Sperm Meets Egg Plan - Anyone joining me?

Morning Everyone!

Hopingitwill Good luck at the doctors today hun :hugs: will be keeping everything crossed for you. Really hope they are helpful!

Aliciatm Good luck, hope you get the answers!

MrsFX - So you O'ed early this month? Good luck, FX you got that eggy :D How are you feeling about it? Did you do anything differently to entice O early? I would very much like this to happen to me! :D

ptntly wtg - How are you doing in the tww? Any possible symptoms? (not symptom spotting, but any jumping out at you type thing) Hope things are positive!!

Certain - Did you manage to get the last bd in? I always wonder about that one!!

steph1505 - Welcome! :flower: Nope never too late to join :D How long have you been trying? Good luck!

Hows everyone else? Anything new and exciting to report?

I have nothing new or exciting! I'm on CD13 now, still following the plan, but no sign of a +opk yet - I would really like it on time this month!!!


Hoping and Alicia---good luck..FX FX FX for you!!! at least you will get some answers
GL to all BD'ing..hopefully some more BFP's this month
Smiley....I am sure you will get your +OPK soon..I got mine on CD13 FX.....As for me....i am in a dreadful tww...this symptom spotting is horrible...so far I had vivid dreams three nights in a row...i wake up every night to use the bathroom, I have had cramps come and go pretty much since DPO 6 and i am exhausted by 2:30....who knows...i dont want to get excited cause sometimes before my period i have some of these symptoms..I am going crazzzyyyy!!!!:confused:
To all :dust::dust::dust:
Hoping and Alicia---good luck..FX FX FX for you!!! at least you will get some answers
GL to all BD'ing..hopefully some more BFP's this month
Smiley....I am sure you will get your +OPK soon..I got mine on CD13 FX.....As for me....i am in a dreadful tww...this symptom spotting is horrible...so far I had vivid dreams three nights in a row...i wake up every night to use the bathroom, I have had cramps come and go pretty much since DPO 6 and i am exhausted by 2:30....who knows...i dont want to get excited cause sometimes before my period i have some of these symptoms..I am going crazzzyyyy!!!!:confused:
To all :dust::dust::dust:

Did your opk lines build up until you got your +, or did it just suddenly get positive? Kind of hoping that it might just suddenly be + for me but not sure how likely this is!

Wow, those symptoms do sounds very promising!! What DPO are you on now? I know it's horrible in the tww and noticing everything, but sometimes some symptoms can't be ignored!! FX!!
Smiley: all I've done differently is grapefruit juice, not crazy amounts tho and exercise. OV just appeared symptom wise but my opk lines built up. I haven't had many cramps today, compared to a constant discomfort last month.
I hope you get a positive opk soon honey. Smep is the best thing to be doing while you wait. It will happen and you'll be ready!

Certain: I laughed aloud when I read your drip comment!! Good luck with the testing.
Ptltny: sounds good. I hope u don't have to wait much longer.
Hopingitwill: any news? I hope you are well.
Wow already Im loving this thread!! All u girls are lovely :D:D

Me and my OH have only been trying for 1 month! Tbh we agreed to NTNP, but when AF arrived last week and we were so dissapointed, we thought we should actively TTC! Im not really clued up on how OPK's (is that an ovulation test?) or BBT or anything...but I thought, being told to have sex every second nite...I can manage that without too much confusion!! I have some ovulation kits in the house...so if Im right, I should start doing them CD10 yes?

We have a wee boy, Brandon who will be two in August & we would loooove a little brother or sister for him ASAP!!

Wishing everyone the best of luck :D:D Im so glad to have you all here to speak to :D xxxxxx
Hey everyone.... no further forward if anything more pissed off. Really dont think it was my month and just wish i could move onto next cycle!!!

Doctor was pretty unhelpful.....
Why are you here?

DH and i have been trying for a baby and my period is 8 days late and I am getting negative test results so wanrt to know what is going on with my body as cycles have been regular to 32 days.

Only 8 days late why are you worried?

because my periods have been regular as clockwork every 32 days since got implant out.

Well we will do a test drop a sample of urine off tomorrow as the nurse isnt here now so so i can't do a test.

Have already done plenty and they are negative, can i not get a blood test?

No we will not do one. What tests are you using?

Some i got off internet.

Surely you can afford better ones!

Obviously I don't earn as much as a doctor!!!!:haha:

Well do the test. if periods havn't shown up in 3 months we will investigate.....

In meantime just relax and bed a couple of times a week every month. As soon as you relax it will happen. Most of the people i refer for fertility treatment get pregnant before they go because they relax because something is going to happen. That is all you need to do.

Well how do I know there is not a problem and thats why my period isnt showing? I have been on contraception for 15 years so i dont know what is normal for my body. I am going to be 32 and don't want to be wasting time. Also if I havnt had a period then I havent got a cyle so how is it going to happen?

Right well if nothing happens (as you are nearly 32) In the next few months I will refer you for tests.. lets check urine and take it from there!!!

Just about the jist of it....

So not very helpful!!!!

I didnt mention I was doing Smep etc.. because he was already treating me like a obsessive, demented psychopath!!! I just said I had been using OPK to check i was getting LH surge and i had and bedded around then. Couldnt belive he wouldnt do the test either is it too hard for him to dip a stick in some urine, count to ten and then check for a line, that he needs to get a nurse to do it. Came back home after did a test with the urine I had been keeping in for the last 3 hours in preparation for visit to doctors that he didnt want and got another BFN!!!!!

Sorry for rant girls..... Hope you lot are having more luck with bedding/OPK's and we get your BFP's in real soon.
PS - Welcome Steph....
I dont think I normally sound so demented.... hope I havn't scared you off thread. Normally I am quite sane and positive!!!!!!!
Hoping and Alicia---good luck..FX FX FX for you!!! at least you will get some answers
GL to all BD'ing..hopefully some more BFP's this month
Smiley....I am sure you will get your +OPK soon..I got mine on CD13 FX.....As for me....i am in a dreadful tww...this symptom spotting is horrible...so far I had vivid dreams three nights in a row...i wake up every night to use the bathroom, I have had cramps come and go pretty much since DPO 6 and i am exhausted by 2:30....who knows...i dont want to get excited cause sometimes before my period i have some of these symptoms..I am going crazzzyyyy!!!!:confused:
To all :dust::dust::dust:

Did your opk lines build up until you got your +, or did it just suddenly get positive? Kind of hoping that it might just suddenly be + for me but not sure how likely this is!

Wow, those symptoms do sounds very promising!! What DPO are you on now? I know it's horrible in the tww and noticing everything, but sometimes some symptoms can't be ignored!! FX!!

I got a faint line on CD12 but it was not darker or same as test but prior to that I wasn't getting any lines, just test line...I am on 10DPO...these symptoms are so similar to period but they are just starting so early i dont know what to think...luckily i am busy this weekend or i will go :wacko: lol....you will got your + soon...sometimes you can O later due to stress and changes in diet/exercise etc etc etc.... GL
:hugs: Hopingitwill: what an arse. GPs give the health service a bad name. There are only programmes like embarrasing bodies because GPs make people feel so bad that they don't want to bother them and then their bits fall off!! like you said why couldn't he take the test for you. :nope: I hope the nurse is lovely tomorrow.

Steph: may i suggest just sticking to SMEP for a few months before trying BBT etc? I found that with each BFN I have added something else to the things I do, which is expensive. Good idea to start OPKs (ovulation tests) at cd10 until you get a positive (test line darker than the control line). i am sure that you wont be waiting for your BFP long and can boost the BFP attributed to SMEP. I hope I haven't sounded like a bossy know it all...... I wish I was!
Hey everyone.... no further forward if anything more pissed off. Really dont think it was my month and just wish i could move onto next cycle!!!

Doctor was pretty unhelpful.....
Why are you here?

DH and i have been trying for a baby and my period is 8 days late and I am getting negative test results so wanrt to know what is going on with my body as cycles have been regular to 32 days.

Only 8 days late why are you worried?

because my periods have been regular as clockwork every 32 days since got implant out.

Well we will do a test drop a sample of urine off tomorrow as the nurse isnt here now so so i can't do a test.

Have already done plenty and they are negative, can i not get a blood test?

No we will not do one. What tests are you using?

Some i got off internet.

Surely you can afford better ones!

Obviously I don't earn as much as a doctor!!!!:haha:

Well do the test. if periods havn't shown up in 3 months we will investigate.....

In meantime just relax and bed a couple of times a week every month. As soon as you relax it will happen. Most of the people i refer for fertility treatment get pregnant before they go because they relax because something is going to happen. That is all you need to do.

Well how do I know there is not a problem and thats why my period isnt showing? I have been on contraception for 15 years so i dont know what is normal for my body. I am going to be 32 and don't want to be wasting time. Also if I havnt had a period then I havent got a cyle so how is it going to happen?

Right well if nothing happens (as you are nearly 32) In the next few months I will refer you for tests.. lets check urine and take it from there!!!

Just about the jist of it....

So not very helpful!!!!

I didnt mention I was doing Smep etc.. because he was already treating me like a obsessive, demented psychopath!!! I just said I had been using OPK to check i was getting LH surge and i had and bedded around then. Couldnt belive he wouldnt do the test either is it too hard for him to dip a stick in some urine, count to ten and then check for a line, that he needs to get a nurse to do it. Came back home after did a test with the urine I had been keeping in for the last 3 hours in preparation for visit to doctors that he didnt want and got another BFN!!!!!

Sorry for rant girls..... Hope you lot are having more luck with bedding/OPK's and we get your BFP's in real soon.

That is absolutely ridiculous...how are you supposed to relax without peace of mind. Is there another doctor you can go to that will be more helpful???? Have you tested with first urine?? they say to not do PG tests after your first urine cause it can dilute the HCG levels...:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey Ladies :hugs:
Sorry Ive been missing in action recently...I was so excited to start the new cycle when af showed up early on june 3rd...I ordered 50 IC hpts and also my first smiley opk!!I planned to follow smep properly this time around...but then something went terribly wrong :( fedex lost my package that had my smiley opks in it!!! they claimed it was delivered on friday but I was home all day waiting for them!!my hpts were delivered the day before by fedex also...
so I call them and file a claim,been talking to them everyday since friday..and finally today it was delivered...apparently he delivered it to the wrong address...3164 instead of 3146...I was suppose to start using them on day10 which was sunday...I couldnt go out and get some..so I had to suck it up and wait...
sorry for rambling :( we still followed every other day...but Im not sure if I should even start using them since Im on day 13 now...I mean if I ovulated early,I would have missed it..but should I just go ahead and test incase I may ovulate late? its my first time using the smiley opk...

hope everyone is doing good!! and congrats to everyone who has been blessed with their bfps!! happy and healthy 9 months to yall

fxed and :dust: we get more bfps!!
Igotbabyfever: have you had any signs of Ov? I would start testing because you are likely to get a positive and the tests aren't cumulative so they don't know that you haven't tested before! Good luck with it.
sooo....positive opk yesterday! Tested a few times today and its fading back out. BD monday, yesterday, tonight and we Will again tomorrow! Used conceive+ so i guess Im now in the 2ww. How are you ladies?
Igotbabyfever: have you had any signs of Ov? I would start testing because you are likely to get a positive and the tests aren't cumulative so they don't know that you haven't tested before! Good luck with it.

Thanks!!I havent had any cramping..but the past few cycles I had light cramping on day 14...so I have been assuming thats when I ovulate...I will definetly test this afternoon then! I hope I didnt miss it!! I suppose I shouldnt plan on tinkling for the next 4 hours :haha:
Hi Guys!
Congrats to all the BFP's out there! Holy cow! I'm amazed!!
Big hugs to all of you that shared your trials of late.

I've been away for the past few days. AF was in town, so I wasn't as obsessed as usual about ttc. BUT, today is CD7 and I'm ready to start SMEP again tomorrow. Last month, I found that I ovulated on CD19. It was my first month using OPK's, so I don't know if I was just late that month or if that's the norm, but with dtd every other day without a positive opk, it was trying to say the least. I haven't decided if I want to follow smep 100% by starting to BD on day 8 or give our bits a rest and start on day 13. I guess I'll decide tomorrow! ahem...I mean "we'll" decide tomorrow. It's not just me deciding, I suppose. :)
all the best to you guys. bring on the BFP's!
Hey everyone.... no further forward if anything more pissed off. Really dont think it was my month and just wish i could move onto next cycle!!!

Doctor was pretty unhelpful.....
Why are you here?

DH and i have been trying for a baby and my period is 8 days late and I am getting negative test results so wanrt to know what is going on with my body as cycles have been regular to 32 days.

Only 8 days late why are you worried?

because my periods have been regular as clockwork every 32 days since got implant out.

Well we will do a test drop a sample of urine off tomorrow as the nurse isnt here now so so i can't do a test.

Have already done plenty and they are negative, can i not get a blood test?

No we will not do one. What tests are you using?

Some i got off internet.

Surely you can afford better ones!

Obviously I don't earn as much as a doctor!!!!:haha:

Well do the test. if periods havn't shown up in 3 months we will investigate.....

In meantime just relax and bed a couple of times a week every month. As soon as you relax it will happen. Most of the people i refer for fertility treatment get pregnant before they go because they relax because something is going to happen. That is all you need to do.

Well how do I know there is not a problem and thats why my period isnt showing? I have been on contraception for 15 years so i dont know what is normal for my body. I am going to be 32 and don't want to be wasting time. Also if I havnt had a period then I havent got a cyle so how is it going to happen?

Right well if nothing happens (as you are nearly 32) In the next few months I will refer you for tests.. lets check urine and take it from there!!!

Just about the jist of it....

So not very helpful!!!!

I didnt mention I was doing Smep etc.. because he was already treating me like a obsessive, demented psychopath!!! I just said I had been using OPK to check i was getting LH surge and i had and bedded around then. Couldnt belive he wouldnt do the test either is it too hard for him to dip a stick in some urine, count to ten and then check for a line, that he needs to get a nurse to do it. Came back home after did a test with the urine I had been keeping in for the last 3 hours in preparation for visit to doctors that he didnt want and got another BFN!!!!!

Sorry for rant girls..... Hope you lot are having more luck with bedding/OPK's and we get your BFP's in real soon.

What a ROTTEN jerk!!!!! I hate these smug docs....so sorry, hon
Morning :D

Hopingitwill - What a horrible doctor!!! I'm so sorry you didn't get any help :hugs: Is it a big surgery? Can you go and see another doctor there?

steph1505 - Welcome! :flower: Good luck! I was pretty clueless about OPK's (still am really :haha:) but these ladies are all fantastic any questions just ask! But yes, start testing on CD10 (I started testing regularly on like CD8 because I cannot get enough of poas!) and wait for the positive! Then bd for 3 days in a row - and voila, baby! (Or at least that's what SMEP says) - A few of us are going to try an extended version by trying to continue to bd every other day after the +opk. Just to cover all bases... however, sometimes this might be easier said than done.

ptntly wtg - Thank you! I am hoping for a second line / smiley face to pop out of nowhere, Im really trying not to stress this month and delay Ov, but that is not so easy when ALL I can think about atm is ttc. That's good you are busy this weekend, definitely helps to have things to take your mind off the tww! Then before you know it, it will be testing time :happydance:

IGotBabyFever - I agree, I think you should def still test. Just in case you haven't Ov yet! Good luck!

Mummy2Corban - :happydance::happydance: Yay! +OPK! Oooh good luck for the tww now, when will you first test?

soxfan - It's funny how you can suddenly go from being completely obsessed with ttc, but when AF is about your not as fussed! If only I could stay as relaxed about it all the way through. According to my late AF last month I must have Ov on CD23... but prior to that my cylces have been 28 days, so we started on to bd on CD8 in the hope last month was a crazy one off. Though no sign on a +opk yet :growlmad: . . .There is going to be a lot of bd'ing this month!!

AFM - Did another OPK today (Cd14) and nope, nothing, nada!! Come on little eggy! There are some :spermy: wanting to meet you!!

Everyone else! - How are you?? :flower:

Haha, my OH is not a stupid man (in fact very intelligent) however, last night I was moaning because I haven't O yet, and he said "Well you might already be pregnant".... Oh, I think I need to explain how this works again don't I! He also proceeded to tell me that the egg lives for about a week so plenty of time to catch it. :dohh:

Anyway, this turned into a long post! Can you tell i'm at work?? :haha:

Good Morning!!

HopingItWill - grr nasty doc has made me cross! poor you, like smiley says can you maybe try a different doc? I know its naughty to say but maybe a lady doc would be more sympathetic?

Soxfan - :hi: glad to hear you have been able to forget TTC for a while, it does seem daunting starting at cd8 but its up to you :) Lots of luck for this cycle!

Smiley - hehe your OH has made me giggle! They do struggle a bit sometimes dont they? but its great he is interested as well and he sounds lovely and supportive! I really hope you get a blaringly obvious smiley face tomorrow!! :) Although it is true that some ladies have fallen preg and not had a pos opk so prob still a good idea to keep DTD.

AFM- now on 4dpo...come on 2WW hurry up :haha: I have NO symptoms what so ever!! Very strange for me, normally by this time im convinced im preg with my sore boobs/cramps/CM/moods etc so not sure if this is a good thing or not. Im certainly more relaxed anyway :) Really am getting so desperate for a bfp now.

I was wondering if any of you have heard from some of the 1st ladies on this list now? Just wondering if they have had bfps or :witch: would be good to be able to keep the list moving :)
PS - Welcome Steph....
I dont think I normally sound so demented.... hope I havn't scared you off thread. Normally I am quite sane and positive!!!!!!!

Thanks! No, no not all!!

Ur conversation with ur doctor would've frustrated the life out of me!! They really are so unhelpful sometimes!!!

Hey ladies!! Can I ask you all a question...?

What are smiley cb sticks??

The ovulation tests I have in the house are wee ones I bought off the internet before I realised just how much I would enjoy POAS!! So Im looking for a wee recommendation for some to buy?

They r quite expensive arent they?? xxxxx
Hey ladies!! Can I ask you all a question...?

What are smiley cb sticks??

The ovulation tests I have in the house are wee ones I bought off the internet before I realised just how much I would enjoy POAS!! So Im looking for a wee recommendation for some to buy?

They r quite expensive arent they?? xxxxx

Hi, yes I think they are but you can reduce the price by getting them on ebay etc. I use them but im afraid im a bit cheeky and get them free coz i take part in a research study so Im a bit biased. However i think they are great!! I used to use the internet ones too but got frustrated with not ever 'quite' knowing if it was positive, however with the clear blue digital sticks (cb) you get a smiley face which means you will ovulate within 12-36 hours so basically...get busy :haha: There is no confusion :) So I would recommend them, esp if your body isnt great at letting you know by itself with CM and cramps etc.

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