afternoon ladies! I am so sorry it's taken me so long to get on but, I'm the only one home during the day with Noah. My hubby only had one week off and the transition in my life with a newborn was a little difficult the first week and a half.
Let's start off with the birth story...
Saturday morning I went in to L&D to be monitored again because of my high blood pressure. I didn't get ready, no hair, no makeup because I was certain I was going to be sent home. I told my hubby that morning that I was so sure because I wasn't having the uncomfortable contractions. I maybe had one or two hard ones that night.
So we go in, i get strapped up and they take my blood. The doctor on duty came in and said that my blood pressure was sky high and the acid something (I need to look it up) in my blood was really high. She said that I was going to be admitted and induced. Excuse my language but HOLY SHIT! I was not expecting that.
So I am admitted and started on pitocin at 10:30AM. My blood pressure continued to sky rocket; about 160 over 95 and rising. They then put me on magnesium to lower the blood pressure, which is also the drug they give you to stop labor. This is going to be a looooooong night. The doc told me that I should be having a baby around 10pm. I was thinking, yeah right, it will be like 3AM.
Going back to Thursday, I was dilated 3cm. Saturday...still dilated 3cm. BUT, I am now 80% effaced. The doc comes in to check me, the nurse has been upping my pitocin about every half hour. My contractions are super close. I'm still not dilating so the doc breaks my water. I then ask for the epi. That thing is AMAZING!!!! i think it's about 8PM and I tell the nurse that I feel a really full feeling down there. She said do you feel like you have to poop? I said nope, just really full like something might just fall out LOL. She checked me again and I was 10cm dilated.
TIME TO PUSH! So the epi when your contractions really start coming in, doesn't do shit for the pain! Just saying. IT HURT! So I start pushing around 8PM. I am pushing three times a minute with my contractions for an hour. The nurse says that the Noah's head is stuck under my pelvic bone. She is trying to get his head up over it and she said that he is face up. It's 9pm and I can't push anymore. I've been pushing for an hour straight, 3 times a minute. THAT'S A LOT OF PUSHING!! Now I know I don't know what labor feels like but, I'm telling you, I knew nothing was happening. I could tell Noah wasn't coming out.
My blood pressure is going insane, I am put on oxygen, Noah's heart rate is dropping and the doc says, we can do this for hours or you can do a c section. I said, I can't do this, I can't sit here and listen to his heart rate drop and I don't think i can push anymore. I'm so devastated, this is not what I wanted. But, there was something in me that knew I had to do the c section.
I get the spinal epi, AMAZING! from my chest down I am numb, can't feel a thing! I start shaking uncontrollably so, I am given some other drug to stop that. Me and the hubby are in the room, I'm getting cut open and I hear the doctor grunting, yelling at the nurse that she needs to push to get Noah out. Wes said that the doc was practically on the surgery table trying to get Noah out of my pelvic area. All i could do was sit there, breathe and try to control my shaking. I was so out of it. All I wanted to hear was Noah cry. Then I did. The most amazing sound I have ever heard in my life. I hear him stop crying and I freak out, but then I hear my husband talking to him. I saw the video later and when Wes started talking to Noah he just stared at Wes and calmed down. AMAZING!
Noah was monitored for 24 hours after he was born because of the magnesium. When they brought him to me I barely remember holding him. I was still very drugged up. I tried to breastfeed and I couldn't focus. They took Noah back for monitoring.
The next three days was hell. I was coming off of the drugs, trying to breastfeed, unsuccessfully and my blood pressure was still through the roof.
I am not breastfeeding and I hate myself for not trying harder, I am on blood pressure medicine still. Noah was born 10 days early, on May 10th at 10pm and weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20.5 inches long. He's perfect!
he will be 3 weeks this Saturday, I can't believe it. I am feeling more and more like myself everyday and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. i will try to post some pictures, they are all on my phone. Or you all can follow me on Facebook. My name is Terra Stimson Timmons.
*I did not check my spelling and I know there are errors. I'm tying as fast as I can because Noah is getting fussy in his swing. I love you all and I will get back on to catch up and post pictures!