Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Aw Hun so sorry for ur friend... I hope thurs brings good news for u Hun...xx
Pinkorblue- yay that's amazing!! So happy for you.
TTC1at34- congrats on your great scan as well. I feel so positive that this is your rainbow!

Ttcbaby-hang in there. I hope the week flies by for you.
Cheryl- sorry you are so sick but what a positive sign that this is your rainbow. Congrats on being a blueberry!!

AFM- Happy to be a sweetpea!! Feeling nauseous on and off. Feel better about things when I feel nauseous,weird eh? Has anybody had the dream of losing baby or bleeding? I have had it twice and it scares the heck out of me. Taking things one day at a time. hope everyone has a great day.
So sorry about your friend Ladykara.
I'm praying that you see your little bean on Thursday.
Vent alert !!! I really don't understand why hospitals don't do scans routinely until 12 weeks, they say it's down to cost but I personally would be willing to pay a small charge to have scans done. Some women ( like myself start of this year) thought I was pregnant for 13 weeks !!! I suffered with the worse sickness ever, I couldn't even get out of bed.. Apart from actually losing the baby the thought of wasting 3 months with all that hope and joy has got to be the worse feeling ever !! My mate would have been left till 12 weeks, she knew something wasn't right, she worried for the first couple of weeks, so much so it made her ill, she tried to tell them but they didn't listen, luckily she demanded a scan today.

Even a scan to reassure women in my eyes is a good enough reason, the stress from worry can make things very difficult and dangerous in pregnancy.

Ok rant over.... Lol
I agree ladykara i think sometimes its the fact that if they offered
everyone who wanted a scan early they would be piled up and people
would take advantage iykwim.. not the people who are worried and
generally feel they need that reasurrance, i think people should get offered
a early one if they need one for a reason like being upset/worried wanting
to know things are okay, the only thing will be is 1st tri is the most worrying
as all you hope is you make it past 12 weeks so you feel abit more in a safer
zone, im sure they don't offer a scan until 12 weeks because of cost and
because if something happens they don't want to make it worse by telling
someone somethings wrong (even though it would happen eventually) at an
early stage :shrug:

Might be wrong but thats how iv always seen it and heard of it

Anyone know a help for sickness :nope: i feel dehydrated and very nauseous
:cry: i know eat little and often and im doing that and sipping water but its
not helping
Aw I think every one should get a 8 wk scan. Cx

Becyboo oh my lord I hav had the sickness from hell went to the drs today and the pills she has prescribed I googled and on the NHS website it says not to be taken if pregnant so I'm not taking them.

I do feel a little better today forced my self to drink Ribena and thts helped hydrate...x
Have you tried tonic water, I buy those small cans and keep them very cold... And suck lemon sherbets. What type of sickness is it ? Stomach sickness or gagging throat ? Bless you I remember that feeling well.. X

I would be willing to pay for a quick standard scan... Don't even want a photo..I just cant afford the £95 the private places charge.. I might see how much it is to train as a sonographer, but I'm sure someone said it was 4 years hard training...and the machine is very expensive x
Ladykara - Fully agree that scans should be more readily available I knoew with my first mc that something was wrong but I wasn't bleeding enough for them to scan me.

Pinkorblue :wahoo: Great News!

I have had no success curing sickness but have been told ginger helps - might just be an old wives tale.

AFM: Doctor's on Friday and I can sign up for midwife when there. Couldn't see the same Doctor as last time but hoping this one will be nice too.
Iv got like nausea badly .. im struggling to eat im eating crackers
and wholegrain bread at the minute just plain .. and sipping ice cold
water .. im not being sick as iv always stopped myself for some reason
since i was little.. i get the sick feeling in my throat and belly :nope:
i think im worried because im so tired no amount of sleep is making me
less tired :( iv read that if your tired it will make sickness worse and ill
be dehydrated (needing a drip) hope that isn't the case tbh!

Im allergic to Ginger aswell :dohh: thats the 1 thing everyone is telling
me does work and i just can't have it last time i did i swelled up :nope:
I agree that everyone should at least get an 8 week scan. 12 weeks is a long time to wait and many of us have had or known women who have had a mmc. I didn't even know that could happen when I was pregnant with my first 2 babies. I sometimes long for being that naive again. I remember worrying a bit but nothing like I feel being PAL.
Ladykara only 2 more days to wait. I'm praying you see your little bean where it's supposed to be.

Beach- I read on the other thread that you were taking progesterone? I am too. How much are you taking daily?
hi becyboo - I've had pretty much constant nausea and thirst for the last few weeks. Feels a bit like a constant hangover? It's started to get a bit patchier in the last week thank goodness. I was doing the same as you - nibbling at crackers and drinking lots of water. I've found that I don't notice it as much when I'm walking outside or am busy - any chance you could have a walk around the block in the fresh air? The nausea might come back as soon as you sit down again but it might give you a bit of a break...?

AFM - I've finally got my booking appointment! 17 September - 5 days after my 12-week scan and the day before we go on holiday! Bonkers...I told my GP when I was 5 weeks pregnant and it's taken that long to get an appointment in the system. Ah well, at least it's there now!
Hey ladies,

Just a quick pop on before I get home!

Pinkorblue - yay for the good news that amazing!!

Lady kara - I hope everything is ok on Thursday hun. And I agree wholeheartedly with your rant. I also had no problems with my last pregnancy only to find out at the 12 week scan my baby had died. I am now 9 weeks and my gp and midwife refuse to give me an early scan. I dont feel any different to last pregnancy really and so have no idea what I will see when I finally get my scan but will have waited 8 weeks since finding out I am pregnant with all the tiredness, acheyness and queasiness but could find out again that I have spent 2 months being pregnant when I am not. It sucks!!!
Ladykara~ I hope it's your body just giving you a bit of a break before everything comes back in full force. I'm so sorry for your friend :( :hugs: There's still hope, especially since you felt sick today and still do... Lots of sticky baby vibes and good scan results on Thursday!!! xxx

Another vote for 8 week scans!

Marathon~ Thank you! Sorry you're having such scary dreams. I'm glad right along with you! :D

Becy~ That was me last pregnancy, I felt so bad for my kidneys and bladder but couldn't help it. Water was not my friend and food wasn't that great either. My midwife encouraged lots of protein, that's the only thing that helped me. :hugs: I'm sorry you feel so ill right now, I hope you find some remedy that works for you.

Cherry~ Woohoooo for your booking appointment! Yikes that it took that long but SO glad you got it. Now you both can totally enjoy your holiday, awesome news!!! :)

Bailey~ Thank you! :) Hopefully with enough patient protesting, the medical system can start doing earlier scans. They should want to make sure the baby is looking good and growing how and where it should be.
Pinkorblue- will you have another scan or not until 12 weeks?

Bailey- So sorry you had to go through that with your last pregnancy. I just don't get why they can't make the rules different depending on your history?? It makes no sense to me.

I'm seeing a FS because of my age I didn't want to leave things to long. Luckily we got our BFP before having to go through any procedures. That is why he has told me he would see me for a scan as often as I want.He said the anxiety isn't going to help the pregnancy. I feel so lucky but now I'm not sure how often to go. It is a bit stressful to go for a scan but at the same time I think it's better to know if things aren't progressing. What do you ladies think?
I think I would go every 10 days to 2 weeks ( daily if I could) but 10 days seems like a good gap x
Marathon~ I think the next scan will be around 10 weeks when I see a perinatologist. My appointment is set for Sept. 25th. I'm going to push for weekly scans for cervical length checks.

I think every 2 weeks or so would be a reasonable time frame. :)
I was in a car accident today with both babIes in the car :-( no one was seriously hurt but now I'm incredibly poppy, soar, and stiff...I feel incredibly tired and queasy too :-( I hope my May Flower is okay!
EMTAmanda - That's awful! What hapened?? Did you get checked out after the crash? Might be worth telling your doc what happened so they can keep a closer eye on things? I hope you're not too sore...xxx
Hey ladies,

Amanda I hope you and your babies are ok hun! Even if no injury its still a shock, I hope you are alright xxxxx

Marathon girl - I agree with the other ladies, every 2 weeks is good for a scan so you can keep an eye but not too many stresses.

Cherry - yay for booking appointment!! Not long now hun, just over 2 weeks!! Mines in 3 weeks and I am so excited I may burst!! I have to say this last week has gone quick, if I think that I booked my scan 8 days ago that has flown by!!

Cheryl - hows the ms?

Beccy - hi there!

Hows everyone else doing? I did read back but forgotten whats gone on? Anyone with a good memory lol?!

I just made yummy pancakes and fruit with fresh cream and ate less than half and couldnt finish it :-(

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