Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Sorry about the spotting ladies! This is my third day spotting (since 7dpo).
Feeling pretty miserable about it.

Gobolino I hope you get your answers at your appointment! Look forward to hearing about it.

I will be confirming my HSG this week and I'm hoping its clear to get clomid. We're booking a week away in April when our baby would have been due just to relax and hopefully we will have had a round of clomid by then.

Going back to slimming world tomorrow as I'm about a stone and a half over what I was before we started TTC and I really want to look good on our holiday! Need something to distract me from everything else!
Sorry about the spotting jodspods I'm feeling pretty rubbish about it too. I'm so fed up and bored of all this ttc stuff
Me too Cupcake! I feel like giving up but that won't get me where I want to be! I've worked out that if my HSG is clear I'd have clomid for my cycle at the end of march and might find out I'm pregnant when we go away. I'm not even going to think about risks of flying that early on etc as I need a break! If I don't end up pregnant then it will be just the break we are needing! I deleted Facebook yesterday as I can't handle seeing everyone else I know posting about good things going on or their be honest, I'd go to see the doctor about how I'm feeling but I'm afraid it would affect our progress with the hospital! In the meantime ill plan my holiday, lose a stone and learn to knit and crochet...enough to keep my mind off things!
Sorry about the spotting, ladies. And Congrats to the BFPs this month! Ive been reading along, but haven't had much to report...

My spotting started 2 days ago at 9 dpo as usual. I go to my gyno tomorrow for an initial workup so I took a IC HPT which was BFN yesterday. I'll take one in the morning just bc I know spotting doesn't mean you're 100% out, but I'm not optimistic since nothing is different than any other month.

I'll let you guys know if I find out anything interesting about the spotting. Gosh, it's so darn annoying.
Sorry about the spotting alicehatter. Let us know what they say about the spotting. Always interested to hear what other doctors think.

I always think reason back through this thread that it must be about 50% of spotters still spot the month of their bfp. Was reading a thing on countdown to pregnancy about spotting. It said 70% of non pregnant cycles have no pre af spotting (that's 30% that are like us) and 85% of pregnant cycles have no spotting. That kind of backs up the 50% thing. It's so hard not to feel out when your spotting tho!
Ok so I went to my obgyn today and told her about the spotting 6 days prior to AF; just 1-2 drops/day. She said that was unusual and that it may mean I have a polyp. She said the polyps don't keep you from getting pregnant, but could possibly cause a miscarriage if they're embedded in the uterine lining somewhere.

She said it's obvious from my charting that I'm ovulating, and that I dont need to continue charting or using OPKs. I should just BD from CD 5-17 since i usually O CD 12-16. DH thinks that much BD is gonna wear him out! Lol.

Dr. was debating whether to do the HSG or a hydro-ultrasound (SIS ultrasound) first. She said since I'll need the HSG anyway, we'll do that first & sometimes as a coincidence they'll image a polyp if it's there. Then if it doesn't show one we'll do the SIS to look for it.

I'm sending DH for his SA and will see how that turns out before scheduling the HSG though.

Still kinda hoping this month's spotting is me being one of those 50% who spot before BFP, but got a BFN this morning so will just have to wait & see.

Oh yeah, I had blood drawn to check AMH and progesterone levels, so we'll see how that turns out in a couple days.
Wow, Alice. You've gotten a lot accomplished! My dr. thought my spotting could be due to polyps too. I had the SIS done and they didn't see any though. I wonder why the dr. told you to start bd'ing so early if you don't usually O until 12. Mine said to bd on CD 10,12,14,16 every month. I hope your DH's SA comes back good!
Alice that's great info! Thanks!

My Dr suggested polyps too although we later found out it was my baby so I don't know if I do have polyps. I think a lot of it now has been psychological though as I'm worried about conceiving and there being a problem then loosing the baby. My HSG scheduled for Monday and yesterday, 10dpo I had very little spotting ?!? Strange but when I looked back last month it was the same. I wondered if a polyp might cause earlier bleeding then I would get my normal spotting a few days before AF as I used to get....who knows but ill do a test tomorrow and then confirm HSG.

How do you feel about it all?

On the plus side I rejoined Slimming World and since September I'm only 0.5lb above my starting weight then! That was a nice surprise! I have regained 1st 10lbs of the 4st 7lbs I lost though :-( holiday to look forward to though so I'm sticking with it this time!
Sbmack - I think the Dr. Said to BD so early just as a general range to shoot for. She was saying how the sperm can live up to 7 days and the science has shown that BD every 36 hours is ideal, although it's sort of unrealistic to shoot for that frequency. Clearly, I'm not really going to start on CD 5 bc I'll still be on AF. Probably will stick with BD every other day from CD 7-8 until 17. It will just get so boring any more often than that. Right? Lol.

Jodspods - good luck with your upcoming HSG! There's no telling if there's a psychological component to the spotting. As for me, I haven't been particularly stressed about this whole thing, and my spotting is unchanged over time.

I can't decide how I feel about it all. It seems to change from moment to moment. I think I need to take time & meditate on it this weekend and see if I come to any conclusions. Sometimes I take it like a scientist & just think of it as data collection, and other times I start to feel jealous of those who get pregnant so easily. I'm not absolutely desperate to have a child where I'll feel like I failed at life if I don't have one, I know that. Just can't decide how far I want to pursue infertility treatments & etc. vs saving the resources (time & money) to look into adoption. Lots to consider.

Hey jodspods- check out It helps you keep track of your nutrition & exercise to keep your weightloss on track. My DH uses it & he loves it. Good luck with that too, and yay for your upcoming holiday!
I was not miscarrying!! Had my scan today. Everything is measuring on target. Saw the heartbeat. Sending lots of babydust to you all!!
Yay Sbmack!!! That's great news!!!! Very happy for you!

So af has come today. cd32 as normal but I got my peak one day late so kind of thought it wouldn't till tomorrow. Maybe I o'd on the first peak or something.

Anyway I've decided to be positive, so my positive thoughts are;

1. Got my blood results today (progesterone/ovulation) and all is normal

2. So all my tests were normal

3. DH has PROMISED to book his SA appointment this week.......although it's nearly the end of the week!

4. the spotting this month, although still 4 days, was light brown the whole way. Normally it gets to dark brown with increasing amounts of red. This time is was very light brown the whole time and af had a definite start. af also isn't as heavy for the first day which is always what used to happen, cd2 was always worse

5. I was thinking back over the beginning of ttc. I think we have been ttc for 14 cycles now. The first 4 months I had no idea at all about dates and think we were timing it very wrong! We were also using ky jelly not realising that would make it harder. Then the next 5 months or so we still had no idea on dates and I was presuming I was ovulating earlier than I do so we may well have missed the key times on these months. Obviously last month I ovulated very late and missed it completely. So I only have 4 months where I know it was timed right. I may be just trying to make myself feel better here but I think I kinda have a point in thinking like this! (makes me feel better anyway!)

and I have a trip to a theme park booked in the next month that I can enjoy!!!! I'm going to try to think more positively and relax a bit more this month. I get stressed a lot and need to try not to. I read a tip on relaxation the other everything more, walk etc. I do everything very fast so I think this is a good tip for me

.......sorry for the long post!
Cupcake, that's great news that all your results were normal. Sometimes just knowing that is all it takes. I think your right to look on the positive side about all the timing issues. And, you really can disregard the 4 months using KY. Although it still sucks that it is taking so long, at least you know your body better now and can get the timing right. Also, later and lighter spotting is definitely a positive. Happy to hear it! You will get that BFP in no time!! I can feel it.
Congrats agin sbmack! :dance:

Cupcake that sounds like an excellent plan Hun! And yes I think you need to look at just the few months you were very actively TTC (charting etc..) to get a better picture, and yes ky jelly is so bad for the swimmers! GL & sorry AF got you :hugs: x
Sbmack that's great news!!

Cupcake glad your results were normal and wishing you lots of luck this cycle. Everyone says to relax and its hard but trying to do things to take your mind off things, like the theme park is great!

AFM I am out this month for sure AF is on her way tomorrow! Phoned to confirm my HSG for Monday and its been cancelled! No dr available! Not happy especially as i booked this a month ago! They have provisionally booked me for 10 march as I'd be within the CD4-10 window and I've to phone when AF does arrive to confirm that appointment! I don't understand how last month I phoned and had to wait a month and this wk I phone and can get rescheduled for a wk later! It means my follow up is the next day which is good as we will have it done before that and then we are back at hospital again on the Thursday for support group.

Hope everyone else is doing ok!
Yay Sbmack!!! So happy! What a relief!!!:happydance:

Cupcake, sorry about AF....but love the attitude! And the tests are good!:thumbup:

Sorry Jodspods for having to wait. It sucks. Sorry if AF comes...:hugs:

Thanks Alicehatter for all the's interesting to read and helpful.

Here's my update with spanish FD's:

Just by looking at the size of my chocolate cyst, they agreed that doing a lap is not an option, as it's small, and removing it also removes valuable ovary tissue. They then checked the polyp, by using a cannula and filling my uterus with serum (ouch). Again, very small, no point in op. They had trouble getting the cannula up as they said my cervix is very narrow, probably caused by the conization AND, interesting...could be the reason for spotting. If it's tight, it has to start working before the period, getting rid of old blood (spotting). It also has to work harder during the period, hence "new" period pains I have been experiencing. Why spotting started one year after the operation I don't know. And a friend of mine says she has the same thing but doesn't still confusing. :shrug:
Anyway, tomorow I go to pick up hubbys sperm results, and see what's the next step.
Oops I had written a longer reply, but it got wiped!

Basically it said, yay! to those ladies with healthy pregnancies continuing normally (sbmack & MrsPTTC) woohoo!

And - I feel your pain to the ladies still spotting & impending AFs. (Cupcake, jodspods, gobolino). Sucks about having to reschedule HSG, jodspods.

AFM, something odd is happening now. I had the 6 days of spotting and today nothing. No AF like usual, no spotting, no cramping, & BFN on IC test. I guess I'll give it until Sunday & test again with a FRER . Would be nice to know if I definitely can't drink at these parties this weekend though. :-)
Alice - hopefully the spotting stays away and af doesn't appear!

Jodspods - sorry your hsg got moved. Typical nhs! Still at least it didn't get out back too far!

Gobolino - I presume if they don't want to operate on those things they don't think they are causing a problem? Yet another possible explanation for spotting! Seems to be so many possible different reasons!

AFM - cd2 today and getting the worst of my cramps this morning but somehow this af feels more 'normal' the last few months just haven't felt like the used to
Jodspods sorry they've moved your hsg :growlmad:

Gobolino great news you've potentially got a reason for your spotting!

Thank you Alice! How many dpo are you? Fxd!


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