Soy Isoflavones??

Congratulations Nikki - LUCKY!!!!

I'm CD15 and no real sign of O. I was hoping Soy would do a miracle job and give me a normal O, but now any O will do. My ovaries have been pretty crampy and twingy so I can't rely on any feeling right now.

I have been temping since March 2011 - holy wow that's a long time of waking up early to stick a stick in my mouth :wacko: anyway - I started taking a Daikon hip bath at night before bed and I had a few normal-ish/raised temps are normally very low throughout my whole cycle...but now they've dropped again :nope: so annoying!!!!
9 doo today. Still far.

You still have plenty of time to test + this cycle. When do you plan to test again?

haha tomorrow :blush:

I can't help it! sometimes i am so bad i will test in the evening too! as long as AF isn't here i have hope and hey....ya never know which test is gonna come back positive :)

I am so addicted. :haha:

I have to take a 3000 mile flight to see my mom on the the 30th which i think is 12 dpo for me. I hope i find out before my trip that I am Preggo! that way i can tell my husband, who is not going with me before i leave...cause i wont be able to hold it in for a week while i am gone! ugh. and my mom just had lung surgery (cancer) :cry: so this owuld be something that would totally bring her spirits up during her recovery. fingers crossed so freakin tight!

Well good luck with your tests and hopefully you get a BFP before visiting your mom!
Thanks for the support Mrs.B and kerrbear!

I am just frustrated because I really hoped Soy would have helped me ovulate sooner...I didn't think I'd be one of those ones who'd have it pushed back!!

Mrs. B - my doses were the following:

CD2 - 80mg
CD3 - 120mg
CD4 - 120mg
CD5 - 160mg
CD6 - 200mg

kerrbear - you're making me realize that I should have at least some positivity right now because I have been temping every day since the start of the year. Whether soy helps me in the end or not, I will at least know when/if I have ovulated. Keep temping because it will help you if you ever get in the situation I'm in right now.

For those contemplating soy - just be cautious that it could very well bump your ovulation backward, even if you already have long cycles like I do. I normally ovulate at CD21/22 and I'm up to CD27 with nothing. So just be cautious and be willing to take that risk.

On a happier note...EWCM is making a comeback for me and I *thought* I've noticed some twinges in my left side ovary area. We'll see....I've used all but one of my OPK tests (I had 30 to start with this month!).

Thanks! I really don't know what to think. I had a temp dip 3 days ago (I think, lol) and it didn't go up a whole lot yet. I still have EWCM which would make it 7 days that I've seen it. It got mostly clear after the 2nd day. I just hope we are BDing enough because we haven't be able to the past 2 days and were kinda thinking I would ovulate when I say the lower temp. I'm so confused. I'll post my chart here that maybe you ladies can take a look for me?
My Ovulation Chart
Thanks for the support Mrs.B and kerrbear!

I am just frustrated because I really hoped Soy would have helped me ovulate sooner...I didn't think I'd be one of those ones who'd have it pushed back!!

Mrs. B - my doses were the following:

CD2 - 80mg
CD3 - 120mg
CD4 - 120mg
CD5 - 160mg
CD6 - 200mg

kerrbear - you're making me realize that I should have at least some positivity right now because I have been temping every day since the start of the year. Whether soy helps me in the end or not, I will at least know when/if I have ovulated. Keep temping because it will help you if you ever get in the situation I'm in right now.

For those contemplating soy - just be cautious that it could very well bump your ovulation backward, even if you already have long cycles like I do. I normally ovulate at CD21/22 and I'm up to CD27 with nothing. So just be cautious and be willing to take that risk.

On a happier note...EWCM is making a comeback for me and I *thought* I've noticed some twinges in my left side ovary area. We'll see....I've used all but one of my OPK tests (I had 30 to start with this month!).

FX you O soon! I normally O CD22-25 and it feels like such a long wait to O! GL hun
Af arrived for me this morning, no surprise really with all the complications SI caused for me :dohh:

Good luck to those still in xx
Thanks for the support Mrs.B and kerrbear!

I am just frustrated because I really hoped Soy would have helped me ovulate sooner...I didn't think I'd be one of those ones who'd have it pushed back!!

Mrs. B - my doses were the following:

CD2 - 80mg
CD3 - 120mg
CD4 - 120mg
CD5 - 160mg
CD6 - 200mg

kerrbear - you're making me realize that I should have at least some positivity right now because I have been temping every day since the start of the year. Whether soy helps me in the end or not, I will at least know when/if I have ovulated. Keep temping because it will help you if you ever get in the situation I'm in right now.

For those contemplating soy - just be cautious that it could very well bump your ovulation backward, even if you already have long cycles like I do. I normally ovulate at CD21/22 and I'm up to CD27 with nothing. So just be cautious and be willing to take that risk.

On a happier note...EWCM is making a comeback for me and I *thought* I've noticed some twinges in my left side ovary area. We'll see....I've used all but one of my OPK tests (I had 30 to start with this month!).

Thanks! I really don't know what to think. I had a temp dip 3 days ago (I think, lol) and it didn't go up a whole lot yet. I still have EWCM which would make it 7 days that I've seen it. It got mostly clear after the 2nd day. I just hope we are BDing enough because we haven't be able to the past 2 days and were kinda thinking I would ovulate when I say the lower temp. I'm so confused. I'll post my chart here that maybe you ladies can take a look for me?
My Ovulation Chart

Your pattern sounds very similar to mine. I've had nothing but low low temps and then a few times it has dipped extremely low (lower than I've ever seen) I think it's just our bodies way of gearing up for O. If the temp dips are accompanied by EWCM then I think you have a good chance that O will be coming soon.

As an update....I do believe I O'd last night. I'd been having twinges all day yesterday like I wrote on here and EWCM lasted all day. It normally dries up by the afternoon. So I got home and took my last OPK...and it was much darker than all my previous ones.

Woke up this morning and my temp was 97.3 F. Yesterday morning it was 96.8 (lowest ever!). So I'm thinking I may have O'd yesterday and we were able to BD last night.
Thanks for the support Mrs.B and kerrbear!

I am just frustrated because I really hoped Soy would have helped me ovulate sooner...I didn't think I'd be one of those ones who'd have it pushed back!!

Mrs. B - my doses were the following:

CD2 - 80mg
CD3 - 120mg
CD4 - 120mg
CD5 - 160mg
CD6 - 200mg

kerrbear - you're making me realize that I should have at least some positivity right now because I have been temping every day since the start of the year. Whether soy helps me in the end or not, I will at least know when/if I have ovulated. Keep temping because it will help you if you ever get in the situation I'm in right now.

For those contemplating soy - just be cautious that it could very well bump your ovulation backward, even if you already have long cycles like I do. I normally ovulate at CD21/22 and I'm up to CD27 with nothing. So just be cautious and be willing to take that risk.

On a happier note...EWCM is making a comeback for me and I *thought* I've noticed some twinges in my left side ovary area. We'll see....I've used all but one of my OPK tests (I had 30 to start with this month!).

FX you O soon! I normally O CD22-25 and it feels like such a long wait to O! GL hun

IT IS a long wait! In the time that many people complete their entire cycle, we're waiting just to ovulate!! It's so annoying!
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Soy! I have not stopped bleeding since CD9 :cry:
What is going on????????????????????
Thanks for the support Mrs.B and kerrbear!

I am just frustrated because I really hoped Soy would have helped me ovulate sooner...I didn't think I'd be one of those ones who'd have it pushed back!!

Mrs. B - my doses were the following:

CD2 - 80mg
CD3 - 120mg
CD4 - 120mg
CD5 - 160mg
CD6 - 200mg

kerrbear - you're making me realize that I should have at least some positivity right now because I have been temping every day since the start of the year. Whether soy helps me in the end or not, I will at least know when/if I have ovulated. Keep temping because it will help you if you ever get in the situation I'm in right now.

For those contemplating soy - just be cautious that it could very well bump your ovulation backward, even if you already have long cycles like I do. I normally ovulate at CD21/22 and I'm up to CD27 with nothing. So just be cautious and be willing to take that risk.

On a happier note...EWCM is making a comeback for me and I *thought* I've noticed some twinges in my left side ovary area. We'll see....I've used all but one of my OPK tests (I had 30 to start with this month!).

Thanks! I really don't know what to think. I had a temp dip 3 days ago (I think, lol) and it didn't go up a whole lot yet. I still have EWCM which would make it 7 days that I've seen it. It got mostly clear after the 2nd day. I just hope we are BDing enough because we haven't be able to the past 2 days and were kinda thinking I would ovulate when I say the lower temp. I'm so confused. I'll post my chart here that maybe you ladies can take a look for me?
My Ovulation Chart

Your pattern sounds very similar to mine. I've had nothing but low low temps and then a few times it has dipped extremely low (lower than I've ever seen) I think it's just our bodies way of gearing up for O. If the temp dips are accompanied by EWCM then I think you have a good chance that O will be coming soon.

As an update....I do believe I O'd last night. I'd been having twinges all day yesterday like I wrote on here and EWCM lasted all day. It normally dries up by the afternoon. So I got home and took my last OPK...and it was much darker than all my previous ones.

Woke up this morning and my temp was 97.3 F. Yesterday morning it was 96.8 (lowest ever!). So I'm thinking I may have O'd yesterday and we were able to BD last night.

If I still have EWCM today, then this will be day 8 of it. My temp today is a little lower again, 97.0. Will be BDing shortly before I go to work. I don't know what to think. I'm so frustrated with my body and I'm thinking I may be calling and asking my doctor for Clomid for my next cycle plus trying to lose weight. I wish I could have regular cycles and ovulate regularly. :(
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Soy! I have not stopped bleeding since CD9 :cry:
What is going on????????????????????

Sorry hun, my body reacted the same way to Soy :cry: My Dr said it was like a withdrawal bleed when coming off BCP, I bled for 5 days after O and spotted the rest of my LP except for 2 days... and AF arrived this morning x
Sorry Floatingbaby, I hope the bleeding stops soon. Sounds like Soy maybe isn't for you :(
floatingbaby - so sorry you're having issues :-/ I can't even imagine how it must feel to be bleeding for no reason...I hope it gets better!

kerrbear - I don't know what's up with ewcm lasting so long like that. My best advice is to just to keep temping and see how it progresses I guess. If it does keep lasting for a while then the doctor might be a good resource for help.
floatingbaby - so sorry you're having issues :-/ I can't even imagine how it must feel to be bleeding for no reason...I hope it gets better!

kerrbear - I don't know what's up with ewcm lasting so long like that. My best advice is to just to keep temping and see how it progresses I guess. If it does keep lasting for a while then the doctor might be a good resource for help.

The only thing I can think of is if it's staying because I'm trying to ovulate. I first had EWCM (that was more white than clear) on CD21, temp dip CD25, now a temp dip again for CD28. Could it be that my body tried to ovulate on CD25, wasn't successful and is trying again 3 days later? I'm having this right lower back/lower abdomen pain on and off today.
Shells- What do you plan on doing this cycle?

We've had an opportunity of a lifetime come up for the business we set up about 6 months ago, we only ever thought it would be a pipe dream to break into Europe, but in the last week it has come to fruition! So we have made a decision that we're not TTC for 6/7 months. It's not been an easy decision, but i can't be part of this amazing chance, that could make dreams come true for DH, if i have a very young baby ( which if i managed to conceive from next cycle i would have) I can still do it if i have a bump, so we're taking a 6/7 month break and will be back trying February 2013...

Good luck everyone, i'll still be checking to see how people are getting on xx
I have a lot of OPK left and I decided last night to use one. The second line was clearly there.
I did another this morning and again there was a second line. They were not has dark as the control line, just a little lighter than the control one.
So I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Blah! Now, I'm just going to wait until Sunday or Monday to test.
Sorry to hear Shell...we'll be sad to see you go. Make sure you pop in to say hi.
Keep in touch shell! Look forward to having you return next year!

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