Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

hi becyboo - I've had pretty much constant nausea and thirst for the last few weeks. Feels a bit like a constant hangover? It's started to get a bit patchier in the last week thank goodness. I was doing the same as you - nibbling at crackers and drinking lots of water. I've found that I don't notice it as much when I'm walking outside or am busy - any chance you could have a walk around the block in the fresh air? The nausea might come back as soon as you sit down again but it might give you a bit of a break...?

I went to the park with ds yesterday and it helped i think but it
was quite warm so i feelt like i was melting :haha: .. but it feelt
nice but like you said soon as i got back i feelt sick again :dohh:
not sure what else i can do for it i feel a little better today but still
don't want to eat anything and water isn't helping much with
dehydration :wacko: which i find odd

Becy~ That was me last pregnancy, I felt so bad for my kidneys and bladder but couldn't help it. Water was not my friend and food wasn't that great either. My midwife encouraged lots of protein, that's the only thing that helped me. :hugs: I'm sorry you feel so ill right now, I hope you find some remedy that works for you.

It worries me because my last pregnancy i had bad nausea and
had mc :( i didn't have anything with ds .. but im hoping to get past
8 weeks that will put my mind at rest abit.. ive been looking up
what could help and what to avoid but not sure if its true or not
not sure if being sick might actually help but i don't really want to
be sick can just feel it all in my throat/belly :sick:
I was in a car accident today with both babIes in the car :-( no one was seriously hurt but now I'm incredibly poppy, soar, and stiff...I feel incredibly tired and queasy too :-( I hope my May Flower is okay!

Oh no!
i hope your all okay!
and i hope your beany is too :(
Becyboo - I know it's absolutely the last thing you feel like doing, but I've found just eating something tiny can help. At the moment I permanently have a breadstick in my hand to nibble and it seems to help.

Hi to everyone else too by the way, I'm sneaking on at work and trying not to let anyone see my screen so it's hard to respond to everyone's posts! I hope you're all doing ok :) xx
Also sneaking on at work so not got chance to catch up fully. Hope all is well.

Amanda - hope you and your family are all ok
Aw my ms isn't as bad but still yucky forcing myself to eat a mddonalds it's weird how all the greasy stuff thts bad for me really helps my tummy. X
Hi girls - Whoa this thread moves fast. Let me try to catch up.

Becyboo - I have found that gum and mints help get that extra saliva feeling out of your mouth that kinda makes you feel sick. Other than that I have been having small meals throughout the day to constantly keep something in my stomach. Last night I was trying to get down a few of my pills before bed and I must have not had enough food in my stomach because I started to feel so nauseous! :sick:

Bailey - I've got sore boobs too, its really hard to get comfortable at night.

Pink or Blue - yeah for the great scan!! :yipee: Do you have a pic to post?

Lady - I agree about the scans, they should be done earlier. So will you not get one tomorrow? Maybe you could say a little white lie and say you have had a little cramping.

Amanda - Oh no! I hope everyone is OK. Did you go to the doctor for a check up? It might not be a bad idea.

Storm - yes ginger is supposed to help too with nausea. Have you tried eating some ginger snap cookies?

Marathongirl - I am using the Endometrin suppositories (100mg 2 times per day).

Cheryl - McDonalds sounds sooooooo good right now!!!

:wave: to anyone I missed. Hope you are all feeling OK.
Thats what i was thinking of going to get from the shop in a minute
mints.. its worth trying it as i haven't yet .. i feel abit better if im honest
i just ate chicken and chips.. thought it would make me worse but i only
had a small portion.. and i feel okay nothing seems to make me feel any
different i just have the same nauseous feeling all the time :wacko:

think having 3 things in 1 isn't helping tired,sickness and everytime i walk
somewhere or eat a warm meal i get red hot like im melting! :nope:
Amanda - omg honey, I am so sorry.... Must have been awful, it takes ages for that feeling to shake off x

Becyboo- hope your ms has got better, I felt really bad yesterday.. X

I still have my scan tomorrow, I started getting my hopes up a bit which has made me feel even worse. My bloat seems to have gone down now a bit, boobs no longer sore and the sickness was only slight this morning. I have been doing test and swear its getting lighter...x
Amanda~ Oh no, how awful and scary! :( Hope you guys are doing ok.. :hugs:

Becy~ I know it's scary and hard but you will get through this, hun. :hugs: I'm glad the chicken you had went pretty well. I hope you find mints helpful and pretty soon, ms will ease a little more each day.

Cherry and Storm~ :hi: hope you both have a good day at work!

Beach~ Thanks! :) I wish but no pics, just an informal US.. :/ I was lucky with my last, my nurse practioner loves taking pics, so I have 1 from 6+ weeks and five from 10 weeks. Most of the time you're lucky if you get one.

Cheryl~ McDonalds does sound good, I want their fries and BBQ sauce!! Very yummy :D

Ladykara~ Giant :hugs: please keep us posted and sending lots of love and sticky baby vibes to you.
Amanda I hope you and your little ones are okay. How scary!

Ladykara fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Marathongirl you are so lucky!! I bet I know who you're seeing :winkwink:

I'm going to miss someone if I try so a big :hi::hugs: and :dust: to everyone

AFM yesterday I was convinced my symptoms were gone and it was just a matter of time. My boobs have been on fire and huge for the last week and suddenly they weren't sore and seemed to have gone down. I had mild cramping and I kept thinking I was spotting. Every time I went to the bathroom I expected to see blood on the tissue.
I broke down and bought a digital test to take this morning with FMU. It came up 3+. I know not to put too much stake in home tests but it made me feel better. I thought the TWW was long. Time seems to have stopped!
I know what you mean rainkat......still only 9 weeks, its like I'm in a time warp!!
Rainkat- I remember being pregnant with jake, I had no worries at all, it didn't even cross my mind..... Compared to pregnant again this time...... I'm wishing days away.... I'm so bored just waiting... I wouldn't be surprised if your symptoms come back and surprise you one morning.... Mine were coming and going and read its normal bit we will still worry !! Hugs honey x
Yeah, it never crossed my mind with any of my other pregnancies. PAL is so very different. I wish I could go back to blissful ignorance.
Hey girlies! I have an appointment on Sept 4th and they said I'm too early for anything to show on an ultrasound right now anyways for me to really come in unless I felt like I needed to or was cramping, bleeding, or spotting which I'm not...my boob (as in only ONE haha) is starting to hurt too which is making me feel pretty optimistic because with our angel I never had any symptoms except frequent urination. Our wreck was pretty minor too no dents or anything just scratches and a pretty good jarring around but no bruises or anything like that. Thank y'all for the concern! How is everyone feeling right about now? Has anyone told anyone? I've told hubby and my best friend (who is in labor as I'm typing this) but that's it.
Rainkat~ :hugs: I wish for the same thing, blissful ignorance.. I would love to have the pregnancy I had at 18 with my oldest. 40 weeks and no cervical issues.....

Amanda~ Glad you guys are okay! Wow, we have the same appointment date. :) Good luck to your friend, hope she has a speedy labor! :)

I'm finding myself lingering at the sink more often after brushing my teeth but no true MS yet. I've told my mom, sister (who I've sworn to secrecy) and two very good friends of mine. I'm hoping to get to 28 weeks before I announce to friends on Facebook.
evening all, hope everyone's suitably symptomatic while not feeling too crappy!

I think we'll put off anything like facebook til we've told as many people as possible in person. I'm going to see a good friend of mine in a couple of weeks - 2 days before my 12 week scan. She had her first baby a few weeks ago, and I last saw her a week or two before she popped. She knew about my mc, and when I saw her I was in the 2ww and told her she wasn't allowed to ask me anything about it after that day cos I wouldn't want to have to fib to her/tell her before I wanted to if I got a bfp! It's going to be so tricky - I think she'll spot it instantly!

IF, that is, the next two weeks ever pass! Also stuck in that time warp we all seem to be bogged down in.....
Pink~how exciting! My appointment is at 9:45am :) I can't wait but I think it's just blood work that day.
Well I'm already for tomorrow, I even shaved my girly bits...lol husband thought he was going to get lucky, poor boy ! But I'm the kind of person who washes and styles my hair before going to the hair dressers..lol

Pinkorblue- I was 19, apart from sickness and a one off panic attack I had no problems, was in labor for 30 mins and no stiches..... I didn't actually realise how lucky I was back then ! X

Amanda - wow, how exciting, will you be visiting her ? I remember waiting in the waiting room for my best mate to give birth..that little baby turned 5 yesterday... Time flys x
Amanda~ :) mine is 9:15am. Fingers crossed for your blood work. Mine is for paper work then the nurse will set up another OB appointment.

Ladykara~ Wow, 30 minutes from beginning to end?!? Awesome!! I wish I could say the same, I did wind up with stitches, many in fact. :blush: after a 5 and a half hour labor. Those were the days, eh? xxx Poor DH :haha: good luck tomorrow, looking forward to hearing your update! :flower:
LadyKara you made me laugh! 30 minutes is amazing. Pinkorblue, 5.5 hrs is pretty quick for a first.

Amanda my friend is in labour right now too! She was admitted last night but they sent her home this morning. Now it's just a waiting game. Little guy is taking his time.

DH doesn't want anyone to know yet. I had to tell someone so I told my sister who lives in another city. I trust her not to say anything. Anyone else would blab. Not intentionally but they would drop hints until it's impossible not to guess. I can't tell how many times my bff has told me about a "friend" without naming names :dohh:
I will tell her and my mom after we tell the kids, but I have to wait until we are ready for everyone to know.

I'm having fun looking for ideas how to tell the kids. I can't wait to see the look on my daughter's face :cloud9:

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