Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

So far I haven't had to but a new bra but the girls feel huge and full if you know what I mean? Yes dh is in heaven. I have definitely had those hot spells and especially at night. Some nights I am sooo hot. I think it's normal with all of the extra progesterone. BAck to work.
I 100% understand that hot flashes! I am usually a cold natured person and I am getting hot very easy now!:haha:

My boobs havn't been too bad. They are tingley from time to time and my nipples are more sore than anything, but I have blue veins popping out like a road map!:haha:
Evening ladies!!

Took me ages to catch up there!! Hope you are all well!

Dano - welcome and congratulations!! I will add a ticker for you on the first page tomorrow hun!

Marathon girl - I will add your ticker tomorrow too, sorry I didn't get chance today!!

Tawn - love the siggy!! So sorry you felt sad and panicky today. I really hope your gp is nice and refers you. He should though really, just mention how you have actually had those twinges on that side too.

Cheryl - I think a wireless bra would be a great investment for you and your very sore :holly: !!! Still craving the creamy mushrooms lol?!

Lady kara - ooh well done planning a wedding in 2 months!! Hat off to you madamme!!

Ginny - yay for good scan!!! So happy for you!!

Girlinyork - I was supposed to be getting married sept 13th next year. But with rubbish maternity pay I won't be able to afford the wedding :-( but I get my rainbow baby so I don't care!!

Pinkorblue - I wonder if it will ever sink in for us?? Sometimes I actually forget!!

Cherry - where have you been lol!!! I hope you are ok my dear, the group grew didn't it lol!! Glad the symptoms are back a bit though hun and hope your aren't worrying too much PMA!!

Ttc1at34 - how did it go?? Hope you are ok xxxxx

Srrhc - im hoping and praying that it's just too early to see your bubs properly. Keep the faith hun.
Beccy boo - hope you are coping well with being pregnant and your hyper ds lol!!

Cherry - forgot to say I bet it was hard hiding it! I'm no good at it so we have told parents. My mum would have killed me if I hadn't anyway!

I forget who asked but yeah I do shift work so some days I only do 5 hours and others I can do 12 but I do get 3 days off a week.

Also I am in the uk and I have my booking appointment next week (8 weeks) and when I have that I will be able to book my scan 4 weeks later.

Oh and cherry I got my maternity exemption card in the post today!!
Leinzlove hope the op went well.

Romatomato and jerseybean, hope you both well!!

Hope I remembered everyone there!!
So do I girlinyork!!

And I too have been mega hot today, more than people I've been working with!!

But I still have cold feet!!

Does anyone else get flutters in their uterus area??
I have had a dull ache on and off and some tugging sensations but no flutters
It's odd I don't remember these from last time! But I'm taking it all as a good sign! My ms seems to be more eq (evening queasiness lol). Feeling hungry and yet slightly queasy at the same time lol!!

I'm mega excited about my midwife appointment coz it means I can then book my scan!!
I had a couple of flutters, I think it's just my uterus going " here we go again" lol x

When I went to see the doctor I went because I felt sick, I don't think she booked anything to see the midwife.. I will call tomorrow and see if she can do it without me visiting her again.
Hi ladies!

So much to catch up on again!

Srr: please do not fret, 6 weeks is too early for many preganancies to be seen on a scan. Especially an abdominal scan- I was worried about the same thing happening and I read stories right and left about nothing showing up on the 6-week scan. Also, do you know when you o'd, or do you just know your LMP? If you o'd late, it could make things even earlier than you thought.

Had my scan today too- I was ready to burst into tears before I even walked in the place. Fortunately they got us in quick, and a few minutes later I looked up and saw a little bean on the monitor! Not an empty sack like last time :) HB is 136, bean measures perfectly at 7 weeks 2 days! We got a little pic to take home and the whole way DH was so happy, he said it is the best birthday present ever :):)

Ginny, congrats :) I hope you are as relieved as I am.

Bailey- you are indeed a hard worker. Be sure to take some time for yourself to relax- though I know it is easier said than done.

Welcome, Dan-O,

Becy, I am in the opposite boat....hope my little b-cups grow to a nice big c and stay that way forever!

DH thinks pink, I think blue. Not sure if I really have a preference or not?

Bbs still sore, but not as bad as last week....no nausea today, but not worried because I saw that little heart beating! Bad cold (or maybe it's just the rhinitis?), sneezing all day long. Going out for a nice dinner to top off DHs special day, then resting up for the workweek ahead. At least it will be a day shorter :)

Next checkup in four weeks, at the 11-week mark. Doc will listen on the doppler for the heartbeat. She said once I'm past that one I can breathe easy. For now....cautiously optimistic. That's a big step up from yesterday :)

Hugs to all of those I've missed, wish I could see all the posts in front of me while I type. Getting harder and harder to remember things as I get older (or can I blame that on the bean, too?)
Congrats TTC1 on your scan. What a relief and a huge milestone. I would be over the moon!! I will be going for more bloodwork this week and then hopefully a scan next week. Hoping we all get our rainbows!!
Tha you ttc1@34. I did ovulate later so I went back and calculated by that. I would maybe be like 5 weeks and a few days but not quite 6 so I am praying that is why we only saw sac.
Cherry: I'm sure they probably did guess. But, maybe not. There are really good excuses for hiding pg. Like I'm taking antibotics or new meds. Etc. For lack of appetite, Maybe I'm coming down with something. Tee-hee. As long as they don't see you for a long period of time. :)

Girlinyork: I wish they would've waited until you were 6 weeks for sure. Will you be having frequent scans? Maybe you are pink! I thought pink with DD, she was pink. I thought pg (Right 3 times out of 5), and this pg I thought blue and I'm pink. However, my sister still says I'm blue and my mother still says twins. I've had two ultrasounds. (9w2d & 14w4d). I love ultrasounds! My next one is Aug. 28 and I'm having a 4d, in November.

Srrhc: I know exactly what you mean about boobs being a road map. My are sorer if they are locked up in a bra. I'm sure baby is growing fine. :) Its common to see what you saw before 6 1/2ish weeks. I hope the time flies by so you can have the reassurance you need, hun.

Bailey: I hope you didn't work to hard today. :hugs:

Ladykara: I couldn't ever stop the POAS urge, either. :) Its so wonderful seeing all the BFP's and watching them get darker and darker.

Welcome Marathongirl and Dano! Congratulations!! :happydance:

Tawn: I love the signature! You are talented. :)

Cheryl: I'd like to know as Bailey asked... Are you still craving the creamy mushrooms? I craved bacon. :)

TTC1@34: I'm so happy to hear your scan went great! It's a miracle seeing that heartbeating! :)

AFM: No surgery, long story... if you want to know story check out my journal. It's to depressing to try to type it all here.

On positive note... we might have found our name... about 90% sure Zoela (Zo Ella). :)
Leinz~ I'll take a look at your journal when I get back home but I couldn't just r&r, :hugs::hugs: I'm sorry you aren't getting surgery.

Awww, Zoela is a very lovely name! :)
Pinkorblue: Thanks hun! I'm going to have the surgery... I'm not giving up. I just wish it all wasn't so confusing. I've been working on Dental for 8 months, and its been 5 weeks since my diagnosis.

Thanks about the name! I really love it also! Zoela. :)
Leinz~ I'm so mad for you!!! :growlmad: To say that's beyond unprofessional is a HUGE understatement. Why not tell you how he doesn't want to perform the surgery beforehand? To add insult, he's the one who's late and has the nerve to accuse you of not taking care of your gums properly? :hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry you were treated like that, good for you not giving up and I hope you find an oral surgeon very soon.
srrhc - sorry the scan wasn't what you'd hope it to be. Still hoping things will turn out OK

Ttc1at34 - so glad your scan went well!!

Leinzlove - lovely name :) Must be so exciting to be at that stage!

hello to everyone else, hope you're all well

AFM - I woke up to pink/beige brown discharge today. It's lasted all day so far but not gotten heavier. I'm really praying it doesn't mean anything, but even though we saw a heartbeat yesterday I feel so down and sad

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