LadyKara - that is awful that they told the whole office.. i would have gone nuclear hormonal on them on purpose and told them how out of order it was!
some people just can't help themselves though... and its usually people without kids who dont understand how much you want to spread your own baby news!
GirlinYork - I know how you feel re; the doctor doing betas/levels etc, my doctor wouldn't do it for me in my last pregnancy (#2 mmc) as he said i haven't had 3 miscarriages. Couldn't believe it, it came across really insensitive.
This is now my 3rd pregnancy, and as much as i am trying to stay positive, its so hard to, the symptoms are different to my last 2 pregnancies, i have had 24hr MS from 4 weeks up until today... where it comes and goes every few hours now!
Im bloated like mad and look 4/5 months already, and my boobs feel like Mike Tyson has used them as punch bags! SO SORE!!!
As much as I hate nausea, boob pain and the tiredness... i hope it stays for another 4 weeks when i will have my first scan at 12 weeks!