Sperm Meets Egg Plan - Anyone joining me?


Certain- ANY CM clear and colourless or watery is good (i think , only because that's how I timed BD :)) ...whitish is not fertile...i dont think any of us gets EWCM, guess thats only for mr google :haha:[/QUOTE]

Thats good, although Im confused why I havent had a pos opk if i am fertile/ovu...oh well will stick with the every other day for now and see how it goes. Hopefully it will be enough.
Hi CertainTurton!

Thanks for that, I have got some clearblue smileys so will be using those as well, just have a load of IC opk's and not really sure when I should be using those to test. And only really wanted to use the smiley ones to confirm my suspicians from the ic's! Good to know that you have used yours in the morning without any trouble!

Don't worry about the line getting faint... I've read up quite a bit recently (all I seem to be doing!) that some women can get lines that fluctuate between darker and faint until they finally get their actual positive OPK and the surge. So I don't think you've missed O, and your surge is yet to come! :D
Hey guys tried with fmu and still BFN (IC again supposed to be ultra sensitive and measure 10 of hcg)- Feeling like crap if i am honest. Just phoned hubby who went ' you'll never guess who is pregnant now?' Not what i needed to hear - especially as i would have liked to answer him with "ME!!" One of our friends is now pregnant for the 3rd time and only be married 2 years. This is her thrid unplanned and will now have 3 under 4! His cousin also had a baby this week. I am happy for them all dont get me wrong- but feel crap because it is happening for everyone around me whetehter they want it or not and for me nothing!. Still having cramps but really feel like AF stirings now and cm seems to be drying up. Am worried now about if i Ovulated late that i didn't bed enough as I had positive OPK on the Tuesday 24th. I bedded on the Wednesday and thursday, sat and monday. havnt marked any others on calender as thought I was in the tww! I stopped taking OPK when it was still pos on the Friday. I can therefore be anything from 16 DPO to less. So confused. Have bought some different HPT to try and see if makes a difference tomorrow.

Sorry for rant girls and downer just bad timing that i got the phone call as I had started writing this post so needed to vent!!!

Glad to hear bedding is going well for everyone else.
Certain very impressed with your and DH commitment to the SMEP plan!
Oh hopingitwill, I really feel for you. What a horrible situation you are in. Might be best to assume Af is on way and focus on the next cycle and u might get a nice surprise. Finding out about others Pregnancies in the tww is hellish isn't it?! Sounds like you'redoing well tho hon.

Afm: softcups and cbfm pee sticks waiting at the post office. Worked late and had to cancel hairdressers and missed the postoffice. Gutted. Going to have to do some clever time juggling tomorrow to be able to pick them up! Looking forward to bding.

We are heading into cylce 10 When is everyone planning on seeing their doctors? Want to go in July, august will be 12 months but we're on holiday so won't have time.
Hey guys tried with fmu and still BFN (IC again supposed to be ultra sensitive and measure 10 of hcg)- Feeling like crap if i am honest. Just phoned hubby who went ' you'll never guess who is pregnant now?' Not what i needed to hear - especially as i would have liked to answer him with "ME!!" One of our friends is now pregnant for the 3rd time and only be married 2 years. This is her thrid unplanned and will now have 3 under 4! His cousin also had a baby this week. I am happy for them all dont get me wrong- but feel crap because it is happening for everyone around me whetehter they want it or not and for me nothing!. Still having cramps but really feel like AF stirings now and cm seems to be drying up. Am worried now about if i Ovulated late that i didn't bed enough as I had positive OPK on the Tuesday 24th. I bedded on the Wednesday and thursday, sat and monday. havnt marked any others on calender as thought I was in the tww! I stopped taking OPK when it was still pos on the Friday. I can therefore be anything from 16 DPO to less. So confused. Have bought some different HPT to try and see if makes a difference tomorrow.

Sorry for rant girls and downer just bad timing that i got the phone call as I had started writing this post so needed to vent!!!

Glad to hear bedding is going well for everyone else.
Certain very impressed with your and DH commitment to the SMEP plan!

i am so sorry for the BFN...i think we have all had that feeling when everyone around you gets pg..my brother and sister inlaw just had their second and i keep hearing "when is it your turn, are you going to have kids, is anything wrong?" it drives me crazzyyy...i only told a select few what is going on cause i dont need the extra aggrevation of everyone asking questions...but everything happens for a reason and one month it will be our turn for the BFP...sometimes we need to rant and vent...that is why we are all here...:hugs::hugs: keep your head up...it will happen!!!
Sorry to hear your still getting a nasty bfn hopingitwill, this is exactly where I was last cycle. It is so frustrating, one minute I was feeling like it could mean a bfp, but then I'd get a bfn and be feeling down again. I really hope you've just got a shy bfp and it will show itself soon!! But in the mean time all you can try and do is focus on staying positive! :hugs: :hugs: It will happen!! It really does help being able to rant and get things off your chest here though, so keep giving it to us, that's what we're here for! :flower:

MrsFX - happy bd'ing :D I had been trying not to think about when I might go to Docs but as the months keep going by I was thinking about a first visit after 6 months. Just to keep the doctor updated really and see what they recommend etc. I know 6 months isn't that long compared to others but I'm just one of those thatd rather go and get the ball rolling as soon as poss. I also worry.... a lot.... So for me, that's when I'm gonna head down!
Thanks smiley. That's reassuring. I will definately go in July then. I worry about going to the gp. I feel like im wasting their time! I would worry about going even if my leg was falling off!! Even tho I work for the NHS!
I looked at the NICE guidelines and they say 12 months but I can't wait that long. I'm hoping we won't have to go tho. My friend went, her and her DH had tests, all came back well and next month they were pregnant.
:spermy::spermy:Thanks for support girls, feeling a bit better now - Timing was just really bad earlier, had just done the test and got BFN when OH called and told us about friends! Been researchin how late BFP's can show to try and put me in a more positive frame of mind! Am going to try a different cheapy brand tomorrow and poss phone doctor see if can get a blood test done - However unlike KBKB mine our crap and will most prob say have to go to hospital and draw blood on Monday. Might see if anywhere else i can get it done.

Mrs FX - I would def make an appointment (not because i think there is anything wrong) but more to get a ball rolling and put your mind at rest.I am planning on going in a couple of months if nothing happens. Also heard of LA now stopping getting help on NHS as part of the cuts. Luckily mine havn't yet but some areas are fully stopping because they don't think it is a priority service! bet the people making the decisions are men who have not had to sit through the TWW every month!!!!

Anyway goging to try and get positive again - am fully prepared for next cycle if AF does show. CBFM - check, OPK-check, smileys- on way, - HPT check and BBT thermometer check. No just need the:spermy::spermy: to come and meet my eggy if they havn't already, hopefully tomorrow when i test...... again!!!

Those of you about to test -GL and FX!!!!
For those in your cycle - :dust::dust: and happy :sex:!!!!
For our :bfp: friends KBKB and sprouty (sorry if I have missed anyone out!)
So I was just doing this...didn't know that it was an actual method. LoL. We've been BD'ing since my AF has been gone!! Put me next to those BFP maybe it'll rub off this cycle!! Don't know when I'm going to O because my cycles have been so wacky but I'm seeing the doc on the 21st!

I'm now taking b6 and b12 to lengthen LP and thinking about soy or agnus castus or raspberry leaves if my doc doesn't give me anything. Got a CBEFM for next cycle if this one isn't a BFP...hopefully it doesn't take 2 to 2 1/2 months this time! Only one real AF in 6 months!
Hopingitwill, have you checked out www.countdowntopregnancy.com? I LOVE that site. You can see how many women get a positive HPT X dpo. You can also put in your ov date and it will personalize it for you based on cycle length, etc. You can research by brand of test, blah blah. I love it. I've likely spent hours on the site just in the past week. I love that it uses the test results of only pregant women. Anyway...I'm done selling the site.:haha:

AF started today. Bummer. I'm out for this cycle. Back to day 1. I wasn't expecting much, considering it's our first month trying. I turn 35 in September, however, and was really hoping to be well into my pregnancy before I hit the "advanced maternal age" barrier. By reading everything it seems my eggs will magically dry up come my 35th birthday! Not really, but they sure make it seem that way!

Has anyone read "Taking charge of your Fertility"? I've just read it, and started temping about a week ago. The concept is really interesting. Who knew you could tell all this stuff about yourself just by taking your temperature? My temp dropped more than a degree this AM and AF started today. Pretty cool!

One last question (sorry to ramble!)....I just got the CBFM in the mail. I need to read up on this thing! Any helpful tips ya'll can give would be awesome. I still have a bajillion IC HPK's, so I anticipate using them along with it. I used the Ovacue last month and it was frustrating. Thank goodness it was a rental and I was able to return it.

Whew that was long!

:dust: to all!
Soxfan-sorry to hear the witch arrived. I used countdowntopregnancy to record ALL my symptoms and BD days too! I love that site. It also lets you compare your own symptoms across cycles just to figure out if these are your regular AF symptoms or a nice fat BFP! I am 31, trust me i know exactly how you feel -like they want you to believe you cant have a baby at your age...keep the faith, its the 21st century and medical science has done everything to make it possible.

Hopingitwill- You sounded so low yesterday....what an awful time. :hugs: :hugs: I am truly glad you are feeling better. Get a bloodtest done, to put your mind truly at rest

MrsFX-go get that ammo!!!!
Morning Everybody!!

GdaneMom4now - Good luck for this cycle!

Hopingitwill - Glad to hear you are feeling better today :flower: Good luck if you are testing again today!!

soxfan - Sorry AF arrived, it really is crap when she shows up. :hugs: I'm going to have a look at that website you've said about, sounds interesting! I haven't read that book, but have heard people mention it before - if it's good though I might give it a read.

MrsFX - Yeh, i'm definitely one of those that would just rather go and be told to come back in a few months, than wait and be told I should have come in sooner! I wouldnt worry about going too early, I just think it's good to let them know you're situation etc then if it comes to it and you have to go back then at least they already know.

AFM - WOOHOO CD8!! So excited about finally getting to CD8 and ebing able to get the bd-ing / everything started again. Come on JUNE!!!

Oh I have to share my stupidity as well with you girls. I wear contact lenses (have done since about 13 as i'm very blind, might as well have no eyes) - This morning went to put one in, grabbed what I thought was the contact solution, rinsed the lens as usual and popped it in my eye. In seconds I was in a world of pain - hadnt squirted contact lens solution in, had used my face toner (Liz Earle to be precise) - OUCH!! So I now have a bright red swollen eye. You'd think about 12 years of using lenses would make you a pro... nope. Idiot.

Anyway, it's Friday, it's CD8, it's June, I've got vitamins + green tea coming out my ears, - positive, positive, positive. :D
Morning Everybody!!

GdaneMom4now - Good luck for this cycle!

Hopingitwill - Glad to hear you are feeling better today :flower: Good luck if you are testing again today!!

soxfan - Sorry AF arrived, it really is crap when she shows up. :hugs: I'm going to have a look at that website you've said about, sounds interesting! I haven't read that book, but have heard people mention it before - if it's good though I might give it a read.

MrsFX - Yeh, i'm definitely one of those that would just rather go and be told to come back in a few months, than wait and be told I should have come in sooner! I wouldnt worry about going too early, I just think it's good to let them know you're situation etc then if it comes to it and you have to go back then at least they already know.

AFM - WOOHOO CD8!! So excited about finally getting to CD8 and ebing able to get the bd-ing / everything started again. Come on JUNE!!!

Oh I have to share my stupidity as well with you girls. I wear contact lenses (have done since about 13 as i'm very blind, might as well have no eyes) - This morning went to put one in, grabbed what I thought was the contact solution, rinsed the lens as usual and popped it in my eye. In seconds I was in a world of pain - hadnt squirted contact lens solution in, had used my face toner (Liz Earle to be precise) - OUCH!! So I now have a bright red swollen eye. You'd think about 12 years of using lenses would make you a pro... nope. Idiot.

Anyway, it's Friday, it's CD8, it's June, I've got vitamins + green tea coming out my ears, - positive, positive, positive. :D

hahahahaa,smiley- you're funny!!! Hope your eye's OK now....
Thanks, yeh I think i'll survive. Just continue to amaze myself sometimes! (not in a good way :dohh: )

How are you kbkb? Has it all sunk in that you're preg? :D
Soxfan-sorry to hear the witch arrived. I used countdowntopregnancy to record ALL my symptoms and BD days too! I love that site. It also lets you compare your own symptoms across cycles just to figure out if these are your regular AF symptoms or a nice fat BFP! I am 31, trust me i know exactly how you feel -like they want you to believe you cant have a baby at your age...keep the faith, its the 21st century and medical science has done everything to make it possible.

Hopingitwill- You sounded so low yesterday....what an awful time. :hugs: :hugs: I am truly glad you are feeling better. Get a bloodtest done, to put your mind truly at rest

MrsFX-go get that ammo!!!!

so i just checked out countdown to pregnancy...love it but now i am paying attention to every pull, and cramp worse than before...i am only 5dpo but i have been having slight pulls/cramps (mostly on the right side) but this has happened before so i really dont know anymore...i guess i will have to wait and see......this tww is ridiculous!!!!!:wacko:
Hi everyone just thought i'd update that the :witch: got me on 8th boo hoo, oh well back for another go this month.
Hi Ladies,

Soxfan and emz1200- sorry to hear about the witch! :hugs: Heres to next month!! I'm feeling positive for us all!

Smiley - you are silly :) hope your eye is feeling better now and Im sure it wont distract you from :sex: on cd8! ;)

Ptntly wtg - oooh i hope the twinges are a good sign for you. I hate the 2ww too but hopefully you will be able to get some bfps in a few days ;)

AFM- so I'm now cd12 and in Devon at my parents house for the weekend, with out my DH! I havent had my smiley yet but the line was dark this morn so reckon it will happen tomorrow (the one day away from DH)-beep typical!! We have slightly slipped from the SMEP by DTD on cd8, cd10 and cd11 , we had to on cd11 as i was away from DH on cd12 and 13..hoping we can get one in on cd14 when i get back...FX!!
hey girls... BFN again today and No AF either! Tried with two different cheapy brands and predictor. Phoned doc to see if I could get a blood test - they were most unhelpful. I asked how long wouls have to be AF'less til they did one. They said they wouldnt do I blood test because they dont do them but to drop a FMU sample in and they would keep testing. Well what help is that? I am doing that myself!!!! Plus i have to be in work by 8.00 so cant drop it off. They said pick up some of those wee pots and then put sample in an envelope and post it through the door..... think it is time for a new doctor!
Just want to know now so can either be excited or move onto a new cycle.
Hows everyone else?
Hows are two SMEP BFP buddies?
Smiley - forgot you eye mishap made me laugh. if it had happened in the TWW we could have put it down as symptom!!!!!! Seriously, I hope it is ok!

Certain - noticed how you have updated the first page. Noticed how our two BFP are beside each other - was that just coincidence?

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