Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Well me and hubby bd this morning and no spotting woo hoo!

Thanks expatttc.. I have booked a private scan for next Thursday so maybe that will explain some things.

How are my pregnant ladies doing? Any symptoms? Hope your all keeping well. Xxx
dreaminhopin, whooooohooooooo!!

As for side effects, sore boobs with big nipples. If they're getting to be headlights at 5 weeks 3 days, what in the world are they going to be like in another few months??

Still having cramping every day, on and off, like AF but a bit lighter (normally), but no spotting, so that's apparently still normal.

And I'm craving cookies, homemade salt and vinegar crackers, and ginger ale. But to be honest, that's what I'm always craving :) heehee.
Dreaminghopin - glad the spotting is away. Thats how mine started this cycle, red blood right after O and my lining was apparently good enough for implantation, although given the amount of blood that i was losing i still can't believe it, so dont' give up hope! :)

Almosthere, I hope you both caught the eggy this time! Sounds like a pretty good round of BDing!:thumbup:

AFM, grandpa is in recovery now, and has a long road ahead of him. about 3 weeks in the hospital and a month in a rehab faciilty. hoping everything goes well from here, thanks for all your thoughts!:hugs:

As far as symptoms, over the weekend I was wishing for them, and now i want them to go away! I feel generally blah all the time. No taste for anything. All food sounds bad to me, but i force myself to eat anyway. I'm not sure if this is morning sickness or what, but I want it to go away! I am such a foodie and i love to eat! now I can't stand food. I'm also crampy on and off, like a mild AF, with some random pinching thrown in. I'm happy that i have symptoms because it means i'm preggo, but at the same time, ugh :sick:
chloe-glad to hear all is well with your grandfather!!

dreaminghopin-thank goodness for no spotting!!! I am hoping not to see any-I am afraid to BD in my tww bcause of the possibility of spotting!

expat-i am also always craving cookies, but this week especially! haha

afm..noticed my cervical position is still high and very watery milky colored cm. hoping this is a good sign as I think I Od 2 or 3 days ago...
My symptoms are: completely exhausted. I had to work until midnight the other night and I could NOT wake up in the morning. I'm also having intense dreams every single night. Food is meh. And food smells are the devil. My bbs are super sore and my nips are constantly "alert".
I haven't had any actual nausea, which I'll be happy if I never have that :haha:
Hiya im a newbie and wondering if anyone has any advice or words of wisdom for me... (not sure on all abbriviations so bare with me ha ha)
Heres my story...
Came off the pill (dianette) after 7 years in oct 2011 for it to get out of my system before TTC as i had been told to.
Started TTC mid november after only having withdraw bleed but couldnt wait any longer.
Had first period 22nd Dec-29th
next period was not until 17th Feb-20th however spotted from 7th Feb(spotted for 10 days) i put this down to my body getting back to normal and was hoping for a normal length cycle next month and no long spotting.
However after starting to track CM and other symptoms still none the wiser as to when i ovualte in my next cycle my next period began this month but with spotting yet again from 7th april to 16th april but period began 17-present (light)
Decided to try taking my temp's started on thursday 19th with a temp of36.3 then today 36.0 are these normal for during period.... Ive bought some digital opks but obviously due to my 57-60 day cycles pin pointing a week i think will be tricky.... any recommendations for vitamins, tips with temping and can i get preg even if i spot just after ovulation if that is when i ovulate or does it just flush the egg out.... bit lost 60 days i so long to wait.... really hoping that my cycle shortens this month but doubt it as it seems to have a definate pattern...
I went to the docs and he just wanted me to go on the pill for 3 months to try and kick start a shorter cycle... didn't think that sounded like a very gd idea to me so just gunna crack on as we are...... HELP?!?:wacko:
Chloe, fingers crossed for your grandpa hun, hope he is ok :hugs:

Dreaminghopin – so glad your spotting has gone, but very strange that you had it so early, and so heavy! Yes not long for me now! :dance:

Almosthere, hope you catch that eggy! I don’t think the FS will give you clomid at 8 months though hun as it’s still considered normal. But they really need to get your spotting checked out, especially if it’s when you BD as it suggests something physical rather than hormonal, maybe cervical erosion? :shrug:

Expat – headlights? :rofl:

Can I just say it’s great you preggo ladies are still hanging around, I think it’s a shame everyone else has left the thread. I’ve made some good friends on here and it would be a shame to lose touch! :friends:

AFM, way more EW & wet CM this month! Clomid was definitely drying me up! I’ve had little bits of EWCM every day but it’s lasted about 4 days, or maybe even 5, when normally I only get it for 1 or 2 days, 1 usually on clomid. I had quite a lot of it before. Still no +OPK but hey, I’m au natural so no surprise there! :dohh:

:wave: to everyone else

Welcome to BnB one dips!

Sorry you're a spotter, but hopefully it'll just be your body getting back to normal after the pill. It seems odd your dr has suggested going back on the pill again, when it's probably what caused your cycles to go to pot in the first place, at least, I'm surprised he's suggested it so soon. I'm sure someone on here went back on the pill for a bit, was it you Soili?

As for temping (BBT - body basal temperature)I'm not a fan and my FS (fertility specialist) believe in it, but other ladies like it and don't find it stressful whereas I did (and it was a pain waking early on a weekend) Everyone's pre and post ovulation temps are different, you really need to do it for a whole cycle to see a pattern, but my pre ovulation temps were all in the low 36's.

What I did with ovulation strips (OPK's) is bought IC's (internet cheapies) and used them, then when I got what I thought was a near positive I would use a digi. I have to say it's lovely seeing that smiley face! :D That way my big box was lasting a few months. I definitely think OPK's are a good idea for you with your wacky cycles.

GL hun (good luck) and hope you don't have to wait long :dust:
Oh and the general consenses (spelling?!) from our FS's & docs is that YES you can get pregnant when spotting :thumbup:.

And as for the vits - I'm not taking any now but have taken evening primrose oil (EPO) to improve cm (cervical mucus) - stop at ovulation, AC (Agnus castus/vitex) to shorten my cycles, pre natal vits (first used pregnacare and then swapped to Boots) Omega 3 fish oil (just cos it's good for you) vit B complex (to help with spotting but didn't) and good old folic acid which I still take! Oh and Maca to help improve my eggs..

Its nice someone else is in simular situation it seems all my freinds miss a pill one night and are accidently preg the next month Grrr lol...

That seems like alot of vitamins im just worried about taking any as i dont no when i ovulate and carnt say ive ever noticed in the past few months any clearly egg white mucus.. a lil strechy here n there or wet n creamy... thinking the one tht increases CM sounds good and the one that reduces spotting but dont wanna risk it having a negative effect if yu know what i mean... hummm..

Dr suggested going on a different pill for 3 months then coming off to see if that made them shorter sounded bonkers to me and like i was wasting time.

Hope this cycle (TWO whole months of waiting) goes quickly and i get a BFP at the end of it it seems like im forever waiting even thought its only been since novemeber but if you know what i mean with my cycles been so long its soooo annoying!!
DO you generally go with OPK's to check when you ovulate then or do you do something else... I never thought getting preganant was this difficult ha ha thought it was a case of kiss kiss bang bang and a baby is made :laugh2::laugh2:
Oh no hun I'm not suggesting these tablets, after all they did nothing for me! Though EPO lots of non TTC women take I think its pretty safe, & Maca isn't a vitamin its a food from Peru you can get in capsule form as the powder tastes rank, so I believe that is also safe. The others..well I'd never take vitex again as I think that may have made my spotting worse, unfortunately I didn't give things a chance & started it after 3 or 4 cycles. Definitely don't try anything until you've researched it hun. You are taking folic acid though aren't you??

No I tend to track it VIA my cervix position, when you're super fertile it is high soft & open, & returns to low, firm & closed after ovulation (though mine still stays quite soft until AF.) I gave up the OPKs, I'm only back on them because I've got no more clomid & wanted to see whether my cycles have returned to .pre-clomid length x
:hi: One Dips
I agree vistex didn't agree with me and made my cycle longer and more intense pms- I gave up with it

Afm - I be felt nausea and dizzy past few days and my temps indicate ovulation too !! I'm so happy to finally get another O cycle :)
one_dips, MrsP is right, I was the one who went on the pill to see if it's going to fix my cycles! I'll fill you in!

My story is different from yours. I was on the pill for 7 years too, but I did a couple of breaks and I always had a timely natural cycle when I would come of the pill. When we started TTC and I went off the pill, I had more of less regular cycles for 6 months and only THEN stopped ovulating. I have gained some weight in that time, and I think that could have made things worse. I spent a year with no ovulation, either having anovulatory bleeding (a period, but lighter, more like spotting, hens I'm in this thread :D) or having to induce AF with Provera. I when booked my first FS appointment and since I had to wait 4 months for it, I decided to have a go at a pill for 2 months (September-October last year). I did have my usual 31 day cycle in November and when as a result of my FS app. started Metformin. My cycles so far coming off the pill second time have been 31, 36, 28, 32, 28 days (hopefully getting regular). I contribute it to Metformin and weight loss. Thinking back, going back on the pill was probably unnecessary (Metformin would have done the job regardless), but I had nothing to loose and willing to try anything.

Here's my take on your situation. If coming off the pill the first time didn't give you regular cycles, then second time would be no different. And with long cycles TTC is a waist of time. If you wanna just NTNP for a while, by all means, go for it. But trying to time sex when you have no clue when and IF you ovulate is a major pain in the ass. Don't buy into the BS of having to try for a year regardless. Instead of going on the pill, talk to your doctor about 1) Starting Provera CD15-CD24 (CD1 is the first day of your period) or if you're now past CD15, then anytime for 10 days to induce a period. 2) Do a complete hormonal panel at CD3 to test for PCOS, thyroid, prolactin.

It is VERY unlikely any sort of herbal supplement or vitamin is going to fix your cycles. I've tried pretty much every single thing available on the market in the year I spent not ovulating, nothing helped.

If you don't fancy going to doctors and having bloods taken just yet, then like MrsP said, you can get cheap ovulation tests online and just make a routine of testing daily. Taking temps every morning is also an option. It doesn't help you time baby-dancing activities, but at least you'll have an idea if you're ovulating at all. is a good site to keep track of your cycles.

Speaking of Dianette, it's usually prescribed for girls with PCOS. Were you ever diagnosed? How were your cycles before going on the pill?
Think i was prescribed that as i had spots around the time of wanting the pill and dr said it deals with them too... seemed to work but now im off it my skin is horribly oily and greesy ...i think ill try opks and temping and alot of bd and if that doesnt work going to go to doctors again to b fair though dont think he has a clue about fertility ...
Is everone 100% positive that spotting wont flush an egg away....i did get alot of sharpe right side twinges last month so hopegully im ovulating but just missed the right time..

No not taking folic acidshould i be thought that was for one your preg?
Cheers ladies
No no-one can be 100% it depends on the cause of the spotting? My FS said mine is normal, though going back to him on wed & going to ask him to do more progesterone tests as I'm not convinced.

Yes you should be taking folic acid hun as it takes 3 months to get to its optimum level so if you only start when you get a BFP you won't have enough in your system. Saying that, I know plenty people who've fallen pregnant by accident so not taken it until they've found out & they've been fine but not worth the risk :flower: x
Another suggestion for you hun, to increase cm, try drinking a large glass of grapefruit juice a day, leading up to ovulation. I'm sure it helps me x
Well today ive started taking...evening primriose oil..and boots own brand preconception tablets they sem to have folic acid and b12 be honest with you saying about drinking grapefruit juice i may have just realised where i could be going wrong i am terrible for driking enoug fluids an d can easily go the full day with only drinking one cupa...thats probably not been helping so from now on gunna drink plenty of water and citrus'y juice as well as them vits and temping and using opks...was pretty sweet my fiance said to me this morning dont forget to take your temp ...least he doesnt think im bonkers doing it...and we have made a deal to bd at least every other day from today till my next af is due (mid june)...gunna be shattered so hope it works this month(well 2 months) finished friday so was only really light for 3 days...checked my cervix this morning ....and and its mega high still since b4 af and wet thought it was supposed to be dry...nvm not like my body follows any of the other rules why wud i follow that ha ha .....bring on some signs of ovulation!!!! Xxx
Nice one one-dips, just remember to stop the EPO at ovulation as it can cause uterine cramps! I much preferred Boots, less B vits in it so didn't make my pee illumious yellow! That's all my FS said to do, BD every 2-3 days. Wish it was as easy as that though lol! You definitely need to drink as much as possible, I shouldn't preach though as I don't drink much water at all. When I do I put cordial in it as I don't really enjoy it otherwise! Apparently green tea is supposed to be good for CM too - the verdict is still out on that one as I've drank it since last summer (not for TTC just cos it's good for you, less caffiene & helps detox) and not noticed any difference. Of course I've been on clomid since october which dried me right up. This month however, I've had loads of EWCM, so maybe it is helping? :shrug: I've just had a boat load of EWCM before, a really dark + OPK, and a CB digi smiley!! :dance: Am dragging DH to bed with me tonight! :haha:

Nell, is there any news with your little bean? Any more scans?

MrsHY what's happening with you?

Hi ladies just a quick update will read others threads in a bit

today i am approx5/6dpo and dtd this am-VERY light orange/pink spotting, so not too shabby (has been worse in the past)! Experience VERY bad cramps/stomach pains last night for approx 2 hours then again at midnight and woke up with them...not sure if it is SUPER early IB or a different cause....hoping all are doing well, will check back in soon!

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