Hi there ladies!!!
Welcome rainkat!! I will add your ticker very shortly and congratulations!!! Its so exciting isnt it? And then after the initial excitment the worry starts to hit!! But everyone in this group is great and really supportive!
Cheryl - yay again on the good scan!! Is the fybogel still working a treat or is it causing runs now? I havent bought some yet and I went twice today
so I think that either eating bread again or drinking pink grapefruit juice is what has helped me!
Tawn - its so hard when you hear everyones symptoms isnt it? My ms isnt really bad, I wouldnt even say its ms lol!! And apart from the tiredness I felt fine all over the weekend, despite my stupidly long shifts!! I was thinking that maybe we are becoming accustomed to the little niggles we have been having and so feel like normal and not pregnant, do you get what I mean? Like little cramps and slight quesiness are just how we should normally feel and so we dont see them as symptoms?? Maybe lol, maybe I'm clutching at straws!
Pinkorblue - I hope the progesterone cream helps hun, how are you feeling?
Lady kara - hwos the bloatedness now? Mine seems to come and go but as I have mentioned I have IBS like you too so sometimes its just what I've eaten.
Becca - thanks so much for putting those pics up and the positive attitude. You are right we need to start thinking about the positive statistics, like the fact that most mcs happen before 4 weeks, so we are all already looking really good!! And the statistics also say that previous miscarriage has very little bearing on future miscarriages. And once you see that heartbeat the risks decrease again!! I hope that helps people, I think we all spend so long consulting doctor google an focusing on the negatives rather than the positives!!
Cherry - I know what you mean about starting to talk like the baby will arrive, I was chatting about how I will be saving my holidays so that I can go off at the end of feb as well and then have the 9 months at home, unfortunately my company are poo and I only get stat mat pay for the whole 9 months I'm off and then nothing for the last 3 months if I want to be off for a full year.
Everyone else I hope you are all ok today!!