Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Gobolino, sounds lie you've made some progress. That's great. I wonder if the narrow cervix is inhibiting conception. It's just one more obstacle for the sperm. I'm sorry if you've answered this question already, but will IUI be covered for you?

Jods, sorry they pushed back the HSG. At least it's still within the window you need it to be and not next cycle.

Alice, sorry something weird is going on. I'd have a couple drinks anyway. I had no hope the cycle I got my BFP and drank two nights before. I'm not worried about it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Fingers crossed for you Alicehatter!!!

Yay Cupcake!!!! Finally! Hahhaa three hurrahs for hubby!! To answer your question, they don't want to operate as they don't see cyst or polyp a problem for conception, too small. Sbmack, the narrow cervix is just that, narrow, but ok, she said if the cannula can go through, sperm has no problem. And it's just the beggining of the cervix. I went back today for hubby's results....excellent!!!! He's one happy man :wacko::haha: So Dr said, considering my age (38), the endometriosis, that I ovulate, hubby's good sperm, the next step is HSG, which should be next week (about the same time as you Jodspods?!!!) as AF politely came to visit this morning. If all clear, then to keep on trying naturally, no meds necessary, until the year of ttc (august). Then she recommends IVF, as she says stadistics say that in my condition, IUI just wouldn't work if it hasn't happened naturally. Hope we don't have to get to that :nope:
I asked again about my cramps and spotting, and she said that yes, it's most likely from the narrow cervix, the spotting being old blood that gets pushed out by uterus preparing for next period. Makes sense, quite a relief really, just bloody annoying knowing that's always going to be like that!

Sorry for long post. Any news from Greenleaf????
Oh good, cupcake. My DH booked his today too!

AF crept up on me like a ninja this morning. Sneaky thing! That was 16 DPO, which is a rather long LP for me. Weird. At least that meant I got a couple drinks at a bday party tonight. :)

I'm thinking of taking a break from TTC this round bc I feel bad for December babies (having to compete w Christmas their whole life). So then I could book my HSG whenever... But we'll see... I keep changing my mind.
To those who recently had SA, glad to hear no issues with DH!

Gob, narrow cervix for cause of spotting is interesting. I wonder why no Dr has mentioned that before?

Good luck to those with hsgs coming up!

Alice, I had taken a mental break from TTC in march too and didn't want a Dec baby. I think that's why I got pregnant then because of low stress. So if you really don't want a Dec baby, watch out! Although I ended up with a thanksgiving baby since she was 2.5 weeks early. Her first birthday will fall on thanksgiving this year!
Chloe, she really is something to be thankful for!!

I've been wondering about Greenleaf too. I hope she is ok.
Hi everyone,

Sbmack, that's great news that you are not miscarrying. You must be so relieved!

Jodspods, I've just taken up crochet too. I have found it is really good at taking my mind off things so can't recommend it enough. I'm making a blanket at the moment. Should keep me busy for a while. Re fitness we have a good game on the Xbox called 'your shape' which is really good. I hope you have a lovely holiday.

Hi Alice, my dr has recommended BD ever other day and I've heard the days leading up to OV are the best ones to BD on.

Sorry to hear so many of us have had spotting again. I was feeling great until today. This month I started spotting the day after my positive OV test and a bit the day after. Then it stopped. That's never happened before. It always continues until AF. I was secretly hoping it was ovulation spotting and that it meant I was pregnant this month. I even cancelled my acupuncture appointments and had a private blood test for progesterone lined up for yesterday which I cancelled. However today at day 21 I have noticed some light brown spotting so. Know this means yet again I've failed to get pregnant. This means I will have been TTC a year. Does that class me as infertile? I'm 33 next month and panicking I've left it too late. I have noticed I get sharp pains on my cervix quite often just before The spotting starts. Anyone else get this? Have a lovely evening everyone x
Hi everyone,

Sbmack, that's great news that you are not miscarrying. You must be so relieved!

Jodspods, I've just taken up crochet too. I have found it is really good at taking my mind off things so can't recommend it enough. I'm making a blanket at the moment. Should keep me busy for a while. Re fitness we have a good game on the Xbox called 'your shape' which is really good. I hope you have a lovely holiday.

Hi Alice, my dr has recommended BD ever other day and I've heard the days leading up to OV are the best ones to BD on.

Sorry to hear so many of us have had spotting again. I was feeling great until today. This month I started spotting the day after my positive OV test and a bit the day after. Then it stopped. That's never happened before. It always continues until AF. I was secretly hoping it was ovulation spotting and that it meant I was pregnant this month. I even cancelled my acupuncture appointments and had a private blood test for progesterone lined up for yesterday which I cancelled. However today at day 21 I have noticed some light brown spotting so. Know this means yet again I've failed to get pregnant. This means I will have been TTC a year. Does that class me as infertile? I'm 33 next month and panicking I've left it too late. I have noticed I get sharp pains on my cervix quite often just before The spotting starts. Anyone else get this? Have a lovely evening everyone x

I don't think you're classed as actually infertile unless all avenues have been tried & failed, though I might be wrong. You'll be classed as having fertility issues but it depends on the hospital, some say 18mths to 2 years, some only 1 year. You're definitely in the minority after a year if you've not conceived though :(

Sorry ladies AF got :hugs:

Hello ladies so much to catch up on and scared I miss someone out! I probably will so sorry if I do!!!

Alice - I hadn't even thought about being classed as infertile! I've been off BCP for 2 years next month so it took me about 1 and a half years to conceive so I wouldn't be thinking the worst! I'm with Sbmack that until all avenues are explored I don't think you'd be classed as infertile! I'm with you about the Christmas baby thing too also because my dad and brother have birthdays in December so there would be so much on that month!

Cupcake glad your husbands booked his SA!

Gobolino sounds like you got a lot of info from your appointments which is great. Sorry you have to have HSG too but at least it will give more indication of what's going on!

My HSG is confirmed for 11th with our follow up with new dr already arranged for 12th so I'm glad it's worked out ok. CD2 today and feel horrendous! Got my distraction of looking for holiday destinations! Hoping to book Monday or Tuesday which I'm so looking forward to but AF will be due when I'm away! Just have to deal with that though! Need my week in the sun!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!
To those who recently had SA, glad to hear no issues with DH!

Gob, narrow cervix for cause of spotting is interesting. I wonder why no Dr has mentioned that before?

Good luck to those with hsgs coming up!

Alice, I had taken a mental break from TTC in march too and didn't want a Dec baby. I think that's why I got pregnant then because of low stress. So if you really don't want a Dec baby, watch out! Although I ended up with a thanksgiving baby since she was 2.5 weeks early. Her first birthday will fall on thanksgiving this year!

No idea, maybe I'm the only one on here :shrug: But it sort of makes sense...
To those who recently had SA, glad to hear no issues with DH!

Gob, narrow cervix for cause of spotting is interesting. I wonder why no Dr has mentioned that before?

Good luck to those with hsgs coming up!

Alice, I had taken a mental break from TTC in march too and didn't want a Dec baby. I think that's why I got pregnant then because of low stress. So if you really don't want a Dec baby, watch out! Although I ended up with a thanksgiving baby since she was 2.5 weeks early. Her first birthday will fall on thanksgiving this year!

Lol! I can only hope that taking a break will do the trick.

I decided I'll call tomorrow & see if I can book my HSG for the following Monday. If they do have an opening, then I'll break from TTC this month. Otherwise I'll book it for April & take that break then instead.
I'm ok, just going underground for a while. Thanks for asking. Seeing all the BFP is making me a bit depress though I'm truly happy for those of you who have succeeded! I'm back on CD1 today. :cry:
I'm ok, just going underground for a while. Thanks for asking. Seeing all the BFP is making me a bit depress though I'm truly happy for those of you who have succeeded! I'm back on CD1 today. :cry:

:hugs: sometimes you need a break Hun, it's good for you, I did for a month not long before my BFP x
I'm ok, just going underground for a while. Thanks for asking. Seeing all the BFP is making me a bit depress though I'm truly happy for those of you who have succeeded! I'm back on CD1 today. :cry:

Quite understandable. Gather strength and we'll be here when you feel like popping back :hugs:
Jodspods...Had my HSG this afternoon. It didn't hurt at all...I was amazed how quickly it was done, I couldn't believe it when he said he was finished!!!
A small walkthrough just in case you're wondering..: I asked my Dr if I could take a painkiller before going in (I had heard such horror stories) and she said no problem. Ibuprofen or Nolotil (don't know translation). She also told me not to drive home (but I came out fine, some people get dizzy). They did the procedure, and I was out. I took a pad with me as I thought it might come out after (the iodine)...and it did. They prescribed an antibiotic to take , just one dose. Results will be out tomorow afternoon, and, as I'm leaving for Hong Kong, my DR will email me the results on Monday.
Just don't worry and it will be fine. I suppose it's more painful for some than for others, but I went in convinced it wasn't going to hurt :coffee: (plus a painkiller in the bod :haha:)
I can now feel a dull ache similar to period pains, nothing too bad.
I wish you the best of luck on Monday!
hello ladies,

hope all r doin gud ! sorry was mia ! i was reading ur posts but couldn't reply !

gobo- glad ur procedure went gud ! fx 4r ur results ! another interesting reason for spotting !

cup- gud to know ur results r all normal....ur ttc cycles count seems very true to me..

sbmack - very happy to know all is well..wish u h&h 9 months :happydance:

jodspod- sorry abt af ! gl & fx 4r ur hsg on 11 ! hope its smooth & normal !

alice- sorry abt af, but 16 day lp sounds great ! i'm with u abt the dec babies !

green- totally understand how u feel :hugs::hugs:

mrsp- h r u feeling ? only a week more to go ! so xciting !

katie- congratss hun ! i dint sign in till now & i just saw that ur baby is already a month old !
Great news gobolino! Your procedure sounded exactly like mine, except I didn't take the painkillers beforehand cos I forgot, but it was fine :)

Hi yum! I'm fine thanks, crazy I'm due in 5 days now (+ a few hours, almost 11pm here) :wacko: I'm a little scared, not of the labour particularly, more the prospect of becoming a parent! How are you?

Gobolino glad you found the HSG ok and I'm sure it feels like a long time til the results. Did you not see anything on the screen? They showed me mine as it was over my shoulder a bit like when you get an US.

I wonder if it hurt so much because I was pregnant then?!?

What CD were you as ill be CD11?

Feeling a bit apprehensive and just can't wait for Monday and Tuesday to come to know what we are dealing with. Feel awful too as its Mother's Day this weekend and I can't help feeling rubbish about how I should be 4 weeks away from having a baby. DH told me a friends girlfriend was 20 wks and I lost it with him. Poor guy can't win as I'd be annoyed if he didn't tell me too! I came off Facebook to avoid these things but I guess we might have bumped into them!

Hi Yum hope you're well!

MrsPTTC - any time now! Looking forward to hearing when baby has arrived!!
I'm ok, just going underground for a while. Thanks for asking. Seeing all the BFP is making me a bit depress though I'm truly happy for those of you who have succeeded! I'm back on CD1 today. :cry:

Thinking of you Greenleaf. Look after yourself :hugs:
Thanks jodspods! Hope your hsg goes ok Hun. :hugs: for how you're feeling Hun, it must be horrible the EDD milestone after an mc :( x

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