Spring Babies

Emma so sorry your fam is being a pain in the ass. I love how your mama cat moved her kittens to your studio. Maybe she is the only one that gets it after all :)

Tee so you're going back in for monitoring tomorrow? Hope your BP stays down. Glad you are home now! Just don't go insane :) sounds like you guys are totally ready!
Booooo mean hospital peeps trying to make my baby come when she don't wanna! https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/2173017-avoiding-refusing-induction.html
Booooo mean hospital peeps trying to make my baby come when she don't wanna! https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/2173017-avoiding-refusing-induction.html

:( Emma so sorry you are in this position. I would hold firm that you know your due date should be later you want to wait another week and you are open to being monitored more in the meantime.

For what its worth the prostoglandin pessary was really painless and started my contractions off after one very small dose. If they had let me just progress with that (and not having to use the pitocin and water breaking to get him out ASAP) it really wouldn't have been that different from going naturally (or by using sperm!). You can still be very firm about how you see your birth progressing after they give you that.

Of course it's better for you (and I agree for baby!) to keep Maia in there as long as she wants. Can your DH go with you to next appointment? For some muscle? :)
Emma how you feeling? Ignore the hospital if they're trying to pressure you. For all they know they have your due date wrong and will be trying to evict Maia before she's ready! She'll come out when she's ready! Is your Mum being any better now?

Qwerty - how you getting on with Ethan?

Karry - your ducklings look super cute! I was thinking of getting some rescued battery hens, probably a silly question but why do the people that did own them give them up if they still produce eggs? How do they take to being in sunlight/space?

So exciting that Tee had Noah! He looks a very healthy beautiful boy!

Just one more baby to go and we'll all be Mummies! How exciting!

hi ladies! Noah Wayne was born on may 10th at 10:00PM weighing 7 1/2 pounds and 20.5 inches. He's doing amazing, I'm hanging in there. I'll post more soon! I just wanted to let you all know I was OK. <3
hi ladies! Noah Wayne was born on may 10th at 10:00PM weighing 7 1/2 pounds and 20.5 inches. He's doing amazing, I'm hanging in there. I'll post more soon! I just wanted to let you all know I was OK. <3

Congratulations, Tee! I don't think Maia's ever going to arrive *sigh* Can't wait to see photos of Noah, you must be over the moon x


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Congrats Tee! Ive been checking in to see your updates!

Lily your babyy is so beautiful she looks like a doll
Ah thanks, she is a little cutie!

How is everyone getting on?

Emma congratulations! How did it go?
Emma congrats!!

AFM Ethan is wonderful. He fights me at the breast some nights which is frustrating and means we have to feed every hour or so... but other nights are great with only 3 wake ups to feed. Husband has been off of work since 1 week after he was born so we're loving going for walks, napping, and watching TV together with baby cuddled or nursing or having tummy time on DH's chest.

Miss you ladies! I keep trolling around on the baby/breastfeeding forums and it's slow and boring and i don't know anyone.
Hi girls! Just a quick post, will do a birth story when I get home and get more energy. Lovely little Maia Louise is finally here since 20th May, weighs 3.33kg (around 7lbs, I think) and is adorable. Nightmare delivery, home birth plans went out the window as I lost most of my water after a night of strong contractions, and then after about 12 more hours, lost the rest and we went to hospital so they could monitor her closely. Cervix refused to dilate and so they gave me oxytocin/pitocin which of course put the baby in distress, so it was agreed that I would have emcs. This was after 2 days of no pain relief so I felt destroyed! She came out covered in meconium so they kept her in neonatal but she's fine to come home with me today yay :)
qwerty, Tee & Emma - Huge congratulations on your new arrivals! All the pictures are beyond cute! Amazing to think we all have our little babies now! :happydance:

Lilly - You could well be right about the baby blues. I think the hormones, tiredness & pressure I was putting on myself to be "perfect" all got the better of me. But it's all good now! How are you doing now? Lily is absolutely adorable!! Scott was last weighed last week & was 13lbs 5oz! How was the baby sensory class?? It's great that you're thinking of getting hens! If you're getting rescued hens be sure to get a minimum of 3/4 as if you get too few the stress of the adjustment can be too much for them. Our ones adjusted to the space & everything really well. They were even using the perches & nesting boxes almost immediately! The batteries get rid of the hens as they age as they don't lay reliably after about one year old (I think it's a year anyway). We have 30 & get about 26 eggs a day so have four that have stopped laying. The charity I work with is planning another rescue in October & hoping to be as successful as last time where we (in conjunction with another charity) rescued 7400 hens & my brother is planning to add to his flock to keep up the supply of eggs & move the non-layers to a hen retirement home he's creating - he calls it a "hen haven"!

Tee said she'll be on shortly to share her story :flower:

I've had to type all this one handed as Scott is fast asleep on me! He's all smiles & giggles today!
Hear hear for the one handed posts!

Emma, so glad you and Maia are safe and that you both will be home soon. Sounds like a monster delivery.
Sorry to hear you had a tough time Emma but glad to see you're home with Maia now! It sucks when your plans go out the window (I wanted a serene water birth!) but at the end of the day she got here in the safest way that she could (that's what I was telling myself when they used a pair of scissors for an episiotomy like I was a piece of paper and then shoved the forceps in without pain relief!).

I can't remember the last time I wrote anything on the laptop with two hands!

Lily's doing really well thanks Karry, she is going through the night now. DH puts her down at 11 (to stop her smelling my milk lol) and then she wakes up at 7am for a feed and then goes back to sleep for about 2 hours and is then awake most of the day. Last night she was completely miserable every time I tried to put her down from about 6pm and finally gave into sleep after cluster feeding for 4 hours about 10pm and then had some of an expressed bottle and went to sleep. She fights sleep all the time and her eyes go so red and she just falls asleep on the boob (do you find this Qwerty?).

Thanks for the tip re the hens Karry. The danger with me is that I'll want to keep the lot!

We've got about 30 ducklings outside all getting bigger by the day who are so cute! I love seeing them all walk in a line behind their Mummy!

Considering DH's parents live 200 miles from us, i'm seeing them a lot more lately than my own parents. We're seeing them every week lately. And you know i'm not a fan of them! Well his Dad is fine, it's more his mother that I can't stand. And for some reason since Lily's been here, Robert thinks she can do no wrong, whereas before he was my ally against her. Not a good place for me to be in........
It's great that Lily sleeps so well! Hope she's feeling better after last night though? 30 little ducklings?? Wow!! I can only imagine the cuteness! Do you have many hens & drakes? We used to have hens on the family farm years ago (which I live next door to) but I'm new to ducks - I can't get over how quickly they grow!! Sorry to hear about the mother in law issues :hugs:

My poor little man had his two month vaccinations today. My friend had told me what to expect so I was petrified but either her baby is a softie or Scott is a little tough nut because he did great! He cried getting the injections but settled easily & pretty much slept ever since! Apparently some babies can be really fussy afterwards & some are sleepy so he's obviously the latter. He's been getting tons of cuddles!
Sorry to . She fights sleep all the time and her eyes go so red and she just falls asleep on the boob (do you find this Qwerty?).


Yes, it's frustrating sometimes as he will be all upset, take 30s of breast, then fall asleep. Glad I can comfort him yet wish he could separate the feeding from comforting/falling asleep. I have DH put him to bed and comfort him as much as possible...

That is awesome about the sleep!! I will cross my fingers that we will be there at 6 weeks :)
afternoon ladies! I am so sorry it's taken me so long to get on but, I'm the only one home during the day with Noah. My hubby only had one week off and the transition in my life with a newborn was a little difficult the first week and a half.

Let's start off with the birth story...

Saturday morning I went in to L&D to be monitored again because of my high blood pressure. I didn't get ready, no hair, no makeup because I was certain I was going to be sent home. I told my hubby that morning that I was so sure because I wasn't having the uncomfortable contractions. I maybe had one or two hard ones that night.

So we go in, i get strapped up and they take my blood. The doctor on duty came in and said that my blood pressure was sky high and the acid something (I need to look it up) in my blood was really high. She said that I was going to be admitted and induced. Excuse my language but HOLY SHIT! I was not expecting that.

So I am admitted and started on pitocin at 10:30AM. My blood pressure continued to sky rocket; about 160 over 95 and rising. They then put me on magnesium to lower the blood pressure, which is also the drug they give you to stop labor. This is going to be a looooooong night. The doc told me that I should be having a baby around 10pm. I was thinking, yeah right, it will be like 3AM.

Going back to Thursday, I was dilated 3cm. Saturday...still dilated 3cm. BUT, I am now 80% effaced. The doc comes in to check me, the nurse has been upping my pitocin about every half hour. My contractions are super close. I'm still not dilating so the doc breaks my water. I then ask for the epi. That thing is AMAZING!!!! i think it's about 8PM and I tell the nurse that I feel a really full feeling down there. She said do you feel like you have to poop? I said nope, just really full like something might just fall out LOL. She checked me again and I was 10cm dilated.

TIME TO PUSH! So the epi when your contractions really start coming in, doesn't do shit for the pain! Just saying. IT HURT! So I start pushing around 8PM. I am pushing three times a minute with my contractions for an hour. The nurse says that the Noah's head is stuck under my pelvic bone. She is trying to get his head up over it and she said that he is face up. It's 9pm and I can't push anymore. I've been pushing for an hour straight, 3 times a minute. THAT'S A LOT OF PUSHING!! Now I know I don't know what labor feels like but, I'm telling you, I knew nothing was happening. I could tell Noah wasn't coming out.

My blood pressure is going insane, I am put on oxygen, Noah's heart rate is dropping and the doc says, we can do this for hours or you can do a c section. I said, I can't do this, I can't sit here and listen to his heart rate drop and I don't think i can push anymore. I'm so devastated, this is not what I wanted. But, there was something in me that knew I had to do the c section.

I get the spinal epi, AMAZING! from my chest down I am numb, can't feel a thing! I start shaking uncontrollably so, I am given some other drug to stop that. Me and the hubby are in the room, I'm getting cut open and I hear the doctor grunting, yelling at the nurse that she needs to push to get Noah out. Wes said that the doc was practically on the surgery table trying to get Noah out of my pelvic area. All i could do was sit there, breathe and try to control my shaking. I was so out of it. All I wanted to hear was Noah cry. Then I did. The most amazing sound I have ever heard in my life. I hear him stop crying and I freak out, but then I hear my husband talking to him. I saw the video later and when Wes started talking to Noah he just stared at Wes and calmed down. AMAZING!

Noah was monitored for 24 hours after he was born because of the magnesium. When they brought him to me I barely remember holding him. I was still very drugged up. I tried to breastfeed and I couldn't focus. They took Noah back for monitoring.

The next three days was hell. I was coming off of the drugs, trying to breastfeed, unsuccessfully and my blood pressure was still through the roof.

I am not breastfeeding and I hate myself for not trying harder, I am on blood pressure medicine still. Noah was born 10 days early, on May 10th at 10pm and weighed 7lbs 5oz and was 20.5 inches long. He's perfect!

he will be 3 weeks this Saturday, I can't believe it. I am feeling more and more like myself everyday and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. i will try to post some pictures, they are all on my phone. Or you all can follow me on Facebook. My name is Terra Stimson Timmons.

*I did not check my spelling and I know there are errors. I'm tying as fast as I can because Noah is getting fussy in his swing. I love you all and I will get back on to catch up and post pictures!

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