Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Ttc1at34 yeh thts amazing Hun so happy for u. Xx

Leinzlove oh no il look at ur journal..x

Srr tht makes sense Hun at 5 wks I never had a yolk sack sat time im sure ur next scan will be ok. Cx

Ginny the discharge is probably from the scan Hun its normal to get tht after a internal. Xx
Well ladies I was struggling to go yest for a change lol... I woke up at 2am with really bad cramps killing me went to the toilet and tried to go was in so much pain ended up going but still had cramping so I called nhs 24 and as soon as I spoke to the nurse they were gone and I felt really silly cos I thot I was miscarrying when I just needed a poop :blush: I'm a idiot was crying to hubby and everything..x

Yeah I'm loving creamy mushrooms :) had them the past 2 days..x
Ginny, was it a vaginal/internal scan? Because those cause a tiny bit of spotting! Praying for you!!!!

Dano welcome and congrats on your bfp!!!

Leinzlove I'm sorry about your surgery. When I get a moment I will check up on your journal. :hugs:

Ladykara thanks for the advice about the private scan, I might go that route if my doctor refuses to refer me!

To everyone else good morning!!!
Ginny, is this the first time it's happened?

leinz, I don't mind seeing the midwife early. I think she will be more likely to understand my concerns than my gp. There's a good reason I think pink but you ladies might think it is daft lol
Morning ladies!!

Day off for me today yay!! And I'm dogsittinh for my parents so my bailey will have a playmate for a few days (baileys my dog btw lol). Got a driving lesson soon so I'll catch up quick lol!

Ttc1at34 - that is amazing news hun!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Is baby measuring spot on then?! Yay!! So glad it went alright for you!!

Tawn - yeah maybe private, I've seen some for £60 but you really should be able to get one from nhs. I think I'm the only one who won't be having an early scan! Coz you deffo will hun, they have to coz they don't want to risk your tube again. But I'm sure baby is snuggled in the right place this time!

Cheryl - Again Im so sorry you went through that last night! It's awful! Have you managed to "go" yet?

Ginny - yeah spotting is perfectly normal after a tv scan, and perfectly normal in early pregnancy. Just make sure if it gets heavier or bright red go to a&e hun. But still so glad your scan went well!!

Srrhc - how are you feeling today?

Cherry - hoes the symptoms? Coming back anymore? Have you told anyone else?

Beccy - have you managed to get a midwife appointment now then?

Pinkorblue - how are you feeling today? Any signs of ms? I'm the same with the gender, I think blue oh thinks pink but that's probably just preference (I'll be happy with either though really!!)

Lady kara - Hope you are well, do you have any appointments or scans coming up?

Girlinyork - it won't be daft!! Come on tell us why you think pink!! I think blue for absolutely no reason!!

Anyone I've missed I'm really sorry!! Was in a rush typing this because I've got a driving lesson and I'm not even dressed yet!!

AFM the flutters have stopped and this morning I dont feel very pregnant but I'm not worrying. I seem to feel my symptoms more in the evening anyway.
Well, in June I was a bit desperate after my chemical. I asked two different psychics who said I'd get an August BFP from a baby girl.

Few days later I got a book about communicating with the spirits of the babies you're going to have. Normally, I wouldn't resort to things like that but I was feeling a bit desperate. It asks you to visualise the baby you're going to have which I did and I saw it as a baby girl. I didn't think much of it but I did this every now and then and then I got my period at the beginning of July which really upset me. Then, in lateish July I tried visualising the baby again and I saw her and she was smiling and doing this strange thing where she was reverting to a foetus and coming towards me and then going back into a baby and going away from me and repeating it. I assumed to be honest that I was imagining this because I was tired or had eaten too much cheese but I ended up getting my BFP. After OH and I had BD'd before conceiving I kept getting the image of a baby tucked up in a cradle jumping in my head.

I know all that sounds crazy and it may have been all in my imagination but it seems very coincidental and until the gender scan I believe I am team pink :)
Aw that's not crazy or daft hun. I got a psychic reading after my mc which is weird coz I really dont believe in psychics!! Mine was wrong of course but maybe that's because I don't truly believe! If you have seen your little girl and you know that's what you are having then that's great hun!

I keep seeing a little girl at our wedding but I still think its a boy. I think I keep seeing a girl because I saw this gorgeous gold dress for a baby girl that I jokingly said could be for out daughter and that was a week before my BFP!
Either way as long as this baby sticks I don't care!! Still dreading my scan! Only 5 weeks to go!!
I think it's fun to have a gender in mind - there's a 50% chance you're right ;)

My scan was abdominal one and I haven't dtd recently so I don't think the spotting is from either of those things. I just hope it goes away soon.

girlinyork - yep, this is first time I've had spotting like this during pregnancy. My last pregnancy I had 1 day where the tiniest drop of brown blood at 9 weeks, had a scan and everything was fine. Then no more bleeding at all, went in for my 12 week scan to find out the baby had stopped growing a couple of days earlier.
Iv got to pick my results up tomorrow and then she will
give me a midwife appointment which won't be till next month
i don't think but its the next step!

My tests still are faint i think im just over reacting really but :shrug:
todays test looks the same as the last one i took :rofl: but what am i
expecting 2 dark lines :lol:
Tc1- have a lovely day honey x

Leinz- omg what are those people on!! I really hope they sort it out soon, must be so frustrating !!! It's a great name, where did you see it ? X

Gunny- I didn't realise how common slight spotting was until I joined BnB, it's still very worrying when it happens x

Cheryl- I had some pain and it was exactly the same reason for it, but it's easy to be able to feel every ache and pain and automatically assume the worse x

Bailey- are you giving or taking the driving lesson ? No appointment till the 6th of sep..it sucks !! Lol. I kept seeing little girls in my dreams when I was pregnant with Paige. X

I am so please girlinyork posted about that because this is why I have said I will eat my placenta if it's a girl, because I'm that sure it's a boy.
When I was 16 I went to see a psychic, she said I would be married with a baby boy by the age of 21 to a man who would have travelled across the seas before we meet and would begin with the letter J. There would be a big gap before having a girl and then a boy to another man who would be my true love.

I was with a guy called Simon at time and didn't care about having kids and the fact I have had so many readings done over the years I just forgot about it. It wasn't until I met Jason and had my son before the age of 21 someone reminded me. But I was pregnant again and said well that's rubbish because I'm having another baby with Jason... Well I lost that baby, and we had broken up by the time jake was 5, I met grant but didn't want any more children. But yet again things changed and we started trying and planned a wedding.someone yet again reminded me and I said if this is a girl then there may be some truth but as I wanted a girl more than anything in world I couldn't see myself being that lucky. Well I was !!! I then got pregnant again end of last year but it felt like a girl, I said to grant I am suppose to be having a boy, I think some thing bad will happen...everyone thoughts I was nuts. Well it did go wrong. So that's why I am that sure this is a boy !! And everyone thinks I'm a crazy fool but we will see or I'll be eating my placenta..lol but I would be a little pleased that my future isn't set in stone

Aww our futures aren't set in stone. For example, I could have made the choice to be celibate and then there'd be no baby at all x
That's a good point girlinyork!!

And I think that's great that your psychic prediction came true!!

Eurgh I'm annoyed at my oh. He's being really lazy and I genuinely thought that now I'm pregnant again after the mc that he wouldn't let me do anything but I guess I thought wrong :-(
Yeah, my OH is far more hands off this time round. Miscarrying really jades a pregnancy
Aw Girlinyork can I borrow him? My hubby is the same as ur oh bailey doesnt even believe I'm pg and everytime I spk of it he changes the subject and still won't clean :(
Cheryl, by hands off, I mean he's not getting involved. He's remained really distant :( He didn't believe I was pregnant after 4 or 5 positive tests until I did the digi and now he's acting like it's not even happening. It's really pissing me off
I think its more that I want him to want to do everything, rather than actually do it. Does that make sense? That I would like to see his protective daddy side, that he wants to look after me and the baby but he'd rather play on his Xbox and on his words he "wanted a chilled out day" yesterday and he would clean today! Knowing full well that I would end up cleaning this morning coz today is my day off too. Am I being silly?
Yeah I get the feeling my oh is like that too.....he wasnt overly excited and barely mentions the pregnancy unless I do. Maybe it's their way of protecting themselves from getting hurt again if it goes wrong?
someone told me men get bored and lose the excitment after the first pregnancy, grant was great but wasnt into the bump as much as i would have hoped, he would cook and sometimes clean but just wasnt excited as much as me, this time because of the MC he doesnt want to talk about the baby incase there is no baby. So feel kind of on my own. x

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