Morning girls
Sorry I wasn't on sooner my computer wouldn't let me get on BnB! Was driving me nutty. Had to do a windows update.
Eve- Yes I know! Lol glad you got a nice laugh.

No I haven't gotten an appointment yet. Shame on me.. but I'm just writing it off as an odd period for now unless it happens again or the pains come back. I'm not big on getting my "yearly violation" unless it's necessary

(plus I haven't met my new doctor here yet so I'm making excuses not to go. I dont wanna be like "Hey! I'm your new patient.. by the way I'm having some vagina problems.. take a look?) lol. Rest assured if I have anymore strange-ness with my body, I'll go.

Ness- So sorry girl

The first month is always the worst letdown

BUT, PMA.. You'll be spending more time with all of us, and we'll ALL get there. And if you think about it, we'll all probably be within a couple months of eachother

So we'll start charting and temping this cycle together.
Yomo- Awww

you're a doll. But I totally know what you mean! I wouldn't be able to keep doing this month after month if I didn't have you all to get excited with.. get letdown with.. etc. This place is TRULY a blessing! (but mostly you girls!

M2K- Wedding bells! Yay

First thing I did was made our 'invite list' .. Then set a date. After you do that you call up whoever is going to make your cake, find a minister.. and tell them the date you need the cake or their services. Then go shopping for streamers, flowers.. (any goodies you want for decoration) and call up your closest girlfriends to help you keep track of everything. My DH was the same way, I did our wedding stuff by myself with the help of my mother and his mother! Maybe Your Moms would like to help too
Helly- Hey lady

Hope all is well with you. How is everything going?
reedsgirl1138- Clomid might be it!

Good Luck
3yearsttc- I'm not sure I understand the question.. ? What sticks do you mean?