So I guess this is my first Nine Month Wait...

Hi leelee sorryyou have to relocate but on the plus side like you say you get more for your money and be settled before the baby comes along gives you time to get used to a new midwife
Not found a new place yet. We were just reseearching areas so we will go again in a few weeks and look around some houses. The good thing is that it looks like we will get more for our money in Reading so that is a bonus!

When did you start to feel the flutters/movements? I can't wait for that :)

How are you feeling? It won't be too long til we are reading your birth story!

I felt the first small flutters at about your stage but I thought that it couldn't be baby because it was too early. But looking back I think it was baby moving. By about 19 or 20 weeks I was feeling definite flutters and it just kept getting stronger. Different people feel movement at different stages though - just keep watching out for any unusual sensations, it could well be baby!!
Thanks Polaris, Bag balm is made for cow teats to help with chafing and soften them up. I'll try the olive oil since I just went and bought some the other day. It is painful.

Leelee I hope you find a place soon. I know looking for a new place can be very stressful but once you find a place it can be very exciting. Thinking positive for ya in finding one soon. xoxo

Here in about 2 hours I go to set my next sono appointment. I woke to a little light brown spotting. Not thrilled about that but gonna try not to freak out about it. I had a feeling I was gonna see some spotting a few days later since I had a pelvic exam on Friday and it hurt a little.

Yesterday we had friends over and they all brought their dogs. It was so fun having them all play and go in and out of the pool. I wish my dog would go in on her own. She loves the water but scared of the pool and not touching the ground. Guess I was over protective when she was a puppy around the pool. She practically dives in the water at the beach lol Other then that I pretty much relaxed all weekend, Didn't do anything but sit, laugh, and watch tv.
glad you had a nice weekend shawnie you can spot sometimes after examinations you can also spot near when af is due im sure it is nothing to worry about i seem to be losing weight not a good thing im sure but im totally off food i feel sick most of the day i have to force food down
Ive been told its normal to lose weight for some, specially if they have lots of MS. My friend said with both her kids she lost 15 to 20 lbs but then in the end of second tri she started to gain again once the MS started to settle down.

Is there any kind of food you can eat at all that stays down? Maybe soups? Or even a blan diet with no seasonings at all? This might sound silly but when ever i would feel sick Id eat either raviolis all chopped up to look like small bits or Id make me some poached egg soup from 5 eggs and toast. Sounds gross but its lots of protein and more liquid then anything and it made me feel better. The eggs I tend to eat after a hang over lol and the raviolis I ate when I had a cold and both always soothed my tummy and id just eat it throughout the day.

I hope you feel better soon ...
Il give anything a try it is not so much being sick it is just the smell of food makes me feel ill im wishing the weeks away to my first scan not recieved a date for it yet
awws Dmn, If it makes you feel any better, I had to sit next to 2 men that don't use deodorant in the doctors office today and needed a brown bag LMAO My next visit they told me to just go on back to the OB waiting area next time and not sit in the general area lol Wishing you well thoughts.
Thanks hun that would of made me sick i think lol
lol I meant it as a i was in the same boat today as you but not with food. In hopes to make you feel a little better that your not alone. =)~

I just woke from a nap.. I have a feeling I'm going to end up in bed by 10 at this rate hahaha
I went to bed at 10 last night, LOL! I think if you are tired you should just listen to your body and take it easy.
i have to take a nap at 5 im usually exhausted by then lol im still anxious tho i dont feel sick or anything today but then that is a good thing at the moment i managed to get some food down lol but all the same i just want this to stick and hope all is well 4 weeks till i get a scan that feels forever away
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is well! My week has been alright, am finally back from a college placement and back online! So happy to be home where I can relax!
OMG I MOVED UP A BOX!!!!!!! sorry I just find that really exciting lmao
Hi Akira!

Glad you have had a good week.

How is everyone else? You still feeling tired Polaris?

I am feeling good after recovering from the flu. The baby has started moving as well. It is so strange. it feels like someone is gently flicking me from the inside. Haven't heard anything yet today but I am dying for the baby to move again :cloud9:

Dmn - are you still feeling ill?
Hi all not too bad today and i still cant get a midwife which i think is a joke the cramps yesterday i think were just stretching as they have gone today and i have had no bleeding
How is everyone
Hi all not too bad today and i still cant get a midwife which i think is a joke the cramps yesterday i think were just stretching as they have gone today and i have had no bleeding
How is everyone

The stretching cramps can be really painful. I haven't had any in a couple of weeks but am expecting more. Try not to worry about them.
Hi all not too bad today and i still cant get a midwife which i think is a joke the cramps yesterday i think were just stretching as they have gone today and i have had no bleeding
How is everyone

The stretching cramps can be really painful. I haven't had any in a couple of weeks but am expecting more. Try not to worry about them.

thanks leelee i was yesterday they were quite sharp but when i went to bed they eased up i have recently started with severe heartburn which is never fun lol so am trying to eat when i feel hungry which helps ease the constant sickness feeling lol

it is great that you can feel the baby moving wont be much longer till you feel proper kicks
Hi all not too bad today and i still cant get a midwife which i think is a joke the cramps yesterday i think were just stretching as they have gone today and i have had no bleeding
How is everyone

The stretching cramps can be really painful. I haven't had any in a couple of weeks but am expecting more. Try not to worry about them.

thanks leelee i was yesterday they were quite sharp but when i went to bed they eased up i have recently started with severe heartburn which is never fun lol so am trying to eat when i feel hungry which helps ease the constant sickness feeling lol

it is great that you can feel the baby moving wont be much longer till you feel proper kicks

Heartburn is not good :(

Yeah, it is being really quiet today but I think it was yesterday afternoon when it started up. It is a lovely feeling
you may have a night time baby lol

Probably! Myself and OH are both night owls so it makes sense! Don't think I would like to be kept awake all night by it! Cute and all as it is!

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