Hello ladies!!
Mightymom - sorry Colton gave you a scare but glad he is ok!! Little monkeys aren't they lol!! I would deffo recommend a Doppler, mines a god send, especially after I had that bleeding too.
Jersey - yeah I have had the same with Millie with the movement, some days she is way more active than others and it freaks me out! But my MW also said its normal, and yeah se said to monitor movement but said we don't count kicks anymore, coz that can cause unnecessary worry. She said I should just note her usual pattern and keep an eye out for long periods of inactivity, and if worried lay on my left side and move my hand around where she is to "wake her up" if I can't feel anything when usually I would.
Roma - yay can't wait for Tuesday!!! I'm predicting team pink for you!
Pink - yay for Xmas shopping! I've got all mine sorted now, just the fresh food to get now! Quite excited, it will be strange as this will be our last Xmas as just a couple, next year we will be a family!
MG - yeah apparently we are papayas for 3 weeks!! If you go on the bump website though it gives you different fruits for each week, just not on the tickers for some reason!
I've spoiled df this Xmas, I've told him that next year he won't get owt coz it will all be for our daughter lol!! What are you getting dh?
Hope everyone else is ok!! Any new scans or appointments upcoming ladies? I just had my 24 week MW appointment and they found proteins and lucocytes in my urine, so they are running tests. It's most likely a UTI but could be a kidney problem. Should find out Monday. Other than that Millie's heart rate was great (144) my bp was ok (140/70) and she said that her head is at my belly button and feet digging in my right side lol!!