Spring Babies

I'm finding that Noah is being woken up by mine and my hubby's alarms. There's no hitting snooze for me anymore. LOL

Qwerty - Happy 35 weeks! How are you feeling? I am feeling terrible LOL. Insomnia and acid reflux have returned and worse than before. I am so ready to meet my little man!
I'm finding that Noah is being woken up by mine and my hubby's alarms. There's no hitting snooze for me anymore. LOL

Qwerty - Happy 35 weeks! How are you feeling? I am feeling terrible LOL. Insomnia and acid reflux have returned and worse than before. I am so ready to meet my little man!

Hi guys! Emma LOVELY bump. I love it.

Happy coconut to you Tee! Feeling terrible today as I caught ANOTHER cold from my sister this weekend. But other than that acid reflux is there but manageable and insomnia is like, two nights a week and then every other night I sleep pretty well so can't complain.

Got a crap ton done last night washing clothes and setting up nursery stuff but there's still a giant pile of sh4$ in our living room that will have to wait until the weekend :)
Whew Lilly, you sure went through it. It's amazing what we can handle isn't it? I am so glad to hear you and the little one are doing well.

Qwerty - I had my shower yesterday too. When we brought everything home I was exhausted. But I am so relieved that now all I have to do is put the nursery back together. LOL It is a MESS. But it's the last thing left. Well, besides finding a sitter and that is stressing us out.

A few pics, of course!

you guys are such a good looking couple!
Aww thanks Qwerty. And you sound like me. HAHAH we have so much crap laying around and it's so hard to do it all, but I keep doing little bits here and there. I just can't stand up for that long anymore. LOL I have a ton of more laundry to do from the last shower. So glad I have this Friday off!
Glad you both had amazing baby showers - they look awesome! You've got so many people around you that love you which is so lovely to see!

OMG I am so tired today. I've got flu and trying desperately not to give it to Lily but given that she's pretty much attached to my boobs all day it's so hard. So praying she doesn't get it! She didn't go to sleep last night (well, this morning) until 5am! she just wouldn't settle so in the end I had to sit with her on my chest in bed and then she went to sleep finally. Not sure whether she was just wanting cuddles?!?! Everytime I put her in her moses basket she woke back up! :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

Emma - cannot believe you don't have any stretch marks (the pic of you on the beach on FB). How did you manage that? Mine are now soooo itchy!

Do love being a Mummy though - you're all going to love it. Can't believe how soon it is now though!
Glad you both had amazing baby showers - they look awesome! You've got so many people around you that love you which is so lovely to see!

OMG I am so tired today. I've got flu and trying desperately not to give it to Lily but given that she's pretty much attached to my boobs all day it's so hard. So praying she doesn't get it! She didn't go to sleep last night (well, this morning) until 5am! she just wouldn't settle so in the end I had to sit with her on my chest in bed and then she went to sleep finally. Not sure whether she was just wanting cuddles?!?! Everytime I put her in her moses basket she woke back up! :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

Emma - cannot believe you don't have any stretch marks (the pic of you on the beach on FB). How did you manage that? Mine are now soooo itchy!

Do love being a Mummy though - you're all going to love it. Can't believe how soon it is now though!

Yes, DH and I are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lifes. I don't DH that our son is going to have a lot of aunties and uncles LOL.

I hope Lily doesn't catch what you have either. How scary!

So cute with the cuddles. I can't wait to hold my little man in my arms. And whlie I know it's best for him to be asleep alone, I am going to have a hard time putting him down. The poor kid will be covered in kisses. <3 Oh I can't wait. What an amazing feeling it much be to be able to sit there and look at your little princess. I am so so happy for you!! Will you post a pic?
You literally want to never put them down! Lily is asleep on my chest as I type after a feed. Though breastfeeding means that, because she's always hungry she just wants me and DH doesn't get as many cuddles and if she's having a particularly hungry day she just cries if anyone picks her up. But hopefully she'll get into a bit of a routine soon. MW came today and discharged us both and she's now 7lb 5oz which is great as she should have lost weight post birth but has put on nearly half a pound! She's a greedy baby so it doesn't surprise me much!

Just tried posting a pic but apparently it's too big so will try resizing it and post over the weekend, i'm such a technophobe lol.

hope everyone has a fabulous easter weekend - bumps and babies!

Karry - how you doing? Any tips for me???
Hehe thanks for the bump compliments! I don't know how I don't have stretch marks yet but I am covered in mosquito bites - which I carefully erased in my Photoshop bwahaha. I just had my preggy shoot last night and got a few pics back today, lots more to come but the photographer knows how impatient subjects get so she sent a few across aw.

I was surprised at my ultrasound the other day to see Maia's just under 7lbs, I thought she'd be WAY bigger than that. I know they're not completely accurate, but even if they're a pound out, she's definitely following OH's side of the family and not mine as all our babies are 9lbs and up!

Aw it's such a beautiful day today on the island but I've been lying in bed ALL day, so tired. Yesterday was lovely too, but it got a bit nippy during the sunset shots. :)


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Nearly done haha. OH took some too of the photographer shooting me but it takes so long to add attachments I'm too lazy. When I get the rest, I'll make an album. I'm happy I got them done as I think Maia will like them when she's older and we definitely will :)


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Emma - great shots! What fun you must have had :)

Hope everyone is doing well. Had a weird experience last night where baby moved positions entirely. For the past 4 weeks he's been vertex in exactly the same position all the time. So I had some energy last night and we went to Target to exchange a few things (no we don't need ANOTHER INFANT ONESIE people... sorry... love my friends but they didn't help with things we actually need :) and I got a big exercise ball to bounce on.

As soon as I got home DH blew it up and I hopped on. It felt SO GREAT and I was high with this crazy feeling of circulation and relief. I get off and then about ten min later baby has totally flopped over to the other side of my body, and pretty sure his head was no longer down as I felt hiccups on the outside where I usually feel them in cervix area only and can't feel with hand.

Not sure if he settled back in overnight - I think so? but it was weird and disconcerting. I know that babies move around still in later stages but I was so relaxed about him being in nice head down position. The feeling of him getting OUT of my pelvis was AMAZING though... something to look forward to after labor!!

hope you all have a wonderful weekend. just cooking and doing some work at home today - nothing exciting :sleep:
Emma - WOW! Those photos are breath taking. They really captured the joy and beauty you are feeling during this time in your life. I love the one with you looking up and laughing with your arms back! LOVE IT! Just so beautiful, all of them.

Qwerty - I felt some huge rolls lately too. I even looked at Wes last night and was like, OMG I hope he didn't just turn. I don't think it was big enough but I am feeling the same way you are. Because I am so close I keep thinking about what I am feeling. I was telling a co-worker it's almost like you know you are waiting for your period to come and thinking, is that cramps? Oh I better run to the bathroom! Or Am I PMS'ing?

Does that make sense? I feel like when I go to the bathroom I'm thinking, is my water breaking, are those labor cramps, are those contractions? Are my hips and legs giving out because I'm close? HAHAH I am driving myself MAD!

My sister keeps telling me to go for walks at night, do jumping jacks and have sex. I get a little upset at everyone telling me what to do to induce labor. I want Noah to make his appearance when he is ready. I don't want to force anything to happen. Of course I might be singing a different tune once I hit 40 weeks (which I hope I don't, 38 weeks would be nice). :wink wink:

Oh a happier note; we (I should say DH) put in the car seat this weekend! Also put the bouncer together. I packed my hospital bag, but just need a few things, We cleaned and sterilized all the bottles, teethers and binkies and now all I have to do is clean the area out beside my bed to set up the pack and play with the basinet. It's getting so close!!!!!!!!

Pics, as always


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yay we put carseat in this weekend as well! have to get it checked at our hospital at some point though. lol we also left the base in but took it out because we can't sit in our usual spots with it in. sigh. it's a great little hatchback with lots of storage. just no room for back seat passengers!
Bah! We haven't got ours yet! Do they all have to have a base nowadays? Can't decide whether to just pick one for the car or one that fits on the stroller, which limits us to Maxi-Cosi at the moment 'cause we have the attachments for that brand.

How's everyone feeling? :)
Bah! We haven't got ours yet! Do they all have to have a base nowadays? Can't decide whether to just pick one for the car or one that fits on the stroller, which limits us to Maxi-Cosi at the moment 'cause we have the attachments for that brand.

How's everyone feeling? :)

We went back and forth on this for a long time because we had an offer for a free car seat from a friend. in the end we got one that could move to stroller because DH is obsessed with the idea of a travel system lol. will have other car seat in mom's car when she's here for a few weeks when i head back to work.

i think most have a base nowadays but i know you can also rig up the seat into the latch points without a base in theory - just not sure exactly how that works and with which model of car it's compatible with.

feeling good! back and pelvis hurt a lot but i'm able to workout again and have more energy again after another stupid cold last week. still sleeping well for the most part - really can't complain.

how are YOU!? pumpkin baby!!
Wes and I got lucky with a after Thanksgiving sale and got the stroller/carseat in one for 99 bucks. So we have the base and just the carseat detaches and then attaches in the stroller too. It's the Graco brand. :)

I am going to whine here for a second LOL I feel like sh!t! HAHAH I'm being honest. Last night I was the biggest baby. I was having some crazy BH that were actually uncomfortable. I also noticed (TMI Alert) a sweet smell when I went to the bathroom. I of course opened ALL my pregnancy books and kept seeing that it could be a sign of preterm labor. So then I'd stare at my hubby and say, "so are these realy contractions?" HAHAH poor guy. I almost wanted to head to L&D but I wasn't having any other pains and when I laid on my side to go to bed I was comfortable again.

I have a doc appt tomorrow, so I will talk to him then about all this. Anyone else experience this? I hope it's a good sign. But, my worrying always gets the best of me and I ended up having nightmares about Noah's arrival. Not cool.

I am just so ready for him to be OUT but also really want him to hang tight for at least another 3 weeks. Oh, and this is exciting, the app I use just gave me the "arrived" button this week, AHHHH omg, getting so close.



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OH I also wanted to share this. This week in National Infertility Awareness Week. So a huge shout out to all the couples out there that are fighting the good fight. We fought for 7 years. <3


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OH I also wanted to share this. This week in National Infertility Awareness Week. So a huge shout out to all the couples out there that are fighting the good fight. We fought for 7 years. <3

gah started sobbing at your post and pic. so happy for you guys. so happy for me too.
Tee - hope you are feeling better/more constant at least... let us know what doc says. You've been such a good mommy for all these weeks. Even if Noah comes tomorrow you will be looking at brilliant and perfect little human. Hope he stays in - partially so you can still hang out with me while Emma joins the rest of our friends!:blush:
Hey Ladies

Tee - re the sweet smell. I had this in the two weeks leading up to her arriving. I asked my MW about it and she said it was just an increase in hormones (progesterone mainly) in the final lead up to her being ready to come out. In the couple of days before I went into labour I had LOADS of yellow CM (sorry, tmi) which I think was my plug slowly coming away and then when in labour I had small amounts of pink (not red) blood come away. But when my waters broke there was no mistaking it lol!

Qwerty - I sat on my exercise ball each night for an hour from 37 weeks and then the night before I went into labour I sat on it for about 2 hours (not on purpose, I think my back was hurting so it was easier to sit on that) and then when I actually went into labour I was sitting on my ball too!

If you're worried about baby having turned then you should have a look at this - https://www.birthingnaturally.net/cn/tool/rebozo.html. My antennal classes recommended it and it can help get baby into position and also if they are in the position already some of the exercises can help get babies head pushing on the cervix.

But saying all that, I get what you mean Tee about people telling you how to get baby out ASAP when all you/we care about it making sure that baby comes when ready and healthy. So please don't think i'm saying that you should all be doing this now haha!

Loving the pictures Emma - so beautiful! Maia will love looking at those in the future and seeing her pretty Mummy!

It's so fun putting the car seats in isn't it! What sort of things have you got in your hospital bag?

Not trying to be an expert in all of this btw, but there was lots of things that I had in the hospital bag that were so helpful and others I didn't use and then stuff that I wished i'd packed. Not sure if the below is helpful, feel free to ignore it lol:

Sweets (I took jelly babies), when I was about to start pushing Robert was feeding me jelly babies to get quick energy fixes

Energy drinks, same as above, but I was drinking them from the start of labour and I'm not sure I'd have survived without them!

lots of maternity towels as the blood loss after is unholy. Don't buy the normal AF towels as they just won't cut it!

Black PJ's for after the birth and shower (black because if you bleed on them it's less noticeable)

I was told to take disposable underwear but they are the most uncomfortable thing in the world, just pack BIG underwear lol

Your favourite shower/shampoo products as the shower after the birth is luxurious and the best one you'll ever have!

A comb, I forgot mine and once i'd washed my hair I had to sit there with tangled wet hair

A head band to wear during labour to keep your hair out of your face, literally invaluable!

A small hand fan that your OH can put in front of you because you get HOT!

As I said, i'm sure you've got it all covered ladies but just in case!

I seem to have made a nocturnal baby, she sleeps during the day and was awake every hour last night!


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