Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

ohh Chloe, sorry to hear about LO! Hopefully you can get her to turn, I've heard there's lots of things to try. putting ice pack at top of your tummy, birthing ball, etc. I'm sure some googling will give you tons of ideas, and drink lots and lots of water to give her room to move around in there. :hugs:
cupcake :hugs: about the spotting... at least with so much bump talk on here you can see that loads of spotters get bfps!

Sorry to hear about panic attacks...can be hard to relax with everyone stressing so much about how you're SUPPOSED to relax, no? :)

Chloe, good luck with turning the baby -- lots of cat / cow yoga poses should help, I'm with daydream, lots to try and we still have time!

Daydream, my list looks exactly like yours, so no worries - except I even need to buy a car seat, not just install it...waiting for DH to come to Canada in 4 days so that he gets to do at least one big purchase...

Hello and :) to all others!
Chloe hope baby turns for you. Getting onto the ideal positions really will help baby turn try as often as possible :hugs:

Regarding nappies I suggest buying a pack of both as I found it wasn't a simple answer of pampers vs huggied. I found when JJ was newborn pampers then at 2 months he started to leak wee so changed to huggies then around 5 months started to leak at night so went up a size and found pampers best by about 9 months we found Asda (Walmart) own label the best after trying a number of own label. Carried on using Asda 9 months to about 20 months and started to leak so moved to pampers again. My experience especially with boys is depends on their size and share what works best.
I know it's not quite spotting before AF but I though AF had gone yesterday as nothing on pad only little when wiping (sorry tmi). Today started out ok but started feeling a bit off and went to the ladies only to find bright red flow again! Hope it's nothing to do with the epo and agnus castus I'm taking. I'm CD5 so it still could be AF playing up but I've not experienced this before! Sorry for the rant just so fed up and want my body to be back to normal again :-(
Sorry about all the panic attacks ladies. Glad everyone seems to be doing better though.

Chloe, so sorry about the breech. This happened to a friend of mine and the baby ended up turning in time. Hopefully yours does too! If not, the doctors will figure it out and you will have a happy and healthy baby no matter how it's delivered.

The witch came on Saturday as expected....I knew I didn't have much of a shot this month so it wasn't as painful. Hoping for a Christmas blessing!

Hope everyone (in the U.S anyway) has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Well as expected af arrived today, although it's still been a little on and off all day, def the strangest af in a few months :nope:

Does anyone think stress can affect this? This is my worst month of spotting in a while and I've been super stressed about some stuff, wondering if there related.

Onto month 11 then.....
Well as expected af arrived today, although it's still been a little on and off all day, def the strangest af in a few months :nope:

Does anyone think stress can affect this? This is my worst month of spotting in a while and I've been super stressed about some stuff, wondering if there related.

Onto month 11 then.....

Sorry to hear that Cupcake! It could be stress related! Everyone I've talked to who has conceived said they took such a relaxed approach and everything just happened....I feel that's easier said than done but there may be some truth in it!

One of my friends kept saying to me it's just your body making sure everything's perfect before you conceive (and now it's before you conceive again) so if you look at it that way it's putting a positive slant on it!
Sbmack and cupcake. Sorry AF arrived. Treat yourselves to nice things this week. Cupcake, you sure it's CD1 though? I can get red flow but if it's on/off then I know it's not AF, just extreme spotting!

AFM - 11DPO and spotting pretty horrendous. Everytime I go to the loo I have to play the 'is it, isn't it?' game! But If I get another 12 day luteal phase then AF should arrive properly on Thursday. After a relaxed weekend (I even did a jigsaw as discussed!), it's been a day of googling today. Why do I do it to myself?!?! Getting a little worried about my ultrasound in two weeks (or more likely the results), it's playing on my mind a little. Increasing B50 to B100 this month and introducing fish oil in the mean time (why not eh?!).

Haven't seen some regulars for a while? Wonder how happyshopper and yum are?

Chloe, hope baby turns!
Jodspods, sorry, forgot to say hello! sorry about your MC. Your current cycle sounds quite weird. I don't think it's the EPO but might be the AC. I'm tempted to give AC a try, but building myself up to it! I know some others who've tried it had confusing cycles which were different to their previous ones. It's not too long since your MC so is understandable that your cycles might be a bit out of whack. x
Jodspods, sorry, forgot to say hello! sorry about your MC. Your current cycle sounds quite weird. I don't think it's the EPO but might be the AC. I'm tempted to give AC a try, but building myself up to it! I know some others who've tried it had confusing cycles which were different to their previous ones. It's not too long since your MC so is understandable that your cycles might be a bit out of whack. x

Hi Yoms,

Yes I think my cycles are strange but I was getting spotting before mc but only 3 or so days before!

I've got a headache today too which seems to have coincided with the bleeding coming back so I'm going to see how I go with the AC but if these symptoms don't improve I might stop taking it! Ill stick with the epo though!

Just had my mum on the phone telling me about a local infertility group that meets next in January. I've been ok talking about things but for some reason I've lost it there and couldn't stop crying!! I thought TTC was meant to be fun aswell!!!
Hope your little lady turns chloe!

Sorry AF got some of you ladies & the spotting is worse for others :hugs:

Yoms - it's def af now! Got some lovely cramps to remind me constantly!

I know what you mean about google, I did some off that myself today, not sure why we do it!

Don't worry about your scan, hopefully you will get some answers! X
Sorry about AF, girls! Here's to the new hope and a little Christmas miracle :dust:

Chloe, hope the girl turns just in time for labor. Fingers crossed!

Almost, lovely scan! :flower:

MrsP, I'm doing well too, not much to complain about. The in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving, they'll be shocked when they see me, I look like I swallowed a basketball.

Can't believe so many of you, ladies, are so close to the due date. It seems like we were just complaining about spotting and AF arrivals not so long ago. Hope it gives lots of encouragement to the girls still TTCing.

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US! I sure know what I'm thankful for this year.
Just a quick :hi:

Having a bit of a crisis in the office. Hospital wants to terminate all contract staff due to lack of funding so now we have to try and sell ourselves and make ourselves important so they won't fire us. Whole department is in turmoil because almost 90% of our staff are on contract. :nope:
thanks katie...I was not supposed to even get a scan, but i was sent for an emergency viability scan as my stubborn little one's heart beat was not found on the doppler....I never felt more sick to my stomach in my life....I balled once I got to the hospital and saw babys heart beating beautifully!

oh greenleaf so sorry to hear!
thanks katie...I was not supposed to even get a scan, but i was sent for an emergency viability scan as my stubborn little one's heart beat was not found on the doppler....I never felt more sick to my stomach in my life....I balled once I got to the hospital and saw babys heart beating beautifully!

oh greenleaf so sorry to hear!

What a relief to know your baby's ok!!

My friends a midwife and she says they don't use Doppler until around 16+ weeks as its unreliable before then so please don't worry and relax!! X
Girls, I need you advice/rationalism!!

I'm 12DPO and AF is due today/tomorrow going on previous cycles. Usually my spotting gets worse and worse up to AF so that it's nearly indecipherable from AF i.e. heavy & red or brown flow. But since yesterday lunch, the spotting has eased off a bit instead. :wacko: Now I'm still getting some, but it's on a level of say 3-6DPO when things are just getting started. I'm a little crampy but no other signs either way. My temp was fairly high this morning.

I feel like I've got false hope and need to get a grip of myself. I'm daydreaming, but my head knows that there's more chance of winning the lottery! I took a test (internet cheapy) this morning and it was negative, of course! :dohh:

Do you think that given this is only cycle 4, that this is just different for no particular reason? My body is still settling down after the pill and I should stop reading into this. Right? :shrug:

Please slap me!!!
Katie we need a bump pic! I feel like I've gotten smaller! :dohh: I'm sure I'm more rounded..but sick of people saying what a cute LITTLE bump! :growlmad:

Greenleaf sorry to hear about your job Hun, got everything crossed for you.

Almost what a lovely scan pic! My mw said they wouldn't listen to the HB until 25 weeks as there's such a high chance of not finding it & you worrying, however she ended up letting me listen to it at 15/16 weeks then at both 20&23 week scans they turned the sound on :cloud9:

Yomyoms sorry to say this but I had a Few false hopes with my spotting like that. You're always in with a chance though! :thumbup:

Thanks MrsP. It's so confusing. Just don't understand why it would stop now?! If it's hormonal then surely it would get worse towards AF (as it has so far)? Just makes me think it's not a simple hormone problem. Who knows! I should try to forget about it for a few days. I'm sure AF will be here by the weekend.

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