Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Hey roma!! Glad you are doing well!! I think a lot of have upcoming scans that we are all nervous about!!
I have every faith that all of our scans are going to be fine!
Cherry- I hope the best for your scan tomorrow! I know what you mean about working your way into a lather beforehand. I have had 3 scans so far and have almost thrown up from being so nervous before. Can't wait to see the pic!!

Roma- also will be thinking of you on Monday for your scan!! It is such a mixture of excitement and fear. So weird.
Bailey- I love your attitude. You're so positive and we all need that right now as we get a bit farther along.

Rainkat- brilliant news about the scan!! Do you mind if I ask who you are seeing? I haven't had a booking apt yet. I have one set for next week on Wed but I was thinking that I might prefer a mw?

At work today and just want to sleep. Hope everyone is having a great day!
Thanks marathon girl, you should have seen me last week though, I was a wreck and had no positivity lol!! All I can do now though is hope and pray, theres nothing that can be done by me crying and stressing out like I was last week. If the worst happens I will have to cope with it but for now I am going to remain happy and enjoy my time with the hobbit. I have been talking to him daily now and I have found its made me a bit happier, I think I was distancing myself to protect myself but I dont want to look back and regret how I felt, whether this is a successful pregnancy or not I know I will regret it if all I do is worry and cry, there needs to be some happy memories from this pregnancy. PMA ladies, this time we will do it and have the rainbow babies we deserve xxxxxxxxxx
I am having a major non-PMA day today :(

I'm just so petrified I will get horrible news on Monday :(.
Soooo many scans coming up, I am so excited! That means tons of pics of beautiful, healthy beans! Makes me jealous I have to wait 3-4weeks until my next one!

Ohhh, and I thought I would let you ladies know that there is a really cool video baby monitor on offer on Groupon today. It is 90 pounds off, and has 2 cameras and a dual video lcd screen.


DH and I are bargain hunters so I had to snatch one up! PMA, right!?
Bailey I couldn't agree with you more. I want to have positive memories as well no matter what the outcome in the end. I have been talking to her everyday as well. My acupuncturist suggested it and I find it really helps as well. Don't get me wrong I still have my moments.
Roma- hang in there. We are all here for you. Just think of how amazing it will feel to see you little bean on Monday,really try to visualize it.

Trying to eat a little bit as I'm feeling quite nauseous today. Feel like I just can't eat very much even when I am really hungry?
I found that when I was queasy eating a little eased the quease lol!!

Roma - I always try and picture the scan with a positive outcome hun, got everything x'd for you xxx

Ladies are any of you taking baby aspirin?
Thanks marathon girl, you should have seen me last week though, I was a wreck and had no positivity lol!! All I can do now though is hope and pray, theres nothing that can be done by me crying and stressing out like I was last week. If the worst happens I will have to cope with it but for now I am going to remain happy and enjoy my time with the hobbit. I have been talking to him daily now and I have found its made me a bit happier, I think I was distancing myself to protect myself but I dont want to look back and regret how I felt, whether this is a successful pregnancy or not I know I will regret it if all I do is worry and cry, there needs to be some happy memories from this pregnancy. PMA ladies, this time we will do it and have the rainbow babies we deserve xxxxxxxxxx

I love this entire quote! This: "All I can do now though is hope and pray, theres nothing that can be done by me crying and stressing out like I was last week. If the worst happens I will have to cope with it but for now I am going to remain happy and enjoy my time with the hobbit." is exactly what I thought when I left my Peri's office this morning. I adore this group so much and so thankful I have this group to turn to!! :flower:

Rainkat~ That is so awesome and yay for seeing your little one!!!

Roma~ Thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs.

Cherry~ Good luck tomorrow! :)

Kara~ Good thoughts for your scan coming up! :hugs:

Marathon~ Hope your day goes by fast so you can get comfortable at home.
Sounds like you've got a great acupuncturist. :)

Tawn~ I hope the next few weeks go by quickly so you can post your scan pic!

Bailey~ I asked about it and my doctor said we could discuss aspirin after surgery but he didn't see an indication for me needing it though.

Treated myself to acupuncture over the weekend, she was happy about the progress I've made since my last visit. Still have a pale tongue I have to work on but really enjoyed it. She gave me some instructions to follow until I can see her again. I made an appointment to go over cerclage options and ended up with an unexpected scan. Little one looked good and measured well, even my cervix looked better than expected. The downside is insurance will not cover a TAC or TVCIC (the highest cerclage types available) since I haven't had a standard cerclage or any other surgery that may warrant a higher suture. So my Peri and I had a long talk, he was reassuring and made as many accommodations in my favor as possible so I won't have to travel so often. The plan is a double McDonald placed at 12 and a half weeks, 17p shots sent closer to home at 16 weeks, and I'm welcome to walk in anytime for reassurance.
LadyKara- I hope I'll get a scan every time. She has it there so I don't see why I wouldn't if I ask for it. I remember with my first lying there for 10 minutes just listening to his hearbeat through the doppler.

Marathongirl I go to Westcoast Midwives. Kim is a certified nurse midwife. She has delivered all 3 of mine. By the end of my first pregnancy I felt like my big sister was delivering my baby. I can't say enough good things about her. I've recommended her to all of my friends and no one has ever had anything but a wonderful experience.

Looking forward to seeing wonderful scan news from everyone. Hang in there Roma.

pinkorblue I don't know much about cerclage but it sounds like you are in good hands. Congrats on seeing your little one again.

I read this quote and it helped me so I thought I would share:

If you are depressed you are living in the past
If you are anxious you are living in the future
If you are at peace you are living in the present (Lao Tzu)
Rainkat that is a much better way if saying what I was trying to say lol!! And I have to say that I do feel at peace for now. For now the hobbit is with me and no point worrying how long for.

Pinkorblue - I hope it all goes well with your cerclage hun, I'm glad you feel reassured too

I have been taking baby aspirin as my midwife said she doesn't see why not but to check with my gp, my gp had no clue about baby aspirin and tbh I think he has no clue about pregnancy at all!! I just don't know when to stop taking it!
Pinkorblue- so glad that you saw your little bean again! I also don't know much about cerclage but I'm glad you have a plan in action. What does your acupuncturist say you can do for your pale tongue? I'm always curious. I love my acupuncture it really relaxes me and the woman I see specializes in fertility and pregnancy so I feel that I am in good hands.

Rainkat-thanks for the info. I will check it out today.

Bailey- I don't take baby aspirin but I have heard that lots of women take it. Are you taking it?
Bailey we must have been posting at the same time! I think most women take it until about 12 weeks but I'm not positive?
Yeah that's what I've read but some take it up to the last tri! I don't think I want to do that really, I am panicky taking it now really. Part of me wishes I'd never taken it but I read a lot that it can't do any harm and loads of other people have been recommended it by their specialists. As I have only had the 1 mc I don't get any specialist consults so I asked my midwife and she basically said yeah it's fine but she couldn't directly say it coz she's not allowed to, if that makes sense.
Bailey you wonderful wise women.... Love how you think !!! I need you in this pregnancy x

Roma- I know exactly how you feel about being worried about the scan... But as bailey said must be positive .... Or we could let bailey be positive for us both and we can just worry.!! X

Tawn- that's a fab deal, we can't live without out video monitor.. I have asked hubby if we should get that one as its split screen... I live a bargain too x

Cherry good luck for tomorrow.. Can't wait to see the photo x

Pink or blue- Pale tounge ??? You may need to explain what you put lol I'm lost x
Thank you, Rainkat! :)

Bailey~ Yikes.. Is there another GP you can see that's a little more familiar with baby aspirin?

Marathon~ I hope no one here ever needs to know anything about them. Mine specializes in those areas also, I was so happy when I found her last year. :) She highly advocates bone soup, particularly from chickens since she told me to limit red meat because of dampness issues. Lots of leafy greens and more iron building foods.
Honestly it was ttc1at34 who first said that she was not worrying coz she'd have plenty of time to worry if the worst did happen, so she was going to enjoy it. And I really took on board what she said, plus I have always been a PMA advocate! You've got to be able to believe that positive things can happen or they never will! So thank you to ttc1at34!!
Pinkorblue - no there's no other gp really, they are all old fuddy fiddles at my surgery. I think I'll just stop taking it after I've had the all clear at the 12 week scan. All I can do is see what happens, but I don't think taking the baby aspirin will have made any difference anyway.
Kara~ Sorry, I should have explained a bit. :haha: I've been doing acupuncture since last year. My acupuncturist was concerned because having a pale tongue usually indicates low iron levels. She was right, my iron was and still is on the low side. So I have to be more diligent in eating foods with more iron.
A big thank you to Ttc1! :flower:

Bailey~ Well that stinks about the GPs but sounds like a good plan after your 12 week scan.
Pinksndblue- I would be lying if I said I didn't go straight to the mirror and stick out my tounge...lol x

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