I found my post and pasted it here for you,
I started drinking a carton of grapefruit juice the week before O.
I took Oil of Eve Primose Oil until O.
I used pre-seed on all days we bd'd apart from day of O (enough EWCM)
I used my mooncup after sex (to keep the sperm in!) and lay down for like 20 minutes with my legs in the air
We always BDd at night and kept the mooncup in until the next morning.
Every time we bd'd he was on top and I was lying down (ankles on his shoulders, you lying down was recommended to be a good position
Here's when we did it this month (DBO: Days before ovulation, so counting back)
dbo7, dbo6, dbo4, dbo3, dbo1, day of ovulation
Also - i started back at the gym week before ovulation to improve my wellbeing and made a special effort not to get stressed or anxious (very hard I know!).
My 2WW symptons:
By dpo 4 I had a very high, tightly closed and firm cervix (a bit like poking your nose!). This stayed throughout the next 10 days and is still in the same position. I think this will be the more reliable indicator.
I had creamy white cm, but I don't think this is reliable indicator
I had tingling, painful nipples
I had light stomach cramps
I hope that this helps some of you to get your own BFP
lots of love GG