Sorry I missed the Torres love in / out! I think he is fab looking but screwed up as it is, id rather do Jamie! Stevie is a sulky little git so I wouldnt do him cos of that. Yep, Liverpool is a pretty fab place to live lol.
Jamie?! You'd rather do Jamie?! LOL Torres is the MAN.... *drools* seriously Helly, you should have been here supporting me with all the dissing he was getting last night!
Ness - CHILL you're only 10DPO, you'll get your BFP darling! Where's my pm??? huh???
Bella - Loving the FB photos

Sorry about not replying to your last pm, Chris dragged me to bed for BD lol, couldn't say no! Had a SC in last night, got up this morning, took it out, more BD, new SC in! lol