FX for you Nicole and minuet!
Meli - your chart looks great, i have a feeling that you are going to get your bfp this cycle

Wait few more days before you test again, maybe you don't have enough pregnancy hormone yet, plus your temps are super high and your chart looks nothing like your last cycle chart

Sorry about your headache tho, i hate headaches

If i remember right you said you are drinking raspberry leaf tea ..when in your cycle and how many tsp and cups do you drink in a day? I was researching it and i think i will add that to my new ttc plan. I think my uterine lining might be weak, cos of the spotting and i read it can raise your estrogen levels, which i need to O earlier.
Topkitty - welcome to soy thread! You are right about clomid and soy doses. That's what the women say. You have to take it in the beginning of your cycle: CD1-5, CD2-6, CD3-7 or CD5-9. If you take it earlier then you will have more eggs, if you take it later then you will have one more mature egg.
Many women start with small doses like 80mg a day and then increase the dose in the last days. I went with the bigger dose the first cycle, started with 160mg and last 2 days took 200mg which gave me a bad headache. Side effect from too high dose. This cycle the max i took was 160mg and i had no headaches. So you just have to test it yourself what doses are the best for you
AFM - ok i don't know now if higher dose of maca gave me these weird temps i had before, i lowered my maca dose and now my temps have been all nice - check out my chart. Still waiting to see some O signs