afternoon ladies!
How are you all doing. I have not had a chance to catch up all the posts- but did manage to skim read some over the past few days. back on my computer so no dodgy posts with crap typo's!
Ness- here's to the next 2ww whizzing past honey!
Helly- I am sure you are fine! I am always thinking like you though.. With Ectopics they said it was a 5% chance.. well 5% me then

Laura honey! How are you doing? Still getting flutters?
I am ok-glad to be back home. i did cut trip short as I woke up this morning with a stinking sore throat- starting to block up nose, and I cant seem to taste much- I am achey all over and feel extremely tired
I read somewhere that our immune systems are lowered when pregnant- is that true- My niece had some sniffles but surely I cant have got the cold from her???? She is 10months old! I also havent really been out too much in the cold and this trip was the first time I was out and ahd to use public transport so that may be it

I also forgot to take my BBT but used my nephews one but that was only to one decimal point. Still high though
Startd getting more cramps and twinges yesterday and wonder if there is more uterine expansion going on. Laura- did you get them on and off?
So what are you lovvies doing today. I came home, pj's, cold tablets, vix rub and hotwater bottle in bed now. I dont want to sleep as I know I wont be able to sleep tonight then