Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Well I have an amzing nurse practitioner and I told her how I had these horrid pains on my left ovary so bad they made me want to cry for a whole week and that I had been ttc for about 9 months already. She is so amazing and had me get an ultrasound at her office. They found I had something on my left ovary so I was sent to my OBGYN who did another scan (to make sure it was not bowl) and it was a cycst. It showed that it was smaller than the first scan and would not be a problem (fortunately it wehnt away on its own). So, I then also had my annual OB apt the same day of the US because I knew I wanted tests for infertility and so I scehduled my apt like 3 months early hahaaha. I just felt in my heart that something wasn't right. My dr. had already done tests at my 6 month mark of ttc as I insisted on going in then too-cd3 tests. At my 9month mark of ttc she said, okay, lets test your husband-gave me the "goodie bag" aka his sperm cup LOL and he did his thing. It came back very abnormal in their words, so we did a 2nd one-also abnormal. He went to a urologist a couple times, had a scrotal ultrasound, and whilst already in the processes of IVF we learned that DH had a genetic defect in his scrotum causing the sperm to not be able to come out enough and properly. This is unfixable-and IVF is most likely the only way for us to get pregnant together. sorry for the long explanation-in such a ranty mood this morning!
Almost - Thanks for your story. So happy you got your bfp in the end!
I suffer from panic attacks too with anxiety and can faint when I have them which causes a seizure. I am worried it will happen while pregnant but have told doctors this and none of them seem concerned. I have a fab doctor right now, I went back on my anxiety meds in Feb and she said she wouldn't be at all concerned about me being on them while pregnant and she has other paitiants on 4 x the dose i'm on (not what others doctors told me) but I'm very gradually reducing my dose now (with her support) as I'm feeling good and haven't had a panic attack in months!

I agree with what you say about still enjoying life while ttc. I have cut right back on drinking (not that I was a big drinker) but I have found going out and having a drink occassionally helps keep me sane!

I don't have anything, other than pre af spotting!, to indicate a problem so fingers crossed it just happens but I guess if not I know I have a great doctor who will help me through any tests we need in the new year!
Thanks for sharing Almost. I have had numerous us' whilst ttc. I had a cyst removed last March. I also had the more invasive one to test for polyps. So far so good, but it doesn't explain why it's taking so long to concieve. I've asked for bloodwork and a sa for my husband, but they keep telling me I have to wait. I really like my doctor so I am just going to listen to her and try and relax.

Cupcake, sounds like you have everything in order and a great doc. If they say not to worry, try and listen. Hard to do sometimes.

I totally agree about living life as usuall. I can't not have a glass of wine out to dinner with friends. People would think something is up if I didn't.
unfortunately you can get all the tests you want when you want, my dr. said only cd3 tests for 6 months of ttc, and even then I think she was being generous!
Did any of you ever get a medical reason for your spotting? I'm worried mines got worse since D&C.

Also, I'd had HSG carried out and could see the uterus wasn't filling properly and left tube looked blocked but then found I was pregnant anyway (hence finally miscarrying) and I'm worried there is something but I don't know yet! Dr has booked follow up for Jan and suggested lap & dye if still not conceived by then...
Mrs pttc - I found sleeping bags to be an absolute godsend it's one less thing to worry about in winter knowing they won't kick their blankets off or worse still cover their face or get tangled . Not sure about summer months as JJ was older then but am assuming I'll be using them again for jelly2.

YomsYoms :hugs: TTC can be a really tough road at times everyone deserves to rant when having a bad day :flower:

Goblino - sorry AF arrived

Katiettc - hope the spotting isn't anything serious fingers crossed

Welcome Tootsie
Chloe, just one month left, this is crazy. It feels like you were sharing the positive news not so long ago and here you are about to deliver. You're right, our shower is a bit earlyish, but we're having it in Dec because my husband's family is in Philly, mine in Europe and everyone is getting together for Christmas, so it's gonna be a shower/family reunion kind of event. I wanted my folks to be there for that.

Welcome jodspods, sorry about your mc :hugs: I don't have any experience with AC or epo, so can't really comment on that. All I know is my spotting was never explained, but it didn't prevent a bfp. I wasn't taking any extra meds (besides folic and png) the month we succeeded. Good luck to you!

Almost, cupcake, wow I didn't know much about panic attacks, I didn't know you can faint during those. Are you allowed to drive? Hope they stay away!

Girls, who are expecting, there's one nagging question that's been on my mind: Pampers or Huggies? Or some generic brand? I'd like get some diapers ahead of time, but have no idea which ones to choose. I know most of you are first time moms also, but perhaps you did more research or had some input from more experienced moms. Hope ttc girls don't mind us discussing baby stuff on here.
hehe yes i can drive i am technically not even diagnosed they tell me it is just anxiety attacks and to relax bahahaa. They are quite random and I usually get them once or twice a year since high school, sometimes less...
hehe yes i can drive i am technically not even diagnosed they tell me it is just anxiety attacks and to relax bahahaa. They are quite random and I usually get them once or twice a year since high school, sometimes less...

Good, I had to give up my license for 6 months after the seizure and it's been hell. I'm counting days till Dec when I can get behind the wheel again. It sucks to have to constantly rely on someone driving me places since public transportation in our area is practically nonexistent.
Thanks jellycat, my baby will be a spring baby, but still think sleeping bags will come in handy so it can't kick the covers off.

Katie, Pampers all the way! All my friends prefer pampers, apparently the huggies leak a lot, plus DH can get them cheap from work so saves us money! :)

I can drive, had to stop for a month or so while I waited for hospital appointment to test for epilepsy.
Spotting is a bit heavier today :-( am 10dpo. Expecting af on tues x
Sorry to hear that Katie-but it is for not only your safety, but babies too!!

And since I have panic attacks, not seizures, i can usually tell when they are going to happen like a minute or so before. So if I was awake and driving, I would hopefully have time to pull over! Luckily that has not happened, and luckily I rarely get them-so I am hoping that since my last one was right before I got pregnant, that I won't get another until baby is born!
Oh yes, totally, almosthere, I'm not disputing the necessity to stay away from driving, I don't want to kill anyone. I'm just ranting about the whole situation. Poor husband hates grocery shopping and had to be present at every single such event since my seizure :)

MrsP, thanks for the input. How have you been feeling?

Cupcake, fingers crossed AF doesn't arrive
Katie - i'm actually debating between cloth diapers and something that is chlorine free, like seventh generation or earth's best. I'm skeptical about putting so many chemicals by baby's butt! I have a package of huggies that was given to me and i plan to use them. I also hear some people love pampers and others just don't have much luck. Will probably depend on how big your baby is. You should buy small packs of each to try them out. I have a friend who swears that the Target brand diapers are way better than any name brand diapers she has used. I'll let you know what works for my LO once she arrives :)

i didn't realize panic attacks could be so intense! I'm glad they don't happen often to you girls! And Katie, December will be here before you know it and you'll be able to drive again! I know how much it sucks living in a town with bad public transportation and having to rely on people for rides. DH gave up his car for a year so he was constantly asking people to drive him places.
Chloe-happy 36 weeks as of yesterday, are you getting excited!! Hope you are feeling well!

Katie-I make DH come with me for the most part to the store as it is just so boring and I need help lugging the heavy groceries up the stairs to our 2nd floor condo ugh! LOL can't wait for a year...almost time to start selling this place =)

Cupcake sorry for the heavy spotting BIG HUGS to you! <3
hi ladies, haven't posted in a while but have been reading. Sorry to hear about those who experience panic attacks. I had several while TTC, ended up going on meds for anxiety and counseling to help with coping. I haven't had one in over a year, so much better. The panic is the one thing I'm really concentrating on for the delivery so that I feel comfortable and don't get myself wound up into a panic attack during it.

Katie - we are cloth diapering - using bumgenius 4.0s. I've heard too much about the nasty chemicals in regular disposables, we even plan to bring our own Earth's Best diapers to the hospital so that our LO doesn't have to use the pampers they provide at the hospital.

AFM - Officially one month away from my due date! No labor signs, which is quite alright with me because I have SO MUCH I still need to do. I've got to pack my hospital bag, install the carseat, wash all the baby clothes, write thank you notes, and a few other items. I guess I'm not in that bad of shape, it just feels like my to-do list is forever long!
I'm great Katie, feeling baby p more & more & starting to feel it on the outside now so hopefully get dh to feel it soon! How are you? x
I hate this spotting, puts me through such a rollercoaster of emotions. Started spotting on Friday and think I'm prob out for the month, gets heavier and even some red in their this morning, af due tomorrow so I think I'm def out but then tonight it's barely there, gives me hope which will probably all be taken away tomorrow morning if af arrives!!!

Sorry for my rant! X
Its part of why we have threads like this cupcake-because we are all frustrated with our spotting and need a good rant here and there!! LOL

katie-we are going to be using disposables

mrsp-so exciting that others can feel the baby soon! I cannot wait for that moment with dH!

daydream-I have to say that is my worst fear-a possible panic attack and becoming unconcious at delivery....we just have to think positive!! So happy you get to meet baby soon!!!
cupcake, my spotting stopped around the time AF was due, which is why I decided to test. It was very strange, and then i got my BFP, so good luck to you!!

AFM, just found out baby is breech. Apparently she can still turn, but by this time, 80% of babies have turned already, so they are talking to me about doing a version, where they manually maneuver the baby into head down from the outside, or scheduling a c-section. So scary to think about! I've got some positioning that I can do to try to help coax her into a head down position, so this is what I will try for the next week and hope for the best! I'm sort of numb to all of this news, and don't know if I should cry yet or not. I really want a natural birth...

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