Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

I can't remember how long I've been spotting before my period as I didn't give it any attention til I was trying to concieve.
But I was trying for 12months and thought the spotting had something to do with it. I would get it for 4 days before period which meant my LP was 10days sometimes. This would match my drop in temperature. The Dr pretty much dismissed it at first but I was about to go for a scan to get checked out when I fell pregnant on the 12th cycle. So don't give up hope!

I used to wonder if I would get the spotting the month I did concieve, but I didn't.

I did take a multi vitamin for preconception this month (but I have done once or twice before and it didn't help) so who knows.....
Hi Girls,
I've been MIA for a bit on this forum, but i've been keeping up with your posts. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

I am excited that O came early for you, MrsP!

Nell, good luck with the IVF in Jan! Sounds like its worth the risk rather than going through the pain of a full procedure again.

I've also enjoyed seeing the success stories from other spotters.

AFM, i haven't really had much opportunity for spotting because I don't think i've been ovulating :( BBT's haven't shown anything. I went on Clomid 50mg from CD5-9, and i'm currently on CD24. I'm charting my temp, and it took a dip today, so i'm hoping that is my dip before O, and that tomorrow i'll wake up to a higher temp. FX for that. I have been POAS as well, and I think I had 2-3 days of +OPK's on CD 20-22. So i'm not really sure what is going on with my body. Just trying to BD every other day in case O happens at some point. i got frustrated because I had high hopes for the Clomid to make me O at a normal time, and here I am at CD24 and I have nothing. Haven't noticed any EWCM either.

Well, thats my update for now. No spotting for now, although if i do O soon, i will be interested to see if my spotting returns. hopefully I will O soon and the spotting will stay away!
Hey all, I posted on here a few times because I had been spotting for 7 days before my period for years, and my husband and I were ttc for a year with no results. I changed my diet and cut out carbs (just breads, not fruits and veggies!) and processed foods, and the spotting decreased significantly, although I would still spot 7 days before, but I wouldn't spot the entire week before, just intermittently.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that apparently the spotting isn't an issue when you're ttc. I'm 12 weeks, 4 days today, and everything has been absolutely normal and fine, the little bean is growing ferociously. And the kicker: the month I conceived, my husband and I were extremely busy the entire month, and we seriously only had sex once. I didn't think I would get pregnant, because we had sex 5 days before I was due to ovulate. Imagine my shock when i peed on 4 sticks after being 3 days late (despite the spotting, my period is like clockwork) and I got instant BFPs every time!
Here's what I did different: I was so busy, that I thought to myself "I can't have a kid right now, we need to wait a little longer, we'll start trying again later." And that's when it happens. ;)
So don't worry, the spotting apparently doesn't affect fertility, just stop trying so hard to get pregnant! I swear, I'm not the only one this has worked for. I actually know 2 couples who tried for years to get pregnant, failed, adopted a child, and then went on to have a surprise pregnancy.
I'm 34 years old, and this is my first pregnancy.
So don't worry, the spotting apparently doesn't affect fertility, just stop trying so hard to get pregnant!

Congrats on your pregnancy!! :)

Sorry for being honest, but the "stop trying so hard", along with "go on exotic vacation", etc is really not something women that they've been trying for long wanna hear ;) Even because it's very likely they've tried that already and not once. I'm glad it worked for you though.
Thanks Soili!

I totally wouldn't say it if it weren't true. I've been playing roller derby for the past 8 months, and I had such a passion for it. The last 3 months I was playing, I actually thought to myself "I love this so much, I'm not ready to have a kid right now, I really want to do this for a while first." The month I conceived, I got my BFP right before a big bout I was on the roster for. I knew it would happen that way, I had a feeling.

Don't you ever wonder why the women who want a baby so badly have difficulty conceiving, and you're left to glare at women who walk around, effortlessly pregnant? I seriously believe there's a correlation. It may be superstition, but I've seen it happen so often. Let me cite examples:

My aunt and uncle tried for years and couldn't conceive. So they adopted a boy. And then they adopted a girl 2 years later. And then, 2 years after that, my aunt miraculously became pregnant, and had a girl.

A good friend of mine tried for TWO years, went to fertility doctors, who said she had fibroids, and that may be interfering. Finally, she gave up, and decided with her husband that they would fulfill their time with traveling and exploring the world. A month after she made this decision, BAM, a BFP. She now has 2 beautiful kids.

Another friend of mine tried for years, and had 6 very early miscarriages. It was too emotionally painful to try any longer, so they adopted. 4 years after their adopted their little girl, she missed her period, so very confused, she took a test and was shocked to find her BFP. She now has her beautiful little girl who she adopted, and 2 boys who she gave birth to. She's now pregnant again.

A coworker of mine and his wife tried for a year and a half with no success. They gave up, and to make themselves feel better, they booked a week-long cruise. Right before that cruise, she got her BFP.

My mother in law tried for a year when she was 22, with no results. Her and my father in law apparently were at her parents house, telling them that they can't have children, but that's okay, they had come to terms with it. They had no idea that they were pregnant with my sister in law at the time.

I could go on, I've had many friends who had the same exact thing happen. I've seen it so many times, that I can't believe it's just a superstition. The baby decides when it wants to make an appearance, I don't think you have anything to do with it. It always seems like the more you want it, the harder it is to happen. It's really not fair.
As much as I would love to believe that simply coming in terms that I cannot have children or deciding that we're done trying, I just don't think that and that only can do it. Sure, it does happen. Like it happens that 14 year olds having sex first time get pregnant and girls who get drunk and sleep with hell knows who get pregnant and women who cheat on their husbands get pregnant. If I've learned anything, then it's that it really ain't fair games, just like you said. And that it's pretty much random lottery.

Besides, there's really nothing I can think of that I would have to give up when I become a parent. Or wouldn't be able to postpone. I'm afraid I'm way too honest to be able to convince myself otherwise. So I would always know that I'm tricking myself to test a theory ;)
Canagirl – Yay for your lack of spotting this month! Sorry no :bfp: though!

Mrstwooie – Congrats on your pregnancy! Thanks for sharing your story!

Hi Chloe – welcome back :hugs:. What DPO did you ovulate or get +OPK before? Clomid shortened my cycle but only gradually. Maybe you need a higher dosage? Are you not having follicle tracking? I’m taking clomid CD 2-6, I’ve heard of 3-7 but not 5-9, do you know what the difference is?

Thanks for your story baddream and congrats on your :bfp:! I agree with Soili though, this relax and it’ll happen thing is easier said than done. We only BD when TTC so it’s not like we can stop and have an oopsie. We do foreplay and things but don’t BD, I have virtually no sex drive and DH prefers foreplay :blush:. I too have heard stories of couples giving up hope and them falling pg, but usually after they’ve been trying years and years, so I think it’s just a fluke… I personally couldn’t stop or have a break TTC, not yet anyways, and I know the next step for me if no BFP in the next 6 months or so would be IUI or IVF, so if it’s meant to happen that should help it on it’s way! :thumbup:

AFM, looks like I O on Christmas Day!! Bring on the Crimbo conception! :yipee: x
Besides, there's really nothing I can think of that I would have to give up when I become a parent. Or wouldn't be able to postpone. I'm afraid I'm way too honest to be able to convince myself otherwise. So I would always know that I'm tricking myself to test a theory ;)

I completely agree with that. I've wanted to be a mom ever since I got married, but we waited to try until we had more money. Now that I'm at that point, there's nothing that would get in my way of wanting to be a mother. Now I may be busier than usual at times, but wouldn't be able to not TTC. If that makes sense.

Anyway, to each his own, if some people can "not think about it" then good for them. But I agree, if I even attempted to do that, it would end up being a sad attempt to play mind games with myself, which seems silly.
My saline infusions sonogram is tomorrow morning. Eep I'm kind of nervous, but also excited at the same time. My dr prescribed vallum and vicodin because she doesn't want her office associated with any sort of pain. So I'm hoping it isn't that bad. Hoping we get good news from the results! We'll also find out our CD3 bloodwork results and DH's bloodwork results tomorrow as well.
daydream - I hope your saline sono goes well. I had one earlier in the year and was super nervous after reading so many horrible things on the internet. I've had 2 now and for me the actual procedure was painless. I do have a tight cervix and the only part of the procedure that was uncomfortable was when they had to get the catheter through the cervix - for most women this isn't an issue so I if didn't have that problem, it would have been painless. It was over so quickly.

With the valium and vicodin I'm sure you'll be fine as I just used regular strength ibuprofen (although more than the recommended dose). It was worthwhile for me as the saline sono picked up my polyps and the regular ultrasound did not.

Good luck and it will be over before you know it - the worrying beforehand was much worse than the actual procedure for me.
GL for tomorrow Daydream! Excuse my ignorance but what's a saline sonogram? Is it like a HSG? x
GL for tomorrow Daydream! Excuse my ignorance but what's a saline sonogram? Is it like a HSG? x

From what I've read it's more to check the condition of the uterus and can also see if there are any problems with the tubes (which would then go one step further and get a HSG). I think she's trying to see if I have any fibroids which would be causing my spotting.

Definitely not ignorance, I had to google it myself when my dr emailed me what it was called. I had walked away thinking she had been talking about a HSG, but it was in fact a SIS.
daydream - I hope your saline sono goes well. I had one earlier in the year and was super nervous after reading so many horrible things on the internet. I've had 2 now and for me the actual procedure was painless. I do have a tight cervix and the only part of the procedure that was uncomfortable was when they had to get the catheter through the cervix - for most women this isn't an issue so I if didn't have that problem, it would have been painless. It was over so quickly.

With the valium and vicodin I'm sure you'll be fine as I just used regular strength ibuprofen (although more than the recommended dose). It was worthwhile for me as the saline sono picked up my polyps and the regular ultrasound did not.

Good luck and it will be over before you know it - the worrying beforehand was much worse than the actual procedure for me.

Thanks so much for the additional insight. I do feel relieved that I'll be pretty drugged up, so hopefully won't be too uncomfortable. I'll let you guys know how it goes!
daydream, no joking, right? Convincing myself that I'm done trying would be like pretending that the elephant is not in the room ;)

Good luck with your sonogram!! Drugs are good! I imagine I'm going to have to do HSG sometime soon and I wish they would knock me out completely for it :D
Ah I see, hope it goes well!

Soili I've had my HSG & it was a piece of cake :flower:

Where is Yum? She said she'd be back on in December after her trip but she hasn't, hope you're ok Yum!

Thanks, MrsPTTC!! :) I do like cake!! LOL

About to go to our first FS appointment, really curious! ;) Gotta remember to ask "why??" if I'm told something that goes against what I know :D Generally I don't like contradicting doctors, so might just pretend to be clueless, hehe.
Hi Chloe – welcome back :hugs:. What DPO did you ovulate or get +OPK before? Clomid shortened my cycle but only gradually. Maybe you need a higher dosage? Are you not having follicle tracking? I’m taking clomid CD 2-6, I’ve heard of 3-7 but not 5-9, do you know what the difference is?


Thanks for the welcome! :hugs: I believe with CD 5-9 Clomid you have less chance of producing multiple eggs. From what I have read and others have told me, thats pretty much the only advantage of starting on day 5 instead of 2 or 3. And the ovulation and success rate is the same for any of those start dates. No follicle tracking, only Clomid and a phone call if I am not preggo in 3 months. Its just my regular OB/GYN, not an RE, so I dont think i get any special treatment. She said my body looks good, i may just need a little boost, but so far, a little boost isn't helping me O. the couple times I know I have O'd after i came off BCP, the O date was pretty late. I was hoping Clomid would change that...

However, i have been temping, and I haven't O'd yet :( Got my last supposedly +OPK on Dec 24, which was CD 22. Today is CD 26, so no clue what is going on. I had a nice temp dip on CD 24, so i thought that i may O on the 25th, but my temp is even lower today than it was on CD24. :shrug:

Daydream, good luck with your test!
Hello all!
Sorry I've been AWOL - was away for Christmas and had a lovely time. Daydream - I hope your saline sonogram was OK. I had a HSG and whilst uncomfortable it wasn't unbearable at all.
Mrs PTTC - yay for O on Christmas Day!! I am cd11 today so started POAS yesterday. And yes, I increased my dose to 150mg of Clomid this month, cd2-6, so we'll see. I must say it's not a decision I've taken lightly - I work in the medical field and made the decision to up the dose based on the evidence base. In my case I know from my monitored cycles that I'm not a hyper-responder, so 'worst case' is that I could develop more than one dominant follicle - but TBH a lot of women do that on 50mg. I know not everyone will agree with my decision but there you are, that's life.
Oh, and I'm sorry (am in a bit of a mood, as you might be able to tell!) but the whole 'relax and it will happen' thing is a crock of poo.
MrsHY, I would up the dose too, if I thought it would help. I really hope it works for you! :)

We're back from FS app! I have more CD3 tests to do and an "order" to loose 10kg by the next appointment, which is on March. They game me Metformin, 1500mg a day to see if it might help regulate cycles and with weight loss. DH will be doing SA in February. No HSG yet, maybe they wanna see SA results first, not sure. I did try Metformin before already, but only for a month, so I decided not to say anything ;) Aside from that, pretty much have PCOS confirmed again and hopefully drugs for me in March! :D It's going to be all about weight loss for me in the next months.

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