...so I start counting but aside from the hiccups don't get more than one or two soft movements...hmmm I start to stress... that's it... I am going to the hospital... I can't take not knowing (I will related my doppler experience last night in a second)....
But then I think, what if I poke and prod? I used to do that a ton before and so maybe I am skewing my memory. So I start poking and sure enough start getting kicks and even feel Jezzy move his or her head from my hip towards my pelvis (because the hiccups started moving that direction in addition to the feeling of a "roll" iykwim).
So I got to 10 kicks quite quickly. Jezzy went pretty quiet again but I am feeling soft punches here and there... so I think we are good.
Now for the doppler part of my story.
Last night in my fear, I started the doppler. It took me awhile to find the heartbeat because it was really high up, and in a different position than normal. Anyways I got it pretty good...at 136..around normal...but after a few seconds, it noticeably dropped down to 120-118...then a few seconds later went back up...a few more seconds later dropped again...
Is this normal? ?? I don't want to ask my midwife because she didn't want me using a doppler at home...probably for this exact reason...
