Soy Isoflavones! Natures Clomid!

I've decided to go buy some grapefruit juice today...I hate grapefruit with a passion, even the thought of drinking it is making my tongue shrivel up! Oh well will be worth it for loads of ewcm!!! lol. How is everyone else doing? xo

I just started soy iso this cycle and I've been taking EPO along with it for the EWCM. I have noticed that my CM has been more abundant and wetter than I usually have, so it seems to be working well for me so far. :happydance: I'm CD10 today.

Thanks Stash...I'm cd 9 maybe it'll start to turn up tomorrow as I didn't notice anything at all today. BD anyway just on the off chance! When do you usually ovulate? I'm holding out for cd14 this cycle...if not the dosage will be upped to 200mg for 5 days next cycle!!! How much epo are you taking? I've read 3000mg is the max you can take. Also trying to drink more water as I figure what goes in must come out in some form...:haha: xo
Oh forgot to say I checked out maca and have just ordered some of that for dh! He's fecking well taking it as he's refusing to take the wellman multivitamin as he said they taste horrible! We found out he had a low count last time we were ttc so I'm covering my bases this time! LOL. XO
I finally started to take soy iso, 160mg per day since yesterday....3 days to go and so far no stomach upset or headache, everything has been great!

what is epo and when do you take it?

I've decided to go buy some grapefruit juice today...I hate grapefruit with a passion, even the thought of drinking it is making my tongue shrivel up! Oh well will be worth it for loads of ewcm!!! lol. How is everyone else doing? xo

I just started soy iso this cycle and I've been taking EPO along with it for the EWCM. I have noticed that my CM has been more abundant and wetter than I usually have, so it seems to be working well for me so far. :happydance: I'm CD10 today.

Thanks Stash...I'm cd 9 maybe it'll start to turn up tomorrow as I didn't notice anything at all today. BD anyway just on the off chance! When do you usually ovulate? I'm holding out for cd14 this cycle...if not the dosage will be upped to 200mg for 5 days next cycle!!! How much epo are you taking? I've read 3000mg is the max you can take. Also trying to drink more water as I figure what goes in must come out in some form...:haha: xo

Last cycle I o'd CD19 and the cycle before was CD34 (I have PCOS) and for the 3 cycles before those, I had to go on provera to induce AF. Last cycle I took one soy iso on CD3 and then freaked out so I didn't take anymore (I had a huge cyst) but I ended up o'ing and having the shortest cycle I've ever had (31 days!).

I'm taking 1300mg EPO (and I did 100mg soy). I pretty much only drink water and occasionally almond milk (wine every now and then). I also started using preseed last cycle.

Anyhow, I figure I must be doing something right as I've had two back-to-back cycles in which I've ovulated and both cycles I had a 12 day LP.
I finally started to take soy iso, 160mg per day since yesterday....3 days to go and so far no stomach upset or headache, everything has been great!

what is epo and when do you take it?


EPO is evening primrose oil in a gel pill. The ones I have are 1300mg and seem to be working really well for me. You are supposed to take them once a day every day until you o. Once you o, you stop taking them.

Also, I didn't really have any side effects from soy except for some mild cramping in my ovaries.
Hi Everyone,
Well my spotting has officially arrived and its getting me down. I thought it was caused by low progesterone but now I think it could be something else. 100mg of b vits haven't improved it and my temperatures stay up when the spotting arrives. I think it could be a poor uterine lining which sounds feasible as my AF is really short i.e. 1 day of full flow. I am going to the doctors this week so I think I have at least a full month or trying to get a BFP by myself. So my plan next cycle is take EPO to tone the uterus, baby aspirin and up my soy dosage to 200mg per day. Is there anything else which could help?
Sorry for the long post but my mind has been racing all night on what to do xxx
Hey happyshopper the only other thing I can suggest is acupuncture and traditional chinese medicinal herbs. That got me my bfp within 6 weeks of doing it. I'm a total convert now to traditional chinese medicine (tcm!). There is a thread on here called the really useful tcm thread which you should take a look at. I'm not trying it straight away this time as it is costly (was £80 per week for me) and I wanted to see if the soy would work to bring forward my ovulation first. I decided to give the soy two cycles to see if it works and if not I'll be going back to my tcm practitioner. If you are going down this route its really important that you find one who can actually prescribe the herbs.

Stash I don't have pcos but I do have really late ovulation cd 20 in a 28 day cycle. Here is hoping the soy works its magic!

Want2bmum you could also try the grapefruit juice too for the ewcm. I did loads of research last night on it and a lot of women seem to swear by it! Hope it works for me along with the epo! xoxo
Thanks Jen, I have been seriously considering acupuncture. The cost is a bit of an issue but I think I will still go for it as I am running out of options xxx
Here is some information on pineapple core to aid implantation,
It sounds a bit scary so I don't think I'll be taking it anymore xxx
I don't think I could eat the core its flipping horrible! It is expensive Happyshopper, I was paying £80 per week for herbs and acu but it worked...and really quickly. I started going in the middle of a cycle and I think it may have been even quicker if I had gone right at the start of my cycle. Money was an issue for us too but we stretched ourselves as we desperately wanted that bfp and I'm glad we did!!! XOX
I better start looking around for good acupuncturists as I should be starting my cycle on Thursday.
I ate the pineapple core once and it was nasty!!! It made my mouth itch xxx
I don't know how you managed to chew it! The first ever time I bought a proper pineapple I didn't realise it had a core and cut it into bits to eat and gave it to dh...he obviously knew it did have a core and laughed his ass off at me! LOL. The acupuncture is seriously worth it but I can't praise the herbs enough either! Doing one or the other does work but it takes longer compared to you doing both together. If the option is there to get acu and the herbs then do it...obviously depends on how much they are willing to charge! DH said if I have to go back again he would prefer me to get the herbs as he thought they would have the greater impact but you would need to discuss that with your tcm practitioner. Well still no abudance of cm...did a check and there is more creamy cm nearer the source if you get my meaning (sorry tmi!!!) No signs of a positive opk yet either and my temps are still about 35.91...I hate waiting to ovulate!! xoxo
Happyshopper...I am really sorry that the spotting has got you...I wish I knew a good answer :shrug: but Jen seems to have some really go suggestions that will help FX'd it might be your answer.

Jen...I never get loads of EWCM either....a day of watery if I am lucky. I also hate waiting to OV as makes the BD-athon long and drawn out as you really have no idea when is the best time? I also seem to surge really quick, ie; +opk and Ov all at once...doesn't give you loads of notice :growlmad: I suppose we all have our own issues with the TTC business....but I do feel lucky to know all you supportive ladies and that in itself makes me feel better :hugs:
Thank you Stash777 and Jen1802,

I think I will go for the juice this cycle as I think soy is helping already with cm.... hope this is not another trick of my mind....

well, I'll see how it goes...counting down days until I O...

thank you again!!!!!
Happyshopper...I am really sorry that the spotting has got you...I wish I knew a good answer :shrug: but Jen seems to have some really go suggestions that will help FX'd it might be your answer.

Jen...I never get loads of EWCM either....a day of watery if I am lucky. I also hate waiting to OV as makes the BD-athon long and drawn out as you really have no idea when is the best time? I also seem to surge really quick, ie; +opk and Ov all at once...doesn't give you loads of notice :growlmad: I suppose we all have our own issues with the TTC business....but I do feel lucky to know all you supportive ladies and that in itself makes me feel better :hugs:

Makes me feel slightly better glowstar that I'm not the only one but I'm convinced it had a huge impact on me getting pregnant last time. When I got the acupuncture and herbs straight after af buggered off I was swimming in the stuff :blush:..sorry again tmi but literally there was just so bloody much of it! I'm convinced that was because of the acu and herbs...just kept thinking this must be what its supposed to be like and I had never had that before! I'm starting to get more twinges around the ovaries now...not getting my hopes up though. Spoke to another girl on the tcm thread who is taking soy and she had an ultrasound and the sonographer confirmed there were 8 eggs preparing to ripen so it didn't bring forward her ovulation but just made it stronger...what if it does the same for me:cry: That's really not what I want, I just want to ovulate a bit earlier as in 6 days earlier preferably!!! Sorry I'm being a miserable bitch! I've not even sodding ovulated and I'm already being a negative cow!

Someone give me some pma!!! xo
Thank you Stash777 and Jen1802,

I think I will go for the juice this cycle as I think soy is helping already with cm.... hope this is not another trick of my mind....

well, I'll see how it goes...counting down days until I O...

thank you again!!!!!

NS missis!! What cycle day are you on now?? I'm just noticing a bit more creamy/lotiony sort of mucus...ok I know lotiony is not a word but it's kinda the only way to describe it! I really hope I get loads more tomorrow!! I'm counting down the days to ovulation as well...waiting to ovulate is nearly as bad as the tww...or well in my case the stooopid one week and one day wait!! FX'd it's longer this month!!! :hugs::hugs: xoxo
I am on CD6, third day taking soy... I know it is early to notice the difference... but I think I do... :blush:
I am having more lotiony cm (and I think this is defo the word I have been looking for :thumbup:) when I'd usually be just dry... not sure though as my mind plays some big tricks... :shrug:
but somehow I am positive this cycle I will have an early O, like day 15 so it should be around the 23rd of march....FX!!! :winkwink:

I think in a way it is better to wait to O rather than for a positive :test:
... at least for me, as in the TWW I just seem to have all the symptoms of pregnancy.... :haha:
I look like a text book and I don't even think it is possible to have them all together :haha: Then when I POAS I get so frustrated and disappointed.... :cry:

well, now we are waiting to O, let's concentrate and give each others super positive vibes.... here are mine for you :dust:

:sex: let the fun begin :sex:
Jen - Thank you. I think it worked for me last cycle and hoping it does the same this cycle. Do you take anything to lengthen your LP? or are you just focusing on o'ing earlier?
cd8 and have had 4 doses of soy with the last one being tonight, I am STILL spotting - nothing much if I wipe but if I feel for CP and do a cm check I get red snot well dark wine coloured burgundy colour not bright red and it is lotiony to steal a word from a previous poster but also stretchy - anyone else experience this?

what happens if I O and there is still spotting like this?

Will I O if there is spotting?

How will any spermies live if I don't have any fertile CM cos I am guessing this winey coloured stuff is not good!!

sorry think I am freaking ot, I guess no-one can answer these questions, just share theor stories with me please. If you spotted did you stop and get ewcm before you O'd?
Thank you Stash777 and Jen1802,

I think I will go for the juice this cycle as I think soy is helping already with cm.... hope this is not another trick of my mind....

well, I'll see how it goes...counting down days until I O...

thank you again!!!!!

NS missis!! What cycle day are you on now?? I'm just noticing a bit more creamy/lotiony sort of mucus...ok I know lotiony is not a word but it's kinda the only way to describe it! I really hope I get loads more tomorrow!! I'm counting down the days to ovulation as well...waiting to ovulate is nearly as bad as the tww...or well in my case the stooopid one week and one day wait!! FX'd it's longer this month!!! :hugs::hugs: xoxo

I have only taken soy for 2 cycles (not this one though on a break) 1st one CD 3-7 and +OPK on CD13 which would be kind of normal for me as average is CD13. Last time I took it I tried CD2-6 and Ov'd on for me taking it CD2-6 def brought Ov forward as that was earliest Ov I had since November 2010, I suppose that might not work for everyone but it it something to consider if you are young and healthy.

cd8 and have had 4 doses of soy with the last one being tonight, I am STILL spotting - nothing much if I wipe but if I feel for CP and do a cm check I get red snot well dark wine coloured burgundy colour not bright red and it is lotiony to steal a word from a previous poster but also stretchy - anyone else experience this?

what happens if I O and there is still spotting like this?

Will I O if there is spotting?

How will any spermies live if I don't have any fertile CM cos I am guessing this winey coloured stuff is not good!!

sorry think I am freaking ot, I guess no-one can answer these questions, just share theor stories with me please. If you spotted did you stop and get ewcm before you O'd?

Hi MissC.....well I spotted until CD9 this time and that was NOT taking soy...something that has never happened to me :shrug: same as you...just really there mixed in with Lotiony CM when checking Cervix. I am now on CD19 and had Watery CM on CD12 so the spotting DID stop and I did record decent CM, although only for one day though again that is not unusual for me as I rarely get what I would call EWCM. I am using Conceive Plus to help with that. I Ov'd CD13 according to Fertility Friend so the spotting doesn't seem to have affected my OV at all as that is a very average CD OV for me.
Obviously can't say if I will get my BFP yet.....but hopefully that will set your mind at rest a bit :hugs:

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