Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Grrr, spotting has gone from 0 to 60 in a day - usually (sorry for the TMI!) I get very light beige CM for a couple of days, then slightly darker brown but very light, then heavier dark brown then AF. But this morning it has gone straight to the dark brown, heavy stage (had one day of beige CM yesterday). Don't have that pre-AF 'full' feeling yet though - so maybe I'll eek out one more day of LP although it doesn't really matter if I'm not pregnant!
On the bright side - now I've got my HSG cycle out of the way I can crack on with Clomid - am going to increase the dose to 150mg but get monitored to check I'm not super-ovulating!! x
Oh, but the spotting on my anovulatory cycles is not like yours! It can start anytime, go for a week, then disappear for another week, than appear again and eventually lead to a period that's nothing more than just heavier spotting.. or NOT. I don't think you're not ovulating, probably just some hormones kick in the end of the cycles that cause your uterus to think it's about time for a period, but others are holding it back. I don't know, just my theory :)

I've been on the pill for 7 years before we decided to start trying. And I was ovulating fine for 6 months after I came off it. I didn't have clockwork cycles, but I would always get AF 14 days after pos. OPK on the months I tested and the longest cycle I had was 40 days. But then something went wrong, and I still don't know what was it. But my cycles got all wacko. Did my PCOS kick in all of the sudden or was it some vitamins/supplements I was trying - I don't know. I guess I'll find out this time around.

Ah I know hun, I know our circumstance are completely different and I don't think my spotting is caused by annovulation as I know I definitely did ovulate 2 cycles ago and still got the spotting. But since being told I had irregular ovulation (because of 1 blood test but also my longer cycles) part of me is thinking "great, I wasn't ovulating so now I'm on the clomid I'll get my :bfp:" and the other half is thinking "I know I was ovulating so maybe something else is wrong." My biggest worry is that my CM is killing off DH :spermy: though I know that is very rare.
My parents took forever to conceive me and my 2 brothers but it still happened & she had 3 kids! I did ask if infertility runs in the family but they said no... Though my mum said she used to chart all those years ago and her chart was like the mountains so it doesn't sound like she was ovulating!

My brothers girlf has text me to say she dreamt last night I was pregnant with a :blue:. If only it were true!! :cloud9: x
Grrr, spotting has gone from 0 to 60 in a day - usually (sorry for the TMI!) I get very light beige CM for a couple of days, then slightly darker brown but very light, then heavier dark brown then AF. But this morning it has gone straight to the dark brown, heavy stage (had one day of beige CM yesterday). Don't have that pre-AF 'full' feeling yet though - so maybe I'll eek out one more day of LP although it doesn't really matter if I'm not pregnant!
On the bright side - now I've got my HSG cycle out of the way I can crack on with Clomid - am going to increase the dose to 150mg but get monitored to check I'm not super-ovulating!! x

Sorry about your spotting MrsHY! Mine is usually beigey CM then straight to AF, maybe it's a good sign? :shrug: How many DPO are you and have you tested? Are you on clomid now? I can't remember, and what mg, 100? x
MrsPTTC, my parents didn't have any problems getting pregnant at all. I don't think my mom even knows well what is ovulation and such ;) However I never had regular cycles, like other girls I knew, who could look at the calendar and know when to expect AF. My period would always come by surprise. But I know for a fact, I never went more than a month and half without one, so I must have been ovulating fine, just not clockwork fine. I must have that kind of PCOS where one still ovulates but the cycles are not perfectly timed. I just don't know what happened last year that made everything so screwed up :shrug: I know I was trying all sorts of supplements and vitamins, so maybe some of that did it?

Oh, I love pregnancy dreams!! :) I hope your brother's gf often has premonition dreams!
MrsHY, sorry about heavier spotting! I wish I had my HSG out of the way too. I'm guessing they'll send me to do one before I get to try Clomid. The only thought that makes me feel better about it is there really is evidence that it might speed up conception.
Sorry about the spotting MrsHY :hugs:

I'm pretty excited as I have our first RE appointment tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say. I'll actually be 7dpo tomorrow, so we may be able to get in to get the progesterone check. I reaaaaally hope we will start getting some answers soon.
:hi: everyone.

I'm looking for some advice and saw your thread so I thought I would drop by to say hello.

I've been TTC #1 for for 5 months. My cycles are pretty regular, anything from 26-29 days but normally the 28 day textbook cycle.

Last month I decided to start tracking when I o and so I bought the Clearblue Fertility Monitor and got peaks on cd11 and cd12 and this month cd15 and cd16 (although, I also started temping this month and it looks like I o'd on cd17). However, for past four months I've started spotting on cd22 and it continues up until AF shows, so normally for about a week or so. I went to my doctor who is carrying out blood work to check my hormone levels (I had a cd5 test for FSH and LH that came back clear) and I had my 21 day test yesterday (results not in until after Christmas). I've never been on BCP or any other medication so I can't understand why this just started a few months ago.

Well, today is cd22 (5-6 dpo) and the spotting has started again. I'm obviously concerned that I seem to have a really short leutal phase. My temps have been pretty eratic and have barely got above coverline since I o'd. I'm so desperate to put an end to this cd22 curse. What have you ladies tried? Has anything worked for you?

Also, do I need to get rid of this pre-af spotting before I have a chance of falling pregnant?

Sorry for rambling, I'm just feeling quite down about it today.

Thanks for listening (or, rather, reading!) :flower:
I wanted to come and give all the spotters some hope as I have been reading this thread for some time. I have spotted every month for days before AF since I can remember. I was convinced something was wrong and that I would never get pregnant because of it, despite day 21 tests coming out normal. Anyway after 11 months I finally got a BFP. I had a tiny bit of spotting on about day 23 and then nothing. Couldn't believe it. Am still in shock and have my fingers crossed that everything will work out.
Grrr, spotting has gone from 0 to 60 in a day - usually (sorry for the TMI!) I get very light beige CM for a couple of days, then slightly darker brown but very light, then heavier dark brown then AF. But this morning it has gone straight to the dark brown, heavy stage (had one day of beige CM yesterday). Don't have that pre-AF 'full' feeling yet though - so maybe I'll eek out one more day of LP although it doesn't really matter if I'm not pregnant!
On the bright side - now I've got my HSG cycle out of the way I can crack on with Clomid - am going to increase the dose to 150mg but get monitored to check I'm not super-ovulating!! x

Sorry about your spotting MrsHY! Mine is usually beigey CM then straight to AF, maybe it's a good sign? :shrug: How many DPO are you and have you tested? Are you on clomid now? I can't remember, and what mg, 100? x

Thanks MrsP! :flower:
It was a bit bloody this morning so thought AF had arrived, but has gone back to beige/dark brown now. I think AF will be here in full force tomorrow. I think I'm around 8dpo. So rubbish LP this cycle but I wasn't expecting it to be good given this was a natural cycle. Back on Clomid for another go this cycle - ramping up to 150mg!
Congratulations Applepine, that's fantastic news! :dance:

I've been having a pretty down day after spotting again this month and your post has made me smile. Thanks for giving all us spotters hope! :flower:

Wishing you a sticky bean and a happy and healthy 9 months. :baby:
I wanted to come and give all the spotters some hope as I have been reading this thread for some time. I have spotted every month for days before AF since I can remember. I was convinced something was wrong and that I would never get pregnant because of it, despite day 21 tests coming out normal. Anyway after 11 months I finally got a BFP. I had a tiny bit of spotting on about day 23 and then nothing. Couldn't believe it. Am still in shock and have my fingers crossed that everything will work out.

Thank you for posting to give us all hope, and massive congratualtions!
Congratulations Applepine! That's so wonderful!

Applepine - I think a lot of us are in the same boat, so welcome. Good to know you have a doctor who's checking it out for you.

AFM - Just got back from the RE, and can I just say I LOVE this woman. She knows her stuff, spent plenty of time with us and is going to investigate everything.

I already have labwork for a CD3 test once my next cycle starts, a HSG scheduled for a couple days after that (once my bloodwork comes in), and DH has a referral to a urologist to check out his less than optimal morphology (91% abnormal in first test, 81% in the second). I asked about doing a CD21 (7dpo) test, and she said in my case, especially due to the spotting, she would just prescribe progesterone straight away. She said progesterone can fluctuate widely throughout the day, so she doesn't trust their accuracy.

She also asked if I've had ultrasounds done at all, I said no, and she was like okay let's go do one right now. Saw my uterus, she said it's good. Saw my ovaries, which looked good and she said it appeared I ovulated out of my right side (which I soooo could feel and that was the one I guessed).

Anyway, long story short, nothing exciting just yet, but lots of testing and plans in place. She's very proactive and I feel like this will be a great journey now.
12dpo and have my regular spotting. At 10dpo, I have very very light spotting only first thing in the morning. Yesterday had none. Today, I have quite a bit ongoing into this afternoon. Feeling very full as if AF is on her way.
Applepine - congratulations and thank you for popping in to share :)

Well 11dpo and no spotting for me :happydance: and no signs of it imminent even :happydance:

No idea what's happened to it, first time (excluding when i've been doing IVF and on progesterone) that i've not spotted from around 4dpo or at best 7dpo since TTC.

I decided this cycle I wasn't going to check internally for spotting, i'm so over it really. 4dpo came and went and nothing. 7dpo I had a smear of old brown blood when i wiped and thought that was my spotting starting, but then nothing since. Checked internally the last couple of days out of curiosity and I am clean as a whistle not even beige tinged cm :haha:

I took a single down-reg injection on 8dpo and wondered if that might be keeping it at bay, but i've read the leaflet over and over and all that affects is estrogen, so it's more for stopping ovulation and my lining thickening pre O - googled and lots of people GET spotting with it, not have it disappear.

Of course I've done countless FRER's and all BFN, but i'm wondering now if AF might arrive like normal ladies and i'm getting a spot free cycle for Christmas maybe?! :xmas16:
Wow _Nell that's excellent. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's a BFP for you!

AFM: AF is definitely starting and I had a huge temp dip this morning as well. I'm alright with it because we have tons of tests coming in the next few weeks and I feel like progress is being made regardless. Also this cycle I only had two days of spotting pre AF. That's amazing for me!
daydream - sorry the witch is on her way, but like you say it's good to move forward with tests. 2 days of spotting is in the realms of normal, I too would be thrilled with that :)
Hi everyone:
Just thought I'd update…must be something about the holidays, as I am also having a spot-free month. I got a positive OPK on the 11th and 12th this month. Usually, I spot 5-6dpo, but is 10dpo and nothing yet has made it to the pantyliner. That is big for me. Its usually some gross black discharge by now, and it usually has some bright red blood mixed in. Internally, I do have some very light brown, but I am not going to obsess about that. My cycles are almost always 28 days, so I had my calendar marked for a Christmas period (how fun). CD 1 was November 28th for me, so I guess this will be a longer cycle…or my period could just show up X-mas day with no spotting? We'll see.
This month, I started taking an organic multi vitamin with vegetable extract (its called Alive Once Daily Women's Ultra Potency) The B vitamins I tried really screwed up my cycles and made me spot SUPER early, so I stopped. I also started drinking organic milk. Im wondering if that made a difference? It looks like I will be starting IUI sometime soon, as my insurance makes me do a few IUI's, and then they pay for 3 IVF cycles. After shopping around RE's in NYC, I think I found one I like. Im so picky. If they are quick to dismiss my spotting, I get pissed and move on. Hopefully this one will help.
Hapy Holidays to everyone here. I love reading everyone's updates, its been so informative
_Nell, those signs sound really positive. Fingers crossed you get your BFP this Christmas! When are you planning to test?

Daydream and TTC SPOTTING, I hope next cycle I can post about my lack of spotting too - that would be amazing!!! I've almost given up on my BFP for now and just concentrating on getting a normal, spot-free cycle.

This month I started spotting 4dpo-AF. The spotting is so heavy sometimes that I'm not sure where it ends and AF begins! :wacko:

TTC SPOTTING, it's interesting that you mentioned B vitamins screwed with your cycle - this is my first month on B-50 complex and I was kind of hoping they would be my magic pills for this cycle. I was also thinking of taking Soy Isoflavones. Have any of you tried them? I'm conscious that I don't want to mess with my cycle too much...

I would try literally anything to get rid of this spotting. Just got my second 21-day blood test results today and got a 'clear'. I'm glad they were so descriptive with me! Like TTC SPOTTING said, I'm so fed up with being dismissed by health professionals as if it's nothing. I'm fed up being told it's 'just one of these things'. Surely there's a reason for it! :shrug:

Anyway, onwards and upwards! FX it's not long till we all get our BFPs (or, at the very least, a spot-free cycle!!!). :hugs:
So sorry about AF expat :hugs:. But fab news about the spotting, I might give the B vits a whirl!


I take a B complex vitamin, partly to help with the spotting and also because I'm a vegetarian, so B vitamins are hard to come by without eating meat.

Any other spotters happen to be vegetarians? When I first met with an acupuncturist, he said that was likely the cause of the shorter LP and spotting. He didn't say why though.

I am mostly vegan... 50% raw vegan and the rest is cooked food, with fish and shellfish as the only type of meat I eat once in a while.
I have neglected taking B-complex and I realize now that I really should consider this, due to my diet.
Will start taking this today.
Welcome Happenstance! :hi: I would say no you don’t need to get rid of the spotting to get a :bfp: as there are plenty of BFP’s with ladies who spot and the majority of our Dr’s/FS seem to think it doesn’t cause a problem, I just hope they are right!

Applepine – thanks so much for stopping by and giving us your great news. Congratulations! :dance:

MrsHY – did :witch: come? Are you just upping your clomid dose on your own without advice from the doc? I would like to do that but am scared! :wacko:

Daydream, so happy your FS appointment went well! It’s interesting seeing yourself on a scan isn’t it?! I hope the :witch: stayed away.

Nell – how long has it been since your last IVF, are you taking a break? Just whenever we’ve been talking about all things TTC I don’t recall you mentioning the IVF in a while? :shrug: Brilliant news that your spotting has been almost non-existent! :yipee:

TTCspotting – great news on your spotting too! :dance: I hope you get your :bfp:. Merry Christmas to you too!

:hi: Jelebi!

Ladies I do hope the B vits isn’t screwing with you as I started taking it last cycle! The last thing I need is it to be making things worse! :sad1:

AFM – Waiting for my positive OPK, though it may not be for a few more days yet and I don’t think I’ll be lucky enough to get my + on CD14 as no hint of EWCM yet and I got it CD12 last cycle.
I had a mini breakdown before, I seem to be getting them a lot lately. I sent a christmas card to a lady who’s children I used to look after 8-11years ago. I was a nursery nurse for just over a year and started babysitting for one of the little girls who was at the nursery then her parents had a little boy. Anyway I stopped babysitting when I moved in with DH 8 years ago as it was too far to travel & we’ve kept in touch with Christmas cards ever since. This Christmas I said I’d love to see a photo of the kids to see how they’ve grown. They’re both gorgeous and the little girl who I looked after most looked so grown up, she must be about 12 or 13 now. I got a shock and it just made me cry, I feel so old and feel like my life is flashing before me. And still no :baby: :nope:. I guess if I had kids I wouldn’t feel as bad about getting older. I really need to stop getting upset over little things, if I didn’t know better I’d think I was pg! :haha: x

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