Soy Isoflavones Poll

evening primrose oil :)

:headspin::headspin: And there I was thinking to myself, there was some other new wonderful thing out there that I hadn't heard of! Whoops!! Let us know how that goes though. Haven't been down that road yet. It's on the list...

Fingers crossed for you!
Just to update the Soy worked for me :bfp: on first cycle using it! AF was due today but temps are still up (big sigh of relief) and all looks good down there and test lines getting darker (I POAS everyday) :af:

I took the Tesco brand- 40mg to so easier to measure out dose. GillA they're doing 3 for 2 so you can get your Soy, EPO and something else for naught!

Good luck to all the Soy Gals!! :dust::dust::dust:
Congratulations roopachoo :happydance: how much did you take daily? xx
Congratulations roopachoo.. How long were you TTC? I was trying for 3yrs, and the cycle I took the Soy.. I got my BFP. I wish I would have found out sooner about this stuff. :happydance:
Thank God I found B&B and found out about soy - tried it on my first proper cycle after implanon removal otherwise who knows how long it would've taken. Congratulations to you too! We have soy beans!

copied from another post:

hey poppy66, I knew that I ovulated on my own so I didn't take the full whack dosage

CD3- 80mg, CD4- 80mg, CD5- 100mg, CD6- 120mg, CD7-160mg

I planned to take only 140mg on CD7 but it was Friday night and I'd had a few glasses of wine and thought what the hey! Glad I did now for that extra little boost. Increasing the dosage works better I think (thanks RhiannonBaby) as it mimics gradually increasing oestrogen levels in a normal cycle.
Wow Many Congrats Roopachoo, really pleased for you:hugs:

Hoping the soy works for us all, got some pains going on down in my ovaries today, but OPK's still neg, due to O monday but have a feeling it's gonna come a little earlier
Hi girls

Some of you know me from the B-complex threads, as I've been taking B-vits for one cycle, but I'm now looking at other options as well to increase my chances of making a sticky bean. A quick history: I have a DS of 22 months and have been TTC again since January with one confirmed chemical pregnancy the cycle before last (and at least two other suspected ones). I suspect a short luteal phase and low progesterone levels and I never get very dark lines on OPKs, although I definitely ovulate. After the :witch: came this month, I felt particularly down. I'm beginning to worry that I won't be able to make a brother or sister for my little boy, although I know that getting all screwed up about it is the worst thing I can do.

Is it too late for me to take soy isoflavones this month, girls? If I rush to pick them up in the morning, I can start from CD4. Also, what dose do you recommend for someone like me, who ovulates, but not strongly? Thanks in advance, girls.

By the way, Roopachoo. I am sooo excited by your news. If you are getting gradually stronger and darker lines on your tests and your temps are still up, I reckon that this is the cycle for you! :hugs: You really deserve it! On my 'chemical' cycle, the opposite happened (lighter lines and falling temps). I remember that the test lines were dark and strong when pregnant with my DS.


:dust: to everyone here.
Latest day to start Soy from some ladies ive seen is (cd 5-9) you will produce a stronger ovulation with a more mature egg, but everyone just estimates what dosage to try for that cycle, be it 40mg up to 200mg (max dose)

I cant advice more than that sorry as this is my 1st cycle trying the Soy, but wish you luck sweetie :hugs:

Tesco's do them 40mg per tablet x

PS Take them before you go to bed is best x
Thanks poppy, I'm glad it's not too late this cycle! I'll be off to Tesco in the morning. Good luck with your first Soy cycle! FX for you. What dose are you taking?

I've just been doing a bit of general research and people seem to take soy on days 3-7 or 5-9. Does anyone know why women don't take it on CD 4-8? I will wait one more day if that is a better idea, but I just wondered why day 4 isn't seen as a good starting time.

Thanks girls,

Minky X
Hi Minky i think its more because its a natural substitute for Clomid and has the same effect so everyone takes the same dosage as Clomid users, would be the logical explaination or the only one i can see.

If you take the Soy early (say cd 2-5) you will have more follicles, releasing more eggs. If you take it later, (say cd 5-9) you will produce a stronger ovulation with a more mature egg.

Dont know why a lot of women take on CD3-7 i just went with the CD2-6 if im at risk of twins then im not complaining :0)

I took 160mg first 3 days then upped it to 200mg for last 2 days, have had no side effects apart from my af was a few days longer than the 3-4 days i have regular, but thats not a bad thing, with what ive researched its better to have a longer menstration than a short one.

Must admit i was hesitant on first night of taking them, but thats more the fear of the unknown taking tablets, but they dont do any harm i was just being wary & ive finished my Soy for this cycle so fx it works x

Loads of :dust::dust::dust: to sweetie and let me know what you decide and how your getting on with them x
I will certainly keep you informed of my progress, Poppy. I'll be really interested to see how you get on, so good luck again!

I think I will start tomorrow (CD 4) with 80mg and then increase it to 120mg after a couple of days, as some of the girls seem to think staggering your dose recreates the way your body naturally produces the hormone (when it works properly!!!!). I am feeling excited and happy for the first time in ages: I will believe!

I am going to go to see an acupuncturist as well as taking the soy cos I need to relax about this whole thing. I am not joking though when I say that nearly all of my friends are either pregnant or have given birth in the last few months. My 4 oldest school friends are all expecting number 2 at Christmas / New Year, so when we meet up, I feel like the odd one out. None of them took longer than 3 months to conceive. I am pleased for them, but will be happier if I can join them! That's not all... I went to an antenatal NCT class before my DS was born and I am now the only one out of the eight girls who isn't either pregnant or a mother again. :cry: I found out about the most recent NCT pregnancy on Tuesday, the day my :witch: started. I'm sick of people asking me whether I am going to have another baby too!!!!

Sorry. Rant over! I realise I am lucky, because I have one beautiful boy, but I really don't want him to be an only child. I am one of four and loved growing up in a big family.

Anyway, all the best, Soy girls. :dust: Each time I see a BnB :bfp:, it feels like all the rest of us are one step closer too. Sorry again for ranting. I will be as positive as our future test sticks from now on.

Minky XX
Awww sweetie its good to rant sometimes and can understand how you feel if everyone around you especially your friends are either pregnant or had another little one, you wouldnt be human if it didnt upset you, but you will have another LO and fx you get your BFP before Christmas ( ive made it my mission to get mine by then) Just trying to keep PMA going which at times is hard.

Big :hug:

Forgot to ask do you use OPKs? only asking because whilst taking Soy it may or may not bring your ovulation day forward a few days...
Does anyone here know if vitamin B complex brings your ovulation forward (brought mine forward 3 days) and then you start taking the soy, will your ovulation come forward even more?:wacko:

Anyone tried it in that succession?

Im due to ovulate in a few days and will wait then to see if I have spotting again on B.vit. Soy is the next step for start of next cycle but dont know if good idea staying on b.vit if soy is going to take ovulation forward anymore.

What do you guys think?
Hi All
First month October Soy Isovlavones cd's 3-7
Im on CD 14 Opk positive Today CD14 I normally get a positive on cd15. One day early for me.
Good Luck Everyone
Wow Many Congrats Roopachoo, really pleased for you:hugs:

Hoping the soy works for us all, got some pains going on down in my ovaries today, but OPK's still neg, due to O monday but have a feeling it's gonna come a little earlier

Thanks Daisys mummy x great sign if you can feel yr ovaries twinging- exactly what I had but I really didn't expect it to move my O up as much as it did- so make sure you're on strict OPK duty now!

I OPK'd with the cheap IC OPKs twice everyday form CD9 at 12pm and then 8pm to make sure I didn't miss it. Once I got a faint line I confirmed it with smiley Clearblue OPKs and then just went for it like a woman possessed till 2dpo.

FX'd for you, hope soy brings you a little bean xx
Hi girls

Some of you know me from the B-complex threads, as I've been taking B-vits for one cycle, but I'm now looking at other options as well to increase my chances of making a sticky bean. A quick history: I have a DS of 22 months and have been TTC again since January with one confirmed chemical pregnancy the cycle before last (and at least two other suspected ones). I suspect a short luteal phase and low progesterone levels and I never get very dark lines on OPKs, although I definitely ovulate. After the :witch: came this month, I felt particularly down. I'm beginning to worry that I won't be able to make a brother or sister for my little boy, although I know that getting all screwed up about it is the worst thing I can do.

Is it too late for me to take soy isoflavones this month, girls? If I rush to pick them up in the morning, I can start from CD4. Also, what dose do you recommend for someone like me, who ovulates, but not strongly? Thanks in advance, girls.

By the way, Roopachoo. I am sooo excited by your news. If you are getting gradually stronger and darker lines on your tests and your temps are still up, I reckon that this is the cycle for you! :hugs: You really deserve it! On my 'chemical' cycle, the opposite happened (lighter lines and falling temps). I remember that the test lines were dark and strong when pregnant with my DS.


:dust: to everyone here.

Thanks so much Minky. Rush to Tesco tommorrow and get your soy. If you already O on yr own but don't get dark OPKs (like me) I'd start on a low dose (say 80mg) and then slowly increase your doasge over the 5 day period and get a nice blast on the last day taking it. And yes, do take at night. I really think this will help set up a strong follicle that will go on to produce good amounts of progesterone in your LP fx.

Really, don't worry about it, sit back and the let the soy do its work and be excited as you feel your ovaries twinge in the knowledge that you're making a super strong bean.

Really excited for you xx make sure you update us on how it's all going! GL and lots of :dust: xx
Does anyone here know if vitamin B complex brings your ovulation forward (brought mine forward 3 days) and then you start taking the soy, will your ovulation come forward even more?:wacko:

Anyone tried it in that succession?

Im due to ovulate in a few days and will wait then to see if I have spotting again on B.vit. Soy is the next step for start of next cycle but dont know if good idea staying on b.vit if soy is going to take ovulation forward anymore.

What do you guys think?

Oh I don't know about that... I took both the B Vits and the Soy so maybe that's why I had such a big leap forward in O? Or maybe my late O was due to the implanon that I just had out that cycle. :shrug:

But if you take the later dose of soy (3-7 or 5-9) you're going to get a mature egg so no worry about ovulating an egg that's not ready. As both soy (well the later dosage) and B vits work to help egg quality in different ways (and therefore a healthy LP) I don't think ovulating too early will be an issue. If it makes you ovulate before CD10, then this might be a problem.
Awww sweetie its good to rant sometimes and can understand how you feel if everyone around you especially your friends are either pregnant or had another little one, you wouldnt be human if it didnt upset you, but you will have another LO and fx you get your BFP before Christmas ( ive made it my mission to get mine by then) Just trying to keep PMA going which at times is hard.

Big :hug:

Forgot to ask do you use OPKs? only asking because whilst taking Soy it may or may not bring your ovulation day forward a few days...

Yes, I've actually just ordered another load of those cheapie 'First Step' OPKs, so I can test like mad and not miss my surge. Thanks for your comments. Lets hope we both get the best Christmas present of all! :dust: I've never wanted so desperately to miss out on a festive tipple!
Thanks, Roopachoo. :hugs: Yes, I'm looking forward to the twinging, but looking forward to :bfp: more! Think I was already 'pinging' a little with the B-vits, but obviously not enough. I ovulated about day 23 last cycle (the latest ever), probably due to the chemical pregnancy, so no wonder my over-mature egg didn't do anything. Better luck this time.

They didn't have any of the Tesco soya this morning (must have been a run on them :wacko:), so have got something called 'Ymea' instead which has 50mg per tablet (plus Evening Primrose, vit B, calcium and iodine). The packet says it is for menopause and slimming??? :shrug: I hope that these 'extras' will be ok in combination with the soya and B-vits. Will start tonight with 100mg for 3 days and then maybe 150mg for last 2 days. Is it true that you shouldn't take Agnus Castus alongside Soya?

:dust: to you all. Good luck Gillawaiting - I notice you're popping B-vits and Soya like me for a real boost.

Thanks, Roopachoo. :hugs: Yes, I'm looking forward to the twinging, but looking forward to :bfp: more! Think I was already 'pinging' a little with the B-vits, but obviously not enough. I ovulated about day 23 last cycle (the latest ever), probably due to the chemical pregnancy, so no wonder my over-mature egg didn't do anything. Better luck this time.

They didn't have any of the Tesco soya this morning (must have been a run on them :wacko:), so have got something called 'Ymea' instead which has 50mg per tablet (plus Evening Primrose, vit B, calcium and iodine). The packet says it is for menopause and slimming??? :shrug: I hope that these 'extras' will be ok in combination with the soya and B-vits. Will start tonight with 100mg for 3 days and then maybe 150mg for last 2 days. Is it true that you shouldn't take Agnus Castus alongside Soya?

:dust: to you all. Good luck Gillawaiting - I notice you're popping B-vits and Soya like me for a real boost.



Minky just checked the Ymea content on their webpage as had a feeling that it may not be 50mg 'pure' isoflavone content.

So 50mg provides = Ymea provides 17.2mg of natural isoflavones per capsule (from website). A lot of girls had this same issue earlier on in the thread, so you'll have to pop 6 capsules to get 103.2mg. Don't worry about the extra added ingredients- EPO is fine before O.

Only the big Tescos stock the soy- my small local one didn't carry it.

Good luck!

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