Spring Babies

Thanks for the advice ladies. I need to just tough it up and do it. If it wasn't 115 degrees out I would take him out more. It's so miserable here and it's not even summer yet. i am thinking about packing him up and heading to the mall, that way I can walk around and have some air conditioning.

Qwerty - I am glad everything is back to normal for you! I'm STILL on my blood pressure medicine. UGH I can't wait to be off them. It's making me feel like an old lady. LOL

Oh wow, Noah is already a month old today. I can't believe it! I really don't want to go back to work. I don't know how I am going to handle putting him in daycare. I am so afraid of other people taking care of my son. What if they lose their patience with him? Does anyone else feel that way? I really wish we had family that could watch him but, all of them work. It'd be perfect if I could just quit my job and be a stay at home mom. We want to move soon, we live in a two bedroom condo right now and need a bigger place.

Ok, so I'm blabbing LOL Right now this is my only outlet. I post on Facebook but, I am sort of sick of other people's opinions or telling me to do this, try that and all that. For some reason when it's coming from all you ladies I am totally OK with it. But, when friends and family that think they are so experienced from having kids already telling me what to do or saying this and that like they know what's going on really pisses me off. LOL

Ok I better stop before I write a novel. Thank you all for being here. <3
Sorry abou the fb thing ... I have to laugh a little about it because I totally know what you mean. I'm not posting anything about pregnancy or baby online but the advice coming in from all around is annoying, yet I always appreciated it here. I love how we are all just figuring it out together.

Stay in touch and be proud of yourself of how great of a mommy you are! 115 F omg! Stay in that AC!
I got a carrier (which I LOVE) and I took him out on Sunday! We went out to the mall. it's big enough that I can walk around and it's in the AC. It was perfect. He slept the whole time. We stopped to feed him and then to change his diaper then went about shopping some more. He was so exhausted that when we got home he slept from 8-12. I was a little nervous because he wasn't waking up to eat (he slept in the car ride home too) and so, I didn't sleep. I was kicking myself for that one. I ended up getting a total of 2-3 hours of sleep that night. YUK!

Qwerty, are you on FB at all? A group was started for moms and it's amazing. it's like this board. I'd be lost without it. I'd love for you to join!
Tee no I'm not on fb... I assume you have to be to see the group? Maybe this will have me join :)

Glad you got a carrier that you guys like and that you had a good adventure out! We drove a few hours this weekend to visit my parents and Ethan didn't seem to bat an eye wrt sleeping more or less. Can't find a way to tire him out yet! He just slept from 10-1 which was awesome but then got up 30 min after I put him down to feed again. Oh well. Six weeks tomorrow! Going to start pumping and trying the bottle once a day next week for when I start teaching a few hours a day in July.
Hey Ladies

Can't believe how time is flying now we're Mummies!

Why did we not prepare ourselves for how busy we were going to be!

How is everyone?

Lily is growing so fast, laughing and smiling and changing everyday. Still breastfeeding, absolutely love it though there's still no routine, she feeds just whenever she wants really so can sometimes feed every 2 hours or sometimes every 30 minutes if she's having a growth spurt! She's like velcro to me at the moment as we just spent 3 weeks in France working and it was just me and her as DH was on the other side of France. Was so tough and we missed DH lots. Drove 4000miles!

Hope you and your gorgeous bubbas are doing well and can't wait to hear from you all

Hi Lilly! Sounds like you are in a marathon right now! Ethan has figured out his feeding and goes every three hours for the mos part, but evenings I still feel that Velcro feeling :) :baby:

Started teaching a summer course last week so I am gone two days a week for six hours at a time. Glad that it isn't more time away but means that we have family now living ith us for two months. Kind of wonderful with my parents but inlaws are coming soon and it's pulling teeth already. Happy to have help though, so shouldn't complain... But my mom has offered to do the whole time so kind if just wish it was her instead.

I love my baby so much! He just started smiling this week. Guess he is a little behind since he came almost a month early. It is amazing. Cloth diapers are working really well.

Lots of love and hugs to you all!
How are you all ladies?

Tee - how's being back at work? What is the nursery like where he goes? I hope you're ok, I know it must be super tough :hugs:

Emma - Sorry about your break-in. Have you managed to recover anything? I hope they didn't take any baby stuff!!!

Karen - How are your chickens getting on? A local farmer near me was getting rid of 3,000 ducks because the supplier gave him too many males and apparently that's pretty catastrophic as they attack other ducks and it's costly! I really wanted to get some for our pond but we already have about 40/50 of them and I think it wouldn't have been good as they're extremely protective about the pond!

Qwerty - How's being back at work? Is it 2 days you're lecturing still? Do you express milk for those 2 days?

Lily is getting really big now, still feeds on demand (which is all the time!) but i'm pretty relaxed about it (until I'm tired lol). She's so fascinated with the dog and keeps grabbing fist fulls of his fur, poor dog! he's so good with her though and always goes and lays with her or licks her head gently!

Anyone thinking of baby no.2??? I already am lol but it'll probably be like this time next year that we start trying (if I can convince DH). I miss being pregnant, though I think i'm forgetting the heaviness!

Look forward to hearing from you lovely ladies

Naw didn't recover anything and stupid-head left the spare room window open today, what a dickhead! Was meant to release a single this month, all my files gone, wish I'd backed them up but you know how baby brain is. He's stomped off to his friend's place tonight; I've had it with him. Even if he thinks I'm a monster and he's a saint, fact he trotted off and left his daughter in this house with me when we just had a home invasion speaks volumes.

I'm trying to get more work in; soon as I'm sure I can afford my own place, I'm off. Maia didn't even miss him when he was away this week lol. Oh and the police are terrible, refused to even come out and take prints or anything and we phoned pretty much just after the breakin happened. Maia woke me up, think she heard or saw something, OH slept through the whole thing, even though they tried climbing through window next to where he was sleeping ffs. He left his laptops on display in the living room, laundry window open, a freakin' stool under the window outside and when they got in to steal his computers, they got lucky and found my Mac, too. One of his laptops was empty, a notebook, and the other barely had anything on it and what it did have, I have backed up on my computer. So it was only me who lost out, really.

How are you, anyway? And the rest of you! I was thinking the other night we need to revive our chats here. Lily sounds so cute with the dog! Poor gentle doggy, hehe. I think they have more patience than some humans :)
Ergh he sounds like he hasn't changed! How is he with Maia? Does he help out much?

Has he come back? Hope you were both ok?

DH is going away on Friday for two weeks and it'll just be me and Lily until we fly out to be with him for three weeks while we both work out there.

Being a working Mum is tough! I worked until the day before I went into labour and then had three days in labour and then I was working on my phone in the delivery room 5 hours after she was born! I haven't benefited from this maternity leave lark lol. I guess that's the downside to working for yourself though!

Lily's still going well through the night. Though the other night we went out for dinner just the two of us and left Lily with two family members. Came back and she hadn't eaten as she'd screamed the whole time I was out and had screamed herself to eat. Not really sure how to deal with that? I know it's because she's been with me constantly with me and her being in France so much etc and me being her only constant. But at the moment I can't even walk into the bathroom without her wanting me!

Hope you're all ok? I miss our chats on here!

Happy four month old baby to me! And three and five to all of you! Miss you all lots and hope your babies are amazing and your bodies are slowly recovering. I am all done my summer course and won't start my new position until January so am officially just a mom right now. Finally!! So nice to only worry about him and what our next meal will be.

Breastfeeding going well now. He's sleeping through the night consistently now too. Not much of a napper though... It was one year ago that we got our BFP after our first round of IVF so he has been in my life for a year! So crazy! Please check in when you can. Emma, so sorry t hear about break in... So scary with a LO!!! Lilly, keep yr head up momma. You are doing everything right to support your family and your baby.
OMG Lily is 5 months tomorrow! That's almost half a year! We'll blink and they'll be at school next, time is absolutely flying!

I'm so glad you have time with Ethan now Qwerty, that must be an amazing feeling!

I'm working in France at the moment with her running the business and it's knackering! She decided to wean herself the other day and shove a load of scrambled eggs into her mouth so I realised it was time for solids for her. She's still being breastfed and having solids a couple of times a day. I love breastfeeding still though she eats like a friggin' horse! But then sleeps like a log at night lol!

Not sure about my body back to normal though I think "down there" has recovered! Still got a lot of the stretch marks but I guess she's totally worth it!

Hope everyone and their gorgeous bubbas are well!!

Miss you all too! xx
Hey Ladies

How is everyone? I'm back from France now and working from home/looking after Lily. Fun fun fun!

She's now 6 months, can't believe how big she's getting. She's sitting up and on solids. Last night she chowed down on a biscotti and loved it. Am doing a mixture of solids/pureed food. Still breastfeeding too, she's such a healthy happy little thing I figured that it's working for her so why stop!

How are things with you all? T, how's the new job? Qwerty are you still off with Ethan until January? Emma, I saw on FB that things aren't great for you at the moment, really hope you're ok and feel free to rant on here (though it looks like you have barely anytime to do anything!). Karen how's things with you?

Hope you're all ok and babies are being good for their Mummies!

Hey chica, I miss us all chatting on here!

I know, doesn't the time fly? Maia's whizzing round in her walker right now, seems like yesterday when she was in her incubator awwww.

My life's all about dramas and restraining orders at the moment, as in my thread here lol > https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/home-life-relationships/2228969-urgh-despise-my-oh.html

I hope you girls are all doing well :) xxx
Hey mommas! I am a young momma with a 3 year old son and pregnant with baby number 2, due May 7th.
I am a natural minded crunchy kinda momma. Full term breastfeeding, bed sharing/co sleeping, BLW, baby wearing AP kinda mommy &#9786;&#65039;
Happy and healthy pregnancies all!
Hi ladies! Is anyone still on here? I'm so sorry I haven't been on in so long but you all know how it goes - one day blurs into the next & before you know it weeks or months have gone by! Hope you are all keeping well. I've been thinking of you all often & love seeing the FB updates from those of you on there. Emma, I just saw your last post & I'm so sorry for all you're going through :hugs:

Hope you all see this. It would be great to still keep in touch either on this thread, on a new one now that we're not in 3rd tri anymore (!!) or in a FB group (if qwerty caves & joins!).
Hi Karry!!! I miss you ladies too. I don't know where time goes. Some days I feel it passes so quickly because I'm so in love and other days I am counting down the minutes until ... Whatever.... to keep myself sane with him. Six month birthday yesterday! We tried an avocado but mostly he just smeared it all around. I'm planning on breastfeeding him at least a year and will have food just be for fun and trying as long as he is developing ok. So much conflicting info out there but at least for now I feel good about following my instincts. He is totally not ready yet for solid food.

I start my new job as a big bad professor in January! Looking forward to it but also of course sad that life with my little man will be so different. I have to remember that at eight months he will be totally ready for something new. Mommy = boring sauce :)

Emma hope that you are doing ok... Read some of what you are dealing with and I hope you and Maia can get your own life started ASAP. Lilly so cool that you guys are still hanging and that biscuits are going down! What a big girl already! Karry your pic of Scott is so adorable.

Xoxo to all of you!
So happy to hear from you qwerty!! :happydance:

I totally know what you mean about the time. Some days fly but others (most!) seem to drag - especially the last two hours before DH gets home from work. It doesn't help that DH is working late recently & this weekend has to work Saturday AND Sunday too. To make matters worse my parents live next door & pop in & out but they're on holidays this week so feeling quite isolated. But also seeing the positive in it because it means I'm not relying on others as much. I'm making my own plans to get out & about. For instance I only go shopping with Mam but seeing as she's away & I'll be near the shopping centre tomorrow anyways I'm going to go just with the baby to put in an hour or two. Might also call over to my mother-in-law which I never do alone. She'd be delighted to see Scott as she usually only sees him for a bit on Wednesday evenings right before he goes asleep.

I also know what you mean about the conflicting information. I think the best thing to do is read it so you're making an informed decision & know the pros & cons of different approaches but definitely go with your gut. And if any more avocados are going spare send them to Scott! He eats everything!!! :munch:

I'd say you're totally right about the eight months. Scott is just over seven now & I can definitely see that he's getting bored being stuck at home with me!! I've started going on daily walks down our road (I had said before that I wouldn't because there are no paths but I only go so far as I think is safe because I HAVE to get out of the house!!) & yesterday he started Gymboree classes! He loved it! The "teacher" couldn't get over how advanced/strong he was! Very proud momma here!:haha: He'll be starting swimming classes in the new year (the closest pool only takes them for classes from nine months) but we're going to bring him to just splash around in a week or two.

Hope you (& all the other ladies) are enjoying your weekend xx
Hey Ladies

Emma I'm so sorry to hear what you're going through, it sounds awful!

Is he having any contact at all with Maia? I'm guessing from FB that he's not living with you anymore but it sounds like he's still causing trouble?

Karry he sounds so strong and grown up!!

Qwerty yay for starting the new job! Is it full time? Have you found a nursery you'd like to put him in?

Missing you all!

Karry that's so cool about your little athlete! What fun you guys are having and I'm glad you are getting out. Yes full time and yes found a daycare. It's a fine place for a baby but will look for something more when he's three years old I think.
Lilly - Great to hear from you! How are you doing?

Qwerty - It's great that you have your daycare sorted already. At least that's one thing off your mind.

AFM - Would you believe I'm having a cup of tea? And it's still hot? This is a rare occurrence indeed! Went for a quick walk with Scott as it's a beautiful day today & he fell asleep quite quickly (also, found one of his socks on the road on the way back :dohh:) & we had to rescue the kitten from the roof of the barn (again: :dohh:) & he's STILL asleep! He normally only naps for about 15 minutes. (Of course, I spoke too soon - he's awake now!)

How is everyone fixed for Christmas? Any little babies starting to crawl?

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