Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Oh I know I'm so excited to see them!! I don't actually know who's will be first yet. I know that some of you ladies have early scans but I don't know if they let you have pics at those early scans. Mine probably won't be until about sept 17th (which is exactly a month away yay, that sounds better than 5 weeks!).
I had a scan done at 6+4 last pregnancy and was given a picture :)
Hey ladies,

Well I havent been on here that often as I have not had Internet at home, but I have now so will hopefully be able to keep up with everyone and keep track of what's going on!

Since 4 weeks I have literally had 24 hour a day morning sickness.. It never stops.. If I wake up in the night or early morning to go pee then I can't get back to sleep because I feel sick!

I have only been physically sick twice.. And I think that's because I've just heaved that much that I've forced myself too, if you know what I mean?!

Tired pretty much all the time too, napping in the afternoons is the norm for me, I can sometimes have over 2 hours and then go to bed at 9pm and sleep right through until 7am!

Boobs are sore on and off and mostly on the sides near my armpit, and nipples are tender only occasionally too... So I can just about cope with that!

It's the morning (all day and night) sickness I'm struggling with...I didn't have it like this the last 2 pregnancies ending in MMC so I'm hoping it is a good sign and just have to try and get through the next 6/7 weeks until it stops hopefully!!

I also had a mini meltdown this morning.. None of my jeans fit me.. I am SO bloated it's unreal and I look 20 weeks not 6! .. Leggings are my best friend right now.. And I'm convinced I'm having twins! If only this were true and it wasn't just bloating!

Anyone else feeling the same?

Baby dust to everyone and hope you are all coping with your little sticky beans and their symptoms!

Jerseybean - I'm right there with you, except for the bloating... And I've not thrown up yet, but the ms is 24/7. I woke up around 5 this morning and just felt hideous. Eating used to help but doesn't seem to work so much now. Drinking cold water seems to give temporary relief (and helps deal with my constant thirst!)

bailey & girlinyork - I was given a pic from the scan I had just before I mc'd at 8 weeks - but it could have been because the lady took pity on me as I was blubbing so much. I couldn't bear to throw it out after the mc but oh didn't want to keep it...I think it's in a drawer... It'll be amazing to see something that looks like a baby rather than a blob next time though!
Jerseybean - I'm right there with you, except for the bloating... And I've not thrown up yet, but the ms is 24/7. I woke up around 5 this morning and just felt hideous. Eating used to help but doesn't seem to work so much now. Drinking cold water seems to give temporary relief (and helps deal with my constant thirst!)

drinking cold water makes me feel worse! Flat coke/Pepsi is t so bad...but it has to be caffeine free for me.. I love me coffee but have limited myself to 2/3 coffees a week now!

I find a cold apple from the fridge helps a little too! Golden delicious or granny smith! Hehe
drinking cold water makes me feel worse! Flat coke/Pepsi is t so bad...but it has to be caffeine free for me.. I love me coffee but have limited myself to 2/3 coffees a week now!

I find a cold apple from the fridge helps a little too! Golden delicious or granny smith! Hehe

I'm not a fan of coke/pepsi...think i might go and put an apple in the fridge though! Might stick my head in it too - feel like it's 200 degrees at the moment...
My scan picture sits in this box by my fireplace

Chris bought that box for me as a Christmas present a week before our wee Peanut died. It was intended to hold more than just one scan picture
Aw that's lovely girlinyork, well I guess the first scan pic could be anyone's!!

I'm slightly jealous of those with mad ms! I feel like I'm gonna miscarry again coz I don't have it :-( I've had one day of actually feeling sick and other than that just slight queasiness here and there. I should feel lucky though that I don't feel as bad as you ladies, hope it gets a bit easier for you all! I guess the tiredness should be enough of a symptom, just had another nap, if I could nap everyday I would!!

Jersey bean I too look really bloated! But I have IBS anyway so I get bloated preggers or not lol
Bailey my ms has become more persistent in the last week or so, so yours could still kick in! But like all the good advice/info we ignore, lack of ms doesn't mean lack of bean. I'd say lock it up in that box of post-mc irrational panics, but I'd be being a bit of a hypocrite!

So I just caved in and called the hospital to ask when I could expect a booking appointment - and they didn't have me on the system. Said that ordinarily I would prob be having an appointment soonish but it depended on availability and I might now have my 12 week scan before my booking appt?? They didn't have a referral letter from my GP, so I called the GP surgery, and they said it had been sent two weeks ago. So I called the hospital back, and the receptionist asked me to hold while she rummaged through the letters that hadn't been put on the system yet. And she found me - apparently they got the letter on the 9th.

Can't believe it takes them so long to process stuff! Now I'm worried I won't get a scan before we go away for a couple of weeks on 17 Sept (I'll be bang on 12 weeks by then). If that's the case I think we'll have to get a private scan just for the sake of my sanity....is that just silly?
Thanks cherry, I know I suck at taking my own advice. I know it's all fine and ms isn't a sign of things going well or not, I just know it would ease my mind lol.

I'm bang on 12 weeks on sept 18th! And my mums on holiday til 19th and has made me promise I won't be my scan til after she gets back so she can be there after what happened last time. How long are you away for? I'd ask the hospital if you just book your scan now for the week before you go, all they do at the booking in scan is give you a phone number to ring and book it (or at least they do in my area). But your midwife has to have sent your info to them so you may need to get a phone number for the midwife team in your area. Have you seen/spoke to a midwife yet?
We're away for a couple of weeks so it'd be October before I could have a scan if we don't get one before, so I'd be 14 weeks ish!

The GP said I should have my appointments at the hospital, but should also see the midwife at the health centre as well (presumably so they can keep track of me as well or something?) But I've not seen anyone since my appointment to tell the GP I was preggers 3 weeks ago. Fingers crossed I'll be at the top of the pile now the receptionist at the hospital has found my letter and I'll get a date through in the next week or so...maybe I should call next week when I'm 'in the system' and mention that I'll be away. Bit worried that all the appointments will already have been taken now though!

By the way, my ms just eased for like half an hour - I was relieved for a split second before I started worrying. Feeling a bit rubbish again now so should've enjoyed it while it lasted!

Is anyone else noticing that after you eat something, the taste of it stays in your mouth for hours? Totally not helping with the nausea...think I'm going to become obsessed with brushing my teeth....
Oh god yes, tastes are haunting my mouth like little tongue ghosts
Hey got my hcg
15dpo 465
24dpo 12406

Doubling time of 45 hours so hoping I'm over the 1st hurdle. Xx
It is amazing how us PAL girls get obsessed with our lack of symptoms. I don't have much of ANYTHING at the moment-- or so it feels!

I do have tiredness, mild cramping, headaches, and the occasional wave of nausea but really only if I haven't eaten in a while. Those are all symptoms, but I keep telling myself because my boobs don't hurt so much I want to tear them off or I'm not perched over the toilet praying to the porcelain gods constantly something MUST be wrong in there. :nope:

Can I just say, being pregnant again after a loss is amazing and I am so grateful! BUT, being PAL is going to make a neurotic, stressy, quivering mess out of me :haha:!
Can I just say, being pregnant again after a loss is amazing and I am so grateful! BUT, being PAL is going to make a neurotic, stressy, quivering mess out of me :haha:!

Yep, precisely
Cherry I can't believe they have taken so long to book you in !! I had to ring my doctors to remind them to book me into a MW, get a scan done of they can't get you in before, you will only worry during your holiday x

Cheryl that's fab news hon x

Girlinyork- I love that box !!! Think it's perfect, the only scan I had done with the baby I lost this year was of when they told me it had died, and I know it must sound crazy but I wish I got a scan photo done even tho it had died, I feel I needed something to keep. With our rainbow baby memory box I would highly recommend the ones Next do, they will fit loads in and even a paper, which you should always have a copy of your fav newspaper the day they are born. X

Bailey- I'm in the emergency services, no one knows yet, I should tell them straight away but I'm so worried the same thing will happen and telling my work was the hardest people I had to tell. X

Pinkorblue- I think I'll be three days out, but I think I'm 3 days behind what my LMP date shows but I won't say anything to them unless they back date me a few days at the scan x

Jerseybean- my work trousers don't do up anymore and if I sit down I have to totally undo them, my work mates just think i have put on weight but too polite to comment. My heart really goes out to you honey, the sickness can be so bad you forget what it's like to be normal, you will start to find a sickness routine, keep plastic jugs all round the house and get some freezer bags to keep in your pocket. I found tonic water helped and sucking boiled sweets. I had packets of plain waffles by my bed to eat before I even sat up in the mornings. I'll be joining you soon with the sickness... X

And can relate over the worry of EVERYTHING, I was at the doctors because my sickness started a lot sooner than it normally does, I'm now thinking of seeing the doctor because of a lack of symptoms !!! But I started to feel sick today and I couldn't have been more happier !! I know I'll be so rough by 8 weeks. I was sick throughout my pregnancy with jake, but I wasn't so bad with Paige, I'm preying for a pregnancy like I had with her.

I came home today and was a total bitch !! Everything just upset me, I wrote three letters of complaint, shouted at my husband who had done no housework all day... X
I am outfarting my oh. This symptom is hilarious and he is horrified :D
Alright Cheryl, awesome numbers! :D

Girlinyork~ :hugs: it's beautiful.

Jersey~ I'm with you on the bloating, no ms yet though. Fatigue is coming back and seems to be settling in. I hope you find a remedy to help your ms.

Cherry~ I hope you're able to get a scan before you leave.

Ladykara~ I'll keep my fingers crossed that your pregnancy symptoms mirror your pregnancy with your little girl. I mentioned possibly late ovulation to my OB but I'm wondering now if maybe I shouldn't have.

Betas went from 632 to 2000. Still couldn't conclusively see much but I was expecting that. Will go back to the lab on Sunday and follow up on Monday, depending on the numbers I may get another scan from my OB.

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