Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Awwwww Bailey don't worry I know this is your rainbow. With my mmc I was at my nt scan where they look for markers for Down's. The hb had stopped and the doc said that the nuchal fold was quite thick which is a marker for Down's. I had also had my blood work and it wasn't good either so obviously something really wrong with the bubs.
I agree that good things happen to those that wait and we have all waited our fair share. I am so ready for this baby.
Ttc baby- hang in there you only have a few more days until bloodwork right?
So glad to have you Ladies to talk to.
Marathongirl- yay to a good scan day, feeling that happiness xx

My last one,even with all the sickness and sore boobs I felt not pregnant, if you know what I mean, at 9 weeks the sickness hit harder and I suddenly felt odd, empty but everyone said I was crazy and I believed them, went to the scan and before she even looked I said to her, I don't have a good feeling about this. This time round I didn't get a sudden feeling, I just didn't have the symptoms I would normally have, I had energy, no sickness.. But didn't feel pregnant from the start, it wasn't a sudden change in feeling so that's why I just presumed the worse. But being two weeks behind may account for that feeling or it may the fact I'm PAL, it totally screws with your brain !!! I have a bit of hope back now, but I will never stop worrying until that baby is in my arms.... We will be at the stage when we can use a Doppler and hear the heart beat every day... Feel the kicks... Can't wait x
PAL is definitely both a blessing and a curse. So lucky to be preg again but more worrying. When I look back to my first two pregnancies I never really worried just assumed I would have a healthy baby at the end - first time I did get one thankfully. With my third pregnancy I drove myself up the wall with worry as my dates were screwed up and I had a big bleed very early on (wasn't sure initially if it was a period but got BFP very soon after). This time feels more like the first two than the second as less confusion but I still feel the worry. Even did another digi this morning (2-3 weeks so progressing - never got passed this point with m last mc). With the first two i did a frer and a digi and then was happy in the knowledge that i was pregnant. Wish I could put the worry in a box and close the lid!

Doctors this morning and I have to sign up for the midwife. They told me last time that I was entitled to early screening (scan) so hopefully will get that arranged or at least referral for it.
Morning everyone, hope you're all doing well :)

So today I turn 10 weeks. Yesterday I was totally looking forward to it - today the bub 'officially' becomes a foetus rather than an embryo and has all kinds of things like fingernails and ears and most of its organs, and is apparently squirming round in there.

But instead I feel miserable! I don't know what's up with me - I slept really badly last night and have just wanted to cry since I woke up. My tummy feels flatter today so I didn't even have some reassuring bloat. My sickness has been fading for days and my boobs aren't half as sore as they were. A tiny part of me is trying to insist that it could all be normal, but a much bigger part is expecting to see nothing good on that scan in 12 days' time.

Maybe it's just tiredness. I don't know...something doesn't feel quite right at the moment..
Cherry :hugs: - it may be that with the placenta taking over your hormones are dropping off slightly. I know they say that symptoms drop off as you near the 2nd trimester. I didn't have many symptoms at all with DD. I was only sick for about the first 6 weeks if that.

AFM: Doctors went well. Referred for early scan and also gynaecologist. Had a chat about hcg level tests and feel reassured that they won't help long term as hcg will likely rise normally until something goes wrong anyway. Offered me a two week sick note which I declined - I am a self-confessed workaholic. I think he felt I should be on baby aspirin but can not prescribe himself hence the gynae referral. Also got my name in the midwife's book.

In other news my cleaner is stealing from me! Only Andrex puppy points but I was hoping to get DD a puppy (I do know I am lucky to have a cleaner but didn't expect thievery!) .
Thanks ladies for the reassuring comments, lady kara and marathon girl, if I wasnt a worry wart before mc and being PAL I sure am now!!

Cherry - I'm sorry you feel miserable hun, but storm is right symptoms do usually begin to drop off after 9 weeks. I read somewhere that the worst week is 8 weeks and then things get better. I'm sure its al fine. I too woke up with a flat stomach this morning, after just yesterday a new coworker I just met asked if I was expectimg coz my belly was so big!! Just remember PMA hun, it will all be fine (I know I am a hypocrite lol). You'll probably feel sick later and wonder what you were worried about. Maybe try a nap later to make you feel better, dont forget that tiredness is still a symptom. Hope you feel better.

Storm - yay for your nice gp and referral for a scan. I have been buying baby aspirin myself from the chemist and self prescribing, the midwife seemed to think there was no issue although she wouldnt say for definate that she recommended it but I think thats coz she cant actually say those words. She did say that if I had had 3 mc's the doctor would have prescribed it so it doesnt do any harm.
Cherry- like what bailey said for me to tell you not to worry wouldn't be right because for two weeks that's all I did. I think the worse, prepare for the worse, it's how I Protect myself from getting bad news. But I'm living proof that even if you think all is wrong, doesn't mean it is. I even had the flat belly !! Congrats on your prune honey x

Storm- that's naughty !! How well and how long have you had her ? Sounds like your dOctor is fantastic. But what's baby aspirin ? X
Right, I'm going to snap out of it...sorry for being a misery guts, guys. Thanks for pulling me back off the ledge..again.

I shall embrace my prune until I have a firm reason not to :)

Storm - glad you appointment went well, and sorry to hear your cleaner has sticky fingers!!

TGI Friday - it's only been a short week but I need the weekend!!

Hello headaches, sore boobies, nausea, and exhaustion......I've never been so happy to feel like poop in my entire life! Haha :) I hope everyone is doing well!

Storm-i'd definitely mention something to your cleaner!
Lady kara - baby aspirin is 75mg aspirin thats used for people who have blood clotting problems to help thin the blood slightly (only ever so slightly) and its like a third the strength of a normal aspirin tablet so not considered harnful to baby. The line of thinking is that miscarriages can be caused by small blood clots in the placenta and so when women have had recurrent miscarriages the first thing doctors tend to do is prescribe this baby aspirin to be taken once a day. So I figured why wait until I MAY have 3 miscarriages and just try it after I have had one. I think I have decided to try it because my angel passed at around the time the placenta would have been taking over nourishing baby and so have somehow convinced myself that the placenta was the problem. It probably wasnt but I figure if it isnt harmful then why not.

Cherry - dont worry about worrying lol, thats what we are all here for, just you wait until the days before my scan I will be a wreck and will be rambling away on here!! Glad you are feeling better though. The way I am trying to look at it is like how ttc1at34 said a few weeks ago, if I am going to miscarry then I've got plenty of time to cry and worry about why it happened then, but for now I will enjoy my time with this little hobbit whilst I can.

Amanda - yay for symptoms!! Its strange how we welcome them with open arms isnt it?!
Well I never knew that ! My first MC is just didn't grow and had a extra chromosome, my last one was due to a tumour so I don't think clotting was my cause but it's a good idea to take if you don't know, if it does no harm why not.. I would do the same thing x
Woo we've reached 100 pages already and almost 1000 posts!!

Lady kara thats what I thought and i mentioned it to my midwife and she didnt see a problem with it but she also didnt say yes i recommend it coz i dont think legally she's allowed to as she's not a doctor.
Cherry sorry you felt so worried earlier but I'm glad we are all here for you and that you feel better! That's why we are all here. I would have to agree that at 10 weeks your symptoms are going to fade a bit as you getting so close to the 2nd tri!! OMG I can't wait until we are all there.
EMT- yay for the symptoms!!
Bailey- counting down to your scan. I know it's going to be good!! You are so right we just need to enjoy every moment we have with our little bubs. It's an amazing time.
AFM- still really sore and HUGE boobs. Nauseous on and off. Had my first bout of constipation today. Yikes! Looking forward to the weekend. Hockey starts for my DS so I'm excited to watch him play.
Cherry, as storm said the placenta starts to take over and symptoms diminish. Congrats on being a prune :hugs:

Storm I'm jealous that you have a cleaner lol! Sorry to hear the situation. Nothing worse than having to confront someone about taking things.

The asprin can have risks. I bruise easily reducing the ability to clot would not be a good thing for me. Definitely something to discuss with the doctor/midwife before starting. I'm sure you're good Bailey as your midwife would have told you not to take it if she saw any cause for concern.

Marathongirl are you guys going to the Saanich Fair this weekend? My kids can't wait, although I am so sensitive to smells I don't know how I'm going to handle the animal displays :sick:
Cherry, as storm said the placenta starts to take over and symptoms diminish. Congrats on being a prune :hugs:

Storm I'm jealous that you have a cleaner lol! Sorry to hear the situation. Nothing worse than having to confront someone about taking things.

The asprin can have risks. I bruise easily reducing the ability to clot would not be a good thing for me. Definitely something to discuss with the doctor/midwife before starting. I'm sure you're good Bailey as your midwife would have told you not to take it if she saw any cause for concern.

Marathongirl are you guys going to the Saanich Fair this weekend? My kids can't wait, although I am so sensitive to smells I don't know how I'm going to handle the animal displays :sick:

No Sannich Fair this weekend. My DS has his rep hockey try outs this weekend so it looks like I will be in a hockey rink for most of it:wacko: I wonder if we know each other? You could always PM me and I definitely wouldn't tell anyone about your little bubs. Even if we don't know each other we probably know people that us if you know what I mean?? I am not from here though so I don't have a huge network of friends. have fun at the Saanich Fair:thumbup:
:thumbup: for 100 pages!

Hi everyone! Hope you wonderful ladies are doing well and have fun things planned for the weekend.

Today was supposed to be Azriel's due date, his memorial starts in 3 hours. A big hug for all of our angels today... :hugs:
No Sannich Fair this weekend. My DS has his rep hockey try outs this weekend so it looks like I will be in a hockey rink for most of it:wacko: I wonder if we know each other? You could always PM me and I definitely wouldn't tell anyone about your little bubs. Even if we don't know each other we probably know people that us if you know what I mean?? I am not from here though so I don't have a huge network of friends. have fun at the Saanich Fair:thumbup:

I am absolutely positive we have aquaintances in common :thumbup: My kids don't play hockey but I have friends who are very involved. Victoria is like that lol. If you talk to someone long enough you can always find a link.

I think I would like to wait 2 more weeks, then all being well it would be great to connect. A real live bump buddy :flower:
Pinkorblue, this is so strange, I was trying up message you to ask if you were the girl whos date was today for their due date.because I remember being in August fireflys with someone with your name who lost their baby ( I popped in now and then after)... So went to look at the thread again, saw little angle against my name and saw yours. Came in here to ask and saw your post.. I am so sorry honey, I felt better being pregnant again when my due date came x
Pinkorblue- I'm so sorry honey. I have tears in my eyes and feel your pain. Bless your little angel. I felt so blue when my due date passed in May this year. I wasn't pregnant and feeling like it was never going to happen again. I went to my church and lit a candle for my little angel. I hope that the memorial service gives you some closure. I'll be thinking about you.

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