Soy Isoflavones??

Hey girls. I hope you all dont mind me joining in this thread. I have been reading through this thread the past few days and also been doing some research on soy and have decided to take it myself. I haven't o'd properly since august last year and i am hoping the soy will kick atart it . My cycles have been very messed up for years since coming off the mini pill which i had to stop after a month of taking them because i was in so much pain that i couldnt even tense my stomach at all so i had to get help to lie down and get back up again. There was no reason from the docs as to why this happened and since then it has always haunted me but i never thought anthing of it as i never wanted kids atthe time. But now i am with the best fiance in the world and we are wanting to start a family. We have been trying now for 10months and still nothing.
Please excuse thw typos and spellin mistakes. Its very hard to type on the mobile lol.
So how is everyonegetting on with their soy and o's??

Welcome! I took soy to help me ovulate as well. I have cycles ranging anywhere from 40-65 days for the most part (with a few odd cycles of up to 90 days very rarely). I know I have anovulatory cycles, so I am hoping the soy will help. My last 2 cycles were 55 and 64 days. I'm on CD19 now and am really hoping I ovulate soon. I haven't had an indication that I've ovulated as my temps have been really wacky. Fertility friend is showing that I possibly ovulated on CD12/13, and I had an almost +OPK on CD12, but I'm not so sure. The last time I did ovulate, my ovacue monitor showed that and it hasn't shown anything yet so I'm really not sure if the soy is helping.

I really hope it does and I hope it works for you. What dose do you plan on taking?

Hopefully the soy helps bring ur o forward and make ur cycles shorter. As with anything it can take bout 3 months to feel the full effects. But i will keep my fingers crossed for you :) so dont despair missus.

I got the tescos ones which is 40mg according to the box so im gonna take 120mg first couple o days and put it up to 160mg an jus see how it goes. My periods are so light and short and only last 2 days and i get no twinges or anything mid cycle to indicate o. Its frustrating.
Month 1 was a bust on soy. But it did lengthen my LP to 11 days. Much better than 8. I'll take it.

This month I'm going to do 150mg days 3-7. I also asked my MW for my official RE referral. She said whenever I was ready to ask, so I'm ready! Let's get this over with!
I took my last dose of soy tonight at 200mg! I had some major indigestion and bloatation...and now I'm feeling a little excited nervousness!!!!

I'm preparing a Diakon radish leaf hip bath - my girlfriend is into macrobiotics and she says it will cleanse and strengthen my reproductive organs...we'll see how it goes!
I have also been taking EPO this cycle - but have had the heaviest and longest AF this last week :wacko:

Good luck to everyone!
I usually ovulate on cd17 and I am on cd19 and just NOW getting a positive OPK. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow but do not think I will be using soy again unless I am not pregnant in say, 6 months or so.
Hi guys hope you are all doing well.

Like anything soy will work brilliantly for some and not so much for othrrs and ot may take a few cycles.

Fx soy works for you and whether it does or not I know we will all get our bfps.soon. Just hang in
Hey girls. I hope you all dont mind me joining in this thread. I have been reading through this thread the past few days and also been doing some research on soy and have decided to take it myself. I haven't o'd properly since august last year and i am hoping the soy will kick atart it . My cycles have been very messed up for years since coming off the mini pill which i had to stop after a month of taking them because i was in so much pain that i couldnt even tense my stomach at all so i had to get help to lie down and get back up again. There was no reason from the docs as to why this happened and since then it has always haunted me but i never thought anthing of it as i never wanted kids atthe time. But now i am with the best fiance in the world and we are wanting to start a family. We have been trying now for 10months and still nothing.
Please excuse thw typos and spellin mistakes. Its very hard to type on the mobile lol.
So how is everyonegetting on with their soy and o's??

Welcome! I took soy to help me ovulate as well. I have cycles ranging anywhere from 40-65 days for the most part (with a few odd cycles of up to 90 days very rarely). I know I have anovulatory cycles, so I am hoping the soy will help. My last 2 cycles were 55 and 64 days. I'm on CD19 now and am really hoping I ovulate soon. I haven't had an indication that I've ovulated as my temps have been really wacky. Fertility friend is showing that I possibly ovulated on CD12/13, and I had an almost +OPK on CD12, but I'm not so sure. The last time I did ovulate, my ovacue monitor showed that and it hasn't shown anything yet so I'm really not sure if the soy is helping.

I really hope it does and I hope it works for you. What dose do you plan on taking?

Hopefully the soy helps bring ur o forward and make ur cycles shorter. As with anything it can take bout 3 months to feel the full effects. But i will keep my fingers crossed for you :) so dont despair missus.

I got the tescos ones which is 40mg according to the box so im gonna take 120mg first couple o days and put it up to 160mg an jus see how it goes. My periods are so light and short and only last 2 days and i get no twinges or anything mid cycle to indicate o. Its frustrating.

Yeah. I was hoping it would shorten my cycle and I do still have a chance for that if I ovulate soon. Hopefully it won't take too many cycles for it to work. I wanted to try it for a few months before breaking down and going with Clomid.
I'm on CD20 and haven't gotten a + OPK yet and my temps have been kinda wacky so it's hard to tell what's going on there. Today I had some twinges on both sides of my abdomen and some mild cramping on and off. Hopefully that is a good sign that ovulation is coming up.
Hi Kerrbear hows it going, have you o'ed yet?

Woke up said a prayer and feeling super positive today.

Its cd36 (my usual cycle length without soy is cd35) 19/20dpo, bfn and no af.

I have made an appointment with my GP for friday so if af doesn't show by then might ask them to prescribe something to give it a jump start.

I haven't had any indication that I've ovulated yet. My temps have been all over the place, but I haven't been sleeping as good lately. My ovacue monitor hasn't shown any sign of ovulation coming yet and OPKs are still negative. I'm CD19 today. With cycles as long as mine (55-65 days), I don't even know when to expect it. I've used up most of my cheap OPKs so I think I'm just going to go with the monitor for now since it predictions changes in saliva and CM to give you up to 5 days notice of when ovulation may occur. Once it says I'm in the "fertile window" I will use some CB digital OPKs to see if both show the same thing.

We've been BDing every other day just in case though!

Sounds like a good plan Kerrbear. Sorry about the long cycles, I csn relate...its annoying cos you just don't as many chances to try but you only need one to succeed riggt.

I remeber when before marriage when I was ttc, I was very care free about have longer than average cycles cos it meant more af free days and back then that was ace (I get painful af first day or two). Since ttc af and I have an even more complicated relationship...happy to see her sooner cos I get another chance to try but dread her coming cos it means it didn't work that cycle and

Are you checking your cm for signs of o? Hows that looking. Heard green tea is good as is pineapple (fresh not concentrate), epo and grapefruit juice.

You know I said earlier that I was going to use baby aspirin...only took it for one day and chickened out...didn't want to tamper with what I don't know too much about.
I've been checking CM on and off. So far it's gotten a little stretchy about a week ago but not very stretchy. My temps are crazy though. I don't know what to think about them. I'm just hoping I actually do ovulate and not that this is yet another anovulatory cycle.
I've been checking CM on and off. So far it's gotten a little stretchy about a week ago but not very stretchy. My temps are crazy though. I don't know what to think about them. I'm just hoping I actually do ovulate and not that this is yet another anovulatory cycle.

It sounds like you are getting readyto ovulate!!! Fingers and toes crossed for you. The temps could just be te change with soy or something. I wouldny worry about it just yet. Positive thoughts this month :) thats been my saying hhe :) i just took my first dose of soy last night. Decided to go with 120mg and then ill raise it to 160mg i think for the last day or so.what dose are u on kerrbear? I dont think i saw.

Babydust to all of us! Xx
Sorry to those who are still waiting for O, must be so frustrating! Hope you get your surges soon x

I have no idea what's happening with me... 4DPO and my temp plummeted below the coverline this morning! Hoping just a estrogen surge and it rises tomorrow, if not then i've got a screwed up cycle this time lol

I really don't like this out of control feeling!

xx far, nothing. I'm feeling fine, but I have decided this cycle not to listen to symptoms and focus on the wedding. far, nothing. I'm feeling fine, but I have decided this cycle not to listen to symptoms and focus on the wedding.

What a great way to take your mind off the TWW :) Hope you have a lovely day x
I hope so.
Plus, I'm not sure when I O because it seem to have been positive Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But Sunday, it was even darker. Oh well, I'll just wait for AF to show up. far, nothing. I'm feeling fine, but I have decided this cycle not to listen to symptoms and focus on the wedding.

I think this is a great idea! I am doing the same thing. I am not going to think about symptoms at all and just relax this month. Not sure if I hit my ovulation correctly anyway. Have fun and congrats on the wedding! Enjoy your wedding day!
I decided to not take soy this cycle since we are going to an RE soon. I'm actually not going to take anything, including the progesterone. Basically I'm out before I even get started. I thought the RE might want to see temps from a natural cycle. It's only 24/25 days, so it's not like I have a long cycle that I'm waiting through.
Right that's it i'm going to have to ring the doctor tomorrow... i'm bleeding again :( I've been bleeding since O it lessened but is back tonight, the cramps and achy have never gone away and something isn't right... i just now it :(
Right that's it i'm going to have to ring the doctor tomorrow... i'm bleeding again :( I've been bleeding since O it lessened but is back tonight, the cramps and achy have never gone away and something isn't right... i just now it :(

Im sorry to hear about that missus. I hope ur ok. Please let us know what is wrong. All my best wishes to you huni

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