Somebodys comment disturbed me...shall I say anything?

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And this one; sounds very similar to the 'friend of a friend' you mention in this thread

I just wana add that this post wasnt about my friends having bad advice - it was about if anyone thought I should say anyone to anything about someone who isnt even a friend! and I think its good that if Im not sure on some thing one of my friends says I ask on here - I am only just a new mum and still learning and I think it's unfair of you and that other person to completly point out something jlike "get some new friends" just cos I am asking advise? Anyway thanks everyone will ring SS tomorrow.
Heartbreaking.. Poor little baby!
Lillie sleeps through the night, but she never used to & I wasn't happy bein up every hour.. But it's my job, my responsibility! People choose to have babies but never back up their choices with enough love!! Infact your friend doesn't seem to give a shit!
My LO is 9 weeks old and will sleep for 10 hours straight at night. I don't wake her for a feed and if she does stir I just rock the Moses basket. However she is still in my room and if she was cryin for longer than 10 minutes I will get her a bottle and change her nappy etc.

I have a friend who's LO is 8 weeks older than mine, she was saying how of her daughter is 'playing up' ( not that they can play up at that age) she will put her in her cot, shut the door, come down stairs and turn up the music channel. She only goes back upstairs once it's silent. Poor kid has cried herself to sleep, he also bragged to be that said baby sleeps 12 hours a night an gets ignored if she cries. Even at 17 weeks I think this is too young to be doing it but I've learnt to keep my mouth shut. Some people may not agree that I put my almost 10 week old infront of the tv sometimes for 1/2 hour (not every day, maybe once a week) so I can actually get things done.... Judge me all you like but if somebody questioned my parenting skills I would be highly offended. Everyone has different 'methods' of parenting. Some we may not all agree on or like but unfortunately that's the way it is.

I'm sure if *bob was screaming and in distress then she would see to him, just as my friend would see to her daughter.

I don't agree with a lot of things my friend does where her lo is concerned but I don't say anything to her because quite frankly it's none of my business!
Firstly, I think summer rain your being very rude going through and finding stuff to point out to this poster of her previous posts. Seriously, why would you do that? Too much time on your hands. The thread is asking opinions weather she should report this woman not anything else.
Secondly, yes please report! This is absolutely disgusting.
My LO is 9 weeks old and will sleep for 10 hours straight at night. I don't wake her for a feed and if she does stir I just rock the Moses basket. However she is still in my room and if she was cryin for longer than 10 minutes I will get her a bottle and change her nappy etc.

I have a friend who's LO is 8 weeks older than mine, she was saying how of her daughter is 'playing up' ( not that they can play up at that age) she will put her in her cot, shut the door, come down stairs and turn up the music channel. She only goes back upstairs once it's silent. Poor kid has cried herself to sleep, he also bragged to be that said baby sleeps 12 hours a night an gets ignored if she cries. Even at 17 weeks I think this is too young to be doing it but I've learnt to keep my mouth shut. Some people may not agree that I put my almost 10 week old infront of the tv sometimes for 1/2 hour (not every day, maybe once a week) so I can actually get things done.... Judge me all you like but if somebody questioned my parenting skills I would be highly offended. Everyone has different 'methods' of parenting. Some we may not all agree on or like but unfortunately that's the way it is.

I'm sure if *bob was screaming and in distress then she would see to him, just as my friend would see to her daughter.

I don't agree with a lot of things my friend does where her lo is concerned but I don't say anything to her because quite frankly it's none of my business!

But if its neglect it should be reported, and I think this is neglect. Of course parental choices are up to the parent and noone else, eg TV watching / dummy use / BLW vs TW etc but its a different matter when the child emotional and physical health are suffering
Firstly, I think summer rain your being very rude going through and finding stuff to point out to this poster of her previous posts. Seriously, why would you do that? Too much time on your hands. The thread is asking opinions weather she should report this woman not anything else.
Secondly, yes please report! This is absolutely disgusting.

I am sorry but you just called summer rain rude, but yet look what you just typed about summer rain... :dohh: preach only what you practice.

Also- I don't think summer rain was being rude at all, I think she was stating her opinion that she has seen many of her friends giving bad advice or doing something bad. I have read quite a few of her threads too, where her friends were doing things she was not fond of. I mean if all her friends do bad things.. then its true she should maybe looking for some different friends.. or report them whatever she wants to do.

I dont think by advising, maybe look for some new friends is rude at all..

And to the OP- I would most definitely report that, that is a huge form of neglect and that poor baby... she needs to be told she is doing wrong by a professional, but even that sometimes doesn't help..... each to their own I guess.
Firstly, I think summer rain your being very rude going through and finding stuff to point out to this poster of her previous posts. Seriously, why would you do that? Too much time on your hands. The thread is asking opinions weather she should report this woman not anything else.
Secondly, yes please report! This is absolutely disgusting.

She said she had never spoken about her friends giving bad advice on B&B before; and where did she say that? I just pointed out where. It only took me two seconds believe me, I don't have too much time on my hands. I don't think its rude but it is unfair to deny ever saying things that you have said, I was only offering genuine advice based on things I know tiggerpony had said before as was the other poster; I am sure.
Firstly, I think summer rain your being very rude going through and finding stuff to point out to this poster of her previous posts. Seriously, why would you do that? Too much time on your hands. The thread is asking opinions weather she should report this woman not anything else.
Secondly, yes please report! This is absolutely disgusting.

I am sorry but you just called summer rain rude, but yet look what you just typed about summer rain... :dohh: preach only what you practice.

Also- I don't think summer rain was being rude at all, I think she was stating her opinion that she has seen many of her friends giving bad advice or doing something bad. I have read quite a few of her threads too, where her friends were doing things she was not fond of. I mean if all her friends do bad things.. then its true she should maybe looking for some different friends.. or report them whatever she wants to do.

I dont think by advising, maybe look for some new friends is rude at all..

And to the OP- I would most definitely report that, that is a huge form of neglect and that poor baby... she needs to be told she is doing wrong by a professional, but even that sometimes doesn't help..... each to their own I guess.

Thank you so much! I was not trying to be rude at all but I practice what I preach in this regard; I had a similar friend and due to this (she did CIO from 1-2 months with all her boys also) and other issues we are no longer friends xx
My LO is 9 weeks old and will sleep for 10 hours straight at night. I don't wake her for a feed and if she does stir I just rock the Moses basket. However she is still in my room and if she was cryin for longer than 10 minutes I will get her a bottle and change her nappy etc.

I have a friend who's LO is 8 weeks older than mine, she was saying how of her daughter is 'playing up' ( not that they can play up at that age) she will put her in her cot, shut the door, come down stairs and turn up the music channel. She only goes back upstairs once it's silent. Poor kid has cried herself to sleep, he also bragged to be that said baby sleeps 12 hours a night an gets ignored if she cries. Even at 17 weeks I think this is too young to be doing it but I've learnt to keep my mouth shut. Some people may not agree that I put my almost 10 week old infront of the tv sometimes for 1/2 hour (not every day, maybe once a week) so I can actually get things done.... Judge me all you like but if somebody questioned my parenting skills I would be highly offended. Everyone has different 'methods' of parenting. Some we may not all agree on or like but unfortunately that's the way it is.

I'm sure if *bob was screaming and in distress then she would see to him, just as my friend would see to her daughter.

I don't agree with a lot of things my friend does where her lo is concerned but I don't say anything to her because quite frankly it's none of my business!

But if its neglect it should be reported, and I think this is neglect. Of course parental choices are up to the parent and noone else, eg TV watching / dummy use / BLW vs TW etc but its a different matter when the child emotional and physical health are suffering

Yes I agree but op also needs to take into consideration that this woman might only be saying this for a reaction. I'm sure no one would lock their child in a room for 13 hours. Where is her oh/dh in all of this? My dh wouldn't let me lock my LO in a room in her own for that long.

Also what proof does she have apart from the mother saying this? People can exaggerate the truth. Maybe the mother has pnd in which case yes she does need help but is calling ss really the best way to go?

Maybe the op should speak to her friend who's friend it is and ty talking I her to see if she needs some kind of support?
i could honestly cry thinking that that baby is currently hungry, lonely, wet, dirty, potentially too hot/cold and "mummy" is having me time

i would honestly think that god forbid if something were to happen to her baby during this 13 hour break of hers what would the law be thinking then and when investigating causes etc would they blame her neglect. on thinking of that it is paramount you report like you said you are going to

i agree i hope she was just exagerating, i think also it is important in case she is infact suffering from pnd or even just incredibly misinformed
The OP has a weird imagination and loves how threads such as these take off.
My LO is 9 weeks old and will sleep for 10 hours straight at night. I don't wake her for a feed and if she does stir I just rock the Moses basket. However she is still in my room and if she was cryin for longer than 10 minutes I will get her a bottle and change her nappy etc.

I have a friend who's LO is 8 weeks older than mine, she was saying how of her daughter is 'playing up' ( not that they can play up at that age) she will put her in her cot, shut the door, come down stairs and turn up the music channel. She only goes back upstairs once it's silent. Poor kid has cried herself to sleep, he also bragged to be that said baby sleeps 12 hours a night an gets ignored if she cries. Even at 17 weeks I think this is too young to be doing it but I've learnt to keep my mouth shut. Some people may not agree that I put my almost 10 week old infront of the tv sometimes for 1/2 hour (not every day, maybe once a week) so I can actually get things done.... Judge me all you like but if somebody questioned my parenting skills I would be highly offended. Everyone has different 'methods' of parenting. Some we may not all agree on or like but unfortunately that's the way it is.

I'm sure if *bob was screaming and in distress then she would see to him, just as my friend would see to her daughter.

I don't agree with a lot of things my friend does where her lo is concerned but I don't say anything to her because quite frankly it's none of my business!

But if its neglect it should be reported, and I think this is neglect. Of course parental choices are up to the parent and noone else, eg TV watching / dummy use / BLW vs TW etc but its a different matter when the child emotional and physical health are suffering

Yes I agree but op also needs to take into consideration that this woman might only be saying this for a reaction. I'm sure no one would lock their child in a room for 13 hours. Where is her oh/dh in all of this? My dh wouldn't let me lock my LO in a room in her own for that long.

Also what proof does she have apart from the mother saying this? People can exaggerate the truth. Maybe the mother has pnd in which case yes she does need help but is calling ss really the best way to go?

Maybe the op should speak to her friend who's friend it is and ty talking I her to see if she needs some kind of support?

Well lets hope for the babys sake she was exaggerating, but why someone would exaggerate their poor parenting is beyond me
I just didn't see the need to go through and copy and paste previous threads of hers. Made quite uncomfortable viewing. And yes, I think its extremely rude to tell someone to find new friends! Seriously! I have friends who parent a lot differently than me but I wouldnt go as far as not being their friend. I just wouldn't do what they do end of
My LO is 9 weeks old and will sleep for 10 hours straight at night. I don't wake her for a feed and if she does stir I just rock the Moses basket. However she is still in my room and if she was cryin for longer than 10 minutes I will get her a bottle and change her nappy etc.

I have a friend who's LO is 8 weeks older than mine, she was saying how of her daughter is 'playing up' ( not that they can play up at that age) she will put her in her cot, shut the door, come down stairs and turn up the music channel. She only goes back upstairs once it's silent. Poor kid has cried herself to sleep, he also bragged to be that said baby sleeps 12 hours a night an gets ignored if she cries. Even at 17 weeks I think this is too young to be doing it but I've learnt to keep my mouth shut. Some people may not agree that I put my almost 10 week old infront of the tv sometimes for 1/2 hour (not every day, maybe once a week) so I can actually get things done.... Judge me all you like but if somebody questioned my parenting skills I would be highly offended. Everyone has different 'methods' of parenting. Some we may not all agree on or like but unfortunately that's the way it is.

I'm sure if *bob was screaming and in distress then she would see to him, just as my friend would see to her daughter.

I don't agree with a lot of things my friend does where her lo is concerned but I don't say anything to her because quite frankly it's none of my business!

But if its neglect it should be reported, and I think this is neglect. Of course parental choices are up to the parent and noone else, eg TV watching / dummy use / BLW vs TW etc but its a different matter when the child emotional and physical health are suffering

Yes I agree but op also needs to take into consideration that this woman might only be saying this for a reaction. I'm sure no one would lock their child in a room for 13 hours. Where is her oh/dh in all of this? My dh wouldn't let me lock my LO in a room in her own for that long.

Also what proof does she have apart from the mother saying this? People can exaggerate the truth. Maybe the mother has pnd in which case yes she does need help but is calling ss really the best way to go?

Maybe the op should speak to her friend who's friend it is and ty talking I her to see if she needs some kind of support?

Well lets hope for the babys sake she was exaggerating, but why someone would exaggerate their poor parenting is beyond me

Maybe it's a cry for help :huh: depression can affect people in strange ways.

If my LO is crying I wouldn't just leave her or lock her in a room but then I don't have pnd! We all know how tiring and mentally exhausting looking after a newborn can be. Some people just need a little more help and support than others. Maybe this is her way of tellin her 'friends' that she needs help.

I'm sure no one in their 'sane' mind would treat a baby like that.
True Hellymay, surely no sane person could do this to a baby. 13 hours in all that wee and poo and he must be starving. Poor baby
This just makes me feel so sick, people like this dont deserve to be mummies. Makes me want to cuddle my boy even more.

i seriously remember why i stopped coming into this part of the forum now! Some of you women are so plain damn rude, what happened to being kind to one another and supporting each other :nope:

i seriously remember why i stopped coming into this part of the forum now! Some of you women are so plain damn rude, what happened to being kind to one another and supporting each other :nope:

I know!! Scares me sometimes... :haha: And honestly I've noticed it is the same people most of the time. Poor girl. So sorry. We are here to support and offer advice. They obviously were not. RUDE!
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