Cheryl~ Better to be safe than sorry..
Bailey~ Good luck with the driving lesson!
I'm feeling pretty good, really hungry every 2 hours like clock work. MS usually comes in around week 6-7, do I should feel it by the end of the month. Same here with gender, I'll be very happy with either but still think I'm blue after 4 in a row. Like your DH, mine thinks pink too but he's been hoping for awhile.
Ginny~ I hope the spotting stops for you soon.
Girlinyork~ Sorry about your OH, I hope comes around soon.
JerseyBean~ Go for a private scan if you can arrange it, won't be much of a holiday if you're worried.
Tawn~ Aww, sounds like my DH, he wants me to think positive and stop saying 'if' all the time. I'm the one sticking to the no sex rule, even though DH mentioned it first, I tease him and tell him I knew he wouldn't last.
TK2~ I'm so sorry, I had a second trimester loss also.
Congrats on your bfp and welcome to SB.
LadyKara~ Awesome collection!
Hi to anyone I may have missed!