Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Gobolino, thank you lovely. I think you're totally and utterly right. Part of it is hormonal but the rest is self-inflicted misery and not good for myself or anyone around me. I google far too much, and also post on TTC threads on another forum. I don't think that is very healthy as I'm surrounded by 'easy' BFPs i.e. accidental or in their first month trying. It really is making me bitter and that's not fair. Maybe I will avoid that forum for a while. You're right that here is a little more special though :) x
I like your ideas for distraction. Getting out of the house more is definitely a good one, and I'd never thought of doing a puzzle. I used to love jigsaws when I was younger, maybe I'll pick one up. It'll be nice with Christmas not too far away as that is also a good distraction. I hope you enjoy your month of hobbies and activities and DTD when you like.
I do feel better today than yesterday (when I felt like I was in a dark cloud), I think that's hormones.
My scan is 3rd Dec so still 2.5 weeks to go!

Sbmack, sorry you think you're out. Three days before AF though isn't bad at all! Is that 11DPO? I think that would give you a really good chance at implantation and maybe you now just have to wait for your lucky month x
3 days isn't bad. I just last month I was spotting 10 days before so I should be happy. Just makes me think AF is coming. I don't have any af symptoms though. Well, other than getting all emotional bc I think I'm out this month. I'm going to stop googling and only check in on a few threads too.
thanks dreaminghoping feel free to check out my 2nd tri bump pic in my journal!! =)
Gobolino, sorry about AF :hugs: I also had cycles that usually varied between 28-32 days. Hope your bfp arrives next cycle! Fingers crossed!

Yoms, sb, don't count yourselves out yet. Spotting doesn't automatically mean a bfn. I love the puzzle idea for keeping your mind occupied with something else.

Welcome, tootsie, sorry you have to deal with that nasty spotting too. This group is a place to be if you struggle with spotting, girls are very supportive.

Bubbles, congrats on your scan! Glad to hear everything sounds and looks good. Sorry about ms, hope it doesn't get too bad.

AFM, finally saw my new doc and liked her. I've been spotting for the past week and OB ordered some lab work to check if there's an infection. I don't feel any different though, so hope it's nothing serious. I haven't bought anything for the baby either, partially because I'm waiting to see what will be left to buy after the baby shower next month. Can't believe I'm an eggplant already. I think it's time for some eggplant parmesan.

Thinking of all you TTC girls and crossing my fingers you succeed soon! I know those bfns are really frustrating and depressing, but before you know it bleeding is gone and you're full of hope again. Don't give up! Taking it easy and not charting or using OPKs for a bit might be the way to go. :dust:
Hi girls,

I joined bnb and posted a few weeks back but been trying to keep my mind off things so have been staying away...

so I'm 8dpo today (af seems to come 12dpo - only been monitoring o for 2 months) and I started spotting today. Only a little but it hasn't happened this early in a few months.

Feel very hormonal today and anxious about the spotting and spent half the day in tears. My niece (who was conceived by accident!) is due to be born any day and I desperately wanted a bfp by then

I think someone made the comment a few days back about life being in limbo, that is exactly how I feel right now!

So exciting to come on this thread and see all the baby talk though, gives me hope

x x x
Aw almost how cute is your bump?! :)

How you doing Katie? Sorry to hear about your spotting! :hugs: glad you like your new doc!

Welcome back cupcake, sorry you're feeling crappy Hun :hugs2:

So I saw baby P again today & it was a good baby & let the midwife/sonographer check everything they couldn't last time :happydance: It waved at us again, very cute lol. I'll upload the pic over the weekend. DH was very tempted to find out the sex (again) but I said no! x
Thanks Katie. Glad your appt with your new doc went well and hope your spotting isn't a concern

Thanks for the dust Almost! Might save it up for next month! :)

Hi cupcake, you're always welcome here. :hugs: I completely understand the feeling emotional, sometimes all I want to do is cry - I think it's the hormones. It's definitely hard when you put a timescale on getting a bfp too as it's just added pressure even though you can't help it whether you do or don't. I'm going to try to reassess my expectations over the next few months as I can't continue to obsess like this, especially if this journey is going to take many months or years.
Have you always spotted? Are you doing anything particularly different to help you (I seem to be big on taking supplements for some unknown reason)? Your ticker says you've been trying for 10 months; are you going to see you gp after Christmas? Sorry if I've asked too many questions.

MrsP, glad you enjoyed your scan!

I'm 7DPO today and spotting has definitely stepped up a notch although feeling in a better mood generally. I'm wondering if my spotting is worse as I forgot to take my B50 vitamin this morning. I've taken one tonight though and will take another tomorrow AM so will be interesting to see if the spotting still gets worse, or if the double dose slows things down. :wacko: I'll report back I'm sure!
Mrsp -glad your scan went well.

Yoms - I started spotting a few months after the pill which I had been on for 10 years and I can't remember back then! Not doing anything to help, don't like to try things unless I'm told to by the dr, worried ill mess things up more! I saw my doctor this week about something different but she knows we are trying, told her I was starting to worry and she said she believes the average time to conceive is 7 months so I'm only slightly beyond that so I shouldn't worry and if it hasn't happened in a few months then don't worry we can start a few simple tests. She made me feel better but never heard anyone say 7 months is average before! I think your right about needing not to obsess. I need a new hobby!
Sorry you're feeling down cupcake :hugs: Really hope bfp comes your way soon. I never thought ttcing could be so stressful until I started trying and failing. I was frustrated, but I also believed that everything happens for a reason and to everything there's a season, which helped me remain somewhat patient and calm. We started trying in the beginning of the year and I was mad and frustrated at every bfn that arrived. Then in June out of nowhere I had a grand mal seizure after being seizure free for years (I have epilepsy). It happened in a small bathroom, I fell on the floor, started convulsing, hit myself against the toilet and bathtub multiple times and bit my tongue (sorry if it's tmi). When I woke up in the hospital I was bruised and sore and my first thought was, thank god I'm not pregnant because who knows what that would've done to the baby. I knew I would be ovulating a couple of days later and there was the big dilemma, do we skip this month due to my seizure or do we give it another try. After talking to my neurologist, my husband and I decided to let the nature take it's course. We wouldn't obsess over pregnancy, but wouldn't prevent it either. That happened to be the month I got my bfp. I was really glad it didn't come earlier, now I could see some positivity in all those negative pregnancy tests. Some may say it's naive and foolish to feel that way, some may say it's wishful thinking, but that's just the way I dealt with it. Everyone has got their own little ways of coping. My seizures have been under control since then and I really hope it stays that way, at least for another 3 months. Just thought I'd share it with the girls who are still trying. Sending loads of :dust: your way
Mrs P, glad to hear your scan went well. I'm kind of jealous, I would really love to get another ultrasound soon. My new doc is referring me to a perinatology clinic due to my complicated medical history and I may get another scan there, would love to see that baby face again.

Lovely bump, almost! I'm starting to feel like a blown up whale, can't bend much anymore and when I try to pick something up I look like a car jack, spread my knees to the sides and slowly lower myself to the floor. I don't think it's gonna get any easier :)
Thanks Katie. I know your right, I suffer from anxiety and stopped taking my medication to start ttc but really struggled and I'm so glad i didn't get my bfp back then as I was a mess! Doctor has since put me back on a tiny dose of meds that she says is safe in pregnancy. Also in the summer I had a seizure which is something that's happened occassionally to me and had to have tests for epilepsy, they decided it was just what happens when I faint and like you if I was pregnant than I would have worried what it would have done to the baby. Hopefully the world will run out of 'reasons' for it not to happen soon!! x
Hi Ladies,

Hope you don't mind me gate crashing!!

I've been TTC since coming off bc in April 2011. I had a mc in Sept this year at 9 wks (baby measured 7.5) after a lot of complications.

I always seemed to spot for around 4 days before AF but this is my 2nd cycle after mc and in both I've spotted for 10 days before AF vand at 4dpo (been using cbfm & OPKs).

Anyone else had anything similar?

I've started Angus castus & epo this month and intend to take epo til o day but not sure when or if to stop taking Angus castus????

Anyone had any luck wih these stopping the spotting??


Aw Katie what an amazing story! Horrible for you to go through that seizure, but like you say everything happens for a reason. I'm totally with you on that one. The only things I don't believe it for is death/illness of course, & when people can't have children full stop. I'm not quite sure what our reason was for the last 6 months of TTC, possibly our holiday to Turkey in may which I really needed, but I don't think I was 'really' ready when we first started TTC, & dh definitely needed more time :thumbup:.

Welcome jodspods, it sounds like your hormones are out of whack after your mc. Hope your spotting gets better soon. I tried AC 2 different ways - up to ovulation & all through the cycle & I'm afraid to say it made my spotting worse. I wish I'd ever touched the stuff. But everyone is different, maybe some people need it more than others, & of course everyone's spotting is caused by different things. I tried EPO too, it did wonders for my EWCM but I stopped it a few months before my BFP.

Wow, Katie, that's quite a story! Sounds like you had amazing timing with your bfp! And you are smart to wait til after the shower to buy things. Sounds like you are also having an earlyish shower, which is smart. :)

Girls in your tww who are spotting, don't count yourselves out yet!

MrsP, glad you got to see your LO again! I wish I could get another look on an ultrasound before mine is born (less than a month now!!!)

Jods, welcome! I had spotting 1-2 sucked but didn't prevent bfp. Used epo during the month I conceived only up until O. Tried AC but didn't care for it as I think it delayed O. Good luck to you!
cupcake i had NONE so please do not think you are out because of that!!!!
I'm so glad I found this thread!! Just been reading back some of your stories and heartened to see there's hope for me yet!!

CD2 and last month I stopped AF on CD4 then started my cbfm and OPKs so intend on doing the same! It's just so disheartening spotting before AF and I'm hoping it settles soon - I have to remember this is only cycle 2 after d&c!

Hoping epo and AC will help settle things! 2 of my DH work colleagues used AC after mcs earlier this yr and both are now in their 2nd trimesters!! Would love my BFP before due date in April!

Look forward to hearing how you all are!!
thanks for sharing katie. although I do not have epilepsy, I do get severe panic attacks-I had one the day I needed to go in for an important US to measure my follicles for IVF and I knew I was only days away from triggering. I was by myself and woke up feeling normal in bed, but once I sat up I was hit by this random attack! I become unconcious and pass out and fall and have no recollection of much that happened. I wake up soaked in sweat and see that things fell over in my bedroom and bathroom (i think i must have grabbed on to them to prevent falling over) IT was more scarey than my previous attacks because it happened right after getting out of bed which never happend in the past, and I was alone for the first time. I managed to call 911 and refused to go to the hospital as they say nothing will help me and to jsut breathe in a brown paper bag!! Rediculous! So anyways, I ended up making it to my appointment, while throwing up on the way (DH had left work to get me) I had never thrown up from an attack either. Long story short, I am very worried about these attacks effecting my pregnancy and I think I will tell my doctor at my 12 week apt to see what I should do, should it happen again :/ I think all the stress from IVF built up and just hit me hard that day.

And I agree, TTC is hard when it takes months and months, it is very wearing, but you can't stop doing what you enjoy-go out for drinks here and there, do something crazy fun (I road a machanical bull once whilst ttc LOL). My mind set went from ttc is ruining my life emotionally to I am going to have fun with this and do things I wont be able to when I am pregnant!! ENJOY your time, it goes by fast, and before you know it ladies, you will all have your BFPS!!! =) <3
Welcome jodspods!

Spotting is super frusterating. I stopped spotting yesterday. AF is due today. Tested yesterday and got a BFN not surprisingly. I only spotted for two days 8 and 9 pdo so I should be happy that it wasn't as bad this month.

Almost, I skimmed through your journal yesterday. So glad everything worked out for you. How were you able to get tests done before ttc for a year?

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