Spring Babies

Noah Wayne


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Oh Tee he's amazing and perfect!! Sounds so stressful yet you did what you had to in order to take care of Noah and yourself. Don't hate yourself for the bf thing either. There are so many fantastic formulas out there and think of the time you are spending bonding with him in other ways.

Good luck being mommy to busy boy! Ethan just started this week to need attention basically all day with a few short naps. I'm so lucky hubs is home still. Exhausting to be amusing/feeding him constantly! He is such a great little man though.

Congrats!! And keep taking care of yourself as best you can.
Tee, sounds like you had quite the ordeal! I wouldn't worry about the bf. I'm not either (although I did try) & can't imagine the bond between me & my son being any deeper because I have to feed him differently to how I intended initially. You mention the spinal epi - what was the other one? We only get the spinal here & agree it's fantastic! :haha: And I too am home alone with my boy during the day & it can be tough alright. Gary doesn't seem to get that & thinks I have it easy being home all day :nope: LOVING the pictures on Facebook!!
Lilly is so beautiful!!!!

Emma - congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pictures. I hope you are doing well. The C Sections are not fun! I am just about 3 weeks PP and I am just now getting some feeling back. The numbness is so strange.

I hope you all are doing fantastic, I still need to catch up on reading some more posts!
Hes beautiful tee! I cant wait for my turn lol...havent mentioned to you but im also team :blue:
Wow Tee that sounds like an ordeal but so amazing that you got through it and are feeling so much better now! I know what you mean about feeling yourself again! I started feeling like that about the same time you are with Noah.

Also, I deco can relate to knowing what it feels like to try and push out a baby but absolutely knowing that they're not going to come out with pushing alone. I remember thinking that I could in no way feel her near the exit! I wasn't at all surprised when I saw the forceps and was grateful!

Don't beat yourself up with breastfeeding, realistically is Noah going to turn around to you in 18 years and say that he wishes you'd breastfed him? No! He'll be saying how grateful he is to have such wonderful parents who cared for him all those years (same goes to you Karry!). Plus, breastfeeding is HARD! Only now is Lily starting to space feeds out and they're not every friggin' hour at least now, every 2.5 hours which is heavenly lol!

I love my morning pictures of Noah on FB Tee (i realise they're not just for my benefit lol). I was thinking the other day that I should take more pictures of Lily. You'll be able to show Noah so much when he's older and he'll know just how loved and wanted he was/is!

Karry, I've actually just seen a Moore Hen and her 4 little babies! They are so so tiny (the black ones with a bit of white and red on them?!). There are about 20 hens and 20 drakes! The ducklings are so big now, I realised yesterday I couldn't tell the difference when they're all sitting together between them and the mother!

Congrats on being team blue Jalanis! What date are you due?
congratulations jalanis!!! I am so happy for you!!!

Lilly, yes you need to post pictures. I'd love to see her sweet little face!! Thank you for making me feel better about the BF thing. I couldn't believe the pressure and stress I felt to try and BF at the hospital. While things were better and calm at the house, I tried again and it just wasn't happening. TMI but I think I have nipple issues LOL. They def don't stick out like they should. I tried the guard too and Noah hates it. Like you said, he's loved and he's being fed. :)
Yeah I need to take more pictures too! We had one month birthday yesterday :). I am feeling super horrible. Lack of sleep is finally getting to me. Trying hard to make myself nap and mad at myself for not resting as much as I should have in the earlier days when he slept all day. Ethan is starting to be up and fussy for most of the day. Still feeding every hour or two except for two long stretches in the day where he's asleep.

Trying to take a step back and really rest and heal as much as possible. Looking forward to six week mark when I can start pumping and bottles a little bit to help with night feeds.
Sounds like we are all in same boat - nice to keep gearing from you ladies.
Qwerty - I am there with you sister. Noah has been asleep for the last hour and what have I been doing? Playing on the comp and doing laundry and bottles instead of sleeping. I will be kicking myself later for this. LOL

I was hoping after a month that Noah will sleep more, but I am taking that as a big no from the sounds of it. LOL
Nightmare since I last posted! The day after coming home (without the hospital realising I had an infection) I had febrile convulsions due to a raging fever, low bp, high heart rate, literally crapped myself and passed out on the floor in a pool of it, and had to be stretchered in an ambulance to hospital.

I finally came home last night. The doctors couldn't decide whether the infection was in my uterus or incision (finally said incision) but even though the antibiotics were treating it, they couldn't figure out why they couldn't break my fever. Turns out leaving the IV in same vein too long had caused an infection in the vein gah! One clever nurse figured it out and once she swapped arms, my temperature started slowly dropping.

Urgh! And the day before that, the gynaecologist was examining my incision and to confirm his suspicions it was infected in the layer below sent the nurse for gloves and long nosed tweezers and then just stuck them in and opened it up, no warning, no freezing. I feel like I've been through the wringer.

Glad to be out; have to attend my local health centre every couple of days to check infection is healing. I'm gutted she spent her first night in neonatal without her parents but she doesn't seem worse for it and I'm holding her lots. Weirdest thing is, she can smile lol. OH thought it was wind, but she's been smiling since I met her on Day 2 in neonatal; she only does it when she's wide awake and listening to us talk while making eye contact. I can't find any information online to corroborate this being fact - everything says babies smile with intent from 5wks - but she's a definite smiler. I think I caught some on video the other day, need to check.

She's a good sleeper, sleeps 3hrs or more at a time; I felt waking her this morning - most babies don't stay asleep! - but my breast was leaking so badly and I needed her to help me out :lol:

Anyway! We all have our babies now and I'm looking forward to us sharing our journeys. Reading all your updates now. :)
omg Emma, I'm glad you are OK. why do hospitals suck so bad sometimes??!! Shouldn't they have their shit together?! It's not enough that we just went through labor but then the aftermath of their F ups just tops it off. I get so upset with the way hospitals are sometimes. lol

That is so precious that Maia is smiling already. I only get the smiles from Noah right as he's starting to fall asleep, I'm starting to get little chuckles out of him too. I love it, I can't wait until he's smiling because I'm making him smile. And the sleeping? I am so jealous. I am still up every two hours. My head is killing me today. I just need a 10 hour nap LOL
omg Emma, I'm glad you are OK. why do hospitals suck so bad sometimes??!! Shouldn't they have their shit together?! It's not enough that we just went through labor but then the aftermath of their F ups just tops it off. I get so upset with the way hospitals are sometimes. lol

That is so precious that Maia is smiling already. I only get the smiles from Noah right as he's starting to fall asleep, I'm starting to get little chuckles out of him too. I love it, I can't wait until he's smiling because I'm making him smile. And the sleeping? I am so jealous. I am still up every two hours. My head is killing me today. I just need a 10 hour nap LOL

It just shows babies do things when they feel like and guides are vague, to say the least. I can't wait until Maia chuckles - she did one in her sleep the other night but none awake and by choice yet. She's such a little character, though.

Oh, yesterday she decided to feed ON THE HOUR EVERY HOUR in the day. :cry: Nighttime, I think she fell asleep around 11, woke about 4 for a feed then stayed awake until 6am, then woke at 8:40 for another feed. She started eating on the hour every hour again until I tried her sling/wrap out - omg, lifesaver, she's been asleep on my chest for the past two hours and I have two hands again. I'm going to let her live in it :lol:

I did some googling and apparently they go through a growth spurt at 2-3 weeks, has Noah been the same with wanting to feed more often?

Our births sucked! Definitely one f-up after another - I mean, come on, treating me for an infection and not realising the reason my fever won't go is 'cause they've given me another infection? Aaaargh!

I was thinking how unfair it all was, that Maia spent her first night in neonatal alone and that the nurses fed and bathed her before me, but I know I have to move forward, because I'm so incredibly blessed to have this beautiful daughter and we can't control everything in life. While I wanted a home birth with no intervention, I'm just thankful medicine is at a point in which we have skilled surgeons to intervene when essential.

I truly never expected to have children, due to all sorts of gynae problems (endometriosis, fibroids) and being single, so with that and what we went through to get her born and home safely, she's a double blessing.

And she's still asleep! :)
Yes, Noah has been a little feed machine. I was telling my hubby that I think we need to up his feedings to 4oz. but, we're waiting until he really wants it, he seems to chow down then the last half oz. he starts passing out so we're not there quite yet.

I need to read up on these growth spurts. I hear a lot about them on FB with all my other mom friends but I don't know when it occurs. You know what's crazy is I look at Noah and I think, wow, he's getting bigger, :'( I don't want him to grow up.

Keep me posted on that sling. I need something so I can do more around the house. It's hard to hurry and get stuff done while he's asleep because he cat naps during the day.
Oh, even stuff as simple as loading the dishwasher or sorting my laundry was impossible until today - even eating my meals without them going cold! I'm using a cotton gauze wrap from Calin Bleu; perfect for hot weather and if you need to layer up just put an extra layer on Noah. The Moby wraps have good reviews too but the summer one I was interested in seems to have been discontinued. The wrap's ridiculously long but you can get different lengths; I just got the long one so I can use it in different holds as she gets bigger. Definitely worth the money, I think being so close to my heart reminded her of the sounds in the womb, first time she's fallen asleep for proper naps and woken for proper feeds in a few days.

This is the original site but I'm sure there will be American-based stockists, too. They have a FB page so you could ask :)

Emma so glad you and Maia are doing well... You have an uphill recovery to be sure with all you went through! The feeding every hour still goes on half of our nights, so I feel your pain. Lucky that he sleeps most if the day though.

I like the moby wrap. Yes it's long though and kinda annoying but it does give you lots of options, especially with a newborn. My friend nurses in hers! I'm not that pro yet... With the hot weather it does get rather warm in there but E doesn't seem to mind.

Have you ladies noticed how much the baby forums kinda, well, stink? Lots of questions and opinions wich is nice to read but harsh and nasty in a lot of places!!! I miss my TTC and preggo forums!!

My liver levels have finally returned to normal. Huzzah! Feel like it's taking forever to heal though. Still bleeding and stitches still hurt. Only at fuve weeks post partum... Need to be patient. Or take that ten hour nap :)

Xoxoxo ladies!
Oh p.s. I LOVE the sleeping chuckles! So cute! Makes me smile every time no matter how exhausted I am.
Glad to hear your liver levels are returning to normal, qwerty; it seems none of us had straightforward experiences! We went for burgers last night and I dropped mustard on Maia's head and sling so it's drying out on the line now and I'm willing her to nap in a blankie :lol:

I know, the baby forums are so sparse! I think it's because we have a ton of time on our hands at the beginning of our baby journeys and then no time at all when our little ones arrive, other than to ask about negative stuff :lol: We'll make sure to check in here when we can; it's good having similar age babies :)
Hello ladies. I will look into those wraps. Thank you so much for the info.

Emma, I am dropping so much weight because of that issue. Every time my food is ready Noah is up. (have I already said this? I'm losing my mind!) so it's that I eat half of what I used too if at all. Being all alone all day is hard. I am looking forward to longer sleep patterns. I'm more looking forward to feeling more comfortable about getting out of the house with Noah. I can't explain the feeling but, I feel anxious about taking him out. I'm afraid that when I do, he'll start fussing, I'll have to feed him and how do you do all that when you are out and about? I guess if I just get out and do it I will know and it won't be so bad. I don't know why I'm so scared. Also, I feel so trapped in the house lately. I have no adult interaction except on Instagram and Facebook, I'm losing it. LOL I'm going to to talk to my doc about this next week, I think I need to be on some hormones or something. When I was pregnant I felt so much better and now it's like all my hormones are just gone or out of whack. LOL Anyone else experiencing this? Maybe I just need to get out.
Hi Tee,

Sounds like you know that u need to do something different with your routine to take good care of yourself so you should try something. Have you been able to go out for a walk with him around the block even? Just the small trips might help yr sanity and get over that fear of not being able t handle it if and when he wakes up with his little baby drama. It's ok t be be feeling what y are feeling when you are alone all day with little man. Have another mom friend stop by for an hour? Even if they aren't the closest friend of yrs maybe it would be nice to share yr experiences in person with someone?
OMG Tee I can totally relate, I was so trapped in the first 2/3 weeks. Because she was feeding constantly and had no routine I could hardly go out for fear of her going mental for feeds in the car or the pram! It does get easier though and maybe if you try the wrap that Emma recommended you could wear it for a little walk or to the shops?

Yay your liver is back to normal Qwerty, I know what you mean about the 10 hour nap! Even though Lily is sleeping through the night now, she's such a handful in the day I'm shattered by the end of the day and just pass out in bed! Her feeds are starting to be a bit more consistent, though I always say that and then she goes right back to constant feeding!

She's really smiling now though, so so cute!

She had her jabs earlier in the week and she wasn't a big fan of them! But she was pretty good with it afterwards. We even went to a baby sensory class and I was learning baby sign language, so amazing, I would definitely recommend it!

AFM, feeling fat and not sure how to get the weight off as i'm so hungry all the time from feeding and don't get the time to exercise! Bought a new bike so hopefully will get a chance to get on that and hook it up to my turbo trainer so I can use it in the garage or something and get DH to shout for me if she's hungry!

I love being a mummy so much, I knew I'd love it and love her but I never thought it'd be this much! Even when she cries she's so cute. I can't stop kissing her all the time, she's probably like "Mum, stop it now!" I'll embarrass her in front of her school friends when she's older!

Cannot get over how long Maia's legs are Emma?! How did you hide those in your neat bump?!

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