Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hey you're not Happyshopper2 anymore!! And your dog is back lol! Ooh 4DPO can we share the 2ww together as it's going to feel so long for me being my 1st clomid cycle, and I'm NOT testing until 13DPO (well I say that now!) Glad to hear your spotting is good, I've never heard of those, are they vits or herbs or..? I could do with something to help cellulite! :rofl: x
Hi ladies,

Well it turns out I'm pregnant again :) Even now as I'm typing it out, it doesn't seem real. I have to admit I'm scared silly...ok sh*tless (for a lack of a better word).

I tested on Sunday 8dpo....I know really early. I tested b/c I really wasn't feeling well so I said why not even though I was spotting at 7dpo like usual and was really sick this whole cycle. It was really faint but it was there. OH even confirmed it. I tested again the next morning and sure enough it was slightly darker. I called the FS first thing and with my luck he was off on holiday however the nice receptionist said she could get me a script for progesterone since we talked about taking it the next time I get a bfp. So I started taking the suppositories later that day but to be honest they haven't really stopped the spotting :( I'm still getting some light brown stuff off and on. Symptoms come and go but progesterone will do that to you. AF isn't due until Fri/Sat so I guess it's a waiting game for now. Wish me luck ladies! I need it!
Congratulations Islandgrl!!! :dance: :yipee: Praying you have a sticky bean & they can stop your spotting! :hugs: Keep us updated!
Congratulations IG, I am so pleased for you. I hope the little bean is making himself (or herself) nice and comfy xxx
Mrs PTTC - we can definately be cycle buddies, its nice to share the long wait with someone.I have 2 user names which depends on if I am on my work or home computer as I can't remember my password on either one. Pcynogenol is a super-antioxidant and good for open up the blood vessels and endo. Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen like maca or a stronger version of ginseng and linked to improved fertility rates. I'm so glad that everything seems to be ok for you with your fertility testing, I thinks its only a matter or time and you get get your :bfp: very soon.
I have my first appointment tomorrow at the fertility clinic and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm like an ostrich and like to stick my head in the sand; I hope I don't get bad news. I'm having some weird spotting these past couple of days but its not like before. It was bright red dot on 3DPO, none yesterday and brown today and some cramping. Its way too early for IB so I'm assuming its something to do with the tablets I'm taking. I hope it goes away soon.
Good luck everyone xxx
Thanks hun, good luck with your appointment, you'll be fine, i know its worrying as you expect the worst, but I'm sure you'll be fine, & at least you can get some answers & hopefully put your mind at rest! Those supplements sound interesting! 2 log ins? That could get confusing lol! Defo cycle buddies :hugs2: x x
Islandgirl that's BRILLIANT!!! Sending you lots and lots of good vibes and luck. Just think - with every day that bean is getting more and more comfy, meaning that it will be helping your body produce more and more progesterone with every day. I bet this time next week you'll be spot-free and well and truly up the duff! :) xx
Hi Happyshopper! Lovely to hear from you x
Well - I had a lovely glob of EWCM yesterday on cd13 but nothing today. No smiley face yet either. BD last night though, and will aim to do so every night until I get that smiley (and obviously that night and the night after too :))
I usually get EWCM 4-5 days before my smiley so hopefully we're on for O Friday/Saturday. Hopefully not Saturday - my parents are coming to stay and neither of us fancy having a bunk up with them in the next room! :-( x
Island Girl - Congratulations!!!! I can't believe you fell pg on the cycle you were feeling rotten poorly and counting yourself out :)

MrsPttc - Happy BDing, hoping the clomid does its thing for you :)

HS - Good to see you back in here and all the better that on the whole your spotting is so much better. I hope your FS appointment goes well.

MrsHY - I am super envious of your 4-5 days of EWCM ;) Fingers crossed you O before the parents arrive, I don't think I could do that either!

AFM - Unfortunately my lining for ivf is super thin again only 6mm (needs to be 8-14mm). I'm taking aspirin, viagra and estrogen patches and I have amost 20 follicles growing so i'm not short of my own estrogen either. I was pretty fed up when I had my scan and found out my uterus was unco-operative again yesterday, but today is a new day and I'm just going to hope for the best and also mentally prepare for the worst...which is the imminent endo of the TTC line for us. :gulp:
Congrats Islandgirl! My FS rang today to say i can start iui in April 2011 :O) That's 1.5 years i've been ttc now (even writing that seems so weird!) I mentioned AGAIN about the brown spotting this month and this time the doctor mentioned something about getting a hsteroscopy to check the inside of the womb? Anyone had this?? x
Star, I had a hystersocopy, I was put under GA for it so it was fine. I was under about half an hour and had a little spotting for a couple of days after but no real discomfort.
Feel free to ask any Q's :)
My blood test results from tuesday are back already! The receptionist i spoke to on the phone didn't understand them so waiting for someone to call me back, sooo nervous! She mumbled something about 74 anyone know what this could mean? what were ur progesterone levels? X x
Thanks girls! I really do appreciate the support. Looks like the spotting has stopped :)but I'm also on day 3 of progesterone (200mg once at night - Cyclogest suppository). Symptoms come and go. I'm still really worried/nervous b/c of the last misscarriage and well....generally I'm a worrier. I still check for spotting each time I go to the loo. I'm trying to relax and take each day as it comes but it's easier said then done!

Believe me I didn't think this month would be it. With strep throat, antibiotics, then a cold and traveling I thought it wasn't going to happen. Maybe I was too busy/sick to concentrate on getting pregnant ;) The only reason I tested was b/c I had a bad tummy ache but in hindsight I think I just had a stomach bug that my OH had earlier that week.

Nell - Sorry to hear about your lining. Hopefully it improves soon.

Happyshopper - Good luck with the fs :)

MrsHY - Hope you O before your parents arrive. Yes, that would be uncomfortable ;)

bec - If 74 is the progesterone number then that looks good to me. I'm no expert and we use a different scale than the UK but from what it is a good number.

I'll keep you posted :)
Just got the the call back, between 20 & 50 is normal and mines 73 so ovulation is confirmed yay! No spotting yet either. Seems very high though?

And Congrats to u island girl hope it all goes well! x x
Hello ladies :wave: Mind if I join you?

I've been TTC for 11 months and have had all sorts of problems. Initially my cycles were all over the place as I had been on the pill for years. My cycles were 55 days, then 29 days, then 89 days. At this time I had investigations for PCOS - my hormones indicated PCOS but my scan was inconclusive. I had just been referred to a gynae for further investigation when I ovulated on cd16 and got pregnant. Unfortunately I had a mmc at 9 weeks. I had medical management rather than an ERPC and got pregnant straight away again (after ovulation on cd28) but went on to have a natural mc at 6 weeks. I am now 5dpo following the mc on the 6th October (I ovulated on cd24). seems that my cycles are becoming more regular but it is difficult to know due to the mcs. If they are - that is great. However, I am also a spotter hence we joined this board. Ever since coming off the pill I have had early spotting. Initially my LP was 9 days but this increased to 11/12 days (although again I'm not sure what it is now as I have been pregnant for the last two cycles and then last period I had was back at the end of May!). However, I tend to have spotting from 7/8 dpo. This cycle however it seems to be outdoing itself and has started at 5dpo. It is only very slight at the moment - it has not reached my underwear but is definitely there around my cervix and it is red (usually pink or brown). I guess that my body might be a bit messed up with the mcs and so it has started early :shrug:

Anyway, it would be great to get some support and advice from you lovely ladies. I'm in a pickle at the moment as I have three issues: possible PCOS, spotting AND recurrent mc (I had another some years ago so I have had three in total with no live births). I just don't know what I am best to investigate first.

I have decided to make an appointment with my GP once AF is here so that I can start the ball rolling but I'm just not sure which line to take. Any advice would be gratefully received....!
Hi struth, ur spotting and mc could both be due to low progesterone levels, but that's all i know about mc but as u have been able to get pregnant I would try ignore the possibility of pcos as it was inconclusive,and concentrate on the reason for spotting and mc. Have u had a day21 blood test, maybe ask ur gp if its possible to do this with ur irregular cycles and this just tests progesterone. Obviously that's all just my opinion! hope u find some answers soon.

I'm 10dpo and got bfn this morning on very sensitive test strip. could it still be too early?
I don't think it looks good for me :( scans and blood tests all normal but still not pregnant.
af due 9th so in 5days and no spotting yet which is good.
so disappointed x
Thanks for your reply Bec87. I think you are right in that I need to start with a day 21 progesterone test. I think I will book in to see the GP and ask for that. I might have to leave it a couple of weeks as we are on holiday next week. Even still, that shoudl be fine as I will be at the beginning of my new cycle then (if no bfp).

As for a bfn at 10dpo - I didn't get a bfp until 13dpo (June pregnancy) and 14 dpo (October pregnancy) and I spotted both times from 8dpo. I was using sensitive ICs (10miu) and they were lily-white at 10dpo. You're not out until AF arrives :hugs:
Thanks struth, mine are the 10miu ones aswell so il keep testing! It was completely blank this morning :(

My 21day test was on day 24 as i have a 31day cycle, its only day 21 on a 28day cycle. the gp worked out what day to do and I think it has to be 7dpo
X x
Hi ladies!

Thought I would jump into this thread since I seem to have this spotting "problem". My DH and I have been TTC #1 for 4 cycles now and I am due for AF tomorrow. My cycle length has been 26 days almost every month since stopping BCP about 7 months ago.

I usually start spotting on CD23/CD24 and (TMI) it is very light brown on and off for about 2-3 days then on CD26 it becomes a darker brown and there is alot more of it. Then bam - the next day AF hits and I am back to CD1 again!! Sooo frustrating because every month I think "OOOO this could be IB" but then I get knocked down. :cry:

In my current cycle (I am still holding out hope that I could get my BFP!! Fx!!) we tried using Preseed for the first time (I never get EWCM) and OPKs for the first time too. I got my positive OPK on CD14 so I'm thinking ovulate CD15 (which I felt the O cramps on CD14 and CD15) and then CD16 is 1dpo. I was off on prior months (only using the method of counting 14 days from when AF is due and making that my ovulation day - thank gosh I started using OPKs).

So if AF comes tomorrow then that means I have an 11 day LP (I think - I'm still kinda new to all this and get confused sometimes :shrug:).

Could the small amount of spotting that starts so early be stopping my little eggy from implanting? Also, would I stop my counting of LP when the spotting first appears or when my true AF shows her face?

I am soooo sorry for the long post and for the many questions. I was thinking about calling my doctor about this but when I was there 4 months ago getting blood work done I told him we were going to ttc and he said to give it at least 6 months. If we are not pregnant by then, to give him a call.

Thanks in advance for any advice or information!

:dust: to everyone! I hope we all get our BFPs soon!!
Hi struth, ur spotting and mc could both be due to low progesterone levels, but that's all i know about mc but as u have been able to get pregnant I would try ignore the possibility of pcos as it was inconclusive,and concentrate on the reason for spotting and mc. Have u had a day21 blood test, maybe ask ur gp if its possible to do this with ur irregular cycles and this just tests progesterone. Obviously that's all just my opinion! hope u find some answers soon.

I'm 10dpo and got bfn this morning on very sensitive test strip. could it still be too early?
I don't think it looks good for me :( scans and blood tests all normal but still not pregnant.
af due 9th so in 5days and no spotting yet which is good.
so disappointed x

Hi bec. I think it is still too early. You are only 10dpo. When do you usually start spotting? Wait a few days and then test again. Stay positive!
Sending tons of :dust: your way!!
Welcome Struth and Butterfly!

Struth - I was secretly stalking you...I hope you don't mind :) I was so pleased when you got your bfp since I knew you were a spotter. I'm sorry you misscarried :( I would definitely ask for a day 21 test. Mine was fine and I fell pregnant that cycle. I misscarried too. It was the end of June. I also had an hsg to rule out polyps, fibroids. My next step was clomid to help the letual phase. I never got there and hope not to :)

Butterfly - I would count day 1 as the first day of heavy flow and not spotting.

AFM - I had a tiny bit of spotting once yesterday and nothing since. I told my fs this morning and he tells me I'm probably having a "threatened abortion" :( and that I should expect the worse. Talk about bad bedside manners. He proceeds to fill out 2 blood requistions with the word "threatened abortion" written all over it to check my hcg numbers. I was nearly in tears (I cried at home later). I even told him I thought it was common and since I'm a spotter it would be fine. What a jerk.

Then he tells me my husbands sperm count is low (overall the number is fine just the amount per ml and he was sick when doing it) and that it will be difficult conceiving.....even though I'm pregnant . I was quite distraught leaving and am still upset :(

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