Cheryl: Cramps w/o blood... Great sign! I had them the whole 9 months with DD. Love your Beta numbers! This bean is your rainbow!
GirlNYork: My boobs had bad days and good days. They came and went. And It definitley scared me also. I love the willow tree box. I wish it held all the scan pictures of an entire pregnancy. How thoughtful for Chris to get it for you.
Dan-o- So very nice to here your numbers are excellent and doubling. This bean's forever
Tawn- I had so many first trimester MC nightmares that were just awful. I even had a down syndrome dream. I'd wake up crying they were so bad. But, here I am. Yes, cramps are normal see my line to Cheryl.
Beckyboo: I agree with GirlNYork. My cycles changed after I had DD. I went from perfect 28 day to 32-34 day cycles. With this pregnancy I ovulated on CD21. My Dr. never changed my EDD form LMP. With my LMP I'd be due January 20 (which I am), with ovulation I'd be due January 26. And with baby's measurements from 14+4 I'd be due January 25. My Dr. doesn't change EDD unless you aren't measuring within a week. I'm sure your midwife will take longer cycles into consideration.
Pinkorblue: Your numbers are rising nicely. At this point thats a better indication than a scan. However, I'm very happy that your Dr. could make out a sac. Actually before 6 week a Heartbeat usually isn't present, thats all anyone will see. This bean is forever.
I would think your ticker could be right on.
Cherry: So happy to hear you passed your MC milestone. What a good feeling.
Bailey: Yay for having a day off. I blame you for not doing housework. It can wait.
No pins or needles here. I hope it isn't to uncomfortable. Don't worry about having no MS. I didn't have any with DD and she's sitting on my lap trying to takeover my computer at this very moment.
LadyKara: I still need afternoon naps. I've been more tired with #2 than #1 and I worked a full time job then. I now stay home with DD, and luckily she still takes naps... So, I rest when she does. I get everything done, I just don't know how. I hope it eases up for you in the second trimester.
JerseyBean: Sickness and nausea is definitley a great sign.
you are pregnant!
You'll have relief from some symptoms in a few weeks and the rest when Spring gets here.
AFM: It sure isn't easy being PAL. But, its the only way we can have our rainbows! And rainbow's we'll have... Beautiful Spring Blossoms that will be worth our whole journey... The minute they are placed on our tummies all will be forgotten but that sweet beautiful moment. That we all shall have, that we all deserve.